Chapter 110 The Killing of the Lord of the Bloody Light Palace

Hearing the words of the Blood Light Palace Master, Venerable Wan Ming was immediately stunned.

come kill me?
"I don't know when I offended Your Excellency?" Venerable Wan Ming felt chills in his heart.

Those who dare to call themselves "lords" are at least the overlords of the universe.

He is much stronger than ordinary venerables. As a high-level venerable, he has no confidence to resist such a strong man.

So after knowing the purpose of Chen Ao's visit, Venerable Wan Ming immediately began to call the Venerables of the surrounding ethnic groups.

But Chen Ao didn't care what Venerable Wan Ming said, and rushed directly to Venerable Wan Ming.

"Your Excellency, do you think my Wanming clan is easy to bully?" Venerable Wanming didn't expect the other party to kill him directly.

He is a high-ranking venerable, even if he faces the overlord of the universe, he can resist for a while.

It is enough to delay the arrival of several venerables who support each other.

It is not easy for these weak people to survive. If they do not form a group, they will not be able to survive for a long time.

Ninth sword!
The Ultimate Secret Technique of the Overlord of the Universe!

The long sword cut through the void and rushed directly towards Venerable Wan Ming.

Venerable Wan Ming looked at the sword light, and was immediately frightened out of his wits.

"Your Excellency, speak up if you have something to say!"

Venerable Wan Ming tried his best to resist.

However, when the sword light passed by, his divine body actually lost [-]% directly.

"Ah! This, this is definitely not an ordinary cosmic overlord. It is impossible for an ordinary cosmic overlord to destroy [-]% of my divine body with one move. The opponent must be very close to the top cosmic overlord level!"

Venerable Wan Ming no longer has the thought of resisting, the gap in strength is too great.

It only takes one or two more blows and he's dead.

For a strong man like them, the kung fu of two swords is less than one breath, which is an extremely short time.

"My friend, come quickly, this is an extremely powerful cosmic overlord, I can't resist it!" Venerable Wan Ming kept calling for friends.

Just when Chen Ao was about to strike the second sword, he suddenly found seven or eight venerables appearing from all around.


"Stop trying to be fierce!"

"Don't you know that we are the ethnic group of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance? We are blessed by the Northern Xinjiang Alliance!"

Usually the Northern Xinjiang Alliance squeezes them a lot, but at this time, the Northern Xinjiang Alliance is a lifeline.

Looking at the seven or eight venerables who appeared, Chen Ao was immediately happy.

He didn't expect that one death is not enough, but so many can come.

"That's right, this is unity. If others are in danger and don't help, then if you are in danger, no one will take action!"

Looking at the eight venerables, Chen Ao calmed down and said, "Just relying on you guys, if you want me to stop, that's not enough!"

Seeing that Chen Ao didn't continue to attack, several venerables were overjoyed: "Your Excellency is strong, but I have more than a hundred venerables from dozens of races, and it is not easy to bully each other!"

"Moreover, we can also call on the cosmic overlord of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, and even the lord of the universe!"

That's what I said, but if I can't shout, I definitely don't want to shout.

It's too expensive, let the master of the universe make a move, at least one treasure, and their ethnic group may not have a treasure.

"Hundreds of venerables?"

In fact, the Wanming clan is not considered weak anymore, after all, there are several venerables, and many ethnic groups have only one venerable.

"Then let me see your strength, otherwise I won't retreat!"

"Okay, please wait a moment, Your Excellency!"

After speaking, these venerables kept calling for friends, and recruited all the venerables they knew.

Chen Ao quietly watched these people looking for someone.

"This is a good opportunity, otherwise I would teleport to those ethnic groups again and again, and I don't know how many years it would take to kill one!"

Although it is a weak ethnic group, the territory is not small, and in some barren areas, the distance is even further.

He can only travel by teleporting again and again, and only when the distance is very far away can he use the servants' Divine Kingdom to teleport.

This way, it's very slow.

The other party was able to gather hundreds of venerables, saving him at least hundreds of years of time.

Because they had a clear goal and they both left keepsakes, they arrived very quickly.

In almost half a day, about 83 races and 110 four venerables came.

These venerables have different strengths, but it is not a problem to unite to fight against a cosmic overlord.

"That's all?" Chen Ao asked?
83 races are not too few, but Chen Ao still intends to let the opponent shout more.

