Chapter 6

"Sir, please speak."

Eunuch Liu was terrified in his heart, and immediately filled up his manners, and dared not drink any more tea.

The irritable old Butter also restrained his temper, and kept looking at Lin Ye, with sweat dripping from his forehead.

Daoren Qi's eyes were red, but he wasn't annoyed at all. Itching and joy were written all over his face.

The truth of the way to catch people first is that Lin Yewan understood it.

Relying on Tianyan's special protection effects, Lang Ye didn't panic at all, and opened his mouth to tell a story full of feelings.

——It sounds ridiculous at first, but the kind that immediately begins to doubt life when you think about it carefully.

Back then, those clients who were defeated by Lin Ye were all because they gave Lin Dahuyou a chance to open his mouth...

"My name is Lin Ye, my name is Ziyu, and my name is Changsheng Layman. I am a wandering soul in the heaven."

The forest is so peaceful, but the atmosphere is rendered extremely solemn because of this.

"Master Huang, Liu Siyu, and Qi Gongfu, do you know what the heaven is?"

The three of them slowly opened their mouths, widened their eyes, and dilated their pupils...

Completely dumbfounded.

Is this really something we can engage in?

After a while, Eunuch Liu said timidly, "But the place where immortals ascend, where gods and demons are born, where the heavenly palace is said to be?"

how could I know?

Why don't you wait for yourselves to guess!
Lin Ye muttered secretly, feeling overjoyed.

Since you also have legends of the heavenly world here, it's easy to handle!

Lin Dahu smiled and nodded, half-following the other party, affirming part and denying part.

"Ascension of Immortals is not in my world, there are other places."

Lang Ye shook his head, and nodded again in a serious manner: "However, there are indeed heavenly palaces and gods and demons in our world."


The three gasped in unison, and suddenly felt that their brains were not enough.

In the next moment, Lin Ye heard a chaotic and hidden sound transmission, which directly exploded in the sea of ​​consciousness.

'Crap!Ridiculous! '

'Wait, wait...don't make noise, let my mother take it easy! '

'Anyway, I don't believe it!To fucking heaven! '

But the old man believed it. Since Lin Shaojun woke up, his spirit was as strong and bright as a fairy. '


'But your mother's head!Tell you to shut up, and then beep old lady will slap you to death! '

Chacha's sudden outburst of temper almost made Lin Ye burst into laughter.

Fortunately, as long as you concentrate all the time, you can control your emotions extremely calmly.

This is the wonder of Tianyan, but the wonder of Tianyan is more than that.

Resisting the detection of the soul, defending against the attack of the soul, monitoring all the secrets nearby, and illuminating oneself are all incidental functions beyond the core functions of Tianyan.

If not, how could Lin Ye dare to deceive the sky like this?
At that time, someone else's secret method of detection will be punctured on the spot, it is simply courting death.

Bold and careful, most people only pay attention to being bold, and say "give it a try, turn a bicycle into a motorcycle".

And Lin Ye has always been on the basis of being careful before going out.

So it's always possible to...

Cough, stop, stop.


The three big brothers quarreled secretly, and finally established a preliminary trust in Lin Ye's words.

But such a shocking thing, at best half-believed.

Eunuch Liu asked humbly, his eyes flickered slightly and he spoke.

"May I ask you, what does the heaven look like? Our family is very curious..."

Lin Ye didn't care about TA's tea, but tried hard to figure out how to shock him.

It's best to do it once, so that their brains are buzzing, and they don't dare to question it again.

After all, he is a professional, and the routines are at his fingertips.

"How big is the heaven? I can't know everything. If Si Yu wants to know something, just ask, and Lin Ye will try his best to explain it to Si Yu."

Lin Ye was full of smiles, and his attitude was extremely amiable.

Eunuch Liu and Huang You winked at each other, but finally Chacha took the lead.

"May I ask you, how big is the heaven?"

Just the first question, Lin Ye shook his head decisively: "The heaven is actually a big star, and I don't know how big it is."

