Chapter 65
Just as Lin Ye started his violent counter-charge, the rockery behind him trembled and roared.

Is there an ambush in the secret room? !

Lin Ye had guessed the truth, but there was nothing he could do for the time being.

I can only ignore it, concentrate on it, and counterattack with all my strength.

Turning one over is one!
"Be careful! She is a monk in the late stage of leaving the body!"

Seeing Lin Ye's decisive sprint, Niu Dali was startled, and hurriedly raised her voice to remind her.

Xiao Zhuang also staggered and shouted: "She is a girl of bliss, don't get close!"

Lin Ye pretended he didn't hear it, so he raised his knife and chopped it off!

The first three realms of Taoism are Yangyuan, Leaving the Body, and Yinshen.

Due to the different directions of practice, it cannot be simply compared with warriors.

Generally speaking, in a fight between a Yinshen cultivator and a Houtian warrior, there should be a winner or loser, and it all depends on who is more prepared.

Then, in the late stage of leaving the body, it is roughly equivalent to a warrior at the peak of quenching body.

In other words, the Wang Chen family is at least three small realms higher than Lin Ye.

Although now she has no spells, magic tools, weapons, or magic altars, but as long as she is proficient in any spell, the warrior who has refined her body to the steel rank can only drink her hatred on the spot.

But the question is... is Lin Ye an ordinary warrior?
Wang Chenshi sneered, staring at Lin Ye's eyes.

With a sound of "tearing", he tore off all his clothes.

There are always words in the mouth.

How fast is Lin Ye's sprint speed?

Almost in the blink of an eye, he came back to face Wang Chen from the rockery.

Even so, it still couldn't stop her from launching the secret technique.


After a soft scold, everyone saw a cloud of powder mist burst out from Wang Chen's lower abdomen.

Wang Chen's heart relaxed, his face beamed with joy, and he laughed heartily: "Hahahahaha!"

From the moment she lost the first claw, she realized that Lin Ye was difficult to deal with, and she must not treat it like an ordinary school.

So, I immediately prepared this technique silently, and I didn't even have time to make up for the waste around me.

Fortunately, I finally caught up!

"Give me death!"

The speed of the mist was extremely fast, as soon as it appeared, it diffused, covering a radius of one zhang around.

More than one person exclaimed.

"Grass! Bliss Smoke! She raised Bliss Boy!"

"Lintou flash!"

In Lin Ye's line of sight, in the mist, there was a half-illusory little boy flickering, giggling and laughing happily.

That thing only looks at the face, it is a little doll carved in powder and jade.

But when he laughed, his mouth was full of sharp fangs, which was very terrifying.

After more than half a month of tutoring, Lin Ye is no longer the Xiaobai when he just recovered.

The classic spells of various sects, of course, have been understood.

The boy in this life is very similar to the little ghost in the folklore of the previous life.

Half false and half real, invisible to ordinary people, possessing all kinds of weird and unpredictable powers.

And the Bliss Boy of the Bliss School is the best at swallowing human energy.

Often as long as they fit together and pounce, they can get into the enemy's body.

Within three to five breaths, the opponent's essence and blood will be sucked dry, and the five internal organs will wither.

The worst part is the two waists, which will not only shrink to the size of a ping-pong ball, but also completely brittle.

Once there is a slight vibration when moving the corpse, it will be broken into a puddle of powder.

Such a terrifying spell, if there is no correct way to deal with it, can even wipe out all the soldiers in the courtyard.

What is the correct way to deal with it?
Niu Dali took out the talisman paper, Xiao Zhuang took out a jar of sacrificial rooster blood, and the city guards recited the exorcism prayer in unison...

All are correct responses.

Only one person’s reaction was a mistake that the instructors never allowed to make—

forest field.

The powder mist had just diffused, and he rushed in with a knife in his hand!

"Third Brother, don't!"

Xiao Zhuang and Niu Dali were shocked on the spot.

In the next moment, Niu Dali even had tears in her eyes, feeling like she was going to collect the body of her first love.

