Stop forcing me to marry

Chapter 70 The army seals off the city!

Chapter 70 The army seals off the city!

Lin Ye slumped his shoulders slightly, swaying casually in the middle of the team, like a street skater from his previous life.

Shen Yu's effect was [-]% activated, and the whole body was quiet, ordinary and ordinary.

Among the four internal and external strong middle-level soldiers, it was the worst-looking one.

In order to prevent his flaws from being exposed, he didn't bring the Demon Slayer Knife with him.

Lin Ye's whimsical disguise and disguise played a huge role.

The person hiding in the dark didn't pay too much attention, he just glanced over and let the group of people leave.

Traveling fast all the way, he walked nearly half of the distance quite steadily.

Just when a group of people crossed a narrow street and were about to step onto the main road, the accident finally happened.

From the alley next to it, a thick man suddenly jumped out.

Wearing a bamboo hat and coarse linen clothes, this person looks like a laborer at first glance, rushing through the middle of the team.


The soldiers beside Lin Ye were extremely vigilant and reacted very quickly, but before they could finish asking "who is it", that person had already bumped into the palace to buy.

In the next moment, Cai Mai sprayed blood from his mouth, and there was a ho-ho blood gushing sound in his throat, and it seemed that he was already dying.

It wasn't until this moment that the soldiers drew out their waist knives.

But the rough man had jumped up and down and disappeared into the opposite alleyway.


Two soldiers were in a hurry to check the status of the purchase, while the other two were on guard with knives.

"This person is dead... Lintou?"

Soldier A raised his head angrily, and looked at Lin Ye inquiringly.

"Carry him back to the yamen!"

Lin Ye waved his hands and made a calm decision.


Soldiers A and B silently lifted up the purchased corpses and continued on their way.

Bing and Ding didn't put their knives back in their sheaths, and looked around, full of vigilance.

After a while, the sense of peeping over Lin Ye completely dissipated, and Lin Ye finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, Lin Ye had already noticed the abnormality as early as the rough man had just stepped forward.

In the blink of an eye, he decided to resist this wave of temptation.

The enemy did not hold weapons, and there were accomplices secretly responding. Obviously, it was just a temptation, and the purpose was not to annihilate the escort team.

Lin Ye has the ability to draw his sword and explode, and knock down the rough man with a sneak attack.

But it is not necessary.

This place is still far away from the government office. If there is a real fight, Lin Ye may be able to escape, but the four soldiers will undoubtedly die.

And once the opponent cannot be completely wiped out, the surviving enemies will definitely guess that Lin Ye must have discovered a big problem and must take big action when he returned to the company secretly.

In this way, the effect of surprise is lost.

Therefore, Lin Ye forcibly resisted the urge to draw his sword, and planned to see what the other party was going to do.

But I didn't think about it...

How could he kill a buyer?

After thinking about it again and again, Lin Ye finally had a guess——

Perhaps, the other party didn't know who the escorted person was at all, and they just killed him casually for the purpose of undermining the actions of the Supervision Department.

If the guess is true, it proves that the voyeur and the bliss faction are not the same.

The other party didn't know the details of the murder case of the Wangfu, but they had hidden loopholes in the Butcher Street, so they mistakenly regarded the purchase of the Wangfu as an important witness, and they were killed.

After thinking clearly, Lin Ye sighed silently.

How many people were involved in this case?
What the hell are a group of psychotic heretics going to do?

It's a pity that the merits are not enough, otherwise, I will have to pick you out one by one!

On the silent return journey, Lin Ye secretly reflected and deeply felt his lack of experience in handling cases.

The biggest mistake is that you shouldn't spread your strength in the first place.

Otherwise, the other party would never dare to be so rampant.

But then again, this is hindsight.

There are only five days in total. If the two teams are not scattered and dispersed, but assembled together and put all their eggs in one basket, what if the problem cannot be found?
Sitting still? !

In the final analysis, the most fundamental reason is lack of strength.

If I have the strength of the peak body quenching and the fourth-level "Long Sword Walk", what am I afraid of being watched?
Come one, cut one, come two, cut a pair!
A strong sense of urgency rose in Lin Ye's heart, and his desire for power became more and more urgent, but unfortunately, it was too late at the moment.

Then you can only go back to the next best thing——

I must solve this case!
Merit, I must make full use of it!

The next time there is an accident, at least you don't have to tie your hands and feet, just to save that mere hundred and ten points!

When he completely cleared his mind, the Office of the Supervision Department was already in front of him.

Lin Ye went straight to Lieutenant Colonel Wu Qianli's office, and in a few words, he described the seriousness of the matter clearly.

"You come with me!"

Wu Qianli looked serious, and hurriedly led Lin Ye to meet the real Shangguan.

Not directly under the leader, Senior Colonel Liu Hong, but at the next level, Wu Wanli, one of the four major unifications of the Supervision Department.

The lieutenant colonel is in charge of a hundred households, the senior colonel is in charge of a thousand households, and the Dutong is in charge of five major colonels, and also serves as the city guard.

With one order, tens of thousands of horses can be pulled out, sweeping away all ghosts and monsters.

Wu Wanli is a scribe with a white face and no beard.

His identity is actually Wu Qianli's younger brother.

Seeing that Wu Qianli actually leapfrogged to report, his face darkened: "Why didn't Senior Colonel Liu Hong come?"

Wu Qianli hurriedly explained: "Senior Colonel Liu has a mission and is not in the Yamen. However, the situation is urgent and he has to report to the capital."

"Oh?!" Wu Wanli was shocked, "What's the matter?"

Wu Qianli stepped aside and told Lin Ye to come forward.

"Xiaguan's new junior high school, Linye, met Wu Dutong!"

"Don't be too polite, report!"


Lin Ye immediately reported his findings in detail, and Wu Wanli's expression became more and more serious.

"With just one butcher shop, it was discovered that there might be monsters hiding in three households?"

"There should be more than three families."

Lin Ye replied calmly: "Those three households just didn't cover up, and they were found out immediately.

If you act cautiously and purchase in multiple butcher shops, it will be difficult to find without a thorough investigation. "

Wu Wanli frowned tightly: "How many butcher shops are there in Dongcheng City?"


"There are four major cities in the city, and there are more than a hundred butcher shops... plus there are at least three hundred butcher shops scattered in the small streets and alleys..."

Wu Wanli muttered to himself, and suddenly raised his head to look at Lin Ye.

"The case is yours, and you found the clues. In your opinion, how should we deal with it?"

This question is somewhat redundant.

Lin Ye is not qualified to comment on this matter.

However, Wu Wanli asked that.

This is an opportunity.

Without any hesitation or fear, Lin Ye replied calmly but forcefully:
"Early curfew!
Block all butcher shops in the city, conduct a comprehensive investigation of all abnormal buyers, find one case, suppress one case!
Capture as many victims as possible and interrogate them on the spot until the entire chain is dug out! "

Wu Wanli didn't say yes or no.

I buried my head in front of the desk and began to sign the order.

Not long after, he threw Lin Ye an action document with a big seal on it: "Dongcheng City will be handed over to you, is there any problem?"

Lin Ye suppressed the shock and ecstasy in his heart, and sonorously replied: "I will not insult God!"

"You go prepare yourself, I will wait and see!"


As Wu Wanli called each of the senior officers and issued each order, the Supervision Department became violently agitated like a waking beast.

At dusk, the school grounds were crowded with black heads, but there was no sound.

At the hour of You, the horn sounded, and the army set out!
(End of this chapter)

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