"Your Excellency, you can only call so many in a short time, but if you really want to do something, we will call more venerables to come!"

"Our more than 100 venerables, even if they are the overlords of the universe, can only back down. You should retreat quickly!"

When there are more people, I immediately gain confidence.

Chen Ao chuckled lightly: "In that case, I would like to thank you very much!"

In an instant, the space was blocked.

Feeling the space blockade, more than 100 venerables looked surprised: "What do you mean by this, are you going to fight with more than 100 venerables with me? Even if you kill us, our own losses will be great, maybe there will be more The danger of falling!"

"Besides, we are members of the Northern Border Alliance, so we can ask the Lord of the Universe of the Northern Border Alliance to reverse time and space and revive us. Can you also find the Lord of the Universe to resurrect you?"

Threat, warning.

These ethnic groups, in order to survive and show their confidence in front of the strong, keep telling what they have.

"The sorrow of the small clan! Unless a son of luck is born, who gets countless opportunities from heaven, and then overcomes all obstacles, they can become a powerful clan!"

To do this, only the protagonist of the novel can do it.

Luo Feng couldn't do this.

"Since you can't summon more venerables in a short time, then you all go to die!"

Ninth sword!
It is no longer a long-distance attack, but with the help of his own winged treasures, quickly approaching the venerables one by one, and then attacking one after another.

"How is it possible, how is it possible to kill me with one sword!"

This is the last thought of countless venerables.

And the venerables next to them saw that their partners had survived only one sword strike, and they were frightened.

"He is not the overlord of the universe, he is the top overlord of the universe, ah, Venerable Wan Ming, you cheated us!"

The Venerables roared, but in the end they all died violently under Chen Ao's sword.

Those with treasure armor can carry three or four swords, and those without treasure armor can only carry one sword.

"Lord of the Galaxy, there is a cosmic overlord called the Lord of Blood Light Palace who is slaughtering us venerables!"

"Lord Qilan, save my group!"

"Palace Master Wangke, save me!"

At the moment when they were unable to resist Chen Ao, the venerables of various ethnic groups began to ask for help from the Lord of the Universe or the Overlord of the Universe of the Northern Border Alliance that they knew.

It's just that it will take time for the Lords of the universe to come to help. Obviously, these venerables can't delay until that time.

In less than 3 minutes, Chen Ao killed more than 110 Venerables.

Many venerables are too weak, without treasures, they are like a piece of paper in front of Chen Ao.

"A total of 43 treasures have been harvested, and there are only so many treasures among more than 100 venerables!"

Moreover, these treasures are the worst kind, except for weapons and armor.

"Let's go, the strongmen of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance are coming later!"

Chen Ao teleported away.

The Northern Border Alliance, the Northern Border Sea.

As the center of the Northern Border Alliance, this place was originally a super-large secret realm, but it has already declined, so when the Northern Border Alliance was established, it was regarded as the center.

The status is equivalent to the administrative center, the headquarters of the alliance.

Although the Northern Border Alliance has the strongest in the universe, the leader of the Northern Border Alliance generally doesn't care about things. The main ones in charge are the Lord of the Galaxy and several other top fifth-level universe masters.

In terms of strength and status, the Lord of Galaxy is almost no less than the Lord of Chaos City, so he has been convinced by tens of thousands of ethnic groups in the Northern Xinjiang Alliance.

Of course, the mainly unconvinced groups are basically gone.

"Qi Lan, you came to me because of the blood light palace master?"

The Lord of Qilan is a white-haired strange beast with four hooves. Hearing the question from the Lord of Galaxy, he nodded his huge head: "Master of Galaxy, what is the origin of the Lord of Blood Light Palace? How dare you kill me from the Northern Xinjiang Alliance?" Hundreds of Universe Venerables?"

Although those venerables are from peripheral ethnic groups, they are basically the targets of being squeezed, but this move is to slap him in the face of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance.

If such things happen a few more times, the prestige of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance will be greatly reduced, and those small ethnic groups will naturally leave the Northern Xinjiang Alliance if they feel that they cannot be sheltered.

"I don't know, this bloody palace master seems to have appeared suddenly, but his strength is extremely strong, and he is estimated to be close to the top cosmic overlord!"

"Hmph, it is absolutely impossible for a cosmic overlord of this level to appear suddenly. There must be a source. Maybe the cosmic overlord of a certain force has changed his identity and come to our Northern Xinjiang Alliance to make trouble!"

