Sir, you have to pay more

Chapter 916 It's useless for the old rich to break his throat!

"Any difficulty can never defeat me!"

"I will sacrifice everything for Qing Dynasty!"

"If the cause of the Reformation fails because of my father, not only will I be guillotined, but I will also be nailed to the pillar of historical shame!"

"It doesn't matter if my father is gone. All the people in the world are my father. I have said that I am not a son of heaven, but a son of the common people. Therefore, everyone in the common people is my father!"


During the meal, Jia Liu kept emphasizing the importance of the spirit of optimism in the Restoration to the dining companions while gnawing on the pig's trotters.

Because what he just said is the application of optimism in specific cases.

belongs to the category of philosophy.

Abstruse is a bit esoteric, but Jia Liu believes that someone will understand him.

For example, the third-ranked Prime Minister and Deputy Minister Athhar.

"I believe that all of us should have the belief of victory in the restoration of the capital to realize the reunification of the Qing Dynasty, and we must maintain an optimistic and cheerful mood under any circumstances, and always have a firm will to reform and a vigorous mental state.
Only in this way can we enter a new era under the leadership of His Majesty, restore the glory of the empire, and build a beautiful new society. For this goal, we must sacrifice, sacrifice, and sacrifice again! "

Speaking of the emotional part, Lao Ah casually threw the chicken bone into the Yellow River, got up and pointed his fist at the sky excitedly: "Your Majesty doesn't want a father anymore, and I don't want my wife and children either! Because I'm still young and can give birth, but the great cause of reformation is ruined." There is no chance to do it again!"


Jia Liu also looked excitedly at the nearly sixty-year-old Lao Ah. He really didn't expect this Manchurian man to be so enlightened. He was moved and couldn't bear to send him to Siberia for further studies.

But he was born with a problem with corruption, so he couldn't help suffering in his heart.

"Cut heads."

The president was choking a little, and he couldn't stop coughing there, maybe he was thinking about what kind of help the chairman has recruited for interviews in person in the past few years.

After calming down a bit, Lao Ah added one more point: "However, there is still a fundamental difference between the optimism emphasized by His Majesty and blind optimism."

Hearing this, Jia Liu became even more interested, and asked, "What's the difference? Tell everyone about it, old man, ah, if you don't study for a day, you'll almost fail to catch up with you."


The old man was stunned, and then expressed embarrassingly to the emperor that he was just talking casually and could not take it seriously.

Jia Liu was so angry that he was speechless for a while, then looked around at everyone, and said in a deep voice: "Reformation is a great cause that has never happened in 3000 years, and it is also an unprecedented impact. I have never heard of anyone bleeding because of the Restoration, and this is why the fortunes of the country are not prosperous. Therefore!"


All the military and government officials stood up and stood at attention, listening to the highest instructions.

Jia Liu was satisfied, and while wiping his hands with a towel, he said firmly: "Therefore, I want my father to become the No. 1 of the Restoration Bleeding!"

All the important officials were moved when they heard the words.

"Your Majesty has sacrificed too much for the sake of the country. I really don't know what to say."

Lao Ah was the first one to cry and choked up, and also the only one.

Others, are not too open.

Especially Azu, who aimed and aimed at the captain's face with his X-ray-like eyes.

Jia Liu might feel that it was a bit too much, so he said awkwardly: "Okay, okay, sit, sit, and continue eating."


It is necessary for Shuan Zhu to remind the young master of a very troublesome matter, even more troublesome than the death of the master.

That is, the old man's body was obviously lost with Yongzheng, but now he was picked up by the old man and hung on the tower of Fucheng Gate. What does that mean?
"Indicate what?"

Jia Liu squinted at Shuanzhu.

Shuan Zhu said: "Explain three points. First, Fu Zhongtang probably knows about the dirty things the young master has done, the conspiracy and the things he has done."

"Everything I do is for the sake of the country and the people. I have never taken a needle or thread from my own home. What can I say!"

Seeing that Azu's mouth was about to move, he hurriedly said again: "Anyway, I just want to say that I understand everything I know, and I don't explain too much if I don't understand. After all, I just know it myself. Don't ask me what I have done, Some things are not good for you if you know too much.”

After finishing speaking, he signaled Shuan Zhu to continue.

Don't get too entangled with the first point, ordinary people's views have never been what Jia Liu cares about.

