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Chapter 853 Give and Nakado Bai Ling

Chapter 853 Give and Nakado Bai Ling
"What are you talking about! You can act if you like it, and if you don't act, you will fail!"

Shuan Zhu's words made Jia Liu very unhappy, as if he had been deliberately trying to seek the throne.

The fact is that he was suddenly attacked by everyone. For the sake of the country of the Qing Dynasty, for the peace of the people, for the sake of not splitting up his own gang, and for China to walk towards the glorious road of great powers, he had to be coerced by everyone. Against his will, he took up the post of emperor.

Do you think the emperor is easy to do?
God knows that one day a group of people will rush into my bedroom, carry me to Tianjin together with the dragon bed, and then send a telegram to the whole country to say that I have gone to the wild!

The wise and extremely calm Jia Liu took a deep breath, and he also deeply knew that the emperor of the Qing Dynasty was not easy to do.

However, just like what Shuan Zhu said, the atmosphere has been heightened to such an extent that if he refuses again, he will be a bit clueless.

What if the gang of persuading guys get impatient, give him a white knife in and a red knife out?
Even if he didn't dare to do this, he would be able to drink a pot if he piled up the picks collectively.

At the moment, considering the overall situation, my heart softened.

If the public opinion is so, let's go with the sky and respond to others, and the only one who will suffer if he continues to be stubborn will be him, the emperor.

The so-called heaven will send a great task to the people, and they must first suffer from their will, work their muscles and bones, and starve their bodies and skins!
Looking back on the years he has struggled, Jia Liu's heart is also full of thunder and lightning, and the wind and rain are precarious. It really is a few times the sunset is red, and the green hills make people grow old.

Memories of the glorious past!
In the morning mist of Jinchuan, he looked at the universe;
In the dangerous building at dusk, he overlooked the common people;
On the grave of Kangxi, he sighed the vicissitudes of history;

On the pier by the canal, he had a conversation with heaven and earth;

In the corner of the Forbidden City, he urinated;

He wanted to sit in the main hall of Qianlong Palace several times.
In every corner of the Qing Dynasty, at every moment, there is always a voice deep in his heart shouting: "A man was born between heaven and earth, how can he live in depression for a long time!"

Today, he finally realized his dream.

The career he worked hard for, dedicated to, and gave everything to, finally blossomed and bore fruit.

The sound of long live the mountain is still echoing in the mountains.

At some point, Jia Liu's heart became calm and soft.

There was no pride on his face, nor any pride, but a kind of calmness.

"As you wish, I want this Great Qing Dynasty. I will do this emperor."

After saying this very calmly, Jia Liushun fastened the yellow robe on his body.

The size is very suitable, because it was custom-made for him by the royal tailor of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

No extra action.

Standing motionless, standing in the middle of the crowd, simply feeling the glory.

The spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth seems to gather here under the blowing of the wind, so that the yellow robe flutters inconceivably.

Invisibly, the Empire Destroyer Dragon from Shanxi broke through the ground again, this time it did not wrap itself around its master, but flew towards the Nine Heavens with an ear-splitting roar.

"Long live!"

Seeing this, all the civil and military men kneeling around collectively showed a look of relief (as it should have been), and then the mountain shout of long live resounded again.

In the mountains, in the steep mountains, in the plains, and in the rivers, it resounds in the hearts of millions of people!
At this moment, it should be the last pen of historians!

It will be remembered forever by future generations!
The most excited ones are of course the two directors, A and Ji, who initiated the persuasion.

The eyes that looked at each other were very excited: How about it, is it rich and prosperous?
From then on, there is no need to worry about the fourth devil's counterattack!
The dog-headed strategist with historical stains couldn't help but think of the hexagram of the leader Wang Lun - "There will be doom this year, follow my way to avoid it!"

Back then, Wang Lun said that the hexagrams showed that there was a catastrophe in the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and that there would be fierce soldiers in the west. Therefore, when he rebelled in the East, he could show that the East and the West would echo each other, and then the Manchu Dynasty would be wiped out in one fell swoop.

From today's perspective, Master Wang is not a saint after all, that hexagram is only half right.

The hexagram does indicate that the Manchu dynasty is about to perish, but the upstart is the Western treasure ghost family in front of him, not the half-baked Wang Lun.

He is just a pioneer of the king.

And myself, because of the correct choice, will become a name that cannot be erased in history.

The military representatives who participated in the persuasion were the admiral Baoning of Shaanxi and Gansu, Cao Dahua, the commander of Xinghan Town, He Yuanqing, the commander of Yansui Town, Zhang Dajing, the commander of Shan'an Town, and others were also all excited.

Undoubtedly, as the heroes of persuading Jin Conglong, they will break away from vulgar tastes and become the pillars of the empire, earning unprecedented glory and wealth for future generations.

Everyone knows that a brand new era has come!
Even ordinary soldiers who are on the scene.