"Then how do we deal with this matter?" Qi Lan ignored the hot-tempered Bloodthirsty Palace Master.

Although his strength is good, Qi Lan is still far behind the three masters of the universe who are in charge.

The Lord of Eternal Light next to him said: "Palace Master Wang Ke has brought several cosmic overlords to investigate this matter. They are relatively close to the outer area where the incident happened, and they can go back and forth faster!"

The Lord of Qilan didn't continue to speak. Now that these three have made a decision, they can't say anything more.

The strength and status are quite different.

"Wang Ke has news that the Blood Light Palace Master has left!" said the Lord of Eternal Light.

The Bloodthirsty Lord had a fierce face: "What did Wang Ke say?"

"Wanke said that the Bloody Palace Master was very strange. He didn't loot the nearby tribes. He just killed some venerables and left! Even the remaining venerables of the Wanming tribe were fine!"

Hearing the words of the Lord of Eternal Light, several masters of the universe were greatly surprised.

There are two reasons for killing, one is for the treasure, and the other is for hatred.

However, the other party didn't loot the group, so naturally it wasn't just for the treasures. No matter how small a group was, they could gather some treasures just by looting it.

If it was for hatred, the Wanming clan should be exterminated by the other party. Even if the clan is not exterminated, at least all the strong people will be killed. It makes no sense that only one Wanming venerable died, while the other Wanming venerables were safe and sound.

"This is strange. It doesn't look like a treasure hunt or revenge. Then what is the purpose of the Bloody Palace Master?" The Galaxy Master didn't understand.

"Hmph, no matter what the reason is, if you dare to touch someone from the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, you must pay the price. When you find him, you must kill him. If the other party has an ethnic group, you must also retaliate severely!"

"Lord of Blood Thirst, please be safe!" the Lord of Eternal Light persuaded.

"We have generally figured out the situation. In this huge universe, it is too difficult to find a strong man who is close to the level of the top cosmic overlord!"

The Bloodthirsty Lord is a reckless man, he knows it himself, but he can't control himself, so he doesn't speak anymore.

The Lord of Eternal Light and the Lord of Galaxy looked at each other: "Well, first, according to the news from his subordinates, find out if there is a similar strong person in the universe. If you can find it, that would be the best!"

"I guess it's hard to find!"

"If you can't find it, the other party only does it occasionally, and we can only bear it, but if the other party dares to come again, then our Northern Xinjiang Alliance must also respond!"

This is the deterrent power possessed by a near-top cosmic overlord. If it is a real top cosmic overlord, it will be even more terrifying.

Don't dare to mess around with each other, otherwise they will be forced to a desperate situation and directly kill you, even if the ethnic group has the Lord of the Universe, they can't handle it.

In the end, choose to swallow your breath.

The Lord of Qilan didn't find it strange either, most of the time he chose this way.

As for those Masters of the Universe who were killed, they just need to be resurrected directly. Anyway, it is not free, and the wool still comes from the sheep.

Things like the blood light palace master often happen in the universe.

There are ethnic groups being wiped out every moment, no one sympathizes, and no one thinks it is unfair. The laws of the universe are like this, and no one can change them.

At this moment, the blood light palace master has gone to another place in the Northern Xinjiang Alliance.

There is no east, west, north, south, up, down, left, or right in the universe.

Chen Ao roughly ran from the south of the Beijiang Sea to the east, and passed through the teleportation of the Kingdom of God, which is quite convenient.

Along the way, Chen Ao would also take in some soul servants and use them as buses. He had done many similar things in the past thousands of years. Some coordinates are convenient for the servants of the Kingdom of God to teleport, and it is convenient to transfer the location.

"Master, this time there is news from the ethnic group that a new large-scale secret realm has appeared here, and there may be some treasures inside!"

A King of Immortality reported to Chen Ao.

In a group where the strongest is no more than the overlord of the universe, this kind of king-making limit is similar to that of a baby, and most news about the group can be known.

This is the nail that Chen Ao planted in some ethnic groups, and he even took four venerables as servants to find out information for himself.

"This time there should be quite a few Masters of the Universe coming, right?"

The master of the universe generally does not enter the secret realm, even if it is a super-large secret realm, the master of the universe generally does not enter.

Most of the choices to become the master of the universe are to enter the cosmic sea. After all, there are many treasures there, and the probability of harvesting treasures is much higher than that in the secret realm.

