Stop forcing me to marry

Chapter 42 Tianshu Shangjing True Spirit Orb!

Chapter 42 Tianshu Shangjing True Spirit Orb!

Lin Ye, who had just learned the "Secrets of Dragon Singing and Tiger Roaring Breathing", was swept away from his original good mood.

For a day and a half, Lin Ye had been at ease in the training class.

Relying on that duck-king face, he immediately reaped the sympathy and love of all the female classmates, but he was confused, and the eight girls all helped each other enthusiastically.

In addition, relying on the death-seeking aura of wanting to die with the demon immediately, he also won the respect of the male students.

How could anyone be willing to offend such a lone star who only lives for hatred?

On the contrary, after realizing Lin Ye's strong learning ability and high talent, many male students took the initiative to lean over.

Most of the training classes are those who have received rewards for their hard work. In the future, many people will stay in Linjing City.

A group of outsiders, if they don't take advantage of the present to make friends, form a good relationship, and help each other, don't they expect those local masters in Linjing to take care of them?
Therefore, although Lin Ye is so withdrawn and out of gregarious, he still has a feeling of being surrounded by stars.

If the current situation continues, after six months, Lin Ye will definitely become a future star in the Supervision Department system.

But who would have imagined... two days without safety!

The stand-in died too abruptly.

That's the imperial palace, not Zhongxiangyuan, Yicui Pavilion, and Shayuan in Linjing City!
Even Sha Yuan, who fights and fights every day, hasn't killed anyone in two or three years.

It's so outrageous.

The secret letter he had read quickly ignited without wind, and Lin Ye walked around in the room, unable to be calm for a long time.

This was the closest Lin Sange was to death.

So it's hard not to imagine: if I didn't get out of the palace in time, would it be me who died?
The mood could not be calmed down for a long time, Lin Ye had to summon the Tianyan mirror.

Shouyuan: 18/155
Physique: unknown

Realm: Body Tempering Realm Level 3.53, Qi and Blood ([-]%)

Exercises: Tianshu Shangjing Eight Consciousness and Inspiration Sutra (introduction to the five senses), the secrets of body training in the shape of a dragon and the tiger (Dacheng), the secrets of dragon singing and tiger-roaring breathing (beginner), the secrets of movement and stillness in the four atmospheres and seasons (beginner)

Minor work: one thousand four hundred and fifty five
At the second level, Lin Ye's entry is still very fast.

Obviously, the qi and blood stage is not a pass, and the forest cannot be trapped for too long.

The "Secrets of Dragon Singing and Tiger Roaring Breathing" and "Secrets of Practicing Body in the Shape of Dragon and Tiger" are the most advanced breathing secrets.

In the entire Great Xia, there are only a few secret arts of the same level, and they are all gathered among the top clans and sects.

"Secret Essentials of Movement and Stillness of the Four Airs and Seasons" is a special movement and stillness skill for the qi and blood stage.

Practicing is a bit like Tai Chi, when it is slow, it is slow, like an old ox pulling a cart;

When it is fast, it is as fast as thunder, violent and staunch.

The dynamic exercise activates the qi and pushes the blood, the static exercise stores and stores, and then cooperates with the upper breathing method to make the qi and blood surge and gradually become radiant.

This state is complete, and the basic quality of the warrior can be improved again.

As little as [-]% to [-]%, as much as half.

Take Linye's [-] jins of strength as an example, after Consummation, it should reach [-] jins.

It weighs a ton!
The same is true for the rest of the attributes, which still have extremely high potential.

Therefore, Qi and Blood Realm is actually still at the stage of laying the foundation, and the main goal is to build a solid foundation, not to be brave and ruthless.

Therefore, instructor Zhu was not in a hurry to teach forest and wild martial arts.

Originally, there was no problem with this arrangement. The homework of martial arts cannot be made up in a short while, so it is better to concentrate on improving the realm.

But the current situation is completely different, and Lin Ye suddenly felt a strong anxiety.

He has no kung fu on his body, and once he encounters an extreme event, he can only stare blankly.

This doesn't work.

Therefore, Lin Ye decided to make a surprise consumption.

"What is the most suitable movement method for me in the martial arts academy and the library in the palace?"

For the first inquiry, Lin Ye gave him a body method.

It is really difficult to be proficient in fighting with weapons in a short period of time.

But if you lower your requirements and just want to master the ability to sneak away as soon as possible, it shouldn't be a big problem.

After spending ten o'clock, Tian Yan immediately gave feedback.

"Ape Flight"

The introduction is as follows:
Use all four limbs together, like ape flying.

