Chapter 984

The battle report sent by the Eastern Corps was very brief, just one sentence - "The Corps captured Jinzhou at dusk yesterday."

"Why doesn't Commander Wang write more about such a big matter?"

Queenie felt that the chief king of the Eastern Corps didn't know how to be an official, so you can just say a few words when you lose a battle, because too many descriptions will easily make His Majesty angry.But after winning the battle, Jinzhou, the eastward bridgehead, was still conquered in three days. If you don't give your Majesty a detailed description of ten thousand words, you won't be able to be a man.

"What I want is the result, not the process. Commander Wang understands me. He knows that I like dry goods."

Jia Liujue is very good, and Wang Fu is indeed one of his most valued successors, who understands the profound meaning of simplification.

Lao Ji thought for a while and asked: "Since Jinzhou is liberated, should the imperial camp be moved to Jinzhou?"

"Get it!"

Jia Liu decides to move to Jinzhou immediately. He has special feelings for Jinzhou, an important town that occupies a large part of the history of the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties.

Such as Daling River, such as Hunhe River, such as Shenyang, such as Sarhu.
For future generations, these place names represent heaviness, regret, and unforgettable pain.

Deputy Section Chief Jia is no exception.

Who is he, what kind of blood is shed in his bones, what kind of civilization is inherited, and what kind of history is carried on his back, he doesn't need textbooks to reshape him, and he doesn't need anyone to correct him.

Because, his ancestors have been Han Chinese for generations.

Knowing that His Majesty pays attention to efficiency, Lao Ji immediately notified the relevant departments to move, and the ant village immediately got into a hurry, and the carts and cars with various license plates started to move one after another. It didn't take half an hour. As clean as ever.

"Your men won't be long before they come back."

Before leaving, Jia Liu deliberately bid farewell to the landlord Hesheli's family, and told them that Jinzhou had been liberated, and that the conscripted men in the village would return home within a few days.

When they left, they also asked someone to leave two silver ingots weighing five taels for the Hesheli family, which were used as accommodation expenses for the past few days, and they specially dragged Queenie to fill up the water tank in the Hesheli family.

The old Hesheli was moved to tears, and he took His Majesty's hand and asked who His Majesty was.

"I am Aixinjueluo's good son."

After leaving this extremely simple answer, Jia Liuyi reluctantly said goodbye to the fellow Manchurians in the village.

Since the fall of Shenyang and Liaoyang, the Ming and Qing wars have always revolved around Jinzhou. It can be said that this city witnessed the rise of the Qing army and also witnessed the decline and fall of the Ming Dynasty.

Although Jia Liuchang ridiculed Azu's family as hereditary traitors, objectively speaking, Azu's old grandpa Zu's birthday is worthy of the Ming Dynasty.

During the long-term siege of the Qing army, the Mongols in the city wavered and opened the east gate of Jinzhou to surrender, but even though the Qing army occupied the outer city of Jinzhou, Zu Dashou still led the Ming army to hold on to the inner city of Jinzhou.It was not until Hong Chengchou's army was annihilated in the Battle of Songshan and Jinzhou City fell into the tragedy of cannibalism again that Zu Dashou was forced to surrender to the Qing Dynasty.

"As for Dashou, it is still necessary to evaluate objectively."

On the post road leading to Jinzhou, on an ordinary carriage full of grain and grass, Jia Liu suddenly got up from the grain bag and said something to Lao Ji who was sitting in front of the carriage.


While driving the car, Lao Ji turned his head back and asked His Majesty the Emperor who was lying on the carriage and looking at him: "What kind of objective method? I have already falsified Jia Hanfu's life, so we can't make up Zu's birthday anymore, right?"

"If you think of a way, you don't have to make up random things. You can refine the bright spots. If you avoid the truth, you can't understand it. You don't deny that Zu Dashou was a traitor when he surrendered to the Qing Dynasty, but he also doesn't deny that Zu Dashou fought against the Qing army before he surrendered to the Qing Dynasty. His heroic deeds, history, should be coarse rather than detailed, and should be viewed in stages."

How to make it up, Jia Liu didn't ask, otherwise why would he support Lao Ji.

"The minister is the prime minister and deputy minister of the cabinet, not the emperor's official literati!"

Not knowing whether he was dissatisfied with the emperor asking him to drive the car, or the emperor asking him to write nonsense, Lao Ji raised his neck for the first time to show his resistance to the emperor.

Then the Sixth Emperor stood up straight, looked at him maliciously and asked for advice: "Lao Ji, how did my father push you off the carriage at that time?"


Lao Ji vented his momentum, and said embarrassingly: "I think of a way, as long as the propaganda can keep up, the emperor can make Zu Dashou and Yue Wumu equal names."

"You know how to advertise."

Jia Liu's expression couldn't help softening, Lao Ji improved again, and he realized that the truth is not important, what matters is who tells it.

The common people are ignorant, even if a nation has thousands of years of civilization inheritance, it only takes a few decades to break their backbone, tamper with their inheritance, destroy their civilization, and obliterate their national pride.

This point has been proved countless times in Chinese and foreign history.

Daqing made this play even more clearly.

He talked quickly for a while, and he admired it: "You, Lao Ji, can understand this, which means that you are not far from Siberia."

Lao Ji was confused: "What Siberia?"

"Uh, it means that you are not far from Uncle Feng."

Jia Liu coughed lightly, changed the subject, and told Lao Ji: "In addition, let the National History Museum and the Imperial Academy prepare another team to compile "History of the Qing Dynasty", and try to finish the draft within a year."

"The Qing Dynasty is still alive, isn't it too early to compile history?"

Lao Ji's head hurts.

Jia Liu said casually: "Come on, it's not a bad thing to prepare in advance."

Lao Ji said "Oh": "When does the emperor plan to be crowned the king of subjugation?"

"What coronation? Why do you, Lao Ji, speak with a gun and a stick? It makes me feel weird to listen to."

Just as he was talking, the grain cart turned a corner, and an acquaintance appeared in his sight, and he couldn't help saying hello to him in the car: "Master Fu, what a coincidence, are you going to Jinzhou too?"

"Either you are called big brother, or gang leader, what does it mean to be called deputy gang leader? Are you happy if I want to call you a fake emperor?"

The old rich man in the luxurious carriage was very displeased with the greeting of the six virtuous brothers.

"Huh? Makes sense."

Jia Liu smiled "haha", "By the way, how is Lao Chen doing?"


Old Fu took out the snuff bottle and took a sip. He immediately shivered and became refreshed.

"I want to break the cycle theory of feudal dynasties. Don't change your ways to harm him, let alone lure him to commit crimes. Take good care of him. Isn't it good for us to make progress together?"

While speaking, a gust of northwest wind blew, and Jia Liu couldn't help shivering because of the cold. He quickly bent down, wrapped his sleeves in his big padded jacket and continued to take a nap.

Lao Ji didn't speak. He looked at Zhang Jia, who was dressed in mink velvet, with a dozen or so big oriental beads hanging around his neck, and holding a hand warmer in his hands. When His Majesty the Emperor came out, a question lingered in his mind.

Who the hell is a beggar?

Why is the six devils wronging themselves so much?

(End of this chapter)

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