"Under the master's instruction, I spread the news through some channels in advance. If there is no accident, hundreds or even thousands of Universe Venerables will gather soon!"

Generally, when a secret realm is born, there will be many venerables, but those who discover it will try to conceal the news as much as possible to avoid competing for too many treasures.

And Chen Ao deliberately leaked the news, so that a large number of venerables would enter the secret realm at the moment it was born.

Chen Ao also took advantage of this opportunity to kill a wave.

After all, it is still too slow to search for groups one by one.

"After finishing this vote, I have to change places. I have been keeping an eye on the Northern Xinjiang Alliance. I'm afraid it will be easy to suffer!"

Chen Ao hid in an imperceptible position, quietly watching the universe, and a huge gap appeared.

The secret realm of the universe was formed.

The universe secret realm was born. Before the universe secret realm was born, there were already nearly a thousand universe lords guarding it outside, and there were dozens of universe overlords and three top cosmic overlords inside.

"Continue to pass on the news, let more venerables come here, and now you are not afraid of being exposed, you can spread the word!" Chen Ao ordered to the immortal servant.

At the same time, let the four venerable servants help to let more venerables know the news here.

"I'll just wait here for a while. Although the Lord of Blood Light Palace didn't attract too many people's attention, but there are so many Venerables of the Northern Border Alliance, there must be some people who know of my existence!"

He can change his appearance, but the treasure is not easy to change.

The main reason is that he has too few treasures.

He had obtained more than 40 ordinary treasures, worth about 35 treasure points, and he had no place to sell them.

"It would be great if there is a Zuoshanke as a teacher now. It is best to cooperate with Zuoshanke for this kind of thing of selling stolen goods!"

It's a pity that I can't get in touch, and the guest will not ignore him.

After waiting for about three years in this large cosmic secret realm, more than 300 venerables entered it again.

Chen Ao also began to enter it.

There won't be too many venerables who can come in a short time, so you can close the net.

"Thirteen hundred venerables, it is estimated that seven or eight hundred can be killed, which should be able to increase my second genetic progress bar to one-fifth?"

Chen Ao didn't even have the confidence to push so many progress bars.

He originally thought that killing a Zerg venerable would increase the progress bar by 0.1%, so killing one or two thousand would be enough.

But when he killed the venerables of those weak and small ethnic groups, he realized that the progress bar was rising very slowly. If all the venerables who were killed were ordinary venerables with low genetic levels, it would take an estimated [-] to kill.

"The bloodline gene of the Zerg is indeed strong. After all, it is a group with masters of the universe and even the strongest, but the strength of the group is also strong. If I dare to hunt and kill the venerable in the Zerg, I am afraid that there will be several masters of the universe chasing and killing them in an instant." I!"

After all, the Northern Xinjiang Alliance is an alliance, and its cohesion is not strong, so it can tolerate him doing this. If it is the six peak ethnic groups, I am afraid that they will hunt him down forever.

"I hope these venerables can be stronger!"

According to Chen Ao's estimation, in a group with the strongest, the genes have reached the limit. Killing one can provide 0.1% progress. If the group has a master of the universe, then killing a venerable can provide 0.02%, and the strongest group is only Your lord, then killing one is only 0.005%.

The cosmic overlord is also at the level of the cosmic venerable, and the gene level is the same as that of the ordinary venerable.

That is, to kill the worst venerable, it may be necessary to kill [-] venerables.

This is still a preliminary estimate. When the actual progress bar reaches [-]% or [-]%, more may be needed.

"Sure enough, bloodline evolution is too difficult. If it reaches the third stage, do you want me to kill thousands of universe masters?"

The bloodline of the Master of the Universe will naturally not be low, but it is also very difficult to kill. The Masters of the Universe in the entire original universe may not have that much.

Putting aside these thoughts, eat food step by step, kill the Venerable first, and then start the second stage.

The moment Chen Ao appeared, the venerables of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance were immediately detonated.

"Oops, this is the Blood Light Palace Master!"

"Who is the Lord of Blood Light Palace? I've never heard of it!"

"Stop talking nonsense, this guy is a murderer, it's best to stay away from him. Before the Wanming Clan, this blood light palace master killed more than a hundred venerables at once, and more than 20 of them were high venerables. By."

Hearing that so many venerables were killed at once, and the venerables who were hunting for treasure together, they were immediately scared.

