Chapter 2
"It's his mother! What happened just now?"

Huang You's face was full of shock, his small eyes widened.

"Your majestic great monk of the Appearance Realm can't see the soul of the wild boy?!"

"Looking at it is like looking at the sun, caught off guard and being flashed by a flash."

Daoren Qi is very magnanimous, and casually chatted about his own embarrassing things.

And he laughed at himself: "Looking at Lin Shaojun before, I only knew that his soul was strong and tough, but he didn't know that he could be so strong, careless!"

"What the hell?!"

Huang You was shocked, his face was ashen.

"It's so strong that it can sting your god's eyes... Isn't that the strength of the soul of the Thunder Tribulation level?!"

"No way, no way."

Taoist Qi waved his hands hastily.

"Lin Shaojun's soul is only good in strength, but its essence is miraculous. This old man has never seen it before, and I don't know how to describe it..."


Huang You half-comprehensively answered the question: "Could it be the rumored natural Taoist?"

"How can we say the same thing?" Taoist Qi shook his head and denied, "Young Master is far superior!"

So Huang You was dumbfounded again.

"It's his mother! Is this true?!"

Natural daozi are already extremely rare. Anyway, Huang You has never seen one in person since he lived so long.

This is far better than...

What level is that? !

Taoist Qi Nianxu smiled and said, "Either there is the treasure of the Yang God, or it was born from the upper realm in the rumors, that's probably the case."

He does not mean that.

Lin Ye's heart moved, and a vague idea gradually grew.


Huang You jumped high and was extremely excited: "Is there really a Yangshen treasure?!"


Daoren Qi couldn't help laughing: "The soul is transparent, and you can see the bottom at a glance. That's just a metaphor to describe Lin Shaojun's supernatural nature, which is unheard of."

Huang You immediately looked disappointed: "Then, is there anything else unusual?"

Daoren Qi shook his head: "God is in harmony with the body, the breath is pure, and the fluctuation of spirit energy is natural and lively, there is nothing unusual."

After saying that, she turned her head to look at Lumei, and ordered: "You can report back to your princess, it is indeed the awakening of the main soul, nothing else."


Lumei saluted respectfully and went out in a daze.

Coincidentally, another fair and feminine middle-aged eunuch walked in from outside the hall, and waved away the red apricot who was leading the way.

"You go out too, and ask His Highness to come up with a charter as soon as possible, but I'm afraid she can't help it..."

Hong Xing also went out with a panicked face.

It made Lin Ye very strange—isn't it a good thing that I woke up?

The potential can finally be realized, and the specialness can be fully utilized.

Why do they all look like mourning concubines? !

With a sudden heart attack, he couldn't help but stare at the three of them more intently.

The new eunuch, San Gouzi had also met before, and was called "Eunuch Liu".

The voice is high-pitched, and the speech is particularly yin and yang.

As for his identity, he seems to be the eunuch in charge of the seal under Eunuch Li, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and he is in charge of an organization called [Supervision Department].

Obviously, the three in front of him are all bigwigs with high positions and weights.

The problem is, they don't belong to the same system, how come they all come for me?


Huang You really couldn't sit still for a moment, and kept running around in the room, shaking his head constantly.

"Bad dishes, bad dishes... what should I do now?!"

Daoren Qi raised his eyelids, and there were four words written all over his face: What's none of my business?

Eunuch Liu cupped his hands towards the east, and replied confidently: "It is up to the Holy One to decide!"

"You bitch!"

Huang You got angry and cursed angrily: "You were the one who came up with bad ideas before, now you're here to get rid of it?"

"It's only natural for a servant to share the worries of the sage, how can it be called 'bad idea'?"

Eunuch Liu covered his mouth and smiled pretentiously, Lin Ye saw black lines all over his forehead.

But TA himself didn't realize it, pinched the orchid fingers, and worked hard to distinguish.

"Our family is dedicated to the public, but we have never thought of harming anyone. Things have become the way they are now, and our family doesn't want to!

Others don't know, Huang Gong, how can you be so heartless?

Why!It really breaks my heart..."

Lin Ye was numb all over.

Chacha, is that you?

I didn't expect that even after time travel, I still couldn't escape the familiar tea and tea language...

Could it be that I was born guilty of tea?

Huang You, who has a bad temper, was obviously tortured by Eunuch Liu like Lin Ye.

