Sir, you have to pay more

Chapter 949 Prodigal Toy 6 Emperor

But Lao Ah was wrong this time.

The Six Emperors are not going to be the female director of the Forbidden City, but want to know how many treasures there are in the palace.

According to the spirit of the law, these treasures are now owned by his six emperors.

It is his six emperors who have everything.

According to the general Shuangwen plot, the protagonist as the winner must copy the opponent's home.

The kind that don't let go of a hair.

His opponent, Qianlong, was also an avid collector of art. It is said that he was a master collector in the feudal era, and all the good things went to sea.

In addition to seeing the rare treasures with your own eyes, it is also to prevent the passing of time and know what is happening.

Because Jia Liu was worried that if he didn't count the inventory in advance, Lao Ji, Lao Ah, and Queenie would be able to empty his treasure chest.

This is very possible.

Especially Lao Ji, maybe he can make a bunch of fakes to replace the real ones of his six emperors.

Anyway, the Six Emperors don't understand.

In the field of literary and play appreciation, Jia Liu's skill is not comparable to that of Lao Ji, even Qianlong's Little Finger.

What other people say is what they say, and they have no right to speak.

No way, who made each of them born in different environments, so that the level of art appreciation is not on the same starting line.

Even the upright president, Lao Li, who has never been corrupt, will be dragged down by Lao Ji and Lao Ah if he is not clean.

It is a common problem among scholars that they will go home when they see something with a sense of age.

Jia Liu has always been the only one who steals people's homes, how can anyone steal his home.

Therefore, inventory must be made in advance.


Jin Jian, who had been minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 20 years thanks to his late sister's blessing, is definitely an expert in the field of work. Now he is familiar with the road and took His Majesty the Emperor to the treasure house.

This treasure house is located in the Sanxi Hall in the West Nuan Pavilion of the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

It is the smallest and least number of treasures in the inner palace collection.

However, the treasures placed here are the best of the best.

Including Wang Xizhi's "Quick Snow and Sunny Post", Wang Xianzhi's "Mid-Autumn Post", and Wang Xun's "Bo Yuan Post", which were borrowed by Jia Liu.

These three treasures of calligraphy are also the origin of the name "Sanxitang".

There are also two treasures in the hall, Qianlong's favorite Tianhuang Sanlianzhang and "Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains", no matter which one is enough to shock the world of cultivating immortals.

Although treasures cannot be measured by money, there is really nothing other than money that can rank these treasures.

"The treasures in Sanxitang start at a minimum of hundreds of millions of RMB!"

Jin Jian's statement was quite appropriate and straightforward, and Jia Liu nodded repeatedly, not realizing that there was a problem with Lao Jin's words.

The old Ah who was following heard this, curled his lips, thinking that he would not have sold the emperor's diary to Jin Jian if he had known.

When I came to Sanxi Hall, I saw a seal on the gate, and the inscription was "Forbidden City Temporary Management Committee".

The director of the interim management committee is Quinney, and the deputy director is the only one.

A full-time temporary dispatch agency in charge of royal property.

In addition to the Forbidden City, Changchun Garden, Yuanmingyuan and other royal gardens are also under its jurisdiction.

After the eunuch in charge of Sanxi Hall carefully stepped forward and tore off the seal to open the warehouse, Jia Liu felt a golden light flashing in front of his eyes, like a kid in the Qi training period strayed into the place where the ancestor of Huashen passed away.

That is really a piece of grass is a treasure of heaven and earth!
What golden Buddha, what pearl grapes, what coral trees, what top-grade spiritual stones, and what top-grade magic tools.
There are so many beautiful things on the shelves, it is dazzling to see.

It's like countless beauties lying there.

How to describe Jia Liu's state at that time, that is, his pupils kept dilated, his face turned from rosy to blue, then purple, his lips turned black, and his whole body was twitching, so scared that the old man hurriedly pinched the emperor's people, and went to the emperor again. With a heart-saving pill stuffed in his mouth, he almost went to call the imperial doctor.

Like Uncle Yu smoking, after a deep trembling, Jia Liu managed to recover a little bit of sanity.

The dazzling golden light in front of his eyes seemed to be fading off the beauty's clothes little by little, which made him very addicted.

It seems that it may be because he has just become the emperor and his lack of background has caused Jia Liu to lose his resistance in front of the treasure that can only be possessed by the emperor, and he was almost fascinated.

It takes a while to get used to it.

This is also a common problem of grassroots entrepreneurship.

Li Zicheng didn't even dare to enter the Taimiao where the portrait of Emperor Taizu was hung after he entered Beijing, for fear of being hurt by Zhu Yuanzhang's portrait.

"Your Majesty, this is the catalog of treasures in the hall. There are 487 treasures of all kinds, including X pieces of calligraphy and painting, and X pieces of jade and gold."