Shuan Zhu said that the second point is that the young master's ancestral grave was dug up.

This is for sure, if the old rich hadn't dug the grave of his Jia family's old ancestor, how would he know that the old man of the six sons and virtuous brothers had gone to the Tailing Underground Palace.

"It's okay, whore wife."

Realizing that this statement was inappropriate, Jia Liu quickly shut up, and changed his mind to use another argument: "This incident shows that some people have long known that I am not a thing in the pool, so they practice feudal superstition and think that breaking my dragon veins is the right thing to do." It can make me unable to ascend, joke, what do they know, I have never seen any monsters, ghosts and monsters, I am not afraid of any monsters, and I am afraid that they will cut off my dragon veins!"

After finishing speaking, he asked Shuan Zhu what the third point was.

"Master, third, it means that Qianlong was wronged!"

Shuan Zhu thought that since Lao Fu knew the truth of the matter, he would definitely reveal the truth to the public.

The one in the underground palace is not the late emperor, so how can it be said that the fourth devil is not the son of the late emperor.

Moreover, the young master put his old man into the late emperor's underground palace, obviously long ago harboring the intention of stealing the country. In this way, the young master has been declaring the truth about Qianlong's life experience to the outside world, isn't it all deliberately fabricated.

There are two immediate consequences.

One is to really turn over the case for the fourth devil;
The second is to assume that the young master is a Xibei product, and pretend to be Luo.


Jia Liuben's relaxed expression was involuntarily dignified by what Shuan Zhu said. He has always accused Qianlong of being a thief of the Qing Dynasty from a moral standpoint. He is very passive here.

After all, there are still many factions in the reform court who support him because they believe that he is Aixinjueluo, such as Prince Heshuo Zheng and the eldest cousin of the Governor of Liangjiang.

May I ask if the eldest cousin knows the truth, can he continue to support his little cousin?

After thinking about it, he glanced at all the military and political officials: "Do you believe that I will dig out my ancestral grave, then put my old man in a sack and bring him to the late emperor's underground palace, and then put it in the late emperor's coffin?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Asha slapped the table excitedly.

Jia Liu asked the chairman for his opinion: "Lao Li, do you believe it?"

The president's cheeks twitched, and he exhaled a big smoke circle: "If the emperor believes in the subject, he will believe it. If the emperor doesn't believe the subject, he will not believe it."

Looking at other people, they all said that this matter is too absurd, even Liaozhai can't write such nonsense.

Ruilin even said that such nonsense is simply polluting his ears!

"Azu, what about you?"

Jia Liu cast his earnest eyes on the representative of the Han army, who was also his good comrade in arms and good partner in the revolution.

"Your Majesty must not believe this rumor. You can tell that this rumor is a slander against His Majesty by the stubborn enemies of the capital!"

Zu Yingyuan answered with certainty.

"Zhuzi, here, you see, everyone doesn't believe it, what's the use of his old rich talking about breaking the sky?"

The smile returned to Jia Liu's face again.

The fist is the truth, and it is not.

Shuan Zhu pouted, admitting that his worries were unfounded.

"Clean up, I'm going to Beijing to offer my condolences."

Jia Liu got up to finish this pleasant meal, and was about to go to the special train, when Azu followed stealthily.

"Why don't you go back to the army and follow me?"

Jia Liu was very angry, because Azu's expression made him a little guilty.

Zu Yingyuan laughed dryly: "I will return to the army immediately, but I have a doubt that only Your Majesty can't solve."

Jia Liu hurriedly raised his hand: "To save face, can you stop asking?"


Azu behaved quite honestly, because if he didn't figure out this problem, he would have no energy to walk, eat well, and sleep well, which would directly affect the military command.

"Just ask."

Jia Liu spread his hands, knowing that Zu Dashou, the grandson of a turtle, likes to find out the truth. If his little wish is not fulfilled, he may die young.

No way, who made him the emperor benevolent.

After looking around, Zu Yingyuan straightened his face and coughed lightly: "Your Majesty, can you explain why you said just now that your old man was packed in a sack and taken to the underground palace?"


Jia Liu snorted: "In the future, not only don't say anything about disunity, but also don't ask about disunity. It's best to lead a good army to help me take down the capital. I'll marry you a few more sisters-in-law later."

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