Stop forcing me to marry

Chapter 11 I Want Xiangxiang

Chapter 11 I Want Xiangxiang

What Lin Ye said was really reasonable, so not only Taoist Qi believed it, but Emperor Xia and others also believed it.

With this Huatou, you can take advantage of the opportunity to inquire about the secret method that Lin Ye has practiced, and everyone is excited.

It was still Emperor Xia who spoke.

"Dare to ask Lin Qing, what is the cultivation method? How can I recover my strength?"

Lin Ye had put on a good show before, just for the final harvest... Ahhh!

What kind of cutting? How can it be called cutting?

That's a win-win situation!

Smiling, he replied very cleverly: "Originally, the method I practiced in the heaven was called "Financial Quantitative Hedging: Zero-sum Game Supreme Inclusiveness Great Classic".

Although this method is strong, one knife can cut hundreds of millions of people at the same time, like cutting leeks, but it is highly dependent on the unique environment and rules of the heaven.

I'm afraid it can no longer be repaired.

When I look at my own body, my mind and soul are stable and my physical body is outstanding. I think it should be the merit of martial arts in this world.

Now that Lin Ye has been reincarnated, he must follow and respect the way of heaven in this world and practice martial arts in this world, so as to have a foundation for survival in this world.

After the cultivation reaches a certain height, recover some memory, and then explore the way forward, there will be twice the result with half the effort.

In this way, it may be possible to make a certain contribution to this world, to the human race, and to the Great Xia, and accumulate some merit. "

Daxia's monarchs and ministers were all stunned by Lin Yexiu.

That financial classic, they all know what it means when they pick out each word individually.

But when put together, the entire paragraph collapses.

The best thing to understand is actually the word "inclusive".

Is it the meaning of "Pudu is destined to benefit all living beings"?

Reminiscent of the "merit" that Lin Ye emphasized twice, everyone couldn't help but be in awe.

This son has great courage, great wisdom, and great compassion!


I really don't blame them for being stupid, this is an absolute crushing of cognition, and has nothing to do with wisdom.

Moreover, Lin Ye is indeed not a person from this world, this cannot be acted out, and Xia Huang and others can fully confirm it.

Then, the conclusion is very simple.

Since ancient times, there have been only legends about ascension to the upper realm in Central Continent, but never heard of "parallel worlds" or "people from extraterrestrials".

In addition, there may be a group of extraterrestrial demons living above the nine heavens.

Lin Ye either came from the upper realm, or he was an extraterrestrial demon, these are the only two possibilities.

Combined with the forest and wild spirit seen from the secret method, it is as bright as the sun, pure and clear, what is it if it is not a celestial being?
If the demon can have such insight and such a soul, so what if it is enshrined as a god? !
Left and right are pure profit!
Emperor Xia felt that he had made a lot of money.

The most correct decision in life was to place Lin Sangou in the palace.

Look, what have I gained now? !

"Contribute to Great Xia and accumulate merit!"

Emperor Xia laughed so hard that he couldn't even close his mouth, and immediately expressed his opinion.

"Since Lin Qing is willing to practice martial arts in this world, I will fully support her!
Zhongxian, draw up the decree!
All the great medicines, magic pills, equipment, and secret books Lin Qing needs to practice martial arts can be drawn from the internal treasury and Tianwu Division at will without delay! "

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After answering and answering, Lin Ye was also numb.

Look, isn't this a win-win cooperation?

Don't always scold me for cutting leeks in the future.

When you treat me with a state scholar, I will repay it with a state scholar!

Hmm...I'll report back later.

"As for the master of writing...does Lin Qing think about it?"

Emperor Xia thought very carefully, and in the blink of an eye, he had to worry about another major matter for Lin Ye.

Naturally, Lin Ye would not refuse, and was very calm: "Please ask the Holy Emperor to arrange this matter together."

Emperor Xia was very happy, and turned to look at Li Zhongxian.


"The servant is here."

"You go and find out which young teacher and young master are free from official duties and good at teaching, and arrange for Lin Qing to be a mentor."