This kind of cosmic overlord is really unscrupulous, and once encountered, it will be a big trouble.

Get away now.

"Not good, the blood light palace master is coming towards us!" The complexions of the more than ten venerables turned pale.

They wanted to escape at the first moment, but the space had been blocked and they couldn't teleport at all.

"Bloodlight Palace Master, we didn't offend you, why did you leave us here?"

Chen Ao was too lazy to talk nonsense, so he just drew his sword!
Seeing Chen Ao's attack, these venerables didn't understand, and quickly sent a message to the cosmic overlords in this secret realm.

"Hallmaster Bloodlight, I advise you not to act rashly. I have sent a message to Palace Master Ji Sai. Palace Master Ji Sai is the top universe overlord. If you are touched by him, you will surely fall!"

A venerable uttered threats.

According to his news, the blood light palace master is close to the level of the top cosmic overlord, and there is still some gap with the actual top cosmic overlord.

Chen Ao turned a deaf ear and continued to kill.

More than a dozen venerables, that is, a matter of ten seconds, can all be resolved.

Attack the weak with the strong, and the opponent has no life-saving treasure, so it is easy to kill.

After killing, Chen Ao changed to another place.

At this time, in the communication of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, the news of the Lord of the Blood Light Palace broke out.

Due to the fact that the communication is not strong enough, it is only limited to the inside of the secret realm for the time being.

Dozens of cosmic overlords, as well as the three top cosmic overlords, all quickly learned about the blood light palace master.

"Hmph, that Bloody Palace Master is a lunatic who doesn't know where he came from. He kills anyone he sees without saying a word!"

"We can't go on like this, otherwise we will also be blamed by the league!"

"Let's act together, and inform us as soon as we meet the bloody palace master, and we will kill him together!"

Dozens of cosmic overlords, plus three top cosmic overlords, even if the blood light palace master is a top cosmic overlord, he may not be able to escape.

"Okay, the bloody palace master has killed so many people, and he probably has a lot of treasures on him, and we can also gain a lot!"

"Let's talk about this, first find the person!"

The cosmic overlord and the top cosmic overlord are looking for traces of Chen Ao, while those ordinary cosmic lords have been frightened out of their wits.

In less than half a day, more than 100 universe venerables have fallen into the hands of the master of blood light hall.

"That bloody palace master is a lunatic!"

"Where is the strong man, don't you know that there are many cosmic overlords of our Northern Xinjiang Alliance in the secret realm?"

The venerables were angry and furious, but they were helpless in the face of the Bloody Light Palace Master, their strength was inferior to others, and they had no way to resist.

"Let's go find the overlords of the universe. For the safety of us venerables, the overlords of the universe specially asked us to gather!"

It is impossible to run, it is far from that step, the secret realm has just been born, and there are so many treasures, how can you run!

Upon hearing the news, the venerables immediately joined the team with the overlord of the universe.

Therefore, dozens of cosmic overlords are divided into ten teams, and each team has hundreds of venerables, plus digital cosmic overlords.

The three top cosmic overlords acted alone, and these thirteen teams planned to encircle and suppress the Bloodlight Palace Master.

"I have already guarded the exit of the secret realm, and the bloody palace master will never escape!" A top cosmic overlord sent a message.

The remaining [-] teams are conducting a carpet search.

Chen Ao, who was not hiding at all, was naturally quickly found by one of the teams.

Chen Ao was quickly found by one of the teams.

"Everyone, we have discovered the blood light palace master, hurry up and suppress him!"

"Okay, we'll be there in a few minutes, just a little delay!"

"Don't worry, it's only a few minutes. The bloody palace master is only the overlord of the universe, and he may not be able to take advantage of the four masters of the universe!"

"Hahaha, that's right, but to be on the safe side, let's do it together after meeting!"

They also know that the strength of the blood light hall master is closer to the top cosmic overlord.

Although the team of four cosmic overlords and hundreds of venerables is not afraid of the blood light palace master, it is still very difficult to kill the blood light palace master.

If you want to kill the Bloodlight Palace Master, you need at least four such teams to be sure.

Now there are more than four teams, a total of ten, and two top cosmic overlords are on the way.

Killing the Lord of the Blood Light Palace is a sure thing.

"Hallmaster Bloodlight, don't try to escape, if you dare to kill the Universe Venerable of our Northern Border Alliance, then prepare to fall!"

