Sir, you have to pay more

Chapter 972 The World Loves 6 Emperors

Chapter 972 The whole world loves the Six Emperors
Jia Liu feels that the relationship between He Shen and him now is a business-like one, that is, whatever the six emperors ask He Shen to do, He Shen will do it.

But outside of official business, the two are like strangers, and the intimacy they used to have is hard to find anymore.

This is also impossible.

Who asked Jia Liu to pull down Ren Heshen's good Bole?

But Jia Liu didn't treat He Shen badly, at least his current position is definitely worth the money.

You must know that although He Shen is only the left servant of the Ministry of Accounting, Yonggui, the Minister of the Ministry of Accounting, is now in a semi-retired state, so the actual work of the Ministry of Accounting is presided over by He Shen, who belongs to the minister who enjoys the treatment of the head of the Ministry.

That is to say, the work of the household department is handled by Heshen from top to bottom. Everyone knows that Heshen is the favored and lucky minister who was single-handedly promoted by Qianlong. This shows how much Jia Liu values ​​He Shen.

Moreover, he did not kill Qianlong, who was kind to Heshen in promotion (it does not rule out a special relationship).

Therefore, I hope in my heart that He Shen can reconcile with the other six emperors as before, and contribute to the rise of the Qing Dynasty together.

If He Shen still has resentment and hostility towards him deep in his heart, Jia Liu doesn't care, as long as He Shen can do his job well.

As for whether He Shen will become a famous corrupt official in history, Jia Liu thinks it is [-]-[-].

Just maybe, maybe not.

The possible reason is that the reform cause will surely open an unprecedented door for Heshen. Facing the unprecedented temptation of gold and silver, it is hard to say whether he can stick to his heart.

The reason why it may not be is that the current He Shen has undergone a fundamental qualitative change from the He Shen of that time and space.

It just doesn't rule out that He Shen will transform into He Qingtian after this blow.

At present, this possibility is very high, because according to the private investigation by the Internal Affairs Committee, He Shilang belongs to the type of clean and honest official, and if his house is copied, it is estimated that he will not be able to copy a thousand taels of silver.

Of course, Jia Liu is happy to see Heshen develop towards the official direction of the Qing Dynasty. He is even more willing to see Heshen can complete the mission he did not complete in the Qianlong Dynasty, which is to lead the Qing army and civilians to truly go international.

Make a fortune abroad.

He planned to let Heshen work in the household department for a few years before he was awarded the title of former imperial minister, and organized a mission to establish diplomatic relations with various countries in the West to see if he could create an axis or alliance in the 18th century.

The situation is developing smoothly, and it is not impossible to start a world war 100 years ahead of schedule.

In addition to supervising the transportation of food and grass for the army, He Shen also had three things to report to the Six Emperors face to face.

The first thing is of course the identification of treasures in the palace, which can be said to be Jia Liu's private matter.

Because the treasures in the palace were completely taken over from the fourth devil and belonged to the emperor's private property, although he reached an underwriting contract with the cabinet and allowed the bureaucratic group to plunder the wool of his six emperors, in essence this matter is still a private matter.

".Currently, the Chentong expert team has completed two batches of identification work involving more than 3600 treasures in the palace. Among them, 2950 pieces can be sold, and the rest can't be sold. It is stored in the House of Internal Affairs, Changchun Garden, and Yuanmingyuan. According to the decree, next year Changchun Garden will be turned into a national museum. At that time, no matter who the soldiers and civilians of the Qing Dynasty are, they can enter the venue with a ticket."

"By ticket?"

Jia Liu poured Heshen a bowl of tea, motioned for him to sit down and talk, and then asked Heshen how much he planned to sell for a ticket.

After taking his seat, He Shen said that he planned to set the ticket price at ten renminbi, and that the revenue collected from the tickets would be used for the operation of the National Museum, and the excess part would be handed over to the Shuntian Household for the construction of the capital’s infrastructure. The reconstruction plan of Beijing Normal University proposed by relevant departments.

The price of Shiwen is not high.

