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Chapter 862 The Northern Expedition

Chapter 862 The Northern Expedition
Once the plan is determined, there must be a committee or working group responsible for the work of reorganizing the army to make specific arrangements.

How can Jia Liu be free when he is so busy.

He is a man who pays attention to efficiency, so after soliciting the opinions of some personnel in a small area, he drew up the list of main members of the Army Reorganization Working Committee that night.

Since it is an army reorganization, the members of the committee must be mainly army generals.

Soon, the list was drawn up.

In principle, only generals above the commander-in-chief (command) can be selected as members of the committee.

Therefore, the main members are Zu Yingyuan, Governor of Huguang, Bao Ning, Governor of Shaanxi-Gansu, Zhang Dabiao, Commander of Xinyi Town, Bao Guozhong, Commander of New Second Town, Chang Bingzhong, Commander of New Third Town, as well as Ruilin, Chief Soldier of Hubei, and Bao Zhu, the commander-in-chief of the three towns of the Shaanxi-Gansu Lvying, the commander-in-chief of the three towns of the Huguang Lvying, the ministers of the guards, Shi Ertai, Kang Guoli, etc.

Asha is the director, and Fan Wei is the deputy director.

The members of the committee set up an office, which is responsible for all the daily work of the army, and is concurrently held by Shuan Zhu, the minister in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The office also has two deputy directors who are in charge of daily work, one is in charge of personnel and the other is in charge of finance.

The personnel department is in charge of Sun Chengyun, director of Xingyuan Organization;

Li Anan, the general accountant of Xingyuan, is in charge of the finance.

The work report of the committee is always in two copies, one to His Majesty the Emperor, and one to the Governor of Xiangyang Bo, who is also the Prime Minister of the Cabinet.

After the work of reorganizing the army is completed, the committee will be disbanded immediately, and all the seconded personnel will return to their units without occupying the imperial establishment.

Why did all the generals above the commander-in-chief be included in the committee? The main reason is that Jia Liu considered that the work of reorganizing the army in the past dynasties was a very professional, cumbersome, and easy to offend job. In order to avoid conflicts in the process of reorganizing the army Opinions, dismantling each other, disregarding the interests of the court for personal interests, simply stuffing the main responsible persons of each mountain into this committee.

In this way, whether it is arguing, arguing or fighting, it is up to them.

But whoever dares to take his opinion out of the committee, his majesty the emperor will ask the internal affairs committee to invite him to drink tea.

The part of the faction is fairly obvious.

But this is something that no Taizu emperor can solve.

Jia Liu is no exception.

After having dinner with Azu and others, Jia Liu left Asiha and Fanwei alone, and asked Shuan Zhu to stay too.

There is going to be a closed meeting.

After throwing a cigarette to Lao Ah, Jia Liu went straight to the point: "Old Ah, do you know why I asked you to take on the task of reorganizing the army this time?"


While reaching for the cigarette, Lao Ah instinctively stood up to answer.

"Sit, sit down and talk, this is when I close the door to talk to you guys, don't just kneel and stand."

Jia Liu raised his hand to stuff the cigarette into his mouth, and calmly accepted Lao Ah's lighting service.

Fan Wei and Shuan Zhu saw it with disdain.

Because Lao Ah's sycophant is too much.

The latter even murmured in his heart: Asiha is apparently an incompetent waste, but in fact he is an old fox, otherwise how could he go all over the place, and now he has successfully jumped on the five-star luxury cruise ship of his young master, and will soon become a great hero of the new dynasty Woolen cloth.

Therefore, under the corruption of Lao A who spared no effort, will the young master who is not firm enough in his own family become corrupt and degenerate, losing his ideals and beliefs?
Shuan Zhu fell into deep thought as if an artificial intelligence had gained independent consciousness.

"The emperor entrusts such a heavy responsibility to the slave, how can the slave not know the emperor's mind!"

After lighting a cigarette for His Majesty, the old man bowed back and sat down carefully, of course, the kind that only sat on half of his buttocks.