"To tell you the truth, there are already dozens of cosmic overlords and two top cosmic overlords on their way, and it won't be long before your death!"

Chen Ao looked at the other party, and rushed forward regardless of how the other party shouted.

"Hahaha, Lord of the Bloody Light Palace, you still want to struggle to your death even now. Is it possible that with so many of us, you still want to act fiercely!"

Relying on the large number of people, even if the strength of the blood light palace master is half a level stronger than them, this gap is enough to make up for it with numbers.

If you don't reach the top, it is almost impossible to kill a cosmic overlord.

Ninth sword!
At the same time, Chen Ao was in full swing.

Originally, he was only very close to the level of the top cosmic overlord, but with the blessing of Juggernaut skills, he directly crossed half a level.

Reached the top space overlord level.

Moreover, Chen Ao at this moment is not considered the weakest group among the top cosmic overlords.


After getting close, Chen Ao slashed across the body of the leading cosmic overlord with a sword.

The cosmic overlord who had a ferocious smile on his face suddenly became terrified.

With the annihilation of the divine body, the cosmic overlord became more and more horrified.

The entire expression changed in less than a tenth of a second, and then the cosmic overlord disappeared directly into the universe.

After the sword strike, Chen Ao didn't hesitate at all.

The space has been blocked, so it is impossible for anyone here to be able to teleport.

With top cosmic treasures and special acceleration secrets, Chen Ao's speed is far faster than the remaining three cosmic overlords.

What's more, his Q skill is several times faster than teleportation.

no one can escape
Swish swish!
After the three swords, only a few treasures were left in place.

Those venerables didn't even realize what happened, the four cosmic overlords were already dead.

A group of Universe Venerables howled in horror.

None of the four cosmic overlords could bear it for three seconds, let alone these venerables.

Chen Ao's figure flickered quickly in the space, and in just half a minute, these one hundred venerables died tragically on the spot.

The divine power was activated, and all the treasures nearby were collected.

Chen Ao teleported away.

At this time, the other teams were extremely looking forward to besieging and killing the Blood Light Palace Master together.

But soon, they were stunned.

The news that came from those fallen venerables was clearly telling them that the Blood Light Palace Master had the power of a top cosmic overlord.

"How is it possible, isn't it close to the top cosmic overlord? How did you become the top cosmic overlord again?"

"How rare are the top cosmic overlords, even if there are not many more than the cosmic lords, how could it be possible for a top cosmic overlord to appear at random!"

I don't want to believe it!

However, the results told him that the blood light palace master is indeed a top cosmic overlord.

"The four cosmic overlords can't hold it for three seconds. This is not the top cosmic overlord. What is that?"

In an instant, the remaining nine teams did not dare to approach.

Just kidding, reaching the level of the top cosmic overlord, they will just die if they go.

"The Lord of Blood Light Palace is the top cosmic overlord, and he has escaped now!"

"How are you doing now?"

The Universe Venerables of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance are constantly communicating.

In the end, they negotiated and decided that the two top cosmic overlords would lead the team, and all other cosmic overlords and venerables would follow behind these two top cosmic overlords.

"Don't be afraid now!"

"That's right, we are following Palace Master Ji Sai, even if the top cosmic overlord comes, he won't be able to hurt us!"

"Palace Master Jisai was the top cosmic overlord before tens of millions of epochs. After so many years, I'm afraid he is not far away from the master of the universe. What is a mere bloody palace lord!"

Full of confidence.

These more than 500 venerables and more than 20 cosmic overlords are no longer worried.

"Palace Master Jisai, now we only have two teams in the Northern Border Alliance, the probability of encountering the Lord of Blood and Light has dropped a lot!"

"It doesn't matter, as long as the Blood Light Palace Master is still in this secret realm, we will meet sooner or later!" Palace Master Ji Sai said.

After all, they have a top cosmic overlord guarding the exit of the secret realm, and they haven't seen the blood light palace master so far, which means that the blood light palace master is still here.

Well, sooner or later it will happen.

In fact, it didn't take long before they met Chen Ao.

Chen Ao has never hidden it, and from the beginning to the end, Chen Ao is ready to face the top universe.

"This is the first time I have faced a top cosmic overlord! Even with King Fujiki's body, I have only faced 17 cosmic overlords!"

He has the confidence to face the overlord of the universe, after all, he has actually created the ultimate secret method of the fusion law of wood and space.

And this secret method has never been used outside, even the ancestor of the starry sky has not seen it clearly.