Jia Liu went to several vegetable markets when he was investigating prices in the capital. Fish sold for 20 renminbi per catty, pork 35 renminbi per catty, and vegetables generally did not exceed ten renminbi per catty.

Therefore, the price of Shiwen's visit is extremely cheap, which is in line with the original intention of the Six Emperors to establish the National Museum so that everyone in the Qing Dynasty can appreciate the national treasure.

He nodded in approval at the moment, but asked Heshen to halve the ticket price to five yuan. Officers, soldiers, students, people with meritorious service, people with disabilities, and the elderly over the age of [-] can visit for free.

"The Qing Dynasty is not short of this little money, and I don't mean to take money from the people. You can come up with a specific charter with the Ministry of Industry. In the future, the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be responsible for the insufficient expenses of the National Museum."

It means that the emperor pays out of his own pocket to distribute welfare to the common people. In addition to the National Museum, the zoo located in Yuanmingyuan also handles it in the same way.

He Shen owed him, meaning that he would follow the emperor's instructions.

"Tell me about the Ministry of Accounts Bank."

Jia Liu took out the paperwork about the establishment of the household bank that He Shen had submitted to the cabinet for discussion last month.

The concept of a bank was actually instilled in Heshen by Jia Liu. The Bank of Sichuan, founded by Chairman Li when he was the governor of Sichuan, is now basically mature in business, but it is currently in a state of loss.

The reason is that Lao Li lent most of the people's deposits absorbed by the Bank of Sichuan to the Six Emperors to develop industries. Now that industry and commerce have just started sailing, it will take at least next year for the Bank of Sichuan to obtain high returns.

It is actually a stupid way to give high interest rates to attract common people and merchants to save money in the era of inconvenient transportation.

Because the currency of silver and copper coins is too heavy and bulky, there must be various inconveniences in storage and transportation, and it also involves a lot of guards.

This leads to the need to hire a large number of people to start a bank, which incurs huge expenses.

The emergence of escort bureaus is actually a subcontracting by Qianzhuang in order to reduce expenses.

At present, the major banks in the market do not pay interest, and they all charge deposit fees and off-site acceptance fees for operation, and the other is the lending business.

Therefore, it is unprecedented for the Bank of Sichuan to attract people's money with high interest rates. At that time, some bankers said that this bank is simply stupid and rich in money.

As a result of the high interest rate, the Bank of Sichuan has to pay depositors extremely high interest every year. Unless they want to make a living, they can even pawn their underwear if they lose money.

At the beginning, Jia Liu came up with this stupid method because he had no money. The current traffic conditions are definitely impossible to continue this method of attracting funds with high interest rates. Banking business must follow the characteristics of the times.

That is to go back to the old way.

Unless there is such an efficient means of transportation as railways.

He Shen is more cognizant of the concept of a bank. He investigated the operation of major banks in Beijing and China, and combined with the current booming trade, he felt that it was necessary to open a bank with a national unified nature.

Then the bank is responsible for the domestic and foreign trade capital circulation, so that it can obtain income from deposit and withdrawal procedures in addition to normal taxation.

When the conditions are ripe, banknotes similar to money can even be issued to Western merchants.

As long as the Qing Dynasty survives and China has the goods needed by Western countries, there is no need to worry about the banknotes issued by the Bank of Households being boycotted by international trade.

In the booklet, He Shen proposed that the reserve fund of the household department be 1000 million taels of Kuping silver, divided into [-] shares, half of which was subscribed by the household department, and the rest should be purchased by officials and ordinary people, but there was a premise that foreigners could not be resold.

"After the establishment of the Household Bank, in addition to the business of depositing and withdrawing loans, buying and selling gold and silver, exchanging money notes, and depositing property on behalf of others, it also has the privileges of accepting silver and copper coins and acting as an agent for the Ministry of Finance. Western merchants deposit and withdraw funds. In addition to setting up the head office in the capital, we also set up branches in Tianjin, Baoding, Jinan, Kaifeng, Xiangyang, Jiangning, Suzhou, Chengdu and other places.”

