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Chapter 986 It's Not Ah Fu, It's Yao Wu

It's all called a pit? !
Even though Jia Liu was as bold as an ox, he was also shocked by Ah Fu's astonishing move. He was stuck there for more than a dozen breaths and couldn't say a word.

It's too scary!

You must know that although Jinzhou City was demolished at the beginning of the country, it was rebuilt during the Kangxi period, and a government city was set up here for governance. Therefore, there are at least ten thousand residents in the city besides the defenders, and there may be even more, because the Eight Banners guarding the city The soldiers recruited all the young and strong men with a radius of tens of miles into the city.

As a result, this guy, Ah Fu, without the consent of the emperor, cheated all the soldiers and civilians in the city without authorization, which is simply insane.

The posthumous titles of the six emperors in the future will start with the word "benevolence"!

Since ancient times, Renjun has condoned his subordinates to slaughter the city!
Since his debut, the six emperors have never done anything like a black gun in the back, not to mention massacring the city.

To be able to get to where I am today is entirely due to my personal charm and magnanimity.

Now it's all right, the Dao Xin that was honed with great difficulty was directly destroyed by Wang Fu, and it might stop him in the Nascent Soul Realm.

Everyone hates it so much.

"Damn you! How dare you do this without my will! I said a long time ago that the people of the Eight Banners outside the customs are also my people. How dare you kill all of my people! This matter spread to the world , I am not a tyrant, I am a tyrant!"

In anger, Jia Liushun took off his cloth shoe on his right foot, and slashed at Wang Fu's head.

Baba and Baba.

Wang Fu didn't hide, he stood there and asked the Six Emperors to cut him ten times.

The pointed helmet on his head was crooked.

But he insisted on not saying a word, he was very heroic.

But this made the sixth emperor even more annoyed, because it made him a little bit unable to step down.

Seeing this, Lao Ji was afraid that His Majesty would be furious and perform some great trick, so he kindly reminded Wang Fu: "Commander Wang, give Your Majesty a quick response."

"Ah?.Ah, ah!"

Wang Fu yelled twice helplessly, and straightened his helmet by the way.

After two yells of pain, the face of His Majesty the Emperor opposite was a little better.

Bao Guozhong, the chief of staff of the First Army who rushed over, quickly came up and explained that Jinzhou City is all residents of the Eight Banners. Strictly speaking, they are not ordinary people, but all belong to the Eight Banners soldiers. There were more than [-] casualties, so after the city was broken, Commander Wang ordered the massacre of the city to avenge the dead soldiers.

Of course, it's okay to vent your anger.

The daily operation of the feudal army is nothing more than a fuss.

"When the emperor was in Jinchuan, he once said that the new Eight Banners would not be born if the old Eight Banners were not destroyed! Although the last general did not ask for an order, the last general has always acted according to His Majesty's orders, that is, the last general never forgets. The original intention is to destroy the old Eight Banners! If the general is guilty in this way, then he will not accept it, because it is completely the emperor who taught the general wrongly and led him wrong!"

On Wang Fu's face, there was no sign of admitting his mistake, but instead he looked like I was justified and I was afraid of someone.

From a historical point of view, Wang Fukeng's killing of Jinzhou soldiers and civilians was not an accidental whim, but there were signs and signs.

When the Gongjin Association was founded, Wang Fu, Wang Sixi, Cui Hengyou and others secretly executed more than 200 Eight Banners officers who had escaped from the Muguomu Camp in order to stabilize the morale of the army and control the overall situation after being separated from His Majesty the Emperor.

At that time, Wang Fu was only the "Wang Brigade", but now he is the commander of an army of [-], so it is only logical to order the massacre of the city.

Among the gang of tigers, wolves and eagles and dogs in the Gongjinhui, the most thug is really the director Wang who looks like a tiger with a smile on weekdays.

"Commander Wang, pay attention to the tone of your speech with His Majesty, how could the Emperor be wrong!"

Lao Ji first reprimanded Wang Fu for his improper attitude, then turned his head to look at the six emperors who faced dark faces, and said: "The Eight Banners outside the Guanwai are now fighting against the imperial court. In my opinion, the Eight Banners outside the Guanwai have already exterminated themselves from the Qing Dynasty and from the ranks of the Eight Banners. They are all regarded as rebels, so they should follow the old example of Emperor Cheng Zongyi leading the army to the south, so I think that Commander Wang is not wrong, if His Majesty insists on punishment, I suggest that he should be fined for one year's salary."

Emperor Yi is Dorgon.

Of course, Dorgon's Southern Expedition was a massacre of the city, which shocked the south of the Yangtze River.

Queenie, who came by the special train, listened for a while, and then got out of the car and interjected: "Today's massacre of Jinzhou City can save the cities outside the customs. It is really a good thing for people outside the customs."

"Yes, that's exactly what the general thinks! The general is not guilty of the massacre of the city! When the army leaves the customs, they should use thunderbolts to shock all parties. This is a show of prestige!"

Seeing so many people speak up for him, Wang Fu became more confident.

"If you are innocent, then I am guilty?"

Jia Liu was so angry that he wanted to throw the shoes directly in Wang Fu's face, but when he thought that he had bought the shoes by himself in his busy schedule, he was a little reluctant, so he put them back on his feet and said angrily, "Yang Wei? Yang your grandma!" You might as well be called Yaowu for the power of your legs!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the name!"

Wang Fu stood at attention with a bang, and Xiong stood up straight.

The name Yaowu is good, much more bullish than the name Wang Fu, from now on he will be called Wang Yaowu.


Jia Liu was stunned for a long time before he came to his senses, his brows were raised high in anger, and he shouted in a hurry: "Bring the Yebilong knife! Take the Yebilong knife!"

The treasured sword was worn on Wang Fu's waist.

Before Wang Fu could react, Jia Liu had already stepped forward and pulled out the precious sword dedicated to masters from the scabbard.

"Your Majesty, Commander Wang's crime is not lethal!"

"Your Majesty, please forgive the crime of Chief Wang!"

"Your Majesty, the Eastern Expedition is not over yet, so don't kill the general!"


Everyone was frightened by this scene and pleaded for Wang Fu.

"Head can be broken, blood can flow! As a loyal minister of the Qing Dynasty, I, Wang Yaowu, was born as a reformer and died as a reformer ghost! If the emperor really thinks that Yaowu deserves to die, then Yaowu will die without complaint!"

Unexpectedly, Wang Fu was not timid, and straightly stretched out his neck towards the Six Emperors' sword.

"you you!"

Jia Liu was so angry that he swung his knife fiercely, and with a "bang", he slashed towards the city wall beside him amidst the exclamation of everyone.

Cut off a city wall by five feet.

Enduring the great pain from the tiger's mouth, Jia Liu angrily threw the Ye Bilong sword in front of Wang Fu: "You can be punished for death, but you cannot be forgiven for living. I will punish you for three days of hard work and tear down all the walls of Jinzhou!"


The boulder hanging in Wang Fu's heart fell to the ground. Although he knew that the Sixth Emperor would not kill him, he was really afraid that it would be a coincidence.

Looking around, Jia Liu issued another order: "No matter where in the east of Shanhaiguan, regardless of military or civilian status, regardless of background, you will not be appointed or recorded as an official within five years."

After a short pause, he raised his hand: "The promulgation will be announced and sent to all parts of the country, and the imperial court will be obeyed within ten days, and it will be salty in the reform. Those who follow will be my people and love them; those who do not hesitate will be the same as Jinzhou's rebellious bandits, and the army will arrive. , the city was destroyed and people died, no chickens or dogs were left behind, and every house was clean."

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