Chapter 118 Ke Temple

With the promise of Zuoshanke, Chen Ao and Luo Feng left the void where Zuoshanke was.

Luo Feng was a little envious looking at the large number of treasures that Chen Ao had harvested, but only a little envious.

He was still very happy. He wanted to get a pinnacle treasure sword, but in the end he got an extra pinnacle treasure armor.

Although this armor is not high-end, it is worth nearly two thousand treasure points, which is better than ordinary peak armor.

"Senior Brother, are you really planning to kill Senior Brother Yandi?" Luo Feng finally couldn't help but speak.

"Of course, I specially found Teacher Zuoshanke, mainly for this matter!"

He even expected that Zuoshanke might accept him as a named disciple, otherwise he wouldn't have had to expose the Bloodlight Palace Master as his avatar so early.

Before he faced the strongest in the universe, the top-level Jian Heluo was actually enough.

After all, what he values ​​most is Jian Heluo's attack frequency.

"In the future, when we go to the Origin Continent, we may be able to obtain ten times the domain treasure of Jianheluo, and can attack hundreds or even tens of thousands of times in an instant. Tsk tsk, that is simply invincible!"

Jianheluo has greatly strengthened his system panel, and there must be many similar powerful treasures.

His sword master template is too strong, no matter what level he reaches, he can help him.

Q escapes, W increases comprehension ability, E skill increases damage, R skill may be useless after [-] times the gene, but is this not enough?
Luo Feng hesitated for a moment, he didn't have a good impression of Emperor Yan, especially when he prevented him from taking back Jiejia, he was very mean.

However, Emperor Yan is his second senior brother after all.

But looking at Chen Ao's appearance, he knew that Chen Ao had made up his mind to kill Emperor Yan.

"Senior Brother, when are you going to find Second Senior Brother?" Luo Feng asked.

"Wait a few hundred years, I will go after I get familiar with the treasure!"

There are still about 300 years before he gets Jianheluo. During this time, he can strengthen his own strength, and he can also take Jianheluo with him at that time. In case of any emergency, he can also use Jianheluo as his trump card .

In the next 300 years, the universe calmed down again, except that occasionally the blood light palace master made a move on the original star and harvested some treasures.

This Bloodlight Palace Master is shameless. Originally, as the Lord of the universe, he should not participate in the competition for treasures below the top level. It is also directly in the bag.

This spread the greedy reputation of the blood light palace master in the universe.

However, the Blood Light Palace Master is too strong, even the masters of the universe are unwilling to offend him, and ordinary venerables can only hide away when they see it.

In the past 300 years, Chen Ao has collected all the swords of Jianheluo.

"Master of Blood Light Palace, you deserve to be here, as expected!" the Master of the Universe, a demon clan next to him, taunted.

Chen Ao didn't take it seriously: "You are here, why can't I come?"

"Hmph, the majestic Lord of the universe is actually robbing ordinary treasures with a group of ordinary venerables, which is what you, the bloody palace master, can do!"

"Hahaha, let's not talk about being so righteous and awe-inspiring, which makes you look like a top treasure. You dare not snatch it for the sake of the younger generation of the ethnic group. I am a lone traveler. How about fighting for more treasures?"


Faced with the fallacies of the blood light palace master, many universe masters feel heartbroken.

"This time is not bad, there is no strongest in the universe coming!"

Seeing that "Ke Shen Valley" is surrounded by the masters of the universe, he felt relieved.

This Keshen Valley is also the place where a peak treasure is produced, and what Keshen Valley produces is a peak palace treasure, Ke Temple.

According to the records, this temple is considered very good among the peak treasures, and it is very likely to ignore the soul attack. It is a top-grade peak palace treasure.

For such a peak treasure, only a few pieces were produced when the entire original star was opened. For this reason, Chen Ao even did not hesitate to hunt down a top cosmic overlord for several days, and then he got this Ke God Seal and became one of eighteen people who entered the Ke God Valley. One of the strongest.

Such a peak treasure, in fact, has a high probability of attracting the strongest in the universe, but it seems that a lot of things have happened recently, so none of the strongest did not come.

"There are two fifth-order universe masters, and the rest are fourth-order universe masters!"

At this level, ordinary universe lords would not dare to come, they would die easily, and the top cosmic overlords would be even more dangerous.