So if he is really in danger, he can directly use the ultimate secret method of the Lord of the Universe.

Let your strength soar to another level, reaching the limit level of the top cosmic overlord.

At that time, even if you encounter a Tier [-] or Tier [-] Master of the Universe, you will be able to rely on your divine body and Q skills to leave.

Of course, Chen Ao didn't want to expose the ultimate secret of the Lord of the Universe if he could not.

After all, his blood-light hall master is actually more suitable for the secret method of light and time.

And he is also working hard to create the ultimate secret method of the master of the universe that combines the two systems of laws.

"The Lord of Blood Light Hall is ahead!"

"I saw the blood light palace master!"

There are so many people, so it is natural to see more comprehensively, and soon discovered the existence of Chen Ao.

"Go, surround him, don't let him get away!"

"Everyone, pay attention, this Bloodlight Palace Master is extremely powerful, we can just keep it in check, and leave the rest to Palace Master Ji Sai!"

Palace Master Ji Sai did his part: "Let me face that Bloody Palace Master head-on!"

Palace Mistress Ji Sai and Chen Ao quickly met their eyes.

"Bloodlight Hall Master, you are the top cosmic overlord, and you wantonly slaughtered the cosmic lords of our northern border alliance, which is simply humiliating!"

Palace Master Ji Sai scolded.

"Today is your day of death!"

Chen Ao chuckled, it was very difficult to kill each other at the same level.

However, the opponent's divine body is average, so there is still a chance to kill him.

Without Chen Ao taking the initiative to take action, Palace Master Ji Sai took the lead in blocking the space.

With his strength, unless Chen Ao is the master of the universe, there is no need to worry at all.

Chen Ao ignored Palace Mistress Ji Sai. If he wanted to kill Palace Mistress Ji Sai, he could only rely on his divine body, and Palace Mistress Ji Sai did not have any powerful treasures.

However, the lord of Jisai palace has a high-level treasure palace "Jisai Palace", and his reputation as the lord of Jisai also comes from that palace treasure.

Although this Jisai Palace belongs to the general level in the high-level treasure palace, but if you want to destroy this treasure, you need at least the third-level peak or even the fourth-level universe master's combat power to do it.

So Palace Mistress Ji Sai had no fear at all.

Luo Feng pretended to be the lord of the universe, but he was shown off by Venerable Tianhua's high-level palace treasure "White Needle".

Luo Feng's scalp was really numb.

What Chen Ao looked at were the cosmic lords and cosmic overlords behind Palace Master Ji Sai.

"Bloodlight Hall Master, come to fight!"

Palace Master Ji Sai took the initiative to attack, with a pair of long swords facing Chen Ao.

Chen Ao glanced at Palace Master Ji Sai, and then his figure flashed quickly.

"Where to run!"

Suddenly, the treasure of the domain appeared, covering Chen Ao inside.

As a veteran top cosmic overlord, Yuan Xing has been there more than a dozen times, and his treasures are better than those of the eclipse palace master.

"It's a good thing it's just an ordinary domain treasure, otherwise I'll be in trouble!"

Chen Ao didn't want to casually expose the power of the Q skill.

Ignoring the space blockade and moving tens of light years is okay. After all, many races in the universe have similar innate secrets.

But if the moving distance is too long, such as hundreds of light years, it will definitely be noticed by interested people.

Everything is still safe.

Chen Ao also used Domain Heavy Treasure, but compared with the opponent's, it was obviously inferior.

Fortunately, this level of suppression has no effect on Chen Ao.

"Hmph, there are quite a lot of treasures, but it's a pity that they are only at the level of heavy treasures, otherwise you would have escaped!" Palace Master Ji Sai watched Chen Ao's constant movement, thinking that Chen Ao was going to run away, so he kept chasing him.

However, how did he know that Chen Ao's goal was those Universe Venerables wandering around the periphery.

"Palace Master Ji Sai has a lot of treasures, and it's too difficult to kill. Why don't you kill the Venerable and increase the progress bar!"

The progress bar contribution of Palace Master Ji Sai is no different from that of ordinary venerables. Killing Palace Master Ji Sai is just getting some treasures, which is not worth it.

When Palace Master Ji Sai came to his senses, Chen Ao had already joined the herd and rushed towards those venerables.

