Stop forcing me to marry

Chapter 74 Are You Trying To Trick Me Again?

Chapter 74 Are You Trying To Trick Me Again?

Lin Ye walked into the office of the Supervision Department Si Yu dignifiedly.

"Si Yu, the person has been brought here."

Wu Wanli was very humble, but Liu Dafu just waved his hands lazily.

"Okay, you go down!"


Wu Wanli backed away with his hands clasped, and quietly winked at Lin Ye.

That probably means——take it easy, don't be arrogant!

But as soon as he went out, Lin Ye and Liu Dafu looked at each other and smiled.

Chacha graciously jumped up from the chair, bowed her waist, and led Lin Ye to the inner reception area.

Smiling and explaining: "Wanli's ability to figure out what he wants is not bad, but his level is a bit lower, and the servant did not let him know that Lin Shaojun has too many things, for fear that life will not be beautiful..."

Lin Ye no longer had a straight face, and said with a smile: "Master Liu, it's over."

"How come?"

Liu Dafu can be regarded as having found an opportunity, and the art of tea is on the rise.

"I don't know how happy I am to be able to meet with Shaojun in a fair and honest manner... The recent performance of Shaojun really stunned my servant!"

"This matter is really a coincidence."

Lin Ye really thought so.

Tianyan was not used in the whole process, relying on a little experience and wisdom of later generations, the case was solved smoothly, is it not a coincidence?
Liu Dafu didn't think so.

"Young master is as modest as a valley, and your servants admire you so much!
However, apart from you, Shaojun, who can find a solution to break the situation in such a chaotic situation in an instant?

How wonderful is it to start with a butcher shop?

Mentioning this matter, both the governor and the sage were amazed!
According to the Chief Governor's idea, the details, experience, and ideas of the case should be published throughout the country, so that the three divisions can learn from each other.

You, Lin Shen will be arrested soon! "

I'm going, so hasty?
Lin Ye was taken aback.

The "God Catchment" Liu Dafu mentioned is not an illusory honorific title, but a professional title shared by the three inspectors.

The Third Division is still affiliated with the original unit, and its main responsibilities remain unchanged.

However, in the specific process of handling a case, as long as there are legitimate reasons, the manpower, case files, and intelligence of the third division can be temporarily used.

Its power is so great that it spans the three inspection divisions.

For the respect of his status, Zhan Sansi should also give some face.

For Lin Ye's current status as a small school, it can be said that he has reached the sky in one step!
Lin Ye didn't drift away, and was still weighing the pros and cons: "Master Liu, is it a little too hasty?"

Liu Dafu smiled and said, "Don't worry, Shaojun, although the reward is high, there are not many people who refuse to accept it. You, you haven't really realized the influence of this case..."

The Linjing demon case is an unprecedented new type of case.

In the past, evil cultivators raising monsters were all small-scale and sneaky behaviors.

The harm is small, the scope of influence is not wide, and the destructive power is quite general.

It's not as good as a cult holding a blood sacrifice.

But this time, several major evil sects joined forces to smuggle monsters into the city on a large scale, organized, disciplined, and with clear goals.

And, it's extremely secretive.

In fact, long before Lin Ye discovered the problem, the Supervision Division and the Demon Killing Division killed several accidentally exposed monsters respectively.

But at that time, it did not attract any attention, and it was only regarded as an independent case.

The Department of Supervision and the Department of Game Affairs were mostly absorbed by the high-level battles between the abolished prince, the established princess, and the suppressed prince, and they were completely unaware of the seriousness of the problem.

If it continues to develop like this, until the day when the black hand behind the scenes launches, it will definitely cause chaos.

However, Lin Ye noticed something that no one noticed.

This is merit one.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Ye immediately thought of the source of food and raided the butcher's shop, which thoroughly proved that "there are many monsters hidden in the city" and really activated the Supervision Department.

This is merit two.

After that, the investigation was launched on the same day, and in an extremely scientific and reasonable overall planning method, they were divided and investigated, separated and eliminated.

Eliminate the backbone of the cult overnight and completely paralyze the organizational capabilities of the top cultivators.

Looking back, it was a stroke of genius to investigate the big households in the first place.

Not only is the efficiency extremely high, but the evil cultivators hidden in the homes of the rich are all powerful middle-level people. If they are separated and eliminated, the big net of the masterminds behind the scenes will be torn apart.

The rest of the minions were like a pile of loose sand, unable to spark any sparks.

This is merit three.

In the end, the source of meat was strictly controlled, the outside was loose and the inside was tightened, and most of the hidden monsters were trapped to death without any effort.

This is merit four.

If another person handles the case, the old method of self-examination by the neighbors, report by the security chief, and a large-scale search of the workshop may not be able to solve the case in another month.

Moreover, it is not yet known how many riots there will be.

It's not how stupid they are, and it's not that Lin Ye's wisdom is superior to everyone, it's really just a gap in experience and cognition.

Before crossing, Lin Ye had just undergone the largest full-staff inspection in human history.

All kinds of investigation and sealing methods have amazed foreigners.

Isn't it a coincidence? !
"So, Lin Shaojun won this honor, and the chief officials in the third division are all sincerely convinced.

It is said that "such a talent should be rewarded", and it is a matter of course, and it is not forced at all! "

Liu Dafu's flattery must be exaggerated, don't think about it.