"Hallmaster Bloodlight, did you snatch this Ke god seal from my monster blood lion venerable?"

The top cosmic overlord that Chen Ao chased and killed at the beginning was the blood lion venerable of the monster race. There was also the cosmic master who came to rescue him, but unfortunately, he was not rescued.

Otherwise, this time the number of monster races entering here may reach two.

"That's right, I heard that Venerable Blood Lion is the descendant of your King of the Eternal Lion? It's a pity, he's pretty good, but it's a pity he met me!"

Killing hearts.

"Master Blood Light Palace, don't go too far!" The Lord of the Lions of the Universe yelled angrily.

"Why, hit me if you have the ability!"

The Lord of the Lions of the Universe is about to gnaw his teeth. He is the Lord of the Universe at the peak of Tier [-]. He is a first-class figure in this original universe, but there is nothing he can do about the Lord of the Bloody Light Palace.

"After we get in, we'll settle the score!"

After entering this temple, it will fall into a special secret realm, and in this secret realm, there will often be a special natural disaster "Ke Yanshui". This Keshen water has a strong damage effect on the body of the Lord of the Universe.

"Hehe, ok, let's try it when the time comes!" He hasn't made a full shot all these years, and others thought he was the peak strength of the third level.

In fact, with Jianheluo and the system panel, he can definitely reach the fifth-level combat power, that is, his genes are a bit short, otherwise he might be able to match the sixth-level combat power.

"Ke Temple is open!"

Soon, as the void oscillated, eighteen small holes appeared at the entrance of Ke Temple.

You can enter the Temple of Ke with the Seal of Ke God in hand.

The sound sounded like thunder.

Many masters of the universe who had been waiting for a long time entered without hesitation.

This treasure of the temple can improve the foundation of every ethnic group, especially the treasure of the palace, which can really save lives.

"With this Ke Temple, wait for Jianheluo to reach the peak level, kill Emperor Yan, and get the original soul. Even if I have all the novice equipment for the bloody palace master, I can enter the universe sea by then!"

Chen Ao entered the temple of Ke, and found that the temple of Ke was not as imagined, where there were many palaces and rooms.

"According to the news outside Ke Temple, apart from one peak palace treasure, this Ke Temple also has three peak palace treasures, nine high-level palace treasures, and eighteen ordinary palace treasures!"

This kind of large-scale dungeon that only appeared a few times during the opening of the entire original star, it is naturally impossible to have only one treasure, and everyone will gain something if they come in.

Chen Ao was about to explore, but suddenly a small palace and treasure stood in front of him.

"Tsk, did you just pick up the baby right away?"

Chen Ao took the palace treasure and refined it.

At the moment of refining, he knew that this was one of the eighteen ordinary palace treasures, and it was also the key to the next pass.

"It turned out to be a checkpoint type!"

Once you get the first ordinary palace treasure, you can enter the second floor. On the second floor, you will meet a random entrant, and the two will compete for a high-level treasure palace.

It is not only a fight for treasures, but also a fight for the qualification to enter the next level.

"It seems that the third floor is the competition for three top palace treasures, and the fourth floor is the temple of the peak treasure Ke!"

With the help of this palace treasure, Chen Ao quickly entered the second floor.

Then, a tall figure appeared in front of Chen Ao.

Isn't it the Lord of the Cosmic Lion?
"Hahaha, Lord of the Lions, your luck is really bad, you actually met me!"

"Hmph, Bloodlight Palace Master, you were too happy to notice the liquid floating in the void? That is Ke Yanshui, which will corrode the divine body all the time, and my armor is the peak armor, which is stronger than your peak armor. I don't know how many times the armor is better."

The Lord of the Lions of the Universe had planned for a long time, so he prepared the best peak treasure armor in advance.

Chen Ao nodded: "Then thank you for giving me such a treasure!"

The Lord of the Lions of the Universe thinks that the Bloody Palace Master in front of him is out of his mind, can't he understand what I mean?
He also thanked me for giving him the treasure. Does he still want to kill me?

"Hmph, I'll let you know later, in this Ke temple, the divine body is not the most important thing, but the treasured armor is!"

The Lord of the Lions of the Universe stopped talking nonsense and took the initiative to raise his treasured war hammer to meet Chen Ao.

At the same time, a torrent of flames came towards Chen Ao following the action of the Lord of the Lions.


With Chen Ao's loud laughter, a huge compass appeared in the sky.

