The sunrise in the east did not warm the land outside the pass, but it became colder and colder. The northwest wind blew on the face like a knife.

Literally dripping into ice.

Most of the reform officers and soldiers occupying the Shisanshan Station came from the Huguang area, and they were really not used to the cold outside the customs. When the troops left the customs, in order to cope with the cold weather outside the customs, the Ministry of War specially distributed three catties of cotton-padded jackets to the troops, and each sent A dog fur hat for warmth.

In fact, in terms of keeping warm, mink fur hats are undoubtedly the best, but it is impossible for the army to distribute a mink fur hat to every officer and soldier in batches. Therefore, when the Ministry of War was formulating the battle plan for leaving the customs, it received special instructions from the emperor who was receiving foreign businessmen in Tianjin. , asked the relevant troops to be equipped with dog fur hats that could cover their ears, saying that this could effectively prevent officers and soldiers from getting frostbite on their heads and ears.

The emperor's instructions must have been followed.

As a result, the prefectures and counties around Gyeonggi sent people into the villages to collect dogs at a high price in order to fulfill the dog skin quota assigned by the above.

At the same time, it also solved the winter meat problem for the troops, which can be regarded as killing multiple birds with one stone.

In order to improve the armor rate of the troops, the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of War, and the Yamen of the Infantry Commander of the Beijing Division conducted a large-scale inventory of military supplies all over the city, including copying the prince's mansion that had been deposed, and managed to collect more than 4000 pieces of armor.

In addition, as many as tens of thousands of muskets, dozens of artillery pieces, and some military equipment were confiscated throughout the city, completely disarmed the armed forces of the Eight Banners, effectively eliminated the hidden dangers of public security in the city, and laid the foundation for the next step to fully open up the city, chemical The flag provides a basis for peace for the people.

But even though the Ministry of War provided the best cold-proof equipment of this era for the army to leave the customs, the southern soldiers who left the customs for the first time were still a little uncomfortable with the cold weather outside the customs. Many officers and soldiers were shivering in their calves from the cold wind. .

Because of His Majesty's strict decree that frostbite is not allowed to reduce personnel without reason, Zu Yingyuan, the admiral of the Second Army, ordered all the ministries to cut down trees near the garrison, so as to make a fire for warmth, and to eliminate the obstacles to the soldiers' vision.

In the current situation, there is no need to hide the whereabouts of the troops.

After the ministries received the order, they built fires on the spot with the battalion as the unit. From a distance, the Thirteen Mountains area seemed to be dotted with stars, and it was like a long dragon with a circumference of twenty miles surrounding the thirteen towers of different heights. mountain peak.

It's just different from those Guannei soldiers sitting around the bonfire who are still rubbing their hands and blushing from the cold, a troop wearing a hat like tiger skin, holding a large shield in their left hand and a long knife in their right hand. Against the cold wind, they lined up and looked ahead solemnly.

Motionless, like an ice sculpture.

The eyebrows and beards of these soldiers were frozen into stubble, but they still stood upright in the cold wind.

This is the elite tiger clothing battalion in the third town.

Formerly a tiger-clothed rattan soldier of Jilin Suo Lun Camp, four years ago, he was ordered to enter the customs to participate in the pacification of the Jinchuan War.

After several reorganizations, half of the Sauron tiger soldiers have been transferred to serve as officers in other places. At present, there are only 200 Sauron soldiers left, but the salary is paid according to the officers.

After being appointed as the commander of the third town, Xin Dasu decided to build a sharp-knife assault force for the town, so he selected 400 tall, strong and strong soldiers from various ministries to make up for it. After several months of brutal training, this battalion of sharp knives and tiger clothes really had the soul of Sauron's elite soldiers back then.

This force is also under the direct command of Shin Dasu.

Half an hour ago, the troops garrisoned by Ma'ergou were attacked by the enemy. Although the fighting time was short and the scale was not large, Xindasu, who had been in battle for a long time, knew that a big war was coming.

The scouting horses scattered by the cavalry have been compressed to a radius of five miles. According to the information sent back by the scouting horses, a cavalry force of tens of thousands of people has already moved from Yushupu, Shifobao in the north, Banyang Station in the east, Guangning Station, etc. Approaching Shisanshan Station in all directions.

At present, our own horses are still being compressed by the enemy's cavalry, which shows that the enemy has already started to attack.

In the binoculars, there were no enemy troops in the opposite field, but the air was filled with a smell mixed with livestock manure. Xindasu knew that the enemy was very close.

After putting down the binoculars, he suddenly said to Boulder, the commander of the Tiger Clothes Battalion beside him: "After this battle, take time to go home and have a look."


The 40-year-old Bird nodded, with the tenderness of an iron-blooded man in his eyes, "My two cubs are probably taller than me."

"Four years, should be taller than you."

Xin Dasu smiled, and then his nose became a little sore, because he also missed home, his parents, his wife and children.

Going home is the biggest dream and the biggest luxury of the Saurons.

For a hundred years, the Qing government recruited Sauron every time there was a war. Many of them were middle-aged when they left home in their teens. Some even left home with their children in their hands, and returned home with grandchildren. .

It is undoubtedly lucky to be able to come back alive to see loved ones. Most people leave home and never return.

There are also fewer and fewer men in his hometown, and there are only a few of Xindasu's childhood playmates left now.

Four years ago, he thought that he might never go back, because the bravest Hai Lancha of Sauron all died in Jinchuan.

But he didn't expect that four years later, not only would he be alive, but he would also come back with a large army.

And, he can go home.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help telling Bord one thing: "The emperor said that after taking Shengjing, he will give us Sauron a house, land, and livestock. In addition, the elderly can retire from the army and transfer to another place. From now on, we will hold our wives and children to keep warm." Kangtou, there is no need to run around anymore.”

Boled was startled when he heard this: "The emperor doesn't want us Sauron to fight for him?"

Shindasu shook his head and told Emperor Bold that Sauron had shed too much blood for this country, and the imperial court would no longer recruit them to fight in the customs. He only needed to guard the white mountains and black waters for the country outside the customs, and concentrate on dealing with the already Just reach the Raksha people in Heilongjiang.

"I've heard about the Raksha people. Some people say that the Raksha people have red hair and blue eyes and can eat people, but I don't believe it. As long as they are human, we Saurons won't be afraid of him."

As Boulder was speaking, the sound of a horn suddenly sounded in the distance, and then a voice came from his ear: "There are wolf smoke rising in the southeast!"

"Warning in the northwest direction!"

"The direction of Tanqi Mountain is also rising!"

"Warning in the direction of Fairy Peak!"


"follow me!"

Xindasu was the first to climb up to the high place. In the binoculars, there were beacon smoke and warning firework bombs exploding in the air, and then there was the sound of rumbling guns from the northeast, and the friendly army on the left also made loud noises.

"The whole army is in formation, ready to fight!"

Following Xin Dasu's order, thousands of officers and soldiers of his department lined up from different directions like a dragon turning over.

The ground under his feet trembled instantly.

In the horizon, black cavalry rushed towards them like a tide.

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