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Chapter 868 Lao Ji, the country has a task for you

Chapter 868 Lao Ji, the country has a task for you
The prime minister and deputy minister Lao Ji, who has been ranked fourth in the cabinet, has just returned from Da Niuxinzhai, and before he has time to report to the Prime Minister Bo Qing's office and officially take up his post and concurrently serve as Minister of Rites, he is guarded by the director of the Xingyuan Security Department and the head of the security team. Zhu called over.

It is said that the emperor secretly summoned Mr. Ji, and only Mr. Ji could go alone, so all the staff who came back with Mr. Ji were waiting at the posthouse.

Such a mysterious and urgent situation made Lao Ji feel uneasy, and hurriedly handed Director Bao a silver ingot, hoping that Director Bao could tell him something, so that he could deal with it calmly in front of the emperor.

Unexpectedly, Director Bao, who had seen the eyes open before, put the silver ingots into his pocket without hesitation this time, and then said with a dark face: "Master Ji don't inquire about things that shouldn't be asked, otherwise we won't even have friends. Done!"


Director Bao's serious appearance made Lao Ji stunned for a while. After confirming that Director Bao was the real deal, he couldn't help but feel depressed. He didn't dare to ask anything, and followed behind walking all the way in fear.

When I arrived, I found that Mr. Yang Zhi, the minister in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, was also there.

I can't help but wonder if Director Yang is coordinating the work of the whole army in Niuxinzhai, and when he came back, why doesn't he know anything about it.

Immediately, he found that Director Yang's face was ugly, like a donkey's face.

Look at Long live again, ah, it's really smelly, black and long, just like a horse's face.

My heart suddenly trembled, could it be that Bo Qing'e and Li Shijie provoked His Majesty?
Then he secretly rejoiced, if this is really the case, it would be a big deal for the emperor to call him here.

Maybe he, Ji Yun, might replace Bo and Li and become the new leader of the Daqing court!

What a family misfortune, the ancestral grave was on fire.

Fortunately, that sycophant of Asiha is stupidly forming an army in Niuxin Village, and he doesn't know the situation. Otherwise, with the habitual virtue of this sycophant, he would have flown here like a fly, and nothing good will happen to him. .

"What are you looking at? I'll wait for you."

The chief executive of the Ministry of Internal Affairs may be prejudiced against the prime minister and deputy minister who ranks fourth in the cabinet, or he may be in a really bad mood, and his words are harsh anyway.


Mr. Lao Ji didn't care about the villain, and saluted with a "baba", but was interrupted by His Majesty raising his hand with a sad face when he was about to speak.

Then I saw His Majesty walking to the door like a thief, looking around for a while, then closing the door with a bang, and not forgetting to put the bolt on when he turned around.

It seemed to be particularly afraid that someone would break in later.

Watching the series of actions, Lao Ji became more nervous, but also more excited.

Closed meeting!

This is His Majesty's highest standard for handling state affairs!
Those who attended the closed-door meeting must also be the cronies of the emperor's cronies!
And what is more important than forming a cabinet and preparing for a new court at the moment!

Let me tell you about your mother, it's my turn, Ji Xiaolan, no matter what Fengshui!
Your Majesty, speak up, as long as you speak, the foreman will never object!
In an instant, various expressions of perseverance, determination, never looking back, and victory continued to change on Lao Ji's face.

It made Mr. Yang, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a donkey's face on the opposite side, look very strange: Where did this old Ji have so many mental activities?

At first glance, it is not a legitimate person.

Jia Liu was not finished here. After closing the door, he ran to the window and looked around. After confirming that there was no one there, he put down the window flap. He wiped his index finger in his mouth and stabbed at the window hole. She wanted to cry, but she stabbed directly at the window panel.

Practice has proved that the window paper of this era is not so easy to be pierced.

After looking carefully, he let out a sigh of relief and returned to Lao Ji again.

Lao Ji thought that he couldn't inquire about it, and the emperor had to take the initiative to say everything. In order to find a suitable entry point, he bowed and said: "Your Majesty, I have just drawn up four year names, one is Kant, and the other is Kant. Hong Xian."

Unexpectedly, His Majesty put up his finger and "shh" on his lips, signaling to stop talking, then stepped forward lightly and took Lao Ji's hand, and said affectionately to him:
"I know what you are like, Lao Ji. You are loyal to me, and you can handle errands according to my wishes. It can be said that you are an extremely rare talent around me, so I plan to entrust you with an important task. To be honest , if this important task is not entrusted to you, Lao Ji, I am really worried."

"Stop talking, Your Majesty!"

Lao Ji was so moved that he knelt down on the ground, rubbing his teary eyes: "Your Majesty, please give an order! I will go through fire and water, and I will not say anything, I will not say anything!"

"Here, I said that Lao Ji can't be like you!"

Jia Liu glared at Shuanzhu, he was so happy, he really didn't expect Lao Ji to be so good, he quickly helped Lao Ji up, patted him on the shoulder, and said with high hopes: "Tomorrow you will secretly leave for Beijing. "

"Ah? Going to Beijing?"

Lao Ji was stunned on the spot: Isn't there a major change in the cabinet and personnel, and let me be the top leader of the court?


Jia Liu was surprised.


Lao Ji quickly reacted, he didn't dare to show the slightest disappointment on his face, and quickly put on a face of death: "I don't know what your Majesty's order is for me to come to Beijing!"

"There must be important things to ask you to come to Beijing. You, Lao Ji, can be used for small things? As for what, don't worry, you can read this article I wrote first."

Jia Liu silently walked to the desk, and handed to Lao Ji the article on the desk that he had just spent two hours and shed half a barrel of tears.

The full text includes 360 characters including punctuation marks.

"This is?"

Lao Ji was very confused and took His Majesty's imperial brush, but he couldn't see anything at first glance because he was highly myopic.

However, the glasses that were worn in Beijing were accidentally broken the day before yesterday, and it took me a while to re-order them. Fortunately, there was a magnifying glass in my pocket, so I quickly apologized to the emperor, took out the magnifying glass and looked at the imperial pen.

But when he heard the sound of "噚", a few large characters came into his eyes - "Deeply mourn my good Ama Aixinjueluo Daquan!"

Before he had time to digest the information conveyed by the title of the article, the voice of the emperor angrily scolding Director Yang sounded in his ears: "What are you talking about, if you talk again, I will pull out your tongue!"

"Fangmin's mouth is worse than Fangchuan, young master, if you do this, you will leave a bad name forever!"

Shuan Zhu became emaciated. Not only did he not admit his mistake, but he even confronted the young master with a stiff neck.

"The family is unlucky, the family is unlucky, you dog slave, if you didn't pull me up with shit and piss, I would have buried you!"

Jia Liu was so angry that he stomped his feet, but in the end he wouldn't really deal with Shuan Zhu. Besides, there was a reason for the incident, which is understandable.

After trying to calm down, he turned around and asked Lao Ji who was reading the emperor's handwritten article with a magnifying glass: "What do you think of this article?"


Lao Ji really didn't realize it, and replied instinctively: "Okay, the writing is very good, your Majesty's literary talent is really unprecedented, and there will be no one to come, every word is a pig, I am ashamed, I am ashamed."

"You agreed, right?"

Jia Liu showed a satisfied smile, and happily patted Lao Ji's shoulder again: "Then this matter is up to you, and it must be done beautifully, so that my good Ama and my good brother will not suffer .”

(End of this chapter)

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