Stop forcing me to marry

Chapter 30 Wrong, it is a great achievement

Chapter 30 Wrong, it is a great achievement

Lin Ye practiced hard all morning with full motivation, and he didn't realize until lunch time that he was thinking too much.

But there is also good news.

"Aunt Muyang won't come to the palace to torment you again."

When Tian Xiang said this in a cold voice, Lin Ye had some small opinions in his heart.

What is tossing me?
You have no idea who is tossing whom!
After practicing in the morning, Lin Ye is very confident in his quality and ability in this area.

However, being able to avoid Mu Yang's harassment is indeed a good thing.

It's really difficult for a little aunt of that level.

And the good news doesn't stop there.

"In addition, the three chapters of the scriptures you copied are extremely miraculous, and my father, Long Yan, is very happy, and rewarded me with the right to temporarily allocate the internal treasury.

Starting at noon today, I will increase the supply of medicinal materials to you. "

Lin Ye was very happy, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

Just curiously asked: "With my current state, can I use any rare things?"

"of course."

Tianxiang nodded affirmatively and calculated everything for him.

"The top internal strength medicine of the imperial medical department, strengthen the foundation and strengthen the body, increase strength, a dose of one hundred taels of silver, one dose a day.

The external strengthening medicine soup in the bath, strengthens the muscles and bones, and toughens the skin. One dose is 50 taels, one dose per day.

One hundred taels of silver is enough for a whole year's expenses of a family of five officials in Linjing City.

If it is in the county below, it will not be a problem to spend five or eight years.

In the whole world, there are not many body-hardening-level warriors who can afford the top medicines from the Imperial Medical Office.

In addition, all kinds of forging irons in the inner library are available for you to use.

After you choose the style of weapon, you can ask the Divine Weapon Division to forge a weapon specially for you. The starting point is the level of a thousand-forged treasure, and its value is inestimable.

What's more, you can read the secret books in the library in the inner library as you like.

Finally, the Daomen Alchemy Institute once offered three human yuan pills, and taking them can thicken a person's half-cost source.

At this time, there are still two stored in the internal library, and their value is inestimable.

I'll exchange one for you later, it's my personal thank you for helping me complete my promotion. "

Lin Ye, who didn't pay much attention to it at first, now feels that he has made money.

The purchasing power of Daxia's silver is so strong that Lin Ye, who has a background in finance, can convert the equivalent wealth of his previous life in the blink of an eye.

In one day, just taking drugs will cost 200 million!
In the previous life, Lin Ye had to earn a huge sum of 100 billion, and then deposit all of it in the bank, get the 10.5% super agreement deposit rate of the four major banks, and earn 288 million yuan a day, so that he can afford the big medicine and have enough money Pay the rest of the martial arts training costs.

As for those rare treasures that have a price but no market...

Forget it, there is nothing in the previous life that corresponds to it.

It can be seen that Emperor Xia really spent his money.

But what did Lin Ye pay?
He blew a bull beep, and copied a little knowledge that he didn't need.

Sure enough, the most profitable business in the world is always cheating.

If you fool well, the leeks will never run out!


After lunch, Lin Ye quickly felt the difference in the top medicinal soup of the Imperial Medical Department.

Yesterday I took a bath with ordinary medicinal soup, which felt very dry.

Hot, numb, and itchy, the heat squeezes hard into the body, and it hurts like a needle prick.

Today's medicinal soup is only warm, but the body softens faster, making people extremely relaxed and comfortable.

After getting out of the bath, and then being massaged by Lumei with a special technique, Lin Ye even felt a kind of reborn relaxation.

Lin Ye was afraid that it was an illusion, so he took a special look at the panel.

Internal and external strength: 23.1%
Compared with the state at noon yesterday, it has increased by a full 8%!

After a whole morning of non-stop exercise, plus a medicated bath, there is such progress!

Roughly converted, wouldn't it only take eight days to complete the entire stage of internal and external growth? !
Lin Ye himself was frightened.

I asked Tian Xiang specifically: "Your Highness, how long did you spend in the internal and external stages?"

"A little over a year."

Tianxiang raised her head proudly, her tone full of artificial insouciance.

"I practiced early, when I was 14 years old, my body hadn't fully grown, so the intensity of the early exercise was not too high.