However the reality is...

With the cover of the blissful smoke, Lin Yezhuang didn't bother to put on any more, so he ran into the blissful boy and slashed at Wang Chenshi's neck.

Wang Chen did not hide.

In fact, she neither needs to hide nor can't.

Cultivators and warriors face each other hard, and life and death are only a moment.

She stared at Lin Ye's eyes with a smirk, and let out a soft breath.


It was obviously just breathing like a breeze, but the boy of bliss seemed to have taken a great tonic, and suddenly accelerated again, screaming and rushing into the forest.

Wang Chen's eyes were full of teasing, and by the way, he pursed his lips at Lin Ye and kissed him lightly.

Farewell, handsome little man...

If there is a next life, don't provoke the Bliss faction anymore...

In the extremely carefree thoughts, time becomes very slow.

Wang Chenshi watched the boy throw himself into Lin Ye's arms, and then, then...

and then? !

Lin Ye, who should have fallen to the ground in pain and lost all ability to resist, calmly continued to swing his knife.

You fucking wait a minute... Where's my boy? !
Even if you have a protective secret treasure, the most you can do is to kick the boy away.

What is going on now?

Did you eat my boy? !
Wang Chen's thoughts turned quickly, but she only had time to open her eyes wide because of the physical reaction.

There is no pleasure, joy, cruelty and self-confidence in the pupils, only blankness remains.

How did the old lady lose?

At the last moment before her consciousness was completely plunged into darkness, a sharp pain of the boy's destruction finally came back from her spirit. She seemed to be trying to understand something, and a hint of shock appeared in the deepest part of her eyes.

Unfortunately, it was too late for her to warn anyone.


In the eyes of Niu Dali and other outsiders, the pink mist only lasted for a short moment before it exploded.

There is no abnormality of the treasure of subjugating demons, and there is no sound and light effect caused by the collision of pure yang energy and secret art.

It is just the purest physical force, erupting from the center of the mist, abruptly blowing up the blissful smoke.

In the next second, a head flew high.

With a bang, it hit the ground.

Seeing Lin Ye slowly walking out of the fading powder mist, the nearby Erlang and soldiers were all dumbfounded.

"What kind of breaking law is this?"

"I didn't teach you..."

"Slash hard with a knife?"

"Don't make trouble! If the formed Taoism can be cut by the blade, what kind of spells and chicken blood will we bring in the future?"

Everyone was stunned and felt that their common sense had been seriously challenged.

Logically speaking, warriors below the blood energy stage do not have any ability to directly fight against spells and boys.

Bliss smoke seems to be a kind of smoke, but it is actually transformed by energy, which cannot be blown away by the wind, and fascinates the soul when touched.

What do low-level warriors carry?

What about Lin Ye?

Cut it with a knife!

Everyone looked at Lin Ye, and immediately became awed and obedient.

Although I can't figure out how he did it, it is everyone's instinct to respect the strong.

Lin Ye didn't intend to explain anything.

No need.

"Check the damage, treat the wounded!"

With an order, everyone immediately moved.

Niu Dali wiped away tears, muttering "first love is not dead", she threw herself to Xiao Hei's side, checked for a long time, and let out a sigh of relief.

He slapped Xiao Hei again.

"You're so damn lucky! Such a long incision didn't hurt the vitals, just keep it for a few days."

Xiao Hei coughed twice, and replied in a muffled voice: "The target of that bitch is not me, and he didn't pay attention to me at all, otherwise I will be gone if I make another cut..."

Hearing this, several people began to sneak glances at Lin Ye again.

Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that Wang Chenshi didn't intend to expose it at first, but she didn't suddenly attack until Lin Ye picked up the jade bead.

It was precisely because the attack was launched too hastily that she did not fully demonstrate her late stage strength.

Otherwise, as long as she secretly hides a magic weapon or talisman, today's result will be rewritten.

A blissful girl, under the premise of sufficient preparation, is fully capable of destroying the Supervision Department's lineup today.

But why?
(End of this chapter)

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