"His Majesty……"

Li Zhongxian spoke cautiously, hesitating slightly.

"Huh? But what's wrong?"

"According to my humble opinion, young masters and masters are not good candidates for enlightenment, although they are highly knowledgeable.

Moreover, Lin Tianjun's situation is different. The study time and progress must be adjusted at any time, and the need for confidentiality must also be taken into account...

It is inconvenient for foreign officials to enter the palace, and I am afraid that the result will be half the effort, and there will be a lot of trouble.

It's better to find a caring person, preferably with some authority, to help Lin Tianjun fully experience all the customs and affairs of my great summer, and integrate as soon as possible..."

"Oh? It makes sense..."

Xia Huang pondered and nodded: "Then do you have a suitable candidate?"

Li Zhongxian resolutely promoted Liu Gonggong: "Dafu's knowledge is profound, and he will not lose if he is admitted to the Imperial College. He also learns from the best of the three schools of martial arts, Taoism, and medicine. He can be a teacher for Lin Tianjun."

"Taking all aspects into consideration, yes, after all, Zhongxian is thoughtful."

Emperor Xia praised it highly, and then turned around to ask Lin Ye for his opinion.

Lin Ye understands that Liu Dafu is not only a teacher of words, but also a monitor, a server, and a bridge of communication.

In this regard, he has no opinion.

"This move is very appropriate. Master Liu, I will be taught by you in the future, and I will worship him as my teacher."

Lin Ye behaved gracefully, modestly and freely.

Liu Dafu was full of panic, and he was determined not to accept Lin Ye's courtesy.

"Don't do this, Tianjun! Being able to enlighten the Tianjun is really a blessing for slaves, a good thing that can't even be dreamed of, how dare you accept a gift from you? Don't beat slaves!"

His expression was so earnest that Lin Ye almost believed it.

Damn it, it really deserves to be a famous summer tea!

But Lang Ye's performance was not bad either.

"Everything in the past is like dying yesterday, and everything in the future is like being born today.

Lin Ye is no longer a person from the heavens, but only an orphan of the Great Xia, who has been taught by the emperor, and he should inherit the love of the emperor, so he can understand the love of heaven and earth.

Master Liu will definitely accept the gift of being half a teacher. "

The performance of the big flicker immediately won the applause of the whole hall.

Although there was no real applause, the admiration in the eyes of the crowd was really exaggerated.

God is sorry, where have they seen such a polite celestial exile?
Hearty, tolerant, persistent, and talented.

This son can never be just a casual person!
Seeing Weizhi's work, it must be the direct descendant of Huaxia's lord, and the family style is very good!


Xiahuang thought about it, and felt more and more that he had picked up a treasure, and his teeth were bared in a smile.

Ever since, Lin Ye's liberal arts teacher settled down like this.

Next, another teacher must be appointed.

"Lin Qing, the guide on the martial arts, do you have any ideas?
Why not make him Da Sima Lin?
Lin Gong is the most powerful grand master in my Great Xia. He is a high-ranking man, and he can surely lay an indelible foundation for you. "

Lin Ye didn't want to have too much contact with Da Sima.

It's not that he's afraid of revealing his secrets, but he just feels that living under the nose of such a top powerhouse must be inconvenient.

So he raised his head resolutely, and said decisively: "The holy emperor's face, it's not that Mr. Lin is bad, it's just that Lin Ye prefers Princess Tianxiang more."

As soon as the words fell, in the cubicle in the study, the breathing that had returned to normal suddenly stopped again.

Some kind of picture even appeared in Lin Ye's mind.

A girl who was so beautiful suddenly grabbed the armrest tightly, and the veins on her fingers protruded.

His eyes were rounded, his mouth was slightly opened, his face was full of tension and disbelief, he held his breath subconsciously, and forgot to pant.

cute, want it!
Xiangxiang, brother's Zhenyang, don't worry about it.

But if it's just marriage... I think it's okay.

How's it going, Xiangxiang, do you want to come and teach Ben Shaojun?

(End of this chapter)

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