Unlike the original empty compass, there are nine divine swords shining with black light inserted into the compass at this time.


Chen Ao urged Jianheluo with all his strength.

The nine divine swords flickered immediately, got up, and then began to rotate regularly along with the rotation of the compass.

Jianheluo takes the compass as the foundation and the sword as the river.

"Huh Jian He Luo!" Looking at the pressure around him, the Lord of the Lions of Zhou felt a little pressure.

Obviously, Jianheluo is a little bit better than his Domain Arcana.

As for the attack of the divine sword, the Lord of the Lions of the Universe didn't care, and the attack of the peak treasure without the secret method had almost no power.

It's just superimposing the power of the domain, which is a different kind of suppression.

Seeing the Lord of the Lions of the Universe dismiss Jianhe Luo Shenjian, Chen Ao couldn't help showing a happy smile.

It has to be said that in terms of power, he must be holding the pinnacle treasure long sword and using the strongest secret method of the Lord of the Universe, but in terms of damage to the divine body, Jianheluo is several times stronger than himself.

Although his attack is strong, the opponent's armor and weapons are not vegetarian. Every attack can only reach the upper limit of the armor.

Otherwise, it will directly affect the opening and adding one-ten-thousandth of the damage.

This kind of damage is really nothing. Usually two masters of the same level of the universe fight for a few minutes and attack back and forth thousands of times, and they can only knock out more than a dozen or even a few percent of the opponent's divine body.

Hard to get a kill.

No.11 sword!
Seeing this momentum, the soul of the Lord of the Lions of the Universe raged: "This is the strongest secret technique of the Lord of the Universe!"

"Yes, let you be the first to try my method!"

Cooperating with Jianheluo's Excalibur, Chen Ao's secret attack also came.

The Lord of the Zhou Lion roared again and again, and then responded with his war hammer.


The two fought continuously, and they attacked more than ten times in just one meeting.

In the next instant, the Lord of Zhou Lion's face was gloomy, because he lost three thousandths of his divine body.

Three thousandths may not seem like much, but this is just a meeting, that is, a matter of one or two seconds.

If it took a few minutes, he might be gone immediately.

"My divine body is close to 30 kilometers, but this blood light palace master actually has the strongest secret method of the master of the universe! Miscalculation!"

He can also see that the gene multiplier of the blood light palace master is not high, which is normal. As a lone ranger, it is very difficult to collect treasures that can improve genes. These things are often fragmented and require the support of powerful forces.

"This blood light palace master has only been promoted to the master of the universe for thousands of years, but he dared to attack Yin Yin and reached the fifth level. What kind of freak is this!"

This is really terrible. Thousands of years ago, the second-order universe master could suppress him.

But thousands of years later, he, the master of the universe at the peak of the fourth order, was suppressed.

"Try it first, the Ke Yanshui here will hurt him even more. He doesn't have good armor, and his physical loss is thousands of times that of mine!"

He felt that with the loss of this part, Chen Ao's physical loss might not necessarily be less than his.

"Even if it is not your opponent, I will stop you and consume you a lot. Let's see how you continue to fight for the treasure!"

The Lord of the Lions of the Universe made up his mind to use 30.00% of his divine body as a price to prevent Chen Ao from the next round of competition.

In that way, he can be regarded as revenge.

"Bloodlight Palace Master, come again!"

"Hahaha, of course I won't refuse!"

Chen Ao kept squeezing the space of the Lord of the Lions, forcing him to go deeper into this layer.

Here, teleportation is not possible, and if you want to cross the space, you must fly slowly.

As long as he doesn't give Lord Zhou Lion a chance to leave, he may kill Lord Zhou Lion.

"There are not many opportunities to kill the Lord of the Universe, I have to make good use of it!"

The Lord of the Universe is really too difficult to kill. Among the Lords of the Universe, there is no one with a body lower than tens of thousands of kilometers.

The most annoying thing is to call teammates!
As time passed, Chen Ao's tendency to suppress the Lord of the Lions became more and more obvious. Even the Lord of the Lions had lost [-]% of his body, but Chen Ao's body still hadn't lost much.

"Here, I am not his opponent. Apart from consuming his strength, it seems that I have no chance to continue to improve!"

He was very sad that he could not get the treasure of the peak palace, but he had seen a lot of treasures and was robbed even more, so he was not disappointed.

