Chapter 839

The masculine governor of Shaanxi, who was born as the number one scholar, spoke loudly and could not be questioned or refuted.

I don't know who gave me the courage.

Jia Liu was also shocked on the spot. His handsome face, which was originally full of smiles, froze instantly. When his face calmed down again, the smile disappeared and was replaced by embarrassment and gloom.

What does the delegation of the three provinces mean?
Sign a contract, sign what contract!

All officials and clans, Banner Han soldiers and civilians all supported the agreement, and the whole Qing Dynasty, under the leadership of Prince Rui, united as one and marched towards a better future!
Why did you make another surprise attack on me!
Lao Ji said before that he would definitely win the unanimous support of the governors of the whole country. Is this a bit too watery?

"Bi Yuan, what do you mean?"

The first person to get mad was Director A of the office, but seeing him snatch the text of the treaty from the hand of the Shanxi chief envoy Sulder in one stride, after a few glances, his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

"Presumptuous! How dare you force the prince to sign such a treaty that humiliates the country! Let me tell you, you are doing this to cut yourself off from the Qing Dynasty and become sinners of the Qing Dynasty forever!"

Director A was furious, and the living room was filled with the roar of his old man.

Deputy Director Ji, who accompanied the meeting, didn't know what was written in the treaty that caused Lao Ah to roar so much. He subconsciously stepped forward to look over his head, and stomped his feet with an angry "Hey", pointing at the governor of Shaanxi, Bi Yuan, and said: " You bastard, this kind of treaty that humiliates the country, even if you kill the prince, he will not sign it!"

The dog-headed military master Fan Wei and Master Shuan Zhu also stepped forward to read the text of the treaty carefully. After reading it, they all frowned, and both looked at Master Guijia (Young Master).

The members of the delegation from the three provinces did not speak, and their emotions were very calm. They did not pay attention to A Siha who had escaped from Beijing like a bereaved dog, but they all fixedly looked at the most authoritative person in the reception room——Prince Rui.


Jia Liu snorted slightly, and motioned to Deputy Director Ji, who was holding the text of the treaty, to read the contents of the treaty to him.

"Yes, my lord!"

Deputy Director Ji took a deep breath, and began to read in a deep voice: "Because the throne of the Qing emperor was stolen by the traitor Qianlong, the governors, clan, and military and civilian representatives from all over the country gathered in Xiangyang to elect a new king to defeat the traitors.

Establish a permanent treaty for this purpose.

With Prince He Shuorui of the Qing Dynasty performing the affairs of the Great General, Governor of Shaanxi and Gansu Le Erjin, Governor of Shaanxi Bi Yuan, Governor of Gansu Wang Tingzan, and Governor of Shanxi Ebao discussed together, and proposed the following items."

The first article Deputy Director Ji read was that the new imperial court should allow Shaanxi, Gansu, and Shanxi provinces to try out the levy donation law and determine the levy tax system on their own, without the Ministry of Households being allowed to interfere.

"Try out the method of donating cash on your own, and the Ministry of Household Affairs must not interfere. Why don't you three provinces directly rebel against the Qing Dynasty!"

The more Asha thought about it, the more angry he became, and he became furious.

If the prince agrees, Shaanxi, Gansu and Shanxi will be semi-independent in the future, and the money, food, taxes and taxes will be collected on their own. If this continues, the disaster of the late Tang and Five Dynasties will not be repeated!
Deputy Director Ji also stopped to look at the prince, he knew the crisis and hidden danger behind the first one.

It is absolutely unacceptable.

With normal rhythm, the text of the treaty can be torn up on the spot.

Because there is no room for negotiation.

But the prince asked him to continue reading.

"Article [-], the imperial court must recognize any form of foreign debt borrowed by the three provinces for local development, and guarantee the debt in the name of the imperial court."

The popular explanation of this article is that no matter how much usury the three provinces of Shaanxi, Shanxi, and Gansu borrowed from the people, the Qing court must endorse it.

Once the three provinces fail to pay, the imperial court will use treasury funds to repay the three provinces first.

To put it bluntly, the three provinces unite to hope that the court will be taken advantage of.

Then, whoever wants to represent the imperial court has to be taken advantage of!
In today's world, how many bullies are ready to move, wanting to represent the imperial court?

The third rule is that the new imperial court shall not transfer the personnel of the three provinces beyond the governor of Shaanxi and Gansu, the governor of Shanxi, the governor of Shaanxi, and the governor of Gansu.