It is mainly to adjust the "Secrets of Dragon and Tiger Bodybuilding".

Later on, because the overuse of ordinary medicines hurts the body, and the big medicines from the Imperial Medical Office are too expensive, so I can only use medicinal soups and medicines once every five days, and take time to digest them slowly.

However, the achievement of cultivating qi and blood at the early age of 15 is considered to be at the forefront in the entire Linjing city.

There are only a few naturally gifted martial arts stronger than me.

Among them is the young son of the Zhen Guogong family, who has matured at the age of 12 and is a full seven feet six inches tall. He has completed his physical training in eight months, which is the fastest record for normal physical training.

Of course, the speed of entry in the early stage is actually of little significance, that kind of record is innumerable, and no one cares..."

Lin Ye was no longer listening to the next words.

The fastest record is eight months, compared to my own eight days...

Do you want to be so exaggerated? !
Well, if you insist on looking for the reason, it actually makes sense.

For example, teenagers practicing martial arts need to spend a lot of time practicing dynamic and static exercises.

For another example, since the body is just growing up, even if there is a big medicine, it will take a lot of time to recover.

For another example, they all start from scratch, while Lin Ye has accumulated a lot...

There are many reasons.

However, no matter how many reasons there are, they can't perfectly explain the current progress of the evildoer.

Lin Ye couldn't help but start to wonder: what is the origin?
The origin is extraordinary, does it mean that my body is already at another level in terms of absorbing spiritual energy?
Other than that, there really is no other possibility.

Lin Ye didn't feel that his appetite had increased, and he was always very stable.

So where does the energy of internal and external strength come from?

It can only be transformed from spirit energy.

Tianxiang's food intake soared all the way before the Soul Refining Pass.

For red apricots and green plums, they now have to eat seven or eight catties of lean meat and four or five catties of high-quality rice for a meal.

This is normal.

Lin Ye is obviously an abnormal situation.

Ling Qi replaced food and medicine, and made up for his physical needs.

And this kind of situation shouldn't have happened in the Body Tempering Realm.

Lin Ye's heart was burning hot.

From Tianxiang's reaction, it can be seen that no one in Great Xia or even Central Continent realized the great significance of the fundamental change.

Because it is not easy to cultivate the origin, it is even more difficult to measure.

It's too cryptic.

It is so obscure that even the great masters cannot directly perceive and check it, and the great monks can only make rough judgments through the leaked abnormalities.

Direct body quenching, faster and more intuitive progress.

In the process of strengthening oneself, the original source gradually increases, bringing some magical effects, but it is attributed to the effect of body training.

Therefore, people in the world only know the importance of the origin, but never know how important it is.

If it weren't for the qualitative change of Lin Ye's origin, this secret might have been buried for many years!

"I must develop the original cultivation method!"

Lin Ye suddenly and correctly realized that the source of power should not bring heavenly power, but great power.

The world is not benevolent, and will not specially treat the human race preferentially.

The original practice is the foundation laid for the survival, reproduction, and prosperity of the human race, and it has no meaning for the world.

However, what it can bring is definitely not one or two points of great merit.

It's a massive effort!

Although the level has dropped, the quantity is enough to make up for it, and even the meaning is far superior!
Lin Ye was always awake.

Within three to five years, it will be extremely difficult for him to use the Heavenly Art.

Instead of just watching with one or two points of Heavenly Skill, it is better to replace it with a sufficient amount of Great Skill and Minor Skill so as to maximize the development speed in the early stage.

Wait until the master is above, and then consider the issue of that level.

Being down-to-earth and not aiming too high is the basic quality of a successful person.

After thoroughly sorting out his thoughts, Lin Ye sank into the sea of ​​consciousness full of motivation, and began to refine the "Secrets of Physical Training in Dragon Form and Tiger Form" for the last time.

After a hundred times, there is no secret in this technique.

Before the afternoon practice began, Tianxiang returned to the palace with a small sealed wooden box.

Throwing the box to Lin Ye casually: "Eat it!"

Lin Ye's eyes lit up immediately.

Ren Yuandan!
Based on my already extraordinary origin, on this basis, it will increase by half, what kind of concept is that?
Lin Ye is very much looking forward to the final result.

So, he opened the box with a solemn expression.

(End of this chapter)

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