Stop forcing me to marry

Chapter 60 Tomorrow and Accidents

Chapter 60 Tomorrow and Accidents

Shang Qinglian is a beautiful woman.

Lin Ye felt this way when he was wearing clothes, and now he feels it even more deeply.

All she had left was a piece of obscene clothing, and the exposed part was glowing with jade light.

It's too good to describe.

Lin Ye's brain had almost stopped, and his whole body was feeling weak.

Langye wailed frantically in his heart: Are you going to use this to test the cadres? !

If another girl came, Lin Ye was confident that he could still struggle.

However, Shang Qinglian's body is so beautiful, even though it is not fully exposed, it is precisely this kind of indistinctness that makes people want to stop.

Tian Yan never responded.

Lin Ye's last safety lock can no longer be counted on.

This proves that Shang Qinglian didn't use any soul secret method, relying entirely on her own charm.

Therefore, Lin Ye really couldn't raise his vigilance.

However, fortunately, Lang Ye is not the real first brother. After all, he has seen some "little" worlds in his previous life, so he still retains the last trace of sobriety in his heart.

He was thinking: As for what?
Following this question, the thinking ability recovered bit by bit.

The prostitute of the family of the imperial censor, she is one of the most beautiful girls in Linjing City, and she is extremely sought after by the princes and nobles.

Her family wanted to recruit a son-in-law with amazing talent, but the family strength was not qualified enough.

Later, I finally became more realistic, and wanted to climb a big tree as a concubine—this tree is not a powerful person, but a true arrogance who can keep the family alive.

This matter is reasonable.

However, is it necessary to spend such a large amount of money on yourself?
The Tianjiao in the Body Tempering Realm has never been the real Tianjiao.

It is true that those with a good eye can detect a child's future potential from various details, but before he is truly promoted to the day after tomorrow, that potential is too variable.

For example, Tianxiang has always been known for her amazing talent, but Emperor Xia didn't pay much attention to it until she was successfully promoted.

This is normal.

Until the moment when the facts are completely formed, the so-called talents are just stories written on paper.

Believe it or not.

As a matter of fact, Tianxiang's promotion has indeed had many twists and turns. Without the help of the forest and the wild, the probability of a successful promotion is really very small.

This is the uncertainty of talent fulfillment.

Many people can make a bet in advance and bet on the future with a lot of money.

But stud so long in advance... no one who is a gambler would act like this.

and so……

Why? !

Lin Ye really couldn't figure out Shang Qinglian's motives.

According to the talent he showed, it is not worth the other party's money.

Damn, the more I think about it, the weirder it becomes...

Forget it, if a gentleman doesn't stand under a dangerous wall and can't be provoked, can I still not be able to hide?
Realizing that something was wrong, although Lin Ye was still soft-handed and his heart was itching to death, he turned around resolutely before she reached out to touch his chest, and flipped out from the side window.

It is absolutely impossible to get it straight, as long as it touches it, I am afraid it will never let go.

Slip away, this woman is too scary!
The Sarutobi technique was fully activated, using both hands and feet, stepping on the window to climb over the wall, Lin Ye disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Only Shang Qinglian was left standing alone in the hall, maintaining the posture of reaching out, dumbfounded and flustered by the wind.



"Son of a bitch!"

Shang Qinglian was so angry that she wanted to go crazy, and her face was full of disbelief.

"Isn't my old lady beautiful enough? You bastard, bastard, bastard!"

She scolded for a long time before she calmed down, frowning, as if she was thinking about something.

Afterwards, she put on her clothes one by one, walked out from the main entrance with a calm expression, and blessed the courtyard with a smile.

It was as if, after a normal exchange, he was sent out with a gift.

The troublemakers who were watching this place in secret began to mutter sourly without any doubt.

In less than an hour, Shang Qinglian took the initiative to visit Lin Ye, and the story of the two having a pleasant conversation would spread in the courtyard.

In the training institute, it is difficult to hide any secrets.


Back in her small courtyard where she lived alone, Shang Qinglian continued to study, play the piano, and do homework as usual.

Until midnight, when the candles were extinguished, she sat upright in front of the dressing table, spitting out a jade bead from her mouth.

The jade beads exude a weak and hazy fluorescence.

She played with Yuzhu for a long time, and suddenly took out an unremarkable eyebrow pencil from the dressing box, and began to write on the dressing mirror.

