Sir, you have to pay more

Chapter 886 Without the ancestors, there would be no Qing Dynasty

Four Dynasties Legality Report?
Where did this come from?

Asha's performance immediately caused commotion in the venue.

Representatives of various provinces, clan representatives, including some reform officials basically did not understand what it meant.

Because there was no news beforehand.

"Master Ma, what kind of moth do you think Guizi Six is ​​making trouble with?"

The person who asked this question was Su De, the leader of the Shanxi delegation, who was born in the Zhengbai Banner of Manchuria, and his ancestors were Suksaha, a powerful minister in the Kangxi Dynasty.

"I didn't know that there are wrong names and nicknames in the world. Guizi Liu has no ghosts. Can he be called Guizi Liu?"

The person who answered was Ma Dayi, the governor of Gansu Province. He was originally a religious man in Hezhou, but he passed the imperial examination and became an official. His customs gradually changed and he became closer to the Han people.

There is a saying in Gansu that "reading more is the reason for teaching far away", or "the official reaches the fourth rank and is anti-religion".

Therefore, the believers rarely allow believers to read Han Chinese books, and they do not support believers to serve as officials of the Qing Dynasty, in case these people become white-eyed wolves and harm the religion.

Bi Yuan, the leader of the Shaanxi-Gansu delegation and the governor of Shaanxi, heard what the two comrades said, and couldn't help snorting: "Asiha is the lackey of Guizi Liu. This person must have no good intentions. Let's see what he does."

After saying that, Lan Hua wiped her nose with a white handkerchief, picked up the tea bowl in front of her, but found that there was no tea in it.

Just a bowl of boiled water.

After being stunned for a while, he saw that Ma Dayi and Su De had tea in their bowls, and couldn't help frowning, thinking that Guizi Liu was looking down on people.

Although we in Shaanxi and Gansu put you together this time, without our support, how can you be the emperor!

In a fit of anger, Ma Dayi's voice came from my ear: "Did Master Bi not pay for the tea when he came here just now?"

"Tea money?"

Bi Yuan was stunned: What tea money?

Ma Dayi snorted: "It is said that there are five papers per person, and those who pay will have tea, and those who do not pay can only drink plain water."

"My mother Cao's frankincense oil! The devil's six skins have been picked on us!"

Bi Futai was so angry, he had broken the precept of never scolding anyone in his whole life.

What the hell, the dignified governor came to the meeting and had to buy tea out of his own pocket. This is simply ridiculous!

"Forget it, forget it, it's only five copper coins, it's not enough to make Taiwan's life such a big hit. From the small to the big, he, the devil, is even fussing with us for a tea money. I think he's a human being, hehe, I'm afraid he is the Emperor of the Restoration when not long"

Su De was afraid that Bi Futai would not be too angry to make a big noise in the venue, so he hurriedly tried to persuade him, and by the way, he raised his hand and called the waiter on the side, and threw a few big pieces on the other side's plate to ask him to come over with a high pot.

Hearing Su De's words, Ma Dayi was a little uneasy: "Gizi Liu can be so stingy, will he deny our account later?"

This time, the reason why he worked with Governor Le Erjin in Gansu is because they also borrowed more than 300 million taels of private usury in Gansu.

The devils don't recognize it, so what will they pay for it?

"That won't happen."

Bi Futai smiled contemptuously on the stage, and revealed a major news to the two chief ministers, that is, Lord Leerjin, Governor of Shaanxi and Gansu Province, is building an iron fist-like Eight Banners army, and has reached a strategic partnership with Prince An in Beijing relation.

In addition, Zhejiang is also with them.

Four provincial forces, and there is Prince An who holds soldiers and horses in his hands. How dare the emperor, whose ass is not hot yet, dare to move.

"That's it!"

The two chief ministers, Su and Ma, looked at each other, and they were more confident in each other.

Dong Gao, the servant of the Ministry of Rites who was in charge of promoting the process of the meeting, was in trouble, because the one who interrupted the rhythm was A Siha, the deputy minister of the prime minister, and the request he played made people very confused and did not understand its meaning. According to the requirements of the meeting, he It is necessary to prevent Asha from acting recklessly, but he is afraid that the famous people around the emperor will bear the grudge because of this, so he really hesitates in his heart.