"In short, even if you are seriously injured, you can't make this Bloody Palace Master feel better!"

The Lord of the Lions of the Universe made up his mind to consume the Bloody Light Palace Master, so he kept fighting against the Bloody Light Palace Master.

The two quickly fought for 10 minutes, and the Lord of the Lions was already very close to the core area, where a palace stood, which was obviously one of the nine high-level palace treasures.

It is also the key to the next level.

At this moment, the Lord of the Lions of Zhou looked horrified: "My divine body has lost nearly 30.00%, but his aura has not weakened at all. How is this possible!"

The breath has not weakened at all, which proves that the loss of the divine body does not exceed one percent.

He has already lost 30.00%, the other party's loss is less than [-]%?

"Your armor is also a pinnacle treasure!"

"Idiot, only reacting now? Die with me!"

"Hahaha, I am the blood light palace master, I admit that you are extremely powerful, but if you want to kill me, it's a dream!"

With that said, the Lord of the Lions of the Universe was about to fly towards the exit.

"Hehe, it's too late to think about leaving!"

Before that, he deliberately drove the Lord of the Zhou Lions away, and he didn't even use his full strength for this purpose, just to fight for a longer period of time and push the Lord of the Zhou Lions deeper.

Now, the god body of the Lord of the Zhou Lions has lost nearly 30.00%, and his strength is about to drop by half. How could he let the Lord of the Zhou Lions escape?

Still in the same direction, he continued to block the Lord of the Zhou Lions.

In addition to attacking the Lord of the Lions, it is also necessary to prevent the Lord of the Lions from speeding up.

And this blow directly stunned the Lord of the Lions: "One percent, actually knocked out one percent of my divine body in one face-to-face!"

"Bloodlight Hall Master, you hide your strength!" The Lord of the Lions roared.

"Hahaha, only now do you know? It's too late!"

Chen Ao urged Jianheluo with all his strength, and the nine divine swords rushed towards the Lord of Zhou Lion at an extremely fast speed.

Even if he died, the Lord of Zhoushi would not know that Jianhe Luo was the main force of the attack, but Chen Ao's secret attack was only auxiliary.

Because, the strong in this world will believe that only the secret method can cause the strongest attack, and any additional damage is fake.

The so-called additional damage will be directly and completely blocked by the bottom line attack of the armor, and it will not cause damage at all if it does not exceed a certain limit.

"Ah, Lord Bloodlight Palace, I am the master of the universe of the demon clan, if you dare to kill me, the strongest in the universe of my clan will definitely kill you, will definitely kill you!"

The Lord of the Lions of the Universe was scared, really scared.

The strength is getting weaker and weaker, and Chen Ao's face-to-face can even destroy [-]% of his divine body.

Come a few more times, and he will definitely die here.

And he was still far away from the exit, so he had no chance to fly there and escape.


Chen Ao yelled angrily, attacking the Lord of Zhou Lion again and again.

"Ah! Bloody Palace Master, you will definitely die!"

Before his death, the Lord of the Universe Lion sent a message to the Lord of the Universe of the Monster Race, which meant that the Lord of the Blood Light Palace had a fifth-level combat power, and he was killed by him. He asked the Master of the Universe and the Demon Ancestor of the Monster Race to help him avenge him.

Seeing this news, Yaozu's big earthquake.

"How is it possible, how is it possible for the Lord of the Zhou Lion to fall, even if the Lord of the Blood Light Palace has a fifth-level combat power, it is impossible for the Lord of the Zhou Lion to fall!"

Tier [-], against the peak of Tier [-], there is indeed no crushing strength. As long as you don't fight hard, you basically won't be in danger.

Or, in a place like the sea of ​​the universe, you can chase for hundreds of thousands of years, and it is only possible for the fifth-level universe master to kill the fourth-level.

Or, encounter some kind of Jedi.

"Perhaps, there is some special environment in the Naka Temple that caused the fall of Zhoushi!"

"Indeed, although the fifth-level combat power is terrifying, it is not enough to kill the Zhou Lion in a short time!"

Soon, they discovered that the token of the Lord of the Lions had lost its breath, apparently falling.

"The blood light palace master really doesn't pay attention to my monster race!"

"This hatred must be avenged. I will contact the two demon ancestors and dare to kill the master of the universe of our clan. If we don't kill him, our clan will not be able to gain a foothold!"

