Stop forcing me to marry

Chapter 9 I'm a monster!

Chapter 9 I'm a monster!
Lin Ye has seen too many similar customers, as long as the other party opens his mouth, he knows what he is thinking.

Was Emperor Xia afraid that Lin Ye would run away?

Not also!

It was because he was afraid that Lin Ye would run back to the heaven without taking him with him!
As long as there is a slight possibility, who would not want to become a fairy, go to the heavens and live forever?
In ancient China without any extraordinary power, one emperor after another dreamed of ascending in the daytime, let alone this world that truly possesses great power? !

Now, as long as Lin Ye dares to pat his chest to guarantee Xia Huang, Xia Huang will dare to empty the treasury and regard Lin Ye as the national teacher!
However, Lin Ye would never do that.

The best way to deal with such customers is the word "drag".

"There is no need to consider this matter in a short time, and I don't know."

Lin Ye shook his head, he didn't completely block his mouth, and acted extremely sober and realistic.

"Right now, I just want to work hard to accumulate strength, settle karma, accumulate merit, and live a good life.

Leave the future to the future.

Maybe I will be trapped in this world for the rest of my life, or I may hope to return to my hometown, but at this moment, who knows which ending is a blessing?

It's better to practice hard. "

"it is good!"

Emperor Xia admired Lin Ye's attitude very much, clapping his hands and applauding.

It's strange not to appreciate it.

There is a celestial immortal who intends to live here for a long time, and also declares that he will contribute to the dynasty. What kind of unexpected joy is this?
As long as you are willing to live permanently, you are not afraid of losing your benefits!

As for whether they can return to the heaven together in the future, it is still too early, so there is really no need to rush.

So Emperor Xia asked curiously again: "Does the heavenly world pay special attention to cause and effect and merit?"


Lin Ye nodded, very cold, as if he didn't want to talk more.

Obviously it was acting again, but Emperor Xia chose to eat this set, and his interest was even higher.

"Lin Qing, can you elaborate?"

Lin Ye was deliberately silent for a few seconds before opening his mouth in awe.

"As the saying goes, all living beings suffer, and the heavens are no exception. There are always corners where the sun does not shine.

There is a saying in "Tao De": The world is not benevolent, and all things are regarded as dogs.

What solution?

The Dao of Heaven has no human emotions, and treats everything in the world the same, and will not deliberately favor any living things.

At this time, humanity is needed to relieve the suffering of the same family.

When I practice cultivation, I can fight against the sky, because the way of heaven will not deliberately punish anyone.

But we must follow the way of humanity, because humanity is the cornerstone of our generation of monks.

If there is a cause and effect that does not bear fruit, it will be reflected in the way of heaven, and it is nothing more than that everything is not going well.

The influence of external force can always be overcome.

But when it is reflected in the human way, it means that the heart of the Tao is blocked and the mind is dusty. This is a major hindrance to practice!
The function of merit is actually to weaken the influence of external forces, and to sense things and opportunities that are beneficial to oneself in the dark.

Merit itself cannot help practitioners become immortals directly.

Therefore, merit is still an external force.

It can be used well, but it cannot be relied on too much, putting the cart before the horse. "

In order to conceal some of his behaviors and the magic of using Tian Yan in the future, Lin Ye racked his brains.

By the end of the compilation, he himself had some letters.

This is the highest level of deceit - even deceiving yourself.

The prestige of the chief is so terrifying!
The monarchs and ministers of Daxia were even more shocked.

"That's a great word!"

The High Priest, who had remained silent all this time, couldn't help but echoed.

The way Taoist Qi looked at Lin Ye became more and more strange.

Not only appreciation and admiration, but also some extremely subtle meanings, which Lin Ye couldn't figure out.

"Since that's the case, is Lin Qing willing to become an official in the court? Accumulating merit is nothing more than benefiting one side."

Emperor Xia was half probing, half sincerely asking.

Lin Ye had a comprehensive plan long ago and resolutely refused.

"I know very little about this dynasty and the world, and the most urgent thing to do is to learn characters, understand the world situation, and restore strength.

Moreover, I am just a loose person in the heavenly world, I am used to being carefree, and I am afraid that I will not be a good official. "

Lin Ye took the initiative to block the opening, but Xia Huang refused.

"The situation in Central Continent is completely different from that in the Heaven Realm. Those who are more powerful have heavier responsibilities.

Because monsters are rampant, it is not easy for the human race to survive. It requires all of us to work together and seek common development.