After being stunned for a while, he stepped forward and said bravely: "Your Majesty, your request is not in the meeting process, and I think it should be rejected."

Asha didn't speak.

Jia Liu said, amidst the whispers among the officials and clan, he asked Dong Shilang, "What is my year name?"

Without hesitation, Dong Gao said, "Return to Your Majesty, Restoration!"

"What is Restoration?"

Before getting up, Jia Liu didn't forget to take another look at the cheat sheet in his hand, and then stepped forward a few steps to Dong Gao, speaking to the demoted official who had written the letter of repentance and guarantee, and also speaking to the clan of all the officials present.

"The so-called Yide of the heavenly officials is fiercer than the fierce fire, annihilating the chief of the juequ, and threatening to rule. The old pollutes the customs, salty and new, and the eradication of the old abuses is called restoration. In the past, Qianlong did not let the officials speak and acted arbitrarily. The dilapidation, the people's complaints, which caused the smoke of war everywhere, made my Qing Dynasty have today's catastrophe.
However, our imperial court flaunts the reform and allows hundreds of officials to speak freely. The so-called brainstorming is the unity of the will, so how can we not let people speak? "

After saying that, he looked sideways at the old man who was ready to go: "Asiha, I ask you, what report do you want to make?"

A Siha was very encouraged, and immediately said righteously: "Returning to the emperor, the report made by the minister is about the emperor Shunzhi not being orthodox in my Qing Dynasty!"

This is a step further, a direct showdown.

As a result, there was another uproar in the venue. Except for a few people, most people were intimidated by what A Siha said: Lord Shunzhi is not orthodox, so what is the 100-year history of the Qing Dynasty?
The members of the delegation from Shaanxi, Gansu and Shanxi were all shocked and whispered to each other.

If, according to Asha's words, the emperor Shunzhi's throne was wrong, what would the Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong dynasties be?
Pseudo-dynasty will fail!

Qianlong, a thief who stole the country, was counted, but the Kangxi and Yongzheng dynasties could not be counted.

Too much shock.

Just like the day before, Shunzhi and Kangxi were still in Jiuchongtian, with holy light and auspicious clouds, like angels, and suddenly fell into the Nine Hells, with green faces and fangs, evil like devils.

Such a gap made it difficult for everyone in the venue to accept it.

The same is true for officials in Jia provinces.

"Ghost Six is ​​trying to completely overthrow the family of ancestors?"

Bi Yuan roughly understood what Asiha's report meant, without it, it was just a step forward in the jurisprudence of proclaiming emperor for the six devils.

It also provides a theoretical basis for Guizi Liu to thoroughly attack the Qianlong faction.

Whether this matter is good or bad, Bi Yuan has no result for a while.

While analyzing, the clan representatives not far away exploded.

To be precise, the yellow belts who came to the meeting exploded.

Because many of them were descended from the lineage of the ancestor Shunzhi.

Now some people want to deny the legality of the ancestor Shunzhi's throne. Doesn't it mean that these ancestors and grandchildren are not legal?

Although the bandits were tortured a lot in the camp, they became extremely mechanical and obedient, and only wanted to follow the devils back to Beijing six times, but before this involves the fundamental interests of their own legal system and status, the disciples of Aixinjueluo The bloodiness was still stimulated a little bit.

"The clan will never allow anyone to tarnish the glorious image of Grandpa Shizu, deny the legitimacy of Grandpa Shizu's throne, whoever dares to deny it will be a sinner of the Qing Dynasty!"

"Yes, without Grandfather Shizu, there would be no Qing Dynasty, and denying Grandpa Shizu is denying Daqing!"

"Asiha, you bastard, you dare to slander Grandpa Shizu, you must be careful!"


When the yellow belts made a fuss, the venue became even more chaotic.

Seeing the chaos in order, Prime Minister Bo Qing'er immediately picked up the small hammer on the table in front of him and knocked: "Order! Order! Be quiet, be quiet!"

An authentic old English accent.

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