Sir, you have to pay more

Chapter 900 Your Majesty, Go straight to Huanglong

Chapter 900 Your Majesty, Go straight to Huanglong
After the training, Jia Liu said a few words to the participating officers and soldiers as usual.

It didn't take long, maybe half an hour.

Due to the hot weather and the poisonous sun, the guards had to insert the emperor's guard of honor, the yellow banner, so that the emperor would not be exposed to the sun when he spoke under the banner.

But he was flatly rejected by His Majesty the Emperor, saying that officers and soldiers are not afraid of the sun, so what is there to be afraid of as an emperor.

The speech was written by Shuan Zhu for him, and it was finalized after several revisions.

The overall rhythm of the speech was very well grasped, sometimes a small climax, sometimes a big climax, basically coherent, without deliberately cutting out the text, and without citing scriptures, just like Meng Jiapo's speech to the officers and soldiers of the first regiment. Applause, morale is greatly boosted.

Finally, amidst the warm applause and the sound of long live from the officers and soldiers participating in the exercise, Jia Liu led the crowd to leave the training site and head to the headquarters of the First Army at Wusheng Pass.

Even though it was getting dark, Jia Liu ordered people to convene a meeting of observation groups from various provinces regardless of fatigue.

He also asked Bao Guozhong, chief of staff of the First Army, to arrange the venue.

Because the decree came suddenly and there was no meeting arrangement in advance, Bao Guozhong couldn't find a suitable meeting place for a while, so he had to hire the only brothel in the pass, and sent fifty texts to each of the sisters, and had the right to rest today.

Upon receiving the notice of the meeting, the Zhili observation group was the first to arrive, led by Wan Chaoxing, the former admiral of Zhili and now a general of Jingzhou.

The purpose of moving Wan Chaoxing from Admiral of Zhili to General of Jingzhou was to pave the way for Wang Fu to serve as Admiral of Zhili;

Both the Admiral of the Green Camp and the General of Jingzhou are from the first rank, but the latter is a flag member. Before Jingzhou was full of cities, General Jingzhou ranked above the governor of Huguang.

Therefore, Wan Chaoxing's transfer to General Jingzhou is actually changing from the commander of the Lieutenant General Corps to the commander of the general theater, which is much higher in terms of gold content and political treatment.

However, the Restoration Dynasty now implements the Banner-Han system, and the government and military officials no longer have a single banner officer, and the entire city of Jingzhou will not be rebuilt, so the general of Jingzhou will naturally be abolished.

In view of the fact that Wan Chaoxing has made great efforts to himself in the past, and has always supported himself with a clear-cut stand, and has set a practical example in action, he is a subordinate who can be relied on, so Jia Liu proposed that if the Yunnan-Guizhou side cannot resolve peacefully, he will be appointed as Wan Chaoxing. As the governor of Yunnan and Guizhou, he led two to three armies to recover Yunnan and Guizhou.

And set up a combat command against Burma in Kunming to prepare for the future reformation empire to export the concept of reformation to Southeast Asia.

Myanmar was the number one military power in the surrounding areas of the Qing Dynasty, and Qianlong suffered a great loss. If the Restoration Court could conquer this military power militarily, the authority of the emperor Jia Liu would definitely be greatly enhanced.

This time, Fan Wei, the leader of the Zhili delegation, was appointed as Minister of the Ministry of Industry, so Wan Chaoxing temporarily led a delegation to observe the training.

As for military affairs, his pre-supervisor is also good at it, and he is a professional counterpart.

The second person to enter the field was Hetu, the leader of the Shandong observation team and the deputy governor of the Qingzhou Eight Banners.

The former leader of the Shandong delegation was Yu Yijian, the chief minister, but he returned to Shandong after the Hundred Officials and Clans Conference. On behalf of Hetu, Fang is in charge of the observation group.

The main leaders of Shaanxi, Gansu, and Shanxi provinces have all returned, and the representative of the military observation is Shanxi Deputy General Qian Anzhi.

The representative of the Henan military observation group is Vice General Zhou Xiong.

The leader of the Sichuan observation group was Wu Bingzhen, the deputy general of the former Songfan Township. This person was not a "Jia family". Later, under the persuasion of Sichuan Governor Li Shijie, he joined the Gongjin Association, assisted President Li in comprehensively rectifying the Sichuan Green Camp, and started the formation of the Sichuan New Army .

The Sichuan Green Battalion was reorganized into the Tenth Army, and Wu Bingzhen was expected to take up the post of military admiral.