But it is true that Lin Qing needs time.

Then it's better like this: I will give Lin Qing a title first, and when the time is right, I will fill in the title, okay? "

Although it was a negotiating tone, Lin Ye was actually not allowed to refuse.

If it is not included in the system, how can you be sure that you will obey it?

In fact, Lin Ye never thought of refusing.

Who would be worthy of not taking the benefits that were forced in?

"That being the case, I will obey the Holy Emperor's order."

Lin Ye stood up and saluted, Emperor Xia was overjoyed, and took the initiative to make an exception and increase the reward by a large amount.

"Loyalty, draw up an order! Then Lin Qing will be named Uncle Anping, and he will receive food from 5000 households, reward [-] taels of silver, and bestow three brocade clothes with phoenix patterns."

Great Xia regards the phoenix as auspicious, and only nobles can wear brocade clothes and embroider phoenix patterns.

There are six levels of titles, namely male, son, uncle, marquis, duke and king.

Neither the present dynasty nor the previous dynasty were crowned kings, and they were actually at the fifth level.

Since the knighthood requires real gold and silver from the treasury, and it takes hundreds of years, the burden is not light.

Therefore, those who have not made great achievements are not allowed to be knighted.

Lin Ye didn't make any achievements, and picked up a third-level title when he came up, which is really a trick.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The "beautiful" eunuch went straight to the desk to grind and draft the decree, and Xia Huang stamped the imperial seal with his own hands, and the matter was a foregone conclusion.

"Uncle An Ping, don't think the title is too small.

It is indeed inconvenient for Fenghou to go through the court meeting.

In the future, if you make enough contributions to the Great Xia, I will naturally not treat the meritorious officials badly! "

Emperor Xia was joking with a smile on his face, but Lin Ye just cupped his hands lightly.

"Thank you, Lord, for your kindness. Since that's the case, Ziyu will give you a gift in return."


Everyone immediately raised their interest and lifted their spirits.

Lin Ye took the initiative to walk to the desk, fetched the brush, and spread out the rice paper.

Especially calm and indifferent.

"I mentioned to Liu Siyu before that the Chinese sage passed down a "Tao Te Ching" 5000 years ago when he just became enlightened.

It contains all kinds of sentiments of the saints, which are the treasures of heaven for me.

Today, I will write a general outline of morality in the Chinese language of the heavens, and enshrine it to the Holy Emperor. "

5000 years!
Daxia's monarchs and ministers couldn't help but secretly stunned.

It must not be easy to become enlightened. The saint named Huaxia must be tens of thousands of years old now, right?
And how many years can my martial saint in Central Continent live?
More than three hundred years!

How big is the gap...

The monarchs and ministers of the Great Xia became more and more addicted to brainstorming, and they almost crippled themselves.

Lin Ye was thinking about how to write.

Lin Ye has naturally read the full text of the Tao Te Ching.

Those who are engaged in finance, especially those in Lujiazui, the magic capital, love to pretend to be aggressive.

Reading, exercising, and taking photos with bigwigs are the three magic weapons of the so-called financial elites’ daily pretentiousness.

What kind of luxury cars, nightclubs, Internet celebrity hotels, fancy watches... Those methods seem to them to be very low, and they don't fit their temperament at all.

So when they open their circle of friends, they are either reading "Lao Tzu" or "Huang Ting".

But just reading it is useless, whether you remember it or not is the key.

Lin Ye couldn't remember at first, he was just a smarter normal person.

But with Tian Yan, he could even recall every frame of a short video he had swiped.

In this way, the coercion in front of him can pretend to be extremely mellow.

Gently rolling up his sleeves, Lin Ye kept his hands steady and tried hard to write.

He has practiced calligraphy for a period of time, but it is only at an arty level, and he still learns it for the sake of pretending to be aggressive.

I originally thought that if the words are not good-looking, then they are not good-looking, so I can just explain: the heavens have already eliminated paper and pens, and everyone has an artifact.

As a result, when I actually started writing, I was surprised to find that...

What the hell!

How can my control over my body be so strong? !

Simple description: what you think in your heart is what you are when you write.

Not bad at all!

This is not a technique that practice makes perfect, nor is it a natural sway after calligraphy is mastered.

It's total control with incredible precision!

Lin Ye suddenly realized——

For more than ten years, San Gouzi seems to have made no achievements, but in fact, he has already trained his body into a monster.

Now, there are more powerful and pure souls...

What I am particularly meowing is a monster!
(End of this chapter)

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