He Shen said that the Bank of Sichuan, which was originally established in Sichuan, would be merged into the Bank of Accounts Department and renamed Sichuan Branch of the Bank of Accounts Department.

As for the business handled by the Bank of Sichuan before, due to the small scale, the account department can settle it in one go.But after that, the business must be supervised and guided by the Ministry of Household Affairs, and Sichuan Province can no longer be responsible.

The general idea is correct, but there are some details that are not perfect. The result of the cabinet discussion is that it can be started, but it has to wait until next year for implementation.

"I have read it carefully, and I completely agree with your idea, but what I mean is to change the name of the Bank of the Household Department to the Central Bank, and to take advantage of the east wind of commerce to open our Central Bank overseas and become a businessman, official, and even Their first choice for noble deposits.

Of course, our central bank is absolutely confidential about depositors' funds and storage information.Even the king's deposits cannot be told to their citizens. "

Jia Liu proposed the concept of establishing a world bank, and emphasized that recognizing votes does not recognize people.

If the central bank develops smoothly in 20 years, the other six emperors will start the task of export reform, which will plunge Western countries into turmoil and paralyze their financial systems.

At that time, a stable and powerful central bank will become the only choice for wealthy people in Western countries to hedge against risks.

A group of more people go to the guillotine, which means that the six emperors earn more money for the country.

This idea is very clever.

At present, there are many banks in Western countries, but the concept of a world bank has not yet appeared, or is in its infancy.

Therefore, the other six emperors are willing to serve the wealthy people in Western countries.

In this way, to actively expand externally, a strong and honest image must be established as soon as possible.

He Shen pondered for a moment, and did not object to the statement of the six emperors, but took out a box and took out some coins minted by the Ministry of Industry.

Silver and copper coins.

Each denomination is different, one, two, five, and ten silver coins.

Copper coins are divided into one and five.

On the reverse side of the copper coin is a winged eagle with a long snake in its mouth, and on the front side are the currency value and flowers.

The reverse side of the silver coin is a person's head portrait, and the front side is the currency value.

The profile picture of this person is of course the handsome profile picture of the Six Emperors of the Restoration Hundred Families.

Whether it is a silver coin or a copper coin, the fineness is full, and the workmanship is also extremely sophisticated. The edge of the silver coin is still jagged, which looks very majestic.

Jia Liu picked up a five-coin silver coin and blew, put it to his ear and listened, then turned it on the table casually, accompanied by the sound of the silver coin falling slowly, the sound was pure and gentle, and he felt calm, which was the kind of sound of nature. sound.

These are naturally the big silver dollars that the Six Emperors want to promote to the whole country and the world.

In the previous life, more than one billion silver dollars issued by Western countries circulated in China, basically occupying the Chinese currency market, resulting in the hard-earned money of the Chinese being harvested by Western countries without blood.

Now, of course, his six emperors will export in reverse, so that his avatar can be circulated all over the world, making him the greatest person in the eyes of the people all over the world, and at the same time the cutest person!

Then, Jia Liu paid special attention to quality issues.

It is not allowed to print the silver dollar with your own portrait on it, and it will be polished and polished by the common people after a few years of use.

He Shen took it seriously, bowed to the Six Emperors as usual after the meeting, and withdrew.

When he was about to return to the capital, he unexpectedly saw a familiar figure of an old man squatting in the corner not far away.

In front of the old man were several large buckets, in addition to the cold river water, there were piles of bowls and chopsticks in the buckets.


The same familiar voice made Qianlong, who was washing the dishes, startled physically and mentally for no reason, and then turned his head to see the handsome face he was particularly fond of.

After a few breaths, Qianlong tremblingly stood up from the small stool, wiped his red hands on the apron first, and wanted to reach out to shake hands with Heshen, but suddenly retracted after reaching out.

Then he said firmly: "My lord, the emperor is a thing of the past. I am a person who committed a capital crime against the country and the people. It is the greatest honor in my life to be given the job of serving the people by His Majesty. , you must never call me by the past name again, I can't stand it"

(End of this chapter)

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