Chapter 895

"Ama has many traditional virtues of us Chinese, such as integrity, selflessness, frankness, honesty, honesty, etc. In terms of character alone, everyone here is inferior to Ama."

Jia Liu really admired the old Bo. Without deceiving the organization, he believed that [-]% of the reform officials were left far behind by the old Bo.

Including his emperor.

Because he never told the truth with the old leader Qianlong.

Shouting long live in your mouth, you must be your mother in your heart.

However, no matter whether it was the early days of the revolution or now, the old blogger always upholds one principle—that is, say what you say, and never hide it.

As far as today's matter is concerned, even if people misunderstand that he is thinking about the interests of his daughter, he will not give up his right to speak because of worldly stupid vision and unreasonable moral pressure. It is enough to enjoy the Taimiao.

I am afraid that Wei Zheng in Tang Dynasty, Tang Jie in Song Dynasty, and Yang Jisheng in Ming Dynasty are not as good.

The most upright official of the reform must be Fucha * Bo.

While admiring, Jia Liu couldn't help but turned sideways to Shuanzhu who was taking meeting minutes beside him and said, "The warm and humid air from Siberia has gone south to Ninggu Tower, right?"


Shuan Zhu's heart skipped a beat: It's broken, the young master must have found out that he sold the copy of the diary to Bo Zhongtang at a high price!

I feel depressed in my heart, I really want to be shot while lying down.

It should be here, it's already June.

Jia Liu's geographical knowledge is still very good, he knows all about the Bering Strait.

As a generation of ancestors who inherited the past, inherited the past and ushered in the future, and surpassed Tang Zong Mingzu, if he did not send all his cabinet ministers to Siberia to help the poor, he would obviously not be worthy of the title of ancestor.

Obviously, as the most upright official of the Reformation, Lao Bo was the best leader of the first batch of poverty alleviation ministers.

This is also the specific implementation of Jia Liu's idea of ​​popularizing officials.

Officials cannot be divorced from the masses. Labor is the most effective way to reform officials' thinking, and there is no one.

The old man was not convinced that the emperor spoke so highly of Bo Qing's amount, and he wanted to point out that the emperor should not be deceived by Bo Qing's superficial honesty, but just as he was about to speak, the emperor shook his head at him and said: "Let's discuss the matter as it is, don't expand it."

Helpless, Lao Ah had no choice but to shut up.

Old Li coughed lightly and offered his opinion.

That is, if Ge Ge is devoted to her natal family and insists on reconciling with the emperor, it is not impossible, after all, everything has been restored, and everything must be new.

Besides, the emperor has just set a major tone for the future framework of the Restoration Dynasty - to fully launch the project of removing the Eight Banners and the Qing Dynasty, and finally the Eight Banners of Manchuria and Mongolia will enter the Han Dynasty in an all-round way, thus discarding the heavy burden in the history of the Qing Dynasty and moving forward lightly, leading China on the way The road to great powers mentioned in the copy of the emperor's diary that Manager Yang sold to him.

In this way, the Qing Dynasty will definitely change the name of the country in the future.

Then, the upper strata of the old ruling class headed by Aixinjueluo must be completely overthrown.

Otherwise, the two major projects of de-Bannerization and de-Qinghua will be done without a name, and there is no legal basis for changing the country's name.

A queen surnamed Aixinjueluo is obviously not in line with this tone, nor is it in the interests of the country, let alone the interests of their gang of courtiers who poach the corners of the Qing Dynasty.

So, just leave, and save yourself trouble in the future.

The president especially emphasized that Ge Ge is not allowed to take Her Royal Highness the eldest princess back to her natal home, even if she wants to go back, she has to wait until the capital is restored.

It is still placed in Zhili for the time being, and Yang Jingsu, the governor of Zhili, will send a special person to take care of it. After the emperor returns to Beijing, he will follow the example of the former dynasty and abolish the latter, and give him honor and support in another house.

"This is a well-established way of seeking the country!"

"Good, very good!"

Fan Wei and Shuan Zhuli, the two masters of the "Manchu school", echoed President Li's intentions at once. They didn't care about Bo Zhongtang Tuqiongdagger's careful thinking after the appearance, they only knew that the empire did not allow the appearance of a Manchurian queen.

Otherwise there will be chaos in the future.

Seeing that the emperor's son-in-law's two cronies agreed, Old Bo was immediately overjoyed, and quickly picked up the tea bowl: "Drink tea, drink tea."



Shuan Zhu and Fan Wei picked up the tea bowls and touched Bo Zhongtang respectively, while Lao Li hesitated for a while and picked up the tea bowls as well.

In terms of the number of votes, there are already four votes in support of the emperor must take the lead in demonstrating the freedom of marriage for women in the world.

After all, the marriage between him and Princess was completely a political marriage arranged by the fourth devil.

It’s okay if you don’t go to Daqinghua for this marriage, but if you go, there is a problem.

Taking a ten thousand step back, I don’t want the Qing Dynasty anymore, but I still need a princess like Aixinjueluo, which is a bit self-deceiving.

"You drink, you drink."

Lao Ah is very smart, he insisted on not serving the teacup, he knew that the emperor would not agree to a divorce.

Sure enough, Jia Liu opened his mouth, looked at the four guys who were eagerly waiting for him to serve the tea bowl, and said unhappily: "I am the emperor, how can the emperor get a divorce? Let the word out, let the people of the world think of me?"

For Ruxiu, he has a relationship between husband and wife, don't say that the matter has not reached the stage of divorce, if it has reached this stage, he will not agree to divorce.

Because this matter was not Ruxiu's fault, it was entirely his responsibility as a husband.