The leader of the Liangjiang delegation was Hao Shuo, the governor of Jiangxi who did not go back with Prince Zheng after the meeting. He said he wanted to stay in Xiangyang to further study the reform spirit, but actually he didn’t have much to do after returning. It’s better to study here in Xiangyang. Maybe the emperor was happy to promote him to the central government.

This is not much better than the bare commander.

But obviously Jia Liu had no intention of promoting Hao Shuo to serve in the imperial court. He once met him alone, which put a burden on him.

This burden is to be a restraint and a huge old watch.

Jia Liu planned to change Hao Shuo as governor of Jiangsu.

Together with Hao Shuo is Ma Youde, who was reprimanded by Jia Liu after the defeat of the previous army, and was later transferred to the general army of Jiangxi.

If the Restoration Court finally reached a settlement with Wuchang and accepted Wuchang's change of banner, Ma Youde, the Jiangxi General Soldier, would definitely not be able to do it, and most likely he would be transferred to Jiangsu General Soldier.

In Wuchang, Chen Huizu and Lu Yuanguang are still leading the charge. The two have been secretly negotiating with the reform cabinet. At present, the two sides have reached an agreement on major issues, but there are still disputes on specific details.

This time the First Army organized a summer exercise, Jia Liu specifically asked Chen Huizu to take a delegation to Wushengguan to observe, just to give the Wuchang mission a little shock—it wasn’t that I couldn’t beat you in the past, but that I didn’t even think about it Hit you!

The delegations, along with the imperial battalion accompanied by civil and military officials, and the main generals of the First Army arrived at the venue one after another, but they didn't realize that the venue was actually a brothel, because the plaques and entertainment facilities in the building were all demolished.

Since there were many mosquitoes, the venue lit a lot of mosquito repellent incense.

This makes it so that unless the nose is particularly sharp, the personnel who are particularly sensitive to the smell of women's powder can detect something wrong, and other people can't find the true face of the venue at all.

"His Majesty is here!"

As the guards in yellow mandarin jackets lined up in front of the gate passed by manpower, Jia Liu, who had already changed his clothes, appeared in the sight of the observing representatives from the participating provinces.


A group of officials drinking tea, eating watermelon, eating melon seeds, chatting, and making friends got up one after another, and bowed to their actual (in name) emperor.

"Sit, sit,"

Jia Liu kindly raised his hand to signal the standing representatives to sit down.

He has issued a decree to abolish the kneeling ceremony, and made the bowing ceremony the etiquette for court officials to meet, including meeting him, His Majesty the Emperor.

After walking to his throne, Jia Liu habitually spread out the notebook on the table, glanced at it instinctively, and then nodded slightly.

Even if there is not a word in the notebook, but he can't change this smooth movement for a while.

The kind that goes deep into the bone marrow.

Seeing the emperor taking his seat, all the officials sat down hurriedly, imitating the emperor's appearance and opening the notebooks in front of them.

According to the prior arrangement, Ma Youde, the commander-in-chief of Jiangxi Province, took the lead in speaking, but he was emotionally asked when His Majesty the emperor on the stage will make the Northern Expedition.

Bao Ning, the admiral of the First Army, also got up and said impassionedly: "Your Majesty, more than [-] soldiers of my First Army are ready to attack Huanglong as soon as His Majesty gives an order!"

Obviously, the theme of this meeting is the Northern Expedition.

The participants knew well that most of them supported the Northern Expedition except for a few people, and hoped that the sooner the better.

Because the longer the time drags on, there will be variables.

The gossip said that the Eight Banners outside the pass had received Qianlong's clothes belt edict and were planning to enter the pass on a large scale.

The Southwest and Guangdong and Guangxi regions may have to attack the reform government by force.

The so-called capture the thief first, capture the king, as long as the capital is captured and the Qianlong government is completely overthrown, no matter how big the change is, it will be blown away by the wind.

This point, the participating officials are sure.

Representatives of the second, third, and fourth armies also stood up one after another, strongly requesting His Majesty the Emperor to issue an edict for the Northern Expedition.

For a while, the sound of the Northern Expedition filled the venue, and Jia Liu was also on top. The familiar Ningbo accent sounded in his ears in a trance-"In April of the 16th year of the Republic of China, it was also in the suburbs of Xuzhou. I had the honor to personally lead hundreds of thousands of people. Jianer conquered Beiyang warlords Sun Chuanfang and Zhang Zongchang, and won a complete victory!"

(End of this chapter)

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