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Chapter 946 Qianlong's fulfilling life

Chapter 946 Qianlong's fulfilling life

Jia Liu sincerely gave Master Se a chance.

Retaining his title as Prince Shuo'an is also a political need. After all, if he wants to attack the Shunzhi family and county kings, and completely deny the legitimacy of the Shunzhi four dynasties, he must obtain the support of the non-Shunzhi clan.

Who told him to continue to be named Ai for a while now.

Bearing other people's surnames, one has to obey other people's rules.

Everything in Daqing is not good, but the good thing is that there is a relatively advanced system.

This system is of course the meeting of princes and ministers to discuss politics. Unfortunately, this meeting mode was abolished by Kangxi and Yongzheng, who wanted to be autocratic.

However, Jia Liu, who was naturally fond of meetings, managed to recover in a different way.

Because his talent needs this stage.

Xiangyang has already held a small-scale meeting of hundreds of officials and clans. After entering Beijing, the decision of this meeting must be implemented to promote the results of the reform in an all-round way.

Then, formally, a large-scale meeting of princes, princes and ministers must be held.

While announcing that the Restoration Dynasty was officially in power, it also completely killed the Shunzhi family.

To put it bluntly, at the meeting of princes and ministers discussing politics, Jia Liu, the reforming emperor of the Dorgon family, introduced several new policies that needed the key votes of the spokesperson of the Abata family, Mr. Se.

In the same way, the big cousin Songchun represents the power of Taizu's younger brother, Prince Zhuang, Shuerhaqi.

The representative of this branch is Jierhalang, who once assisted Dorgon in the administration.

Of course, the brother-in-law Xinjun Wang Chunying represents Duoduo.

Jia Liu himself represents Dorgon's branch.

Although Dorgon has no descendants, it does not affect his reputation.

In terms of struggle, it has always been about uniting the majority and attacking the minority.

After the blow is over, subdivide the hill.

For example, the Shunzhi family was attacked this time, and the Huang Taiji family may be attacked next time, and Nurhachi will be directly attacked next time.

No matter how many steps he takes, every step Jia Liu needs to attract a group of people to cheer for him.

In the end, it is so festive to close the business and get a new business license to open the door to pick up customers.

Throughout the ages, it has been this way.

Asking Qianlong to write a letter to the general governor who refused to surrender, saying that he was following the old example of Song Gaozong and returning power to the descendants of Emperor Yi, was also a supplement to this political struggle.

It is best to make the diehards in the provinces bow their heads. If they cannot bow their heads, they can only start the civil war mode.

Jia Liu still pays more attention to righteousness.

Of course, at different stages, his understanding and characterization of righteousness and legal system are also different.

Like his last name, it is more flexible.

However, even though it needs the support of Abate, represented by Mr. Se, it does not mean Mr. Se can continue to have power.

Because, his eldest cousin doesn't like traitors.

Strictly speaking, Uncle Se is the biggest traitor of the Qing Dynasty.

If it weren't for him, could Qianlong be reduced to the vice president of the Poetry Association?

Jia Liu's only request for Uncle Se is to keep the hat king treatment of Uncle Biao and be a good mascot.

If Mr. Se doesn't stop and try to be the same as before, he will obviously be a little confused about the big and small kings.

But judging by the posture of the old man, he really doesn't know that four twos can bring the big and small kings together.

"You want to see my dad?"

Jia Liu must reconfirm whether this is Uncle Biao's real idea, so as not to make a mistake.

The uncle expressed his affirmation that he urgently needs to see his cousin now.

Because he didn't think that he was captured by Ji Dayandai, but had already led an uprising to announce the restoration. Ji Dayanda didn't talk about Wude and launched a surprise attack, which made him not do his best.

Therefore, the nephew should not characterize him as a prisoner, but should still be regarded as a hero.

In this way, give the uncle some power, right?
Power is something, once tasted, I really don't want to lose it.

I was too embarrassed to express my feelings to my cousin, so I thought about asking my cousin Daquan to be a lubricant and mediate in the middle.

They're all relatives, so it's good to talk about some things.

The uncle's requirements are not high, the regent can give up, but at least the hat king must be given the real power of two flags, and he should also have a place in the military aircraft department.

Jia Liu has nothing to say, the uncle wants to see his brother, as a junior, he has no reason to stop his cousin from meeting.

"Well, I'll let someone take you to see my father."

At the moment, Wang Sixi, the head of the security department, is ordered to take Prince An to meet the Supreme Emperor and his old man.

"My lord, this way please!"

Wang Sixi, who was born in the Han Army Banner, was very warm and polite to Master Se, after all, even if he fell down, he would still be the emperor's first cousin.

"Where does the Supreme Emperor live?"

Uncle Se was full of thoughts about finding accommodation with his cousin, so he was very anxious.

"It's here, it's almost here."

Director Wang comforted Prince An not to worry, and took him to the Qingdao Office not far from the Changping County Government Office.

The Road Cleaning Office is the department responsible for the sanitation and cleaning of the city gate roads.

The public institution directly under the Liufang Workshop of the county government.

Usually there are 60 to [-] people, and they are not fed by the county's finances, but by collecting sanitation fees from shops along the street.

Pointing to the Taoist Office, Director Wang told Prince An that he was here.


Uncle Se, who can read, stared at the big characters in Qing Dao Suo in a daze: "Is the Supreme Emperor here?"

Director Wang didn't say anything, and went directly into the Cleaning House. When he came out, he already had an extra broom in his hand, and then enthusiastically stuffed it into Prince An's hands.

"What is this for?"

Uncle Se was confused for no reason, he didn't understand what the other party meant when he didn't take him to see his cousin Daquan, and brought him a broom when he brought him to this cleansing place.

Director Wang didn't go back to Prince An, but told Director Ding, the person in charge of the Qingdao Institute, that this person will be arranged with you in the future, and you should arrange it in the institute for food and lodging, and don't worry too much about work. Take care.

In front of the yellow mandarin jacket, Director Ding did not dare to show the airs of the director, nodded and bowed his head: "Okay, okay, the villain understands, and the adults can rest assured!"

Turning around, seeing Prince An still holding the broom in a daze, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and said unhappily: "I said that so-and-so, who has no vision at all, what are you doing in a daze, hurry up and get to work!"

With such a swipe of the hand, it means that this street is your area.

"Let me sweep the streets!"

Uncle Se finally understood, threw the broom on the ground angrily, and was about to scold you slaves for being blind, when two strong men suddenly appeared on the left and the right, without saying a word He set up Prince An and dragged him to the place.

"What are you doing!"

"I want to see the Supreme Emperor, I want to see the Supreme Emperor!"

Uncle Se's roar stopped abruptly as the gate of the Qingdao Office was closed.

Director Wang pouted, and led the person away with his hands behind his back.

After walking not far, a sanitation truck stopped at the entrance of the cleaning station. The driver got off the truck and said to the old man in the truck, "Old Chen, you move these buckets in, and I'll go take a piss."

"Hey, hey, good, good."

Wearing a bunt and a melon cap, Qianlong carefully got down from the car with a smile on his face, and then moved the barrels one by one into the place with great difficulty.

This is the work arranged for him by the organization. It is said that the establishment of the Poetry Association is still some time away, so I ask Lao Chen to go deep into the people and feel the joys, sorrows and joys of the people, so that the poems created in the future can be close to the people and have deep power and timeless charm.

Where is the best place to reach people?
Of course it was street sweeping.

Serving the common people during the day, and serving the Emperor at night, life will be very fulfilling, and you will not be cranky.

(End of this chapter)

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