The live scene is really unbelievable
Conscience of heaven and earth, Jia Liu never expected that the heads of the two major governments of the Reform Dynasty, who were about to open their doors but had not yet set off firecrackers, would fight together in front of him, the emperor, so shamelessly!
It was punching, kicking, over-the-shoulder throwing, chest-sweeping and kicking, black tigers digging out their hearts, monkeys stealing peaches, and in the blink of an eye, the minds of the two major governments were all defeated.

The face of a scholar-bureaucrat and the dignity of an important minister do not exist for these two minds.

This is not the meeting hall of the governor of Huguang, but the vegetable market on Xiangyang Street.

Although he is used to big scenes, Jia Liu is also in a daze this time, not knowing whether to fight or to be together.

It's clear that the Commonwealth on which he's built has splintered.

Formed a Han Party headed by President Li;
And a Manchurian Party headed by Vice President Bo.

In the face of big issues of right and wrong, the two factions worked closely together to promote the overall situation of the Qing Dynasty's transformation from Qianlong to the Restoration Dynasty.

But in the face of some specific issues, or when dividing up the fruits of victory, the two factions inevitably diverge because of their interests.

Concrete analysis.

It is definitely impossible for the Han Party to agree to appoint a Manchurian woman as queen. Who is to blame?

Blame Jia Liu himself.

Who told him to instill the early anti-Manchu thoughts into the backbone of the Han Party.

The Eight Banners of Manchuria and Mongolia are dead, and the Eight Banners of the Han Army can stand out, so that the emperor can pay attention to and fall in love with us. Behind this idea is not the idea of ​​​​anti-Manchurianism.

The disciples of the Han army who followed him to entrap the Eight Banners of Manchuria and Mongolia, such as Zu Yingyuan, Wang Fu, Bao Guozhong, etc., are now the main military forces of the Restoration Dynasty.

This group of people made their fortunes by fighting Manchurian, who would support a Manchurian woman as a queen?
Don't even think about it.

Yang Yuchun, who is far away in Taiwan, is the vanguard of destroying the Tartars brought out by him. He has not crossed the sea to counterattack, and he has already made a bold statement that he will uproot the entire city of Fuzhou.

In the middle and later period, the horse infantry of the capital's green battalion, Sauron outside the pass, and Changwei's army had their hands stained with the blood of the capital's Manchurians. Jia Liu will give them each a form for them to fill out, and collect them to ensure that they are all opposed to Li Ruxiu as the queen. of.

You must know that Ruxiu is not only a Manchurian, but also an authentic Aixinjueluo.

There are ominous incidents all over the city, but going to the Three Banners is not one out of ten.

Even though Ruxiu has nothing to do with the Shunzhi lineage, as long as her surname is Aixinjueluo, the officers and soldiers involved in the ominous events all over the city cannot support her.

Not to mention the troops that descended from Huguang, they were originally helping the anti-Qing opportunists.

For the military, Ruxiu can get [-]% support at most.

Conversely, the Manchurian Party is also not happy about a Han woman as a queen.

Although they are not as powerful as the Han Party in the military, they are strong in the court.

Lao Bo, the prime minister, is Manchuria, and Asiha, the prime minister's deputy minister, is also Manchuria. The governor of Shandong, Guotai, is the only admiral, including Le Erjin, the governor of Shaanxi and Gansu, the governor of Shanxi, Ebao, and his old cousin of Liangjiang. Is of Manchurian origin.

Queenie, Enming and others who were controlled by Qianlong in Beijing were also from Manchuria.

If the capital can be resolved peacefully, then half of the officials in the reform court must still be Manchurians, and Jia Liu must admit this.

Who told him to accept too many Manchurian boys?

Therefore, the Manchurian Party has the confidence to compete with the Han Party for the queen candidate to the end.

This is no longer a question of who should be the queen, but involves the real interests of the Manchurians and Han people in the Restoration Dynasty.

The Manchurian Party does not object to His Majesty's work of removing the Eight Banners, but it does not mean that they support the Emperor's appointment of a Han woman as queen, completely marginalizing Manchuria in the court, not to mention Ruxiu's superiority in legal principles.

Therefore, President Li and Vice President Bo must fight.

But it's also good for them to fight, because fighting with them is always better than fighting with the following.

Jia Liu had a headache and really didn't know what to do.

It was the first time in his two lifetimes that he had such a headache.

Over there, the brains of the two major governments have been fighting fiercely, the kind that is smoking.

Each sacrificed a life-saving magic weapon, and at the same time displayed what they usually learned.

Then he yelled: "Let go of the severed head, you caught me!"

One is clenching his teeth, fighting for every inch of land: "You can let me loose if you want, but let go of my bird first!"

Calling each other to exercise restraint in their mouths, but each of them exerted force in their hands.

As a result, Jia Liu couldn't help but shivered a bit, and couldn't stand it anymore, so he stepped forward to act as a peacemaker, put his hands between the two heads of government, and smiled all over his face: "Two big brothers, give me a brother!" To save face, let's let go, shall we?"

"Han people must be established!"

"Non-Manchurians do not agree!"

The two presidents were ashamed to show the emperor.

Lao Li was really hurt by being pulled, and he said anxiously: "You are crazy, your majesty is Aixinjueluo, how can the queen also be Aixinjueluo!"


Jia Liu and Lao Bo were stunned by the idea that Lao Bo called Lao Li, as if that was the case.

The old Bo reacted quickly, and immediately said: "I mean, Manchu doesn't agree. I can't trust the one in the palace, but I can also make my daughter!"


Jia Liu's cheeks twitched for a while: "Ama, don't be like this, am I Aixinjueluo that others don't count, but you don't?"

"I'm a father to fight for my daughter, and I don't violate the king's law."

Lao Bo was embarrassed for a while.

"If you don't give me face again, believe it or not, I will kill you with a headshot!"

Jia Liu was a little angry.

"OK then,"

For the sake of his son-in-law, Lao Bo took the initiative to let go. When he let go, Lao Li Rumeng pardoned him, and quickly let go of the other party's lifeblood.

The two elders rubbed at the same time and hummed to each other.

Fearing that the two of them would fight again, Jia Liu had no choice but to say, "Well, if it's really impossible, I will have two queens, one from Manchuria and one from Han."

I don't want the two presidents to say the same thing by appointment: "No!"

"why not?"

Jia Liu thinks it's a good idea to do this, and it can effectively resolve the differences between the two parties.

Old Li said anxiously: "Your Majesty is confused. If you act like this, in the future, the two empresses will give birth to princes, and they will both be sons. Which prince will the emperor want to make as the prince?"

Lao Bo also shook his head: "Does Your Majesty have the heart to harm the prince himself in the future?"

When they said this, Jia Liu immediately realized the serious consequences, and quickly dismissed the idea of ​​establishing the two palaces, but in this way, Li Man Li Han was in front of him again, which was a hurdle he could not get around.

Seeing the emperor's son-in-law make such a difficult situation, the old Bo couldn't bear to add more firewood. After thinking about it, he suggested: "Since it is difficult to choose the empress, why don't we put aside the dispute for now and talk about it in the future."

Lao Li thought about it seriously, and said: "It's not impossible to not stand up first, but what do you call your majesty's concubines? There must still be rules in the harem."

"There are so many rules, everyone is called madam, according to the order of entry, um, the one who believes in the palace is the first lady, my daughter is the second lady, and the rebel daughter is the third lady."

As soon as the old blogger snapped his fingers, his name was confirmed.

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