But Lin Ye felt extremely comfortable in the filming.

Since you publicly recommended me to be a god catcher, then accept it!

"But young master, you must know that the name of the god arrest is only useful when handling cases, but it cannot interfere with any internal affairs.

Your official job is still just a small supervisor of the Supervision Department, but you have to distinguish it clearly. "

Liu Dafu made another point, and Lin Ye nodded knowingly.

"Master Liu, don't worry, I will exercise my authority as a god arrester with caution."

"Don't worry, slaves and maidservants are of course relieved. Young Master is open-minded and regards power and wealth as floating clouds. Not only me, but the Holy Majesty is also relieved!"

Liu Dafu smiled, and presented another document with his own hands.

"Another reward is here."

Lin Ye took it over and took a look. It was all expected, and he didn't feel much.

One, remember the great merit three.

The three major merits are enough for Lin Ye to be promoted to lieutenant colonel.

However, firstly, he has to wait for a vacancy, secondly, he lacks qualifications, and thirdly, he is not strong enough, so he cannot be promoted for the time being.

But with great achievements in hand, promotion is a matter of time.

Now, it's just "queuing" as usual.

Second, give Feng Shanyin male.

Men, sons, uncles, marquises, and dukes are five ranks of titles, with baron being the lowest.

However, there is a gap between having a title and not having a title.

There are so many lieutenant colonels in the Supervision Department, and there is no more than one-tenth of them with a loose knight.

From today onwards, when others greet Lin Ye, they can no longer be called "Xiao Xiao Lin", but should be honored as "Shanyin Male Lin Shaojun".

Third, grant a Bachelor of Ming Studies.

A reward, Lin Ye didn't understand.

Liu Dafu hastily explained in detail.

"I was selected as a scholar and promoted to an official, and there were five subjects.

They are engineering, medicine, liberal arts, martial arts, Mingke..."

Lin Ye listened with peace of mind and gradually understood.

In Central Continent, the status of artisans and doctors is not low.

How valuable are magic weapons?
It's hard for a great master to find a handy magic weapon.

Not to mention the Imperial Medical Administration, which is in charge of national medicine.

Which martial artist or Taoist cultivator does not need great medicine?
These two subjects are professional and technical personnel, safe and stable, honorable and leisurely.

There is no need to go into details about martial arts, Zhongzhou respects martial arts.

As for liberal arts, the degree of importance is not as high as that of the previous feudal dynasty, but it is still highly valued.

Because "ruling the country by warriors" is unreliable.

The warriors of Central Continent are completely different from the so-called warriors of the previous life.

Promising warriors are all cultivators.

It is pure nonsense to want them to conduct administration honestly.

Neither the patience nor the time.

Moreover, Daxia's requirements for literati have never been poetry, poetry, calligraphy and painting, but mathematics, engineering, documents, administration, and strategy.

Therefore, those with a pure liberal arts background are mostly professional administrative officials, adjutants in important positions, and staff members of senior generals.

So, who is the chief officer in an important position?
Minko was born.

Those who are bright, the sun and the moon shine together, and they are both civil and military.

Compared with liberal arts, Mingke does not accept closed-pulse students without martial arts talent, no matter how talented you are.

Compared with martial arts, Minke does not accept pure reckless men, cultivators, and wild people, no matter how strong your fighting talent is.

Mingke selects a scholar, every three years, both civil and military examinations, attracting much attention.

It is a stage that truly belongs only to geniuses.

In some years, only a few dozen people are selected for one session.

Even if he is as strong as the little father-in-law Lin Lie, he was only the champion of martial arts back then, and he really couldn't learn mathematics.

Mingke can only pass the entrance examination level by level.

After finishing the Liberal Arts Examination, and then the Martial Arts Examination, if you pass both exams, you will become a Bachelor of Ming Science, and you can participate in the Ming Ke Daju that is held every three years.

As for Lin Ye, he was directly awarded the title of Ming Science Bachelor.

What does it mean?

If you want to take the exam, you can participate in the next Mingke University.

If you don't want to take the exam, a bachelor's degree is enough, and after two years of peace, you can be the chief officer of any position.

Strictly speaking, this bachelor's reward is much more valuable than a title or the reputation of a god catcher.

Take great pains!
Lin Ye felt emotional, and bowed his hands toward the east.

"Lin Ye thanked the Holy One for his kindness!"

"You deserve it, you deserve it!"

Liu Dafu took the document back with a smile, and stamped it with the highest seal of the Supervisory Department - Si Yujian.

Then, suddenly sighed.


What are you doing?
Lin Ye was stunned by Chacha, looked at the other party carefully, but couldn't tell whether it was acting or not.

"Why did Master Liu sigh?"

Liu Dafu's face was full of sadness, and his mood was very low.

"Young Master, do you know that His Highness can't bear the pressure because of the previous accidents?"

Ok? !

Tianxiang is at the time of the spring breeze, so what pressure can there be?
Ever since she started supervising the country, when the word "His Royal Highness" was mentioned in the court, it was tacitly referred to as Tianxiang Princess Li Yanqing.

Lin Ye's heart shuddered, and he had an extremely bad premonition.

Emperor Dog, are you going to trick me again? !
(End of this chapter)

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