The master of the bloody light palace killed thousands of venerables. Although they were uncomfortable, they still endured for the sake of the group.

However, it is absolutely unbearable to kill the master of the universe of their group, otherwise the hearts of their group will be scattered, and the group will be over.

The masters of the universe of the monster clan have already started to dispatch, and they plan to dispatch ten masters of the universe above the third rank of the universe to surround and kill the master of blood light.

"Dream Demon Ancestor!" The digital universe lord arrives.

Zhenyaozu went to the universe sea, this time it was Mengyaozu who was sitting in charge of the Yaozu.

"I know everything about Zhou Lion. I will go with you to find the Blood Light Palace Master, and we must make him pay the price!"

The Banff Lord of the Zerg was killed by Chen Ao. The Zerg couldn't help it. After all, the Zerg still had to develop, and if they fought against humans for the Lord of the Universe, the race would be over.

In contrast, the Bloodlight Palace Master has no reliance. Although lone walkers are not easy to mess with, as long as they are willing to pay a certain price, they can still kill the Bloodlight Palace Master.

Meng Yaozu still has the most powerful treasure, he doesn't care about a mere master of the universe.

That is to say, in the primordial universe, if it is in the cosmic sea, this kind of master of the universe can hunt down and kill millions of epochs.

The Dream Demon Ancestor of the Yaozu and the ten masters of the universe were dispatched.

At the same time, news came out from the Blood Light Palace Master that he had killed the Lord of the Demon Clan's Zhou Lion.

The entire universe was in an uproar again.

Has the Blood Light Palace Master grown to this point?
Luo Feng, who was comprehending the wings, also received the news. After all, he knew that the master of the blood light hall was Chen Ao's avatar, so he naturally cared about it.

"Can you kill the Master of the Universe? Brother already has a fifth-level combat power!" Luo Feng was a little envious, he felt that Chen Ao's progress was always so fast, he felt a bottleneck, but Chen Ao didn't seem to have this trouble, Always making rapid progress.

"If this continues, isn't senior brother going to become the strongest in the universe?"

For Chen Ao, Luo Feng could no longer describe it.

"However, I do understand why senior brother borrowed my Blood Cloud Orb. The relationship needs to be big!"

After analysis, he also knew that the blood light palace master and the human Chen Ao absolutely did not have any intersection, at least they would not face the same strong man.

In this way, if you don't explode with all your strength, you won't be recognized as the breath of life.

This time Chen Ao knew that he might be exposed, so he prepared the blood cloud orb and separated the human Chen Ao from the blood light palace master again.

"I heard that the Yaozu has dispatched a lot of strong men. Maybe the strongest will take action. I don't know how the senior brother will deal with it?"

He was actually a little excited, and wanted to know if Chen Ao could escape from the strongest man, he would definitely not be able to beat him, if he could still fight, he was afraid that he would kneel down to Chen Ao directly.

"It would be interesting if senior brother was killed, hahaha!" Luo Feng laughed heartlessly.

In his opinion, Chen Ao was too ruthless this time, if the waves were too much, maybe he would really die?
Anyway, the death of a doppelgänger wouldn't really make him fall. After he died, he would have the capital to attack his senior brother in the future.

Chen Ao successfully killed the Lord of the Zhou Lions and got the treasure of the Lord of the Zhou Lions.

"Not bad, the top treasure weapon, the peak armor, and the top domain treasure!"

Apart from these, the rest are high-level treasures, such as palace treasures and soul treasures, which are all high-level treasures.

In the case of no one to rescue, entering the palace treasure is of little use, it is just delaying the time of death.

The Lord of Zhou Lion also knew, so he simply waited to die.

In fact, even if he really entered the treasure of the palace, he would not be afraid, that is, to take it into the kingdom of God and then suppress it to death. This has been done more than once by the blood-light palace master, and those who are a little familiar with the blood-light palace master know this method.

So the Lord of the Lions of the Universe just lay down.

"I lost about 20 kilometers of divine body!" Chen Ao estimated his loss.

After his divine body became a venerable, he used some treasures to successfully evolve to a distance of 5000 million kilometers. This 20 is almost all of the Lord of the Lions, but to him, it is a drop in the bucket.

With this loss, as long as he turns on W, he can fully recover within 3 minutes.

piece of cake.