While Jin Jian was introducing, Jia Liu was admiring each of them in the hall.

Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden almost like this.

From time to time, I took this one, and from time to time I took that one, pretending to nod and praise, as if I understood it very well.

However, Jin Jian and Lao Ah both noticed that no matter which piece His Majesty took, he would first look at the nameplate on the shelf before shaking his head.

"I didn't expect Qianlong, an old fellow, to search for so many treasures, from all dynasties. I don't know. I was shocked when I saw it, huh? This is Tang Bohu's bird picture of eight female operas? It's amazing, amazing!"

I looked along the shelves one by one, such as Song Huizong's Daoist paintings, Tang Yin's Spring Gongtu, Dong Qichang's running script, Wen Zhengming's landscapes, and the Eight Great Masters of Tang and Song Dynasties.
In short, Sanxitang has all the works of well-known characters in the textbooks.

In Jia Liu's previous life, any one of them could make people live a happy life without worrying about food and clothing, and singing and singing every night.

Without the slightest struggle.


Work shit!

Isn't the purpose of work to not work!

"Huh? This is?"

The enthusiastic Jia Liu suddenly stopped subconsciously by a certain shelf, then rubbed his eyes, and picked up a calligraphy post on the shelf in disbelief after seeing the nameplate.

It is Wang Xizhi's "Quick Snow and Sunshine Post"!
Seeing this, Jin Jian quickly complimented: "Your Majesty is really knowledgeable. This "Quick Snow and Sunshine Post" is the most valuable treasure in Sanxitang. The market price is estimated to be one billion or more."

"So expensive?"

Jia Liu put down the treasure. Due to his limited level of appraisal, he was not sure which one was real and which one was the fake one.

The problem is serious.

If the one he treasured was fake, it meant that his trusted Taoist friend, Queenie, had deceived him.

He didn't get the real thing out of the palace at all, and bought a fake from a random street stall to fool him!

If the one in front of you is fake, it means that Sanxitang has an inner ghost.

Maybe half of the treasures in this room are fake.

It's not impossible.

After all, ever since the fourth devil was imprisoned, the security of the palace had been a huge problem.

It cannot be ruled out that the old rich and the old man have joined forces to move the treasures in the palace home, and it cannot be ruled out that there are staff members stealing secretly.

Since ancient times, the place where treasures have been stolen the most is the safekeeping place.

"The tiger's mouth came out of the box, and the tortoise jade was destroyed in the box. Whose fault is it?"

Unable to restrain himself, Jia Liu sighed like the fourth devil.

Although they are aimed at different things, they are similar in nature.

Both Lao Ah and Jin Jian were at a loss as to why His Majesty the Emperor asked this question.

Of course they knew the answer, that kid He Shen was also able to answer Qianlong in time, and Qing Yunzhi became a member of the ministry at a young age.

Jia Liu ignored the reaction of the two, and only wondered whether to ask Ding Qing to organize a special investigation in private, or to copy the old Fu and Uncle Se's house directly.

While thinking about it, Jin Jian introduced another treasure, which is the eight pillars of Lanting Pavilion.

The "Eight Columns of Lanting" are the four authentic copies of "Lanting Preface" copied by Yu Shinan, Chu Suiliang, Liu Gongquan and Feng Chengsu that Qianlong spent 40 years collecting. Minzhong was ordered to fill in the original edition with Que Bi's full version, Dong Qichang's "Lanting Preface", and Qianlong's hand-edited Dong Qichang's "Lanting Preface".

There are a total of eight types of "Lanting Preface" ink and stone carvings. Although they are all copies, no matter which one is taken out, it will cause a sensation in the antique market for a month.

After listening to Jin Jian's introduction, Jia Liuhu suddenly asked: "If this Lanting Eight Pillar Zhen is sold as a package, how much can it sell for?"


Jin Jian was stunned for a moment, and based on his professional knowledge and understanding of the market, he gave a price of 100 billion, that is, he could sell two to three million taels of silver.

But there are very few people who can afford this price. Except for the nouveau riche of the Thirteen Banks in Guangdong and the well-established families in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, only Westerners may be able to afford it.

In the area of ​​Beijing, even the princes might not be able to afford the money.

Jin Jian thought for a while and said, "If you sell eight pieces together, no one will be able to eat them, but if you sell one piece alone, I think the market in the capital can digest it."

Jia Liu nodded without saying anything, walked to a jade mountain and asked Jin Jian what it was.

"Returning to the emperor, this jade mountain was named Dayu to control the water. It was built by Qianlong's Ministry of Internal Affairs. It took ten years before and after. It is nine feet five inches high and weighs more than 60 catties. After carving, it can be sold for at least 150 million taels."