"Master Bloodlight, are you still shameless? How dare you attack the weak!" Palace Master Ji Sai jumped angrily when he saw Chen Ao attacking the Venerable regardless of his face.

He had never seen such a shameless top cosmic overlord.

Under the condition that ordinary venerables do not provoke him, he will never do anything to venerables. One is to abide by the rules, and the other is to maintain the demeanor of a strong man.

However, this Bloody Light Palace Master is completely shameless.

To show it nakedly is to kill His Holiness.

"Hall Master Blood Light, stop!"

"Hahaha, Palace Master Ji Sai, although you are strong, you can't protect them!" Chen Ao laughed.

After repelling Palace Master Ji Sai with one blow, he began to kill His Holiness.

A group of venerables cried for their parents and wanted to seek shelter, but there was not much difference in strength between Chen Ao and Palace Master Ji Sai, and it was very difficult for Palace Master Ji Sai to stop Chen Ao.

"Bloodlight Palace Master, since you are so shameless, you can't blame me!"

Suddenly a huge crimson palace appeared near Chen Ao.

Chen Ao was taken aback, isn't this the Jisai Palace?
Afterwards, the owner of Jisai Palace shouted: "Don't resist, I will protect you with Jisai Palace, you enter the Jisai Palace!"

Hearing the words of Palace Master Ji Sai, many venerables and cosmic overlords were immediately overjoyed, and were directly sucked into it by Ji Sai Palace.

Although Jisai Palace will suppress them, they don't believe that the owner of Jisai Palace will move them. On the contrary, if they don't enter Jisai Palace, Chen Ao will kill them without hesitation.

Chen Ao opened his mouth and was speechless all of a sudden.

This time, Palace Master Jisai actually collected more than 300 venerables and cosmic overlords into the treasure of the palace.

There is no way to kill it now.

After putting away a few treasures harvested from killing, Chen Ao planned to leave here.

He didn't want to waste time here with Palace Master Ji Sai.

If you can't kill it, you may be besieged.

He is not afraid of being besieged, and the three top cosmic overlords can't do anything to him.

Don't ask, just ask is the god body of 5000 million kilometers, fearless.

"Bloodlight Palace Master, at this time, do you still want to escape?"

The two tossed about for about a minute. According to the communication of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, another top cosmic overlord would arrive in about ten minutes.

If the two top cosmic overlords can't take down Chen Ao, then the third top cosmic overlord will also make a move.

In short, they are determined to leave the Bloody Palace Master behind.

"Palace Master Ji Sai, you can't do anything to me!" Chen Ao said in a deep voice.

This thing is a tortoise shell, and it can't be touched at all. He is willing to fight and consume the other party. Is the other party willing?
"Hmph, I'll know if I can get you, I'll know after fighting, now, you can't escape!"

Chen Ao looked at the surrounding areas where Cui Fa reached the limit.

Can only be forced to meet the enemy.

"Palace Master Ji Sai, since you want to fight, I will accompany you!"

"Hahaha, the only one who can make my palace lord Ji Sai retreat is the lord of the universe, and you are still far behind, lord of the bloody palace!"

Both of them held swords and kept attacking each other.

And they are all attacks that start to burn the divine body.

"My treasure is too bad, weapons can't give full play to my strength, and armor can't work at all!"

This armor can normally weaken the attack to one percent, but the opponent's attack has already broken through the upper limit of the treasure's tolerance, so it can only be weakened to one tenth at present.

However, Chen Ao is really not afraid, his body is 5000 million kilometers away, and the opponent is at most a few hundred meters away.

How to compare?
The two fought for a few minutes, and Palace Master Jisai immediately realized that something was wrong.

Burning his own body, plus the battle damage, is considered 20.00% of his divine body, but Chen Ao's burning body is even more fierce, and his breath has not weakened at all. Obviously, the loss of his divine body is less than [-]%.

"This guy's body will not be tens of thousands of kilometers away?" Palace Master Ji Sai had a bad feeling.

If the opponent's divine body is tens of thousands of kilometers away, even if he is at a disadvantage in all aspects, but his divine body is only a few hundred meters away, he is not an opponent in a one-to-one match.

"What should I do? If I stop now, he will definitely escape!"

He contacted another top universe, and it will take about 5 minutes to arrive.

But he burned out 3% of his divine body in 20.00 minutes, if he fights for another 5 minutes, wouldn't he be finished?
"It seems that I can only delay this bloody palace master a little bit!"

(End of this chapter)

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