"It is exactly the same as the progress bar provided by the previous Lord of Banff, which is 0.5% of the progress. It seems that the progress bar of the third stage is relatively fixed. Killing one 0.5% will theoretically kill 200 universes. host!"

This number is quite a lot, but it is still within the acceptable range.

He is afraid of the limit of [-] times and [-] times.

Fly to the deepest part of the second floor of the Temple of Ke, and accept the treasure of the high-level palace.

Then, he discovered the induction, and the third layer has not been opened yet.

"It seems that I am faster here?"

Chen Ao felt a little strange. It stands to reason that the two universes usually fight for a few minutes, and they will stop after confirming each other's strength. They will not deliberately disgust the enemy like the Lord of the Lion.

If the Lord of the Zhou Lions leaves within a short time of fighting, he can't stop him.

After all, in its heyday, the Lord of the Lions of the Universe, when he met face to face, he could at most annihilate five thousandths of the opponent's divine body in a second or two.

At this speed, the Lord of Zhou Lions found that he could leave if he was invincible.

"Maybe it's the stipulated time!"

That being the case, Chen Ao is not in a hurry, anyway, it will definitely not take too long.

While waiting, Chen Ao had already received the news that a large number of powerhouses from the monster race had arrived outside Ke Temple, intending to kill the Lord of Blood Light and avenge the Lord of Zhou Lion.

"Hey, you can try to fight against the strongest!"

He would never dare to be in the Universe Sea, but here is the Primordial Universe after all, and he, the Venerable, can get great help from the will of the Universe.

After waiting for a full three months, he received the news that he could enter the third floor.

"Three masters of the universe compete for a top treasure, which meets the requirements of the original star!"

A top palace treasure will inevitably cause dozens of universe masters to compete, but after all, it has been selected, and they are all the strongest among the universe masters.

"Is the Lord of the universe of the Thorn Ring Alliance and the Northern Border Alliance?"

Chen Ao looked at the two masters of the universe, and a glint of hope flashed in his eyes. He hoped that these two guys could fight him endlessly.

"Blood Light Palace Master!"

Seeing Chen Ao's appearance, the expressions of the two masters of the universe were a bit uneasy. They already knew about Chen Ao's killing of the Lord of Zhou Lions.

Although the Ke Yanshui of the Ke Temple is harmful to the divine body, it is impossible to say how much harm it can cause to the Lord of the Universe in a short period of time.

Therefore, the Lord of the Zhou Lion is very likely to be killed head-on by the Lord of the Blood Light Palace.

"You two, how about a contest?" Chen Ao took the initiative.

It is impossible for these two masters of the universe to retreat voluntarily, but looking at the lack of momentum of the two opponents, Chen Ao also knows that it is impossible to kill them.

This is the type that immediately flees when the situation is not good.

He also understands why he has to wait for three months. This is for people to recover their divine body.

"Although these two guys' physical bodies have been damaged, they should be less than ten percent!"

Chen Ao was helpless, there was no way to kill him.

And the two masters of the universe on the opposite side saw that Chen Ao's breath was completely intact, and their hearts sank. They all knew that Chen Ao's divine body was huge, but they killed a fourth-order peak universe master without any damage. It's a bit unacceptable.

Just make a move, if it doesn't feel right, slip away immediately!
"Blood Light Palace Master, eat me with an axe!"

The lord of the universe of the Thorn Ring Alliance is standing in the distance to carry out soul attacks.

Jianhe Luo unfolded, and the Excalibur was dispatched.

No.11 sword!
Jian Guang easily blocked the ax of the Lord of the Universe of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, and then forced the opponent back. Chen Ao was about to rush towards the Lord of the Universe of the Thorn Ring Alliance.

Seeing this, the Lord of the Universe of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance ran away directly.

He lost two thousandths of his divine body just now, which is definitely not a small number. It is meaningless to continue fighting like this.

They all know that only when there is one person left in this space can they enter the treasure of the refining palace and enter the next level.

The Master of the Universe of the Thorn Ring Alliance also fought with Chen Ao, and then left angrily.

Chen Ao wanted to refine this top palace treasure, but he didn't expect that he couldn't refine it.

The reminder is that everyone else must be driven away before it can be refined.

"You two, since you are leaving, please hurry up!"

The two masters of the universe are extremely annoyed, we are all leaving, and you are still urging.