Satisfied, Jia Liu blew out a smoke ring: "Tell me about it."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The old man straightened his mind and said: "The slave thinks that the emperor entrusts the slave with such a heavy responsibility. It's not because of the slave's own great abilities, how much he has contributed to the country, or how many practical things he has done for the people. The slaves are honest and responsible, loyal to the emperor, and work hard without complaint. Of course, the most important thing is that the slaves are Manchurians."

Jia Liu nodded, motioning for Lao Ah to continue.

"This reorganization of the army is of great significance to the Qing Dynasty and the emperor. It can not only effectively strengthen the emperor's command over the troops, but also make the orders of the troops clear and obey the orders of the whole army.
At the same time, the whole army can also allow the Eight Banners and Green Battalion soldiers under the emperor's command to be well integrated together, improving cohesion and combat effectiveness at the same time.
As for the servants, they are the ones who help His Majesty to integrate the soldiers of the Eight Banners and the Green Camp.

Rest assured, your majesty, this servant will firmly implement the guiding principles of the Qihan family, and will never favor the officers and soldiers of the Eight Banners, let alone discriminate against the officers and soldiers of the Green Battalion during the process of reorganizing the army."

"That's right, you can think of these things, it's not in vain that I hold you in high esteem, entrusting you with such an important burden."

A Siha's clear understanding of his own role positioning, so that Jia Liu no longer has to make a fuss about emphasizing it.

I can't help thinking that if the work of reorganizing the army is done well, the later military rank work can also let the old man work.

In this way, the army of the Qing Dynasty can completely say goodbye to the past, and the glory belonging to the Eight Banners can be completely swept into the coffin of historical archives.

Now that Lao Ah knew his job clearly, Jia Liu stopped talking nonsense and gave some instructions.

That is, when reorganizing each unit, in addition to considering factors such as the actual number of troops, combat effectiveness, and weapons and equipment of each unit, the historical situation of each unit must also be considered.

For example, the core of Huguang Green Camp used to be Jinchuan Town of Sichuan Green Camp, the core of the second town of the New Army was formerly Sichuan Green Camp Chengdu Town, and the Rehe cavalry unit adapted from the capital's horse infantry, and its own personal guard Sauron Camp, etc. Those who have made important contributions, so we should pay attention to the use of these ace troops when reorganizing, and try to keep them organized so that they can play a greater role in the future of the Qing Dynasty.

In addition, the appointment of senior generals such as admirals, staff officers, and commanders of each army should not only look at the past history, but also consider the loyalty value and contribution value comprehensively. It is not necessary to make all appointments 100% objective, but also to ensure that most people satisfy.

The work of reorganizing the army involves positions and ranks, and the principle of corresponding positions should also be followed.

Don't be high-ranking and low-ranking, and don't be low-ranking and high-ranking.

In addition, related to the allocation of money, food and materials, and the replacement of troops, detailed plans must be made in advance to prevent the troops from being in a hurry.

"Yes Yes Yes."

Lao Ah nodded while carefully recording the emperor's instructions with a pen.

Jia Liu became more and more satisfied, and when he looked at Fan Wei and Shuan Zhu who were holding tea bowls with Erlang's legs crossed, the more he looked more dissatisfied.

Playing around, not in shape.

He didn't look like he was sitting like a court official, but he looked more like a monkey crowned.

Since Lao Ah was present, it was inconvenient to have an attack, so he put Erlang's legs down and told Lao Ah that the Northern Expedition might be about to begin after the work of reorganizing the army was completed.

Strive to recover the capital before the end of summer.

The main forces of the Northern Expedition were the First Army and the Second Army, so in terms of officers and experienced veterans, we should properly lean towards the First and Second Armies.

Just as he was talking, there was a guard knocking on the door, Shuan Zhu went to receive a letter through the crack of the door, he didn't dare to open it when he saw the sender, and hurriedly handed the letter to the young master.

It is a handwritten letter from the father-in-law of Wuchang.

The father-in-law will send a delegation to escort his daughter and grandson to Xiangyang and discuss the current situation with his son-in-law.

The head of the delegation was Chen Huizu, the pseudo-Governor of Huguang.

(End of this chapter)

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