That is, in addition to the semi-independence of finance, the three provinces are also semi-independent in personnel and organizational relations.

The fourth is that the power to command and mobilize the troops of the three provinces should be delegated from the Ministry of War to the level of the governor and governor.

The vernacular means that in the future, the army of our three provinces, whether it is the Eight Banners or the Green Battalion, if the imperial court wants to command and mobilize, it must obtain the consent of the actual leaders of the three provinces.

Just have to say hello first.

The fifth article is that once the treaty is signed, the three provinces will jointly persuade Prince Jinrui to become emperor.

There are five in total.

Concise and concise.

"San Francisco, you guys want to be the new San Francisco!"

A Siha only hated the prince's Yebilong treasured sword, which was placed in a corner, otherwise he would definitely take it and give it to these gangsters and thieves one by one.

Bi Yuan, governor of Shaanxi, coughed lightly, and looked at Jia Liu with an ugly face: "As long as Prince Rui is willing to sign the contract, our three provinces will unanimously support the prince as the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, and swear allegiance forever."

Shanxi chief envoy Su De said that after the signing of the treaty, the three provinces will take simultaneous actions to attack the forces loyal to the puppet emperor Qianlong in the territory and arrest relevant members of the rebellious party.

Shanxi deputy general Qian Anzhi said, "In addition, our three provinces have formally informed the prince that Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Gansu will unite their armies and name them the National Defense Army. Attack the capital."

"Guardian protection?"

Fan Wei, the dog-headed military master, snorted coldly: "Whose country will you protect?"

"It depends on whether the prince wants this country."

Bi Yuan looked at Prince Rui who was a good guy with a playful face.

Deputy Director Ji said coldly: "Is it because the prince refuses to be forced by you, and your three provinces will fall to Prince An, and then support Prince An as emperor?"

Shanxi chief envoy Su De shook his head and said: "As far as we know, Prince An has no intention of taking the throne. If Prince Rui cannot meet our requirements, we will consider supporting Hejun Wang Mianlun as emperor."

Deputy Director Ji was stunned: "What qualifications does Mian Lun have to be emperor!"

"The first emperor's decree abolished Hongli and established Hongzhou, the fifth son of the emperor, as emperor. In this way, Yuyou and the county king Mianlun should take the throne as emperor."

Su De looked at the motionless Prince Rui while speaking, "As far as I know, the late emperor's edict was found from the empress dowager's bedroom during the palace chaos. At that time, many princes and ministers had seen this edict. Although the edict now The whereabouts are unknown, but there are many insiders, presumably the prince is also one of the insiders."

These words put a bitter look on the faces of the Goutou military division and Master Shuan Zhu who had just picked up the coffin of the Queen Mother.

"Master Bi, what is the difference between you doing this and persecuting the lord? Don't forget, the lord is not only the general king of my Qing Dynasty, but also the chief host of the Mutual Aid Association. You really have no rules and no morals."

Deputy Director Ji thought about the countermeasures in his mind, and found that the three provinces were really going to cut off from the prince, which was undoubtedly a major blow to the prince's claim to be emperor.

Basically, it can be concluded that the leader behind the incident is Le Erjin, the governor of Shaanxi and Gansu who refused to come to Xiangyang.

"As long as the prince is willing to sign the contract, the Mutual Aid Association will still support the prince."

"Master Bi, you said whether this treaty can be signed!"

"Whether you can sign or not, it all depends on the prince's own will."

Bi Yuan was sure that under the temptation of the emperor's throne, Guizi Liu would hold his nose and accept the request of the three provinces, because he had no choice.

Lao Ji, Lao Ah, and even the dog-headed military division stepped forward to argue with Bi Yuan and others.

During the quarrel, Prince Rui shouted angrily: "Enough!"

Afterwards, the angry Prince Rui walked slowly to Asiha's side and took the text of the treaty from his hand. Everyone thought that Prince Rui would tear up the treaty, but they saw Prince Rui trotting away with the text of the treaty in his hand .

After a while, Prince Rui reappeared in everyone's sight with the text of the signed treaty.

"We're all on our own. Is there anything we can't discuss? Next time you have something good to do, come earlier."

Jia Liu handed over the text of the treaty to Bi Yuan, on which his name Aixinjue Luo Shikai was signed, and two seals were stamped on it.

One is the seal of Prince He Shuorui of the Qing Dynasty, and the other is the seal of the Great General Fuyuan of the Qing Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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