Doesn't flying take time?

Not at all poised.

Not wanting to talk about it, the two masters of the universe quickly flew away from the third floor.

Chen Ao also took advantage of the trend to refine this top palace treasure.

"Tsk tsk, the treasure of the top palace is considered a good thing, even if you only get this, it's not a waste of time!"

However, Chen Ao knew that the Temple of Ke was bound to allow the strongest person to get the Temple of Ke.

Almost impossible.

Of course, it is also possible if the previous opponent is severely injured, but the possibility is relatively small.

Although the lord of the universe is not afraid of death, he will not be sent to death either. If he is seriously injured, he will retreat, no matter how attractive the treasure is.

This is the law of survival, those who are too greedy will die.

This time, the opening time of the fourth floor actually lasted as long as three years, which is really unbelievable.

"Are you really planning to let everyone deal with it with all their strength?"

His luck is pretty good, after all, he didn't meet the two fifth-order universe masters who came in.

"I hope that the two fifth-order universe masters will meet in advance. In this way, I might be able to catch a leak!"

However, after all, I thought too much.

When Chen Ao entered the fourth floor, he found the two masters of the universe.

One is the lone master of the universe, the master of the heavy tomb, and the other is the master of the powerful clan "Mian Er Clan".

Both are fifth-order masters of the famous universe.

"You two, how do you fight? Get a charter?"

The Master of the Heavy Tomb and the Master of Sleeping You frowned slightly. The Master of the Bloody Light Palace is a newly promoted powerhouse, and he has nothing to do with them.

On the contrary, it is the master of the heavy tomb and the master of sleep, because they have been around for a long time.

Obviously, when the three of them competed and the winner had to be decided, no one was willing to make the first move.

They are not arrogant enough to overwhelm the other two.

"Hallmaster Bloodlight, since you spoke first, what's your opinion?" The Sleeping Lord asked.

Chen Ao smiled: "I have an idea, how about the three of us forming a circle and attacking one person in turn?"

"How to say?"

"It's very simple. For example, I attack the Lord of Sleeping Er, and then the Lord of Sleeping Er attacks the Lord of the Heavy Tomb, and the Lord of the Heavy Grave attacks me again!"

The two universes just nodded, which seemed fair.

Although weapons can also provide the ability to resist damage, everyone's weapons are at least at the peak level, and the gap will not be too big. Such attacks can be regarded as offset.

In this way, it is to see whose body protection treasure, divine body and secret method are stronger.

"Then who will come first? Whoever attacks first will definitely take advantage of it?"

"I think it's better to start from the last one who was promoted to the master of the universe and the penultimate one who became the master of the universe!"

The Master of the Heavy Tomb and the Master of Sleeping Near both laughed lightly.

This obviously meant that Chen Ao attacked first.

"You two, the difference between our one attack is actually not that big. If one attack can cause a big impact, it proves that the strength is too weak!" Chen Ao added.

The two masters of the universe nodded, which makes sense.

Although the general battles between the masters of the universe ended in just a few minutes, within these few minutes, the frequency of attacks was more than thousands of times.

The impact of one attack is indeed not that big. If one attack can damage one-thousandth of the divine body, it means that there is a big gap in strength, so just quit.

"To what extent?" the Lord of the Heavy Tomb asked.

Chen Ao smiled: "Of course I feel that I can't hold on anymore. If you don't want to give up, then you can see who will fall first!"

Speaking of this, Chen Ao's heart flashed with anticipation. If the two of them lost more than 50.00% of their divine body, he could directly kill them.

The Lord of the Heavy Tomb suddenly said in a deep voice: "I suddenly felt that I could join forces with the Lord of Sleep and drive away your Blood Light Palace Master first. After all, your divine body is huge, and all the powerful people in the universe know this!"

Chen Ao blinked his eyes: "Then try it, anyway, I will definitely resist, and then I can only chase after you, Master of the Grave, even if I am driven away, Master of the Grave, you have to follow me left!"

The master of the heavy tomb is at a loss for words, everyone is not stupid, and they were not allies before, but now they suddenly form a team, and no one can trust anyone.

"In this case, let's do as the blood light palace master said!" The sleeper master also knew that he had no choice.

"Then the lord of sleep, did I offend you?" Chen Ao said he was offended, but the blow was so heavy that he didn't have the slightest intention to hold back.