Sighing heavily, she sat down slumpedly: "This it still possible?"

"What are you thinking about?"

Eunuch Liu sneered unhappily: "If Lin Shaojun has not woken up, everything will go on as usual. But since he is awake, it is so simple to ask him to sacrifice his origin to marry the princess?"

What? !

Hearing this, Lin Ye was shocked for the first time until his scalp went numb.

I want to get married?

with who? !
Thinking about it carefully, Lin Ye suddenly smiled again.

There can be no one else, it must be Xiangxiang!

She is the second daughter of the current Emperor Xia, titled Tianxiang, she is only one year older than Lin Ye, and she has a childhood sweetheart relationship with Lin Ye.

When San Gouzi was secretly arranged in the palace, he lived in Tianxiang Palace.

In the next few years, the two ate and lived together, and only each other was company.

San Gouzi didn't feel much about it, but Lin Ye was different.

Xiangxiang has been so beautiful since she was a child...

And the more you grow up, the more provocative your temperament will be, which is simply the ultimate dream of a man.

To be able to marry Xiangxiang... suck!
This matter is by no means Lin Ye's fantasy. If you think about it carefully, you can find the key evidence——

When Lin Ye just woke up, he was bathed by Tianxiang's personal maid!
If he was not about to become a son-in-law, how could he be treated like this?

Okay, okay, you don't need to discuss any more.

I agree to this marriage!
Isn't it just to dedicate some source?

My brother is strong and strong, there are plenty of that stuff, just fill it up!
Lin Ye smirked and was having fun, when Huang You suddenly jumped up, acting extremely angry.

"What about the eldest princess? Who will explain this to her when this happened on the first day of marriage?!"

Ok? !

Lin Ye was dumbfounded.

wait a minute...

What does the eldest princess have to do with me? !

Lin Ye was at a loss, very suspicious that someone had a serious illness.

Either Huang You is crazy, or I am hallucinating...

As a result, Eunuch Liu said a sarcastic remark leisurely: "Your Majesty is above, and there is the governor below. No matter how dissatisfied the eldest princess is, it will not be your turn, Mr. Huang, to take the lead. Why worry about it?"

This time Lin Ye heard it clearly.

People are also numb.

I'm going to marry the eldest princess? !
Carefully looking through the memory bank, I haven't seen the eldest princess herself, but I have heard a lot of rumors.

Roughly put together, Lin Ye is not well.

The eldest princess of this dynasty is the most beloved daughter of the first emperor, and the younger sister of the current emperor, named Mu Yang.

Counting the age, this year seems to be 35 or [-] years old, and the first daughter Zongyang Princess is about the same age as Lin Ye.

And the most important thing is not age.

The key is……

Princess Muyang has already lost three husbands!

They all died of illness, isn't it outrageous?
The first son-in-law let her give birth to a daughter, and it didn't take long for her to die;

The second term allowed her to give birth to a daughter, but then it failed again;

The third continued to have a daughter, and she was the longest, but still failed to survive for three years...

When the nuns and eunuchs in the palace were discussing with each other, they all said that Princess Muyang had been a monster since she was a child, she was beautiful and seductive unlike ordinary people, and she was recognized as the number one beauty in the clan at that time.

She is not only beautiful, but also has a very unique enchanting charm.

Therefore, everyone always mutters in private: No man will get better if he touches her, just wait and see if you don't believe me!
It turns out those rumors were nothing short of prophecy.

Princess Shangbie is just a waste of money, at most a little waist.

Let her go, useless.

Next, Mu Yang wants to marry again, he wants to have a son, but no man dares to marry...

Being a son-in-law is very good, and being the first beauty before going to bed is also very fragrant, but you have to sacrifice your life... Farewell!
So she has been empty until now.

Calculating the time, it has been seven or eight years since she was single, and the fourth son-in-law is still far away.


So you put your mind on Lao Tzu? !

Lin Ye gritted his teeth angrily.

It's not that she dislikes Princess Muyang's age, the seductive little aunt in her 30s was very popular in her previous life.

The point is, I feel that I have paid the wrong amount of enthusiasm.

I still think that I am very important, but in the end, I was assigned a juicer witch from the previous generation? !
Then who are you going to give Xiangxiang to?

Lin Ye was building up his anger gauge when Huang You suddenly threw out another nuclear bomb.

(End of this chapter)

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