Chapter 72
Lin Ye didn't do it himself.

However, the investigation led by him actually found out many evil cultivators and monsters.

Every time you suppress one, you can get at least ten points of minor merit.

Although he still didn't understand what the evil cultivators were trying to do by bringing in so many monsters all of a sudden, it was really a waste of money.

If there is no such big loophole as monsters, trying to dig out those evil cultivators would be a fool's dream.

People are too easy to hide.

But monsters can't.

Monster beasts have to eat meat, and it has to be fresh meat with blood, at least ten catties a day.


"The daily report of the total sales of all butcher shops in the DC area, has it been counted?"

The clerks worked overtime until midnight, and finally produced a new form according to Lin Ye's request.

The table counts the total weight of meat sold every day in the last two months in the entire DC area.

The above shows that since a month ago, meat consumption has started to increase steadily.

As of today, the sales volume has increased by [-] catties compared with the same period last month.

"Based on the average consumption of ten catties of fresh meat per monster per day, there are about [-] monsters lurking in the DC many have been verified so far?"

"Report Lin Shangguan, about [-] households have been verified!"

Well, only a quarter...

This group of psychopaths transported at least [-] monsters into the city in a month!

If there is chaos at the same time, it is absolutely impossible to overthrow the country, but it is enough to cause huge chaos.

Looking at the small skills that have returned to more than [-], Lin Ye can't wait to inquire directly.

What are you doing?
But after thinking about it, I still couldn't bear it.

Wait a minute.

In case those embryo killers come to the door, what new clues will be found on the spot?
"Continue to investigate!"


Time passed little by little, and new news continued to return.

There are demons hiding in the homes of officials of the Municipal Department, but they are not evil cultivators.

Dongcheng Ling's master is also unclean and has a demonic aura, but no monsters have been detected.

City gate officials were involved in smuggling, and there is already evidence that some monsters sneaked into Linjing directly from the east gate.

Linhe Wharf is very likely to be another source of monsters, but the warehouses of those chambers of commerce are not easy to find directly, and too many dignitaries are involved.


Lin Ye felt that a huge vortex was gradually taking shape.

But feeling it doesn't mean you can do something.

For a major event like this that involves a wide range, even if Tian Yan is used, it will not have much effect.

Check who?
Forget it, let's honestly check the monsters...

At dawn, Lin Ye took a free time and stood up to gather his energy.

After finishing the morning class, I returned to the lobby just in time for dinner.

Lin Ye sat directly on the desk with a bowl of porridge in his hand, drinking it slowly.

There was a sudden noise outside, followed by shouts of greetings one after another: "I've seen Wu Dutong!"

Lin Ye hurried out to meet him, and as soon as he reached the door, Wu Wanli strode over.

"Don't be too polite!"

Wu Wanli's shirt was stained with blood, and it looked like he had gone into battle himself.

Without giving Lin Ye a chance to be polite, he asked bluntly: "How is the investigation going? When will it be completely completed?"

By now, everyone is exhausted physically and mentally.

Whether it is Erlang or the official, they all looked at Lin Ye eagerly.

Lin Ye pondered for a while, then clasped his fists and replied, "It will take at least four days."


A senior colonel who was traveling with him glared at him and snorted coldly, wanting to reprimand Lin Ye.

But Wu Wanli suppressed the other party's doubts just by raising his hand.

"Why so slow?"

"Please listen to me carefully..."

As the most easily confirmed large households were all settled, the difficulty of checking the remaining middle households began to rise linearly.

Lin Ye has no good way to do this.

Now it can be confirmed that there are more than [-] monsters hiding in the DC area. It is very likely that a considerable part of them are hiding in these Nakato households.

But it is difficult to confirm.

On the one hand, the number of Nakato is too large.

On the one hand, Nakato's purchases are more flexible and extremely unstable.

If I buy five catties of pork at Wang's today, I won't have to come back for two days.

The day after tomorrow, I bought two live chickens at Li's house, but there was no one there for a few days.

Da Da bought a leg of lamb at Liu's house the day after tomorrow...

Although the butcher shop owner is in the regular customer business, it is impossible to remember the daily consumption patterns of each regular customer.