Besides, what does Ruxiu know as a woman?
It's not that her brother was bewitched.

Go back and do work for Ruxiu, try to make her natal family less bloody and less dead, so that the relationship between husband and wife can still be reconciled as before.

"Actually, this matter is not a conflict between Ge Ge and Your Majesty, but a conflict between our court and the Qianlong Puppet Dynasty. If you don't analyze and solve the root cause, you insist on forcing Your Majesty to divorce Ge Ge. Losing the sesame seeds and losing the watermelon is a mistake on the route."

A Siha, who was watching the wind and steering the rudder, shared the emperor's worries at the first time, pointing out that Gege's divorce was not a big deal at all, and as long as the capital was restored, it would be solved easily.

The folks say that raw rice is used to make mature rice, so you are afraid that your daughter will not follow.

"The emperor is a person who values ​​love and righteousness. If you insist on forcing the emperor to divorce Tong Gege, you will make the emperor a ruthless person. If the emperor wants to attack you in the future, don't blame me, Asha, for not reaching out to give you a hand." ah."

After finishing speaking, Asha got up and bowed deeply and said in a respectful voice: "Your Majesty, I am speaking the truth. If there is anything wrong, please forgive me."

"How many times have I told you, don't say anything that is not conducive to unity, what do you mean I want to attack you?
Nonsense, without you, I wouldn’t be where I am today. When drinking water, don’t forget the well digger. The kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by the spring. I said earlier that one day I will be there, and one day will be you!Do you think that I am the kind of person who kills heroes! .
By the way, Ama, someone recently revealed to me that you and the president have jointly carried out several projects in Sichuan, and you often get together to drink flowers and wine. Is there such a thing?
Regardless of whether there is or not, let’s forget about the past, and you should restrain yourself in the future. If you are really short of money, just tell me, and it’s not like I won’t lend it to you
In addition, you should also pay attention to your style of work, I am not opposed to your proper leisure and entertainment after work, but you must pay attention to the influence, lest people say that you two form a clique for personal gain, and engage in small hills behind my back."


Lao Bo and Lao Li, who both shook, put the tea bowls on the table at the same time, got up in panic and said that the emperor's family affairs should be handled by the emperor himself, and the cabinet should not interfere too much.

Jia Liu hummed slightly, and his eyes fell on Shuan Zhu's face.


Shuan Zhu's scalp was numb from the young master's sight.

"How many copies of my diary did you sell, who did you sell them to, and how much did you sell for? Go back and report to Accountant Li."

Jia Liu snorted, and his eyes fell on Fan Wei's face.

"Your Majesty, I didn't engage in projects, and I didn't sell pirated copies."

Fan Wei was very aboveboard, he was the most honest one present, so he was very confident, and he didn't think he made any political mistake in agreeing to the divorce between His Majesty and Gege.

He is completely considering this matter from the long-term perspective of the country.

It means that the world is for the public.


Jia Liu really couldn't find any reason why Fan Wei was a traitor, so he thought for a long time and walked away in embarrassment.

Is to go to the first army.

Old Ah was right, the source of the conflict between him and Ruxiu was the Fourth Devil.

If the fourth devil hadn't jumped the wall in a hurry and stretched out his black hands to Ruxiu, how could Ruxiu be bewitched by his brother to divorce him.

Therefore, it is time to start the Northern Expedition program.

One power down ten sessions.

In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy is a clown.

The First Army was the main force of the Northern Expedition, and its headquarters was located at Wushengguan, near Xinyang, Henan.

When Jia Liu arrived, the First Army was conducting summer training under the organization of Admiral Baoning.

The purpose of the exercise is not only to run-in the various ministries, increase the familiarity of officers and soldiers, but also to improve combat effectiveness, and it is also a warm-up for the upcoming Northern Expedition.

The Wuchang delegation led by Chen Huizu, the Liangjiang observation group led by Jiangxi governor Hao Shuo, and some representatives of Henan, Shandong, Zhili, Sichuan, and Hubei provinces all observed and practiced at Wushengguan.

Therefore, in addition to military needs, the summer exercise of the First Army also has political significance to show strong muscles.

The emperor was driving to watch, and he must notify the First Army for reception, but Jia Liu made a surprise attack, but he didn't say hello to the First Army, and went directly to the Meng family, the residence of the First Army, the First Association, and the First Regiment. slope.

The predecessor of the first regiment was the main regiment of the second town of the Hubei New Army, which was the former Central Army Battalion of Chengdu Town, Sichuan Green Camp.

The main generals of this unit are Han Banner Brother and Su La who once belonged to the Zhenglan Banner arrest team of the Han Army.

Since Mengjiapo is located in a mountainous area, the roads are inconvenient for horses, so Jia Liu and his party came to the army station on foot.

As soon as I arrived at the station, I heard loud and clear singing from the valley in front of me.

"The imperial court wants to keep the overall situation of peace, and the admirals follow the order to practice new exercises. The first is to repay the king's kindness, and the second is to rely on the officials to teach.

Don't harass the people in the third march, my salary is all people's fat.The fourth is to be fond of character and reputation, and the fifth is to avoid quarreling with each other.”

The singing that floats in the mountains and forests is the military song that Jia Liu wrote for the Sichuan Green Camp when he was the admiral of Sichuan - "Song of the Admiral's Military Training".

The singing is quite passionate and full of rhythm, which makes people feel excited and full of strength after listening to it.

Therefore, the song is also known as "The Song of the Marshal's Training", also known as "The Three Great Disciplines and Eight Points for Attention".

The predecessor was the military song of the German Empire.

(End of this chapter)

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