Perhaps realizing that His Majesty the Six Emperors cared more about the value of works of art, Jin Jian thoughtfully gave an internal evaluation price for each treasure, but cunningly discounted it by [-]%.

That is, the ones that can be sold for 100 million taels on the market can reach 50 taels at most.

It may be to eat the difference.

Lao Ah also realized this, but he did not expose Jin Jian, but prepared to do this business with Jin Jian.

Of course, the premise is that His Majesty the Emperor is really willing to sell the treasures in the palace.

As long as the emperor opens his mouth, the middleman will be determined by him.

It won't work if anyone grabs it!

Jia Liu is really thinking about selling this treasure.

For one thing, he himself has no bad habit of collecting, and he doesn't like to turn so many handed down treasures into his own family.

Therefore, two options are being considered.

One is to sell some relatively recent calligraphy and painting works, as well as handicrafts such as jade, gold and silver, which will not only promote the prosperity of the cultural market, but also greatly increase the country's fiscal revenue.

If the treasury has money, it can develop on a large scale. When the country develops, the people will naturally follow suit. Not to mention letting the more than 3 million people in the Qing Dynasty go to a well-off society in advance, it should not be difficult to solve the problem of food and clothing.

The second is to take out some treasures and set up a museum, so that people in the world can see these treasures left by the predecessors regardless of their wealth or background.

Although this matter cannot generate income in terms of finances, it is a real event that can really make people all over the world feel the new atmosphere.

As for his personal, just get a few hundred pieces and put them under the bed to make ashes, there is no need to put them all to mold.

In the future, there will be a real revolution, and future generations will have no money to eat, so just take a few pieces and sell them.

Thinking of this, I asked how many antiques were collected in the Forbidden City on Jinjian.

Jin Jian said that there are more than 13000 pieces collected in the palace, including 2000 pieces of calligraphy and painting works of Jin, Tang, Song and Yuan Dynasties, 2000 pieces of calligraphy and painting of Ming Dynasty, and the rest are various jade, gold and silver sculptures.

In addition, Changchun Garden, Yuanmingyuan and other places also collected a large number of treasures, with a total of seven to eight thousand pieces.

The old man thought about the holy meaning, and immediately said: "Your Majesty, assuming that the tomb of the emperor Kangxi is X, then the treasures stored in the palace are X multiplied by 100."

What is X?
The value of art unearthed from the grave of the holy ancestor Kangxi was sold for about 800 million taels, so X is 800 million taels, multiplied by one hundred, [-] million taels!
This number means that Jia Liu does nothing, just lies in the Forbidden City and waits to die, and it will also allow the Qing Dynasty to transition peacefully to the arrival of the Paris Commune.

The problem is that the domestic market will definitely not be able to sell at this price.

Therefore, the great powers need to intervene.

In Jia Liu's view, the great powers at this time were also serious businessmen.

Otherwise, hundreds of millions of taels of silver would not flow into the East every year.

It will be at least 50 years before they want to be serious businessmen.

But in the past 50 years, Jia Liu has been able to open an international museum, grab their things and sell them at a high price.

If you want to sell tacky words, just change it.

It's like exchanging this jade mountain for a few steam engines, who do you think is the best deal?
Thinking of this, Jia Liu no longer hesitated, and immediately ordered the golden slip: "All calligraphy and painting works stamped with chapters such as Qianlong's Imperial Appreciation, Sanxitang Jingjian Seal, Yizisun, etc., all of which are no more than 300 years old will be taken out. In addition, handicrafts made of gold, silver, jade and stone tools can be sold regardless of the age. It doesn’t matter who the buyer is, even Western devils, as long as they can afford high prices, they can sell them.”

Old Ah Yi heard that this is not good, how can such a big deal be cheap for Jin Jian, a young man of this age, when he was about to protest, Old Ji's mournful voice came from outside the house: "Your Majesty, you can't, you can't!"

The excited old Ji rushed in regardless of the difference between the monarch and his ministers, and pointed at the emperor angrily and said a lot.

It's nothing more than the fact that the Six Emperors were not the masters, and they actually thought of selling Chinese treasures to Western devils.
"Things belong to me, and I can sell them however I want, what are you yelling about!"

Jia Liu is also getting angry, why should he sell his own things and ask you, Lao Ji, to agree!
Besides, it's better for me to sell it myself than to be stolen by you guys thinking about it.


Lao Ji was stunned, and then stomped his feet angrily: "The emperor can sell it if he really wants to, but my people in the Qing Dynasty must have the right of first refusal! Officials must also enjoy preferential prices!"

Then he pointed to his own nose with righteous indignation on his face: "Ruchen, the prime minister and deputy minister of the cabinet, you have to give me a [-]% discount no matter what!"

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