The more unstable it is, the harder it is to remember clearly.

This brings great difficulty to the investigation work.

Although the progress is still moving forward, the efficiency has dropped to a relatively low level.

Wu Wanli listened to Lin Ye's explanation, pondered for a while, and then nodded slowly.

"This is not your fault, the efficiency of the other three squares is not as good as yours.

In the end, it is the method of accepting you, which has just achieved the current results.

Your merits have been reported, not only I know, Si Yu will also see it.

The next investigation is indeed more difficult..."

After some praise, the tone suddenly changed.

"However, at the current speed, we may not be able to break the case.

Not to mention another four days of closure of the city, even if it is only closed for one day, there may be major problems.

For the people in Beijing, not every family has food in stock, and many poor people, orphans and widows, have to work every day to have food.

Xiaoxiao Lin, what can you do? "

What can I do about the matters that the Ministry of Finance should take care of?
Lin Ye muttered in his heart, but his face remained calm.

On the contrary, the two senior colonels who were traveling with each other secretly gritted their teeth and looked worried.

Lin Ye glanced at it and understood what was going on.

It was obviously because of his great contribution, and Wu Dutong showed too much importance, making people uncomfortable.

Jealousy is so normal.

Strictly speaking, a certain senior colonel should have been in charge of the overall investigation of Dongchengfang City.

At worst, should we send a lieutenant colonel?

It turned out that Lin Ye was just a newly promoted small school, commanding more than a dozen officials of the same level, and reaping the greatest merit.

Although it was because of an emergency that we had to temporarily arrest a strong man, but who cares about the reason?

Anyway, if you ate my flesh, you are guilty.

Seeing Lin Ye frowning in thought, one of the senior colonels suddenly reprimanded him.

"Speak if you have a solution, and go down if you have no solution! How can you waste so much time, you timid one?!"


Another senior colonel immediately echoed: "Small Lin, time is tight and tasks are heavy, so don't hide it?"

Old Yin ratio!
What the hell are you majoring in ophthalmology at Yinren University?

Even though Lin Ye's self-cultivation was excellent, he was angered by these two superiors.

His expression was calm, but he was determined in his heart.

"Dutong, the closure of the city is absolutely unsustainable, and the impact is too great, but to prevent large-scale chaos by monsters, Lin Ye has a plan."


Wu Wanli raised his eyebrows, and spread out his hands excitedly: "Speak!"

"It's troublesome to talk about, please look at my arrangements!"

The faces of the two senior colonels were filled with shock—is this person so arrogant? !

Wu Wanli didn't take it seriously.

Looking at Lin Ye's young, handsome, and stubborn face, he smiled and waved his hands: "Okay! You go!"

Lin Ye is not stage frightened at all.

He went straight to the center of the lobby, waved to the butcher shop owners who were looking at him eagerly, and raised his voice.

"Thank you everyone! The investigation is over for the time being, let's all go back! Open the door normally, and operate normally, just cooperate with the management of the Supervision Department."

The butcher shop owners were overjoyed and a little uneasy.

"Dare to ask Shangguan, how can the younger one cooperate?"

Lin Ye said kindly, "You'll know when you go back. Don't worry, it won't affect your normal business."

The boss and the guys didn't dare to ask any more questions, they supported each other and went home tremblingly.

After all the outsiders left, only the Supervision Department and the City Guards remained, Lin Ye gave the order.

"All orders!
From today, all butcher shops in Dongcheng will be stationed!
Each butcher's shop is equipped with twenty soldiers, five sons, and one official.

You don't need to worry about the rest of the things, just do one thing - register!
Anyone who buys meat needs to hold his/her household registration and register clearly which prefecture he is buying from before he can buy it.

Anyone who refuses to register, or temporarily reneges, will be detained on the spot!

If you don't bring your household registration guide, go to a soldier and pick it up with you when you go home.

If there is a fake, ignite the fireworks immediately, and within a moment, there will be support!
Do you understand? "


Everyone below responded with a bang, excited and flying, obviously understanding Lin Ye's plan.

Wu Wanli Nianxu nodded and sighed: "This is a great talent!"

The two senior colonels understood that it was for themselves, they looked at each other, blushing.

(End of this chapter)

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