At this moment, the spring flowers in the mountains are ostentatious, the fish and shrimp in the stream are happy, and the old man in the sky can't help but stop and take a look, then widen his eyes in surprise, and dare not flap his eyes again. wing.

Because, the power of the dragon is too terrifying.

"Your servant, please long live to make an order to destroy the rebels!"

Director A was not dazzled by the glory and wealth, and promptly reminded His Majesty that the false leader Chen Yongxuan and his henchmen Niu Lunbao, Ai Xing'a, Fu Seng'e and others had absconded, and there were still rebels in the three battalions of Baoyi, Hujun, and Firearms. The army could not be cleared.

This is the self-proclaimed foreman Minister of Military Aircraft.

As everyone knows, the foreman Minister of Military Aircraft is not his turn.

His Majesty the Emperor in front of him had appointed his father-in-law, the Governor of Huguang, as the first Prime Minister of the new Qing Dynasty.

"What do you have to worry about, the mere rebels, the general is willing to capture Chen Yongxuan alive for His Majesty the Emperor!"

Shaanxi-Gansu Admiral Bao Ning, as the No.1 military representative present, did his part to shoulder the heavy burden.

"The end will be willing to go!"

"The end will be willing to go!"

The three generals of the Shaanxi-Gansu Green Battalion also called for battle one after another.

At this time the situation was clear, even though there were still more than [-] rebels in the third battalion, the change of banner of the Huguang green battalion made Chen Yongxuan unable to recover.

Even whether this false fourth prince is still alive is unknown.

Now, all the generals have to do is to beat the dogs in the water, exchange the heads of these people for promotion ranks from the new king, and show their absolute loyalty.

"It is advisable to chase the poor bandits with the remaining bravery, and not to be called the Overlord of Learning!"

Of course, Jia Liu wanted to eliminate Chen Yongxuan's rebels, and he would never allow even a single soldier to escape from under his nose, especially Chen Yongxuan, the fake fourth elder brother, must be caught.

When necessary, you can cook it against Qianlong!
Just as he was about to order the chase, Irden, the Minister of Firearms Battalion Management, brought people to plead guilty.

The Firearms Battalion was the original Eight Banners garrison in Suiyuan. Back then, Jia Liu adopted Fan Wei’s opinion and exchanged the Suiyuan Eight Banners for the Jingying Eight Banners in exchange for the Suiyuan Eight Banners to accept Jia Liu’s command. Fu was dragged away and ignored him as the admiral of the nine sects.

Now he followed Chen Yongxuan to launch a rebellion, which really chilled Jia Liu's heart.

Irden understands the overall situation. Seeing the rebellion of the Huguang Green Camp, Prince Rui persuaded him to surrender with a word, and the artillery of Prince Lu was bombarded by the artillery so that the trees fell and the monkeys scattered. He led his subordinates to meet Prince Rui in a hurry, in order to get forgiveness from the prince.

Halfway through, he heard the sound of long live in front of him, he was really taken aback, when Prince Rui in imperial robe stood out from the crowd, he immediately understood what happened.

But without the slightest hesitation, he brought a group of subordinates forward without hesitation and knelt down on the ground. After shouting long live three times, he said that they were bewitched by Chen Yongxuan so they became enemies with the emperor. Now they have repented and are willing to serve the emperor The work of a dog and a horse.

Jia Liu glanced at Fan Wei, who shook his head slightly, meaning that now is not the time to settle accounts with Irden. After all, there are four thousand soldiers in the Huoqi Battalion, and it will take some effort to forcibly destroy them.

After a little thought, Jia Liu allowed Irden to join him, and asked him to lead his troops to cooperate with the Shaanxi-Gansu Green Battalion to destroy the Baoyi and the Second Battalion of the Guards.

Yirden had no objection, he kowtowed more than a dozen heads and said that he would serve the emperor to the death and kill all the rebels.

At present, all the generals lead their troops to pursue.

Jia Liu returned to Niuxinzhai surrounded by Lao A and others. Now that he has proclaimed himself emperor in the army, he should send someone to inform Governor Bo of Xiangyang and the delegations of various provinces in Xiangyang.

Whether to hold a small-scale enthronement ceremony in Xiangyang also needs to be discussed. The new monarch's year title, the award of civil and military meritorious officials, the appointment of the Military Aircraft Department, and the six ministries and nine ministers must all be started.

While discussing, the guard came to report that it was He Shen who had heard that Prince Rui proclaimed himself emperor before the army, and was looking for death and life in the prison.

Director A was furious: "Is this He Shen really determined to be buried with Chen Jialuo?"

Now please His Majesty the Emperor to issue a decree to grant death and Shen.

The rest of the people also agreed, only Shuan Zhu objected: "Master, He Zhongtang is kind to you."

"He Shen is kind to me,"

Jia Liu sighed softly, and told Shuan Zhu, "Go and deliver a white silk to He Zhongtang yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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