Knowing everything, the effect is not good.

Because all successful people are suspicious, it is a very, very troublesome and inefficient behavior to play an all-knowing and omnipotent person in front of them.

You know everything, but the other party's sense of doubt will stick to it.

No one will easily trust a person who wants to "talk and express opinions" about everything.

Therefore, Lin Ye pays great attention to details when fooling customers.

I don't understand any irrelevant things, and I show it very frankly.

But once it comes to his own major, Lin Ye will show the ultimate professionalism, hold high and fight high, full of confidence.

Knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing.

Because of his honesty in "I don't know", when Lin Ye began to talk about something in the professional field with an affirmative tone, his sense of power suddenly filled.

Huang You was shocked.


Old Butter asked blankly: "Big star?!"

Before Lin Ye could respond, Daoren Qi stroked his beard and nodded slightly to confirm: "Zhongzhou is also a big star, and Qin Tianjian has already calculated the diameter of this star."

"It's his mother! How did I hear it for the first time?!"

Huang You suddenly burst out with foul language, and received two contemptuous looks.

"Vulgar warrior, don't interrupt!"

Eunuch Liu scolded, and then asked: "If you dare to ask the young master, logically speaking, since you know it is a big star, you should figure out how big it is.

With my little ability in Daxia, I can do this, why is it not as good as in the heavens? "

This question is a hidden trap.

Obviously he was asking why, but he was actually testing Lin Ye's way of thinking.

Once Lin Ye hides, there is a fake.

"It's not that the heavens don't know, but I don't know."

Lin Ye shook his head and smiled, easily correcting the intentional omission in Chacha's question.

"The heavens are so big that ordinary people can't explore a corner in their lifetime, so they don't deliberately pay attention to such trivial matters, and so do I."

Huang You's eyes suddenly lit up, thinking he had found a flaw, he asked eagerly: "If you don't pay attention, how do you know it's a big star? You see, I don't know that Zhongzhou is also a big star!"

Lin Ye couldn't help laughing: "Fly into the starry sky, you can tell it at a glance."

"Fly, fly into the starry sky?!"

Huang You was dumbfounded.

Thousands of calculations have been made, but Lin Ye is a fairy, he can fly like a meow!

When Taoist Qi heard this, he suddenly became energetic.

"Dare to ask the young master, the immortals in the heavens fly with their bodies?"

Cultivators in this world can also fly, but they use their souls to fly, and their bodies need to stay in a hidden place.

Lin Ye finally found a chance to pretend to be aggressive, and dropped a nuclear bomb with ease.

"Why did Mr. Qi ask the immortal alone? Ordinary people also fly in the flesh..."


The three of them were all dumbfounded, their minds were muddled, and they were about to drip out of their gaping mouths.

"Young Master, you mean..."

Eunuch Liu's lips trembled, and he stammered and asked, "Ordinary people in the heaven... can fly?"

"Of course you can."

Lin Ye looked back at Eunuch Liu strangely, then pretended to realize suddenly, and immediately changed his words.

"Oh! I understand Si Yu's meaning...

In fact, it is different from what you think, the people at the bottom of the heaven do not fly by themselves, but travel in the air in the mechanical phoenix made by the powerful.

In just an hour, you can cross thousands of miles.

Otherwise, with the size of the heavens, how could there be so much time spent on the road?
Therefore, all beings in the heavenly world know that the world is a star, and they will not have any doubts, because they have seen it with their own eyes. "

Thin, too thin!
At the end of the flicker, Langye completely solved Chacha's last question.

The majestic head of the Supervision Department opened his mouth wider and wider, and he never closed it from the beginning to the end. He was about to dislocate...

CITIC's chief bluffer made his first move in Daxia, and he achieved brilliant results and gained a lot.

On the surface, Lin Ye seemed calm and breezy, but in fact, his heart was almost numb from laughter.

 Special thanks to [Tulou who will work hard to be cute today] for becoming the first alliance, and [Little Agua Hey] for becoming the second alliance.

(End of this chapter)

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