Jian Heluo cooperates with the universe's strongest fusion secret method, and hits the Lord of Sleep firmly.

The body of the sleeping lord trembled.

Then the Sleeping Lord looked at Chen Ao with some horror.

Because, he lost nearly one hundred thousandth of his divine body in this attack.

This is really exaggerated.

Speaking of which, in a head-to-head confrontation, Chen Ao only needs hundreds of thousands of attacks to annihilate him.

Taking a deep breath, he was shocked, and at the same time, the Lord of Sleep also shot at the Lord of the Tomb.

The same strongest secret method, the Lord of the Tomb didn't say anything, and attacked Chen Ao with his backhand.

The smile on Chen Ao's face remained unchanged, and then he repeatedly attacked Mianerzhong.

The three powerhouses took turns attacking once, and after 3 minutes, the divine aura of the Sleeping Lord dropped significantly.

It is obvious that the loss of divine body has reached [-]%.

The Sleeping Lord remained silent and attacked again.

After Chen Ao survived the attack, he looked at the Sleeping Lord: "Sleeping Lord, I feel that the gap has come out, you really don't plan to leave?"

"Don't worry about the blood light palace master, just attack!"

About the [-]th attack, the breath of the Lord of the Tomb also weakened slightly, which should have reached the limit of [-]%.

And Chen Ao's divine body only lost one-thousandth, the gap is a bit big.

The Lord of the Heavy Tomb and the Lord of Sleeping Eyes looked at each other, something was obviously wrong, Chen Ao hadn't weakened at all, and their loss was already not small.

The two masters of the universe looked at each other, intending to join forces, but who knew who Chen Ao would attack?

Wouldn't it be time to make wedding dresses for others?

Therefore, the three of them could only continue to attack, and the more Chen Ao attacked, the happier he would be.

For about the 2800th attack, the aura of the Sleeping Lord dropped a lot immediately, obviously the loss of more than [-]% of his divine body, and his strength had dropped by nearly half.

The consciousness of the Lord of the Universe is not weak, and the decline in strength may not be as great as the Venerable and Immortal, but the lost soul or life imprint is real, and the strength will still drop significantly.

If this is the calculation, the loss of the divine body may be more than [-]%.

About the 3400th attack, the Lord of the Heavy Tomb's aura also dropped sharply, and it is estimated that the loss of his divine body reached [-]%.

But on the other hand, Chen Ao's strength didn't drop at all, that is to say, his body loss was less than [-]%.

The faces of both of them have changed, and the gap will become bigger and bigger if this continues, because they have lost too much body, their strength has declined, and their attack and defense capabilities will be weakened.

There is no way to compare.

"What? You two don't plan to continue playing?" Chen Ao looked at them with a half-smile.

Both the Master of the Heavy Tomb and the Master of Sleeping You had gloomy expressions: "The outside world has rumored that you, the Master of the Blood Light Palace, have a big body, but we didn't expect it to be bigger than we imagined!"

"It's okay, that's all it is!"

"Hmph, this time I admit defeat, I won't fight for this Ke Temple!" The Sleeping Lord couldn't bear it anymore, Chen Ao's attack was too strong, and his divine body was lost too quickly.

The Master of the Heavy Tomb could only sigh slightly when he saw the Master of Sleeping Withdrawal. Perhaps it was the most correct way to join forces with the Lord of Sleeping.

But there is no regret medicine to take, just like he doesn't want to be attacked by Chen Ao, neither does the Sleeping Lord.

"Then congratulations to Blood Light Palace Master, you have obtained a super treasure!" said the Master of the Heavy Tomb.

"You're being polite, it's just taking advantage of the divine body!"

The Lord of the Heavy Tomb didn't say much, and flew away.

The divine body is the foundation of everything, and the great divine body is the best.

Chen Ao silently watched the two masters of the universe leave. The treasure hunting rules this time are actually very beneficial to him. The comparison is hard power. He relies on his huge body to take advantage of it.

"Now, let me see if this Ke Temple is the best treasure of the pinnacle palace!"

PS: The loss of spirit will reduce the strength, not only the immortality, but also the master of the universe. The original 27 Chapter 10 life and death struggle, specifically mentioned

 There is no problem with the content. The [-]-character chapters are all five chapters in one, so the number of chapters in the content is relatively large, which has no impact, and there are not so many manuscripts

(End of this chapter)

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