The handwriting disappears as soon as it enters the mirror, following the intuition, it lands in another place and is transcribed.

"...This person is very suspicious, but the sensor of the tracing bead seems to be there, so it is really difficult to confirm.

I wanted to face him naked, but his vigilance and self-control were terrifying, so I couldn't do it.

Please let me know what to do next. "

After reporting, she shook the eyebrow pencil, and the light on the pen tip went out immediately, and she carefully put it in the dressing box.

After simply tidying up the table, she returned to the bed and sat cross-legged.

After a few breaths, Shang Qinglian's face became solemn and precious, and a beauty appeared faintly between the jade-like brows, dancing gracefully.


Lin Ye grandly found Coach Chen's residence and interrupted the other party's cultivation.

Instructor Chen asked carelessly, "What's the matter?"

Lin Ye directly offered two silver tickets, and bowed to the end: "Master Chen, please help me train my body!"

"Damn! Everyone is like you, I'm too busy..."

Coach Chen's face was full of displeasure, but he accidentally glanced at the face value of the bank note, and immediately changed his words involuntarily:
"They're all as sensible as you, so it's nothing if the old man is busy...Come, come, come in and talk!"

Two 500 taels, add up to one thousand.

Coach Chen received a high salary that is rare in Linjing, but the monthly salary is still only 120 taels, which shows how generous Lin Ye is.

There is a characteristic of being engaged in finance: never save money on big things.

Anyway, Xiangxiang is still in charge of the inner library, right?

Coach Chen was in a good mood, and became more and more enthusiastic about Lin Ye.

When teaching "The Walk of the Long Sword", one is the responsibility, and the other is Lie Xinxi, so it is very serious.

At this moment, I'm spreading "Pai Da Gong" again, for the sake of money, I have put a little more effort into it.

"Come on, take off your clothes, the old man will help you pat with the palm of your flesh!"

The fleshy palm of the day after tomorrow peak martial artist is better than any stick or rock.

Firstly, the strength is subtle, secondly, the true energy can directly stimulate the skin and muscles, thirdly, the force is evenly applied, and fourthly, it is rich in experience.

All the second-generation martial arts who have the conditions are basically the elders of the family to help them train their bodies.

Those who have no conditions will find a peer and beat each other to practice.

The process of practicing Pai Da Gong is not troublesome.

Coach Chen stuck to Lin Ye's limit, and slapped his whole body, causing Lin Ye to grin his teeth in pain.

After the end, Lin Ye's skin was slightly congested and red, and his muscles were swollen and painful, so he hurried to soak in the medicated bath.

When you get up the next day, if you can return to normal without any itching, you can take another shot.

If not, take a break.

When you are beaten, you have to use the "Pavilion and Fighting Gong" to resist, and during the recovery period, you should practice breathing internal strength.

Therefore, the stage of refining the body into steel is completely a waste of time.

However, talent is still very important.

For those with strong recovery, practice once a day, or even twice.

If the resilience is not strong enough, practice every two or three days.

Generally speaking, it takes at least three to five hundred exercises to achieve perfection.

After Lin Ye went home, soaked in the medicinal bath, and finished his breathing homework, he opened the panel and saw that the progress was easily broken, a total of 1.35%.

According to this calculation, 75 times will be enough.

Even if you hide it a little bit, it will only take two and a half months to practice every day.

But in fact, Lin Ye can do three exercises a day, and his resilience is so arrogant.

However, after careful consideration, Lin Ye gave up the idea of ​​advancing as soon as possible.

So pushy.

Two and a half months to finish refining the body into steel is already exaggerated enough, enough to receive the attention it deserves.

A month earlier would not be of much real significance, but the attention and vigilance it would receive would increase by several orders of magnitude, which is not worth it.

This place is no better than in the palace. When it's time to hide your clumsiness, you still have to hide your clumsiness.

The time saved in this way is just used to practice "Long Sword Movement" and "The Essentials of Action and Stop", so as to improve the frontal combat ability as much as possible.

After thoroughly deciding on the development strategy, Lin Ye had a very peaceful life for a few days.

Practice step by step every day, and the strength is growing slowly but firmly.

However, Lin Ye never expected that the first duty in his life would come so suddenly and unexpectedly.

(End of this chapter)

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