Short-range bursts are extremely strong, and they are good at jumping over and over in complex environments, climbing trees and drilling holes, coming and going without a trace.

Both the Martial Arts Academy and the Internal Treasury have original copies.

Lin Ye looked at the introduction, and a few black lines faintly appeared on his forehead.

For his mother, the hope of being handsome has failed again...

At first glance, this thing is not the exclusive skill of the young hero in white, it really looks like a monkey.

However, it is practical.

"Sape Flight" provides high mobility in the face of complex environments. In cities, it has more practical significance and can quickly leave the battlefield.

Moreover, this is a high-explosive exercise that is driven purely by muscles.

Lin Ye doesn't have any conditions now, except that his physical strength is far superior to that of martial artists in the same realm, which happens to be suitable for him.

Tianyan's judgment is always trustworthy.

Anyway, Lin Ye would not be able to sleep for a while, so he simply learned the exercises in the consciousness space immediately.

Because there was no one to point it out, the largest engraving could not be opened, so Lin Ye could only study hard by himself.

The effect is not bad.

"Simian Flying Technique" is a movement method that can be used until the peak of the day after tomorrow, and it is a representative work of low-level practical martial arts.

The cheats are not complicated, it all depends on basic quality and muscle memory.

Lin Ye studied until late at night, and felt that he had fully grasped the essence of the cheat book, and only had to practice it.

The uneasy mood was finally relieved, and he silently glanced at Xiaogong who only had 440 five left, and closed his eyes to sleep.

The number of Xiaogong is wrong.

Counting the consumption, the total is only 620, which is [-] short.

Obviously, the officials in Anping County did not handle their affairs properly. They either took empty households or made favors.

It's a pity that Lin Ye doesn't have the energy to deal with this matter at all right now.

I can only let it go temporarily, and ask for debts when I have a chance in the future.

"Brother's money is not so easy to owe..."

Muttering to himself, Lin Ye finally fell asleep.

After an unknown amount of time, Lin Ye's consciousness suddenly jolted, and he woke up from his dream.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the figure of Daoist Qi emerged on the Tianyan mirror.

Mr. Qi made an apology, and said apologetically, "Don't panic, young master. This is the old way of entrusting dreams. I really have something important to inform."

Lin Ye looked at each other curiously, and soon realized that although Daoist Qi had the ability to come here in a dream, he couldn't detect the existence of Tian Yan, and just pretended that everything was as usual.

That being the case, what is there to panic about?

Lin Ye immediately returned the salute: "Qi Daoyou is serious, Lin Ye is here, please tell me if you have anything to say."

"It's the murder of Shaojun's substitute..."

Daoren Qi casually touched it, and it turned into a corpse.

The corpse did not resemble Lin Ye in the slightest, but it was wearing the clothes Lin Ye often wore.

The death was extremely strange, with a mocking evil smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Shaojun's substitute was harmed by the secret method of the soul, and the medium for casting the spell was the "Tianshu Shangjing Eight Consciousness and Inspiration Response Sutra".

This matter was caused by my lack of thought and investigation, but I have to apologize to Shaojun.

Fortunately, the young master did not carry this sutra with him, otherwise it will be too late to regret!
Now that this sutra has been suppressed by the high priest in the inner treasury, whether it is still in hand or not is unknown at this time, the young master should always be vigilant, and try not to expose the Tianshu method.

We have not fully understood the magic of this sutra, so...

In short, if there is a change, be sure to ask for help in time.

In addition, the person who did it was not the remnants of the Yin-Yang Sect, but the more secretive Bliss School.

Lao Dao and Liu Siyu will find out the reason as soon as possible, and if there is any gain, they will inform Shaojun separately, please rest assured. "

Lin Ye thought: How can you make me feel at ease?

Simply taking a scripture can actually cause such a big battle...

And you don't even know why!
Now my young master is one head and two big, and everyone is numb...

After patiently listening to nonsense for a while, he finally bid farewell to Taoist Qi and woke up from his dream.

Lin Ye thought about it, and felt that he couldn't just wait like this, and had to take the initiative.

So he gritted his teeth fiercely and launched Tianyan again.

"What kind of handwriting was originally on the "Tianshu Shangjing Eight Consciousness and Inspiration Response Sutra"?"

It took little work to ask questions, and the answers were completely unexpected.

Does not have any particular residue.

Huh? !

Lin Ye's curiosity arose, and he asked again immediately: "How did you get connected by human induction?"

Asking this question consumed a full [-] points of minor work.

Seeing the answer, Lin Ye's heart started beating wildly.

Tianshu Shangjing True Spirit Orb!

(End of this chapter)

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