Chapter 4
A scene suddenly appeared in Lin Ye's mind, which was San Gouzi's fragmentary memory.

The time was about five years ago, Tianxiang was 14 years old, and Sangouzi was thirteen.

Because they were getting older, they had to guard the defense of men and women. At that time, the two of them no longer had unnecessary contact.

However, on the first day of the Ghost Festival, her birthday, in the middle of the night, Xiangxiang suddenly came to the door with a sword in hand, and dragged Sangouzi out of the bedroom.

The two sat in the gazebo, Sangouzi continued to doze off, and she stared at the moon in a daze.

When the moon was in the sky, she suddenly turned her head to look at the boy, and said a lot of things that Sangouzi couldn't understand as if she was talking to herself.

"Xiao Linzi, I finally know why you are here.

I really didn't expect that you are the husband prepared for me by my father...

Do you understand what a husband is?

If I don't work hard to practice martial arts, I will have to marry you in the future, spend my whole life with you, and have many children.

The queen mother said that our children will be excellent.

Strong, smart, beautiful, and talented.

I don't hate you, and I don't hate smart and beautiful children, but I hate this arrangement.

I know this is my responsibility.

I am a princess!
Now that he has enjoyed the honor and wealth of the royal family, he must be loyal to the country with his relatives.

But I don't want to just throw in the towel.

I want to practice hard, become a master as soon as possible, and cut out my future with a sword!

You have to work hard too.

You also have your responsibility...

I don't think you should like that kind of fate.

If I have tried my best, I still have to fulfill my responsibilities for Mrs. Li in the way my father requested.

Then... I will really marry you.

I hope that you at that time will be the same as you are today, naive, silly, obedient, and you must never become what I hate.

I will treat you well, continue to take care of you, and have children for you.

And you don't have to be nice to me.

As long as you stay by my side silently like now..."

San Gouzi raised his eyelids and smiled naively.

Then continue to doze off.

Tianxiang curled her lips slightly, held her sword, tilted her head, and looked at San Gouzi for a long time...

Under the moonlight, the picture was extremely harmonious.


Today, Lin Ye, who has seen such a scene in his memory, finally understands her loneliness a little bit.

She is so proud.

Her pride is not the very obvious "I am nobler than you", but the firmness of "not asking outside" in the core of her character.

I can do what I should do well, I don't need pity, and I don't pray for God's favor.

A very stubborn little princess.

And her pride is Lin Ye's opportunity.

Originally, Sangouzi was the future husband specially prepared for her. She only needs to get married and have children normally, and then she can enjoy the prosperity and wealth safely and happily.

But she didn't want to, she insisted on going through all kinds of hardships and working hard to practice martial arts.

Now, Lin Ye, who has developed a special true yang, has once again become the key to her advancement.

And she could still refuse!
Lin Ye's thoughts flashed, and he thought of many things in a flash.

'I have a top talent and a treasure from the sky, as long as you give me enough time... the general trend will be in my hands sooner or later! '

'How to buy time? '

'Show value! '

'As long as the value is high enough, I can not only hold back the proud Xiangxiang, but also hold the Daoist sect and Emperor Xia! '

'The longer the delay, the more variables there will be. '

'Slowly, the accumulation of small victories turned into big victories, and the accumulation of quantity turned into qualitative changes...'

'Until a complete overturn! '

"Bitch, you guys are forcing me to open up..."

Lin Ye gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

A great man once had a famous saying: If you save land and lose people, all people and land will be lost; if you save people and lose land, all people and land will survive.

Based on this strategy, there is only one thing that cannot be lost: True Yang!

Because, all the power and glory in this world are all based on personal force!
Keeping Zhenyang can keep the future of martial arts, so hope still exists, and the future is hopeful.

Other than that, everything else can be discarded.

That being the case, the wave has it!
Lin Ye grinned coldly, not afraid, but rather excited.

His character has always been like this, fierce and wild, never giving in.

That's why at the age of 33, he became the No. [-] figure in the tragic financial circle of Shanghai.

The style of play is flexible and changeable, especially good at acting and shameless.

He is best at finding opportunities in desperation, and has always practiced the life motto of "winning the young model in the club, and losing to work in the sea".

The waves flew up, but in the end, I didn't do much work, and it was clean...cough cough!
In short, now that one foot is sunk in the sea, what is there to be afraid of?

Waiting for brother to perform!

With the blessing of Tianyan, let me see how you defend!
Langye pumped himself up, wishing he could make a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace immediately, when he suddenly heard a crucial question.

"Old Qi, in your opinion, what is Wild Boy's talent?"

Lin Ye immediately pricked up his ears.

Talent, in modern society, has never been a matter of life or death.

The society is stable, the civilization is prosperous, and the common people at the bottom do not need to have any talents to live well.

If there is a certain kind of talent, it is just a middle-class person who earns a few taels of silver.

Not so in this world.

The human race is weak, monsters are rampant, and the whole society is under high pressure all the time.

Survival and continuation are the only main theme.

Therefore, this world only recognizes one kind of talent—extraordinary force.

Anyone who has no talent in military force will never recover.

Even survival may become a problem.

No matter how outstanding the other aspects are, it doesn't make sense.

Even if you are the son of a prince, you have to bear the burden of humiliation and dedicate your wife to find a powerful heir in order to continue the family.

What's more, what about the common people at the bottom?

The importance of military talent, in this world, has been raised to an unimaginable limit for a person on earth.

All kinds of troubles in Lin Ye came from his talent.

And his future also depends on his talent.

Hearing Huang You's unreconciled questioning, Taoist Qi rolled his eyelids, and scolded with a smile: "A dignified half-step master, how dare you ask a Taoist priest such a thing?"

I go……

How could this lazy old man who was greedy for money, lustful and bad-tempered be so strong?

Wanting to put footprints on his face is a long way to go...

Huang You lazily replied: "Old man is only good at fighting, fortune-telling is what you Taoist priests do.

But in my opinion, Wild Boy turned eighteen this year, so it's already a bit late to practice martial arts.

At the beginning, I couldn't teach him how to train his body, and he was afraid that those rough methods would hurt his body, so what he asked him to practice was the basics of health preservation, and he only wanted to have more yang water when passing on the family.

Who would have imagined that he could practice health preservation skills to the current level?
So I'm also a little unsure.

Let's practice martial arts again, there are too many debts.

If you don't practice martial arts, you feel panicked...

But the problem is, apart from Fangzhongshu and Shuangxiu, there seems to be no kung fu that is specifically aimed at cultivating the true yang, right?

The wild boy is weird, annoying!bother!bother! "

Eunuch Liu was thinking about something, when he heard the words, he suddenly interjected and asked meaningfully:
"Doesn't the Daoist sect have the superior method of refining the true yang into a furnace?

Lin Shaojun's soul is so different, but he doesn't know if he can practice it?

If it's feasible, our family would like to congratulate Qi in advance. Congratulations for picking up a peerless disciple for nothing! "

Lin Ye was taken aback.

Okay, why did you suddenly have tea with Qi Laodao again?
(End of this chapter)

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