Chapter 131 Killing the Strongest

Following the convening order issued by the Ancestral God Sect, a lineup similar to the original book appeared, and dozens of masters of the universe rushed to the secret realm of Thunder Cave.

Chen Ao's three avatars are all in this Thunder Cave Secret Realm, and the avatar of the Lord of Blood Light is guarding not far from the exit.

The other two bodies are located in other positions.

"Lord of Respect, are you okay? There are too many people here, I feel like I might die!"

"Don't worry, these people are not enough for me to meet face to face. If they can kill you, I, the Lord of Respect, will write it upside down!"

The Lord of Thunder Cave breathed a sigh of relief, since the Lord of Respecting the Source could say that, he was naturally relieved.

After all, for a strong man, a name is no less than a life. It is the face of a strong man, and he would rather fall than discard it.

Of course he didn't know, Chen Ao didn't mind writing his name upside down at all, anyway, he had many names, so it would be a big deal to change one more.

A large number of masters of the universe, such as the master of the human ice peak, the master of the galaxy, the master of the sirius of the monster race, and the master of the nine secluded worlds, came one after another.

Of course, Emperor Yan has been cold for tens of thousands of years, so he can't come.

Because of Chen Ao's relationship, there are only nine peak powers now, but the Jing Clan and Prison Clan are a bit far away.

So I didn't come, this time there are 17 masters of the universe.

"Master of the Thunder Cave, you took something you shouldn't have, the boss asked me to kill you!" The Ice Silkworm Master of the Ancestral God Sect said coldly.

"Lord of the Thunder Cave, die!"

The strong ones just said a few words, and then swarmed forward.

Looking at this group of masters of the universe, the master of the thunder cave is not too afraid. The strongest here is the fourth-order peak strength, and he also has such strength, plus his divine body is even bigger.

In the original book, even the Lord of Yuanao was able to be killed only with the help of the founder of Heizhou. The current Lord of Thunder Cave is stronger, has more treasures, and has a larger divine body.

If you don't come to the strongest in the universe, I'm afraid it will take a long time to fight.

Soon, a group of strong men fought for a whole day, because the hearts of the various races were not in harmony. In fact, the pressure on the Lord of Thunder Cave was not that great.

With the addition of Luo Feng as an undercover agent, the Lord of Thunder Cave is even more relaxed.

At this time, the Lord of the Thunder Cave kept signaling to Luo Feng, telling him to kill the Lord of Sirius quickly.

If it goes on like this, his divine body will be depleted a lot.

Divine power requires money.

But Luo Feng ignored the Thunder Cave Master at all, he was waiting for Chen Ao to make a move.

In fact, Luo Feng was also very puzzled, why Chen Ao didn't make a move yet.

At this time, the Lord of Thunder Cave suddenly received a voice transmission from Chen Ao: "Master of Thunder Cave, there is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

"good news!"

"The good news is that the founder of the Black Universe is here and has just entered the secret realm of the Thunder Cave!"

Lord of Thunder Cave: ...

"What about the bad news?"

"Be sure to block the founder of Hei Zhou for a moment, or you will die!"

The bad news is really bad, but the good news is also really bad!
This is all bad news, okay?

"Ah, don't, Lord of Respect, you said you would keep me safe!" The Lord of Thunder Cave kept sending voices.

He is not worried about facing the Lord of the universe, but facing the strongest in the universe, even in the original universe, he cannot bear it.

"Don't worry, as long as you resist him a few times, I can save you!"

"You, so your goal is the founder of the Black Universe!" The Thunder Cave Lord understood even at this moment, no matter how stupid he was.

This, the Lord of Respect, is he crazy, wanting to kill a strongest man in the original universe?

If it is in the secret realm of Thunder Cave, maybe it is really possible.

"Lord of respect, you have to take it easy, I will really die!"

"The strong are afraid of death?"

Lord of Thunder Cave: ...

On the other side, Luo Feng also received the sound transmission, and Luo Feng also understood that Chen Ao's goal was actually the founder of Hei Zhou.

This, this is also crazy.

His Holiness actually wants to kill the strongest?
"Brother, are you sure? If this offends the founder of the black universe, we humans may be thrown into chaos!"

"Don't be afraid, I let the giant ax guard outside!"

"Really?" Luo Feng was taken aback, he remembered that when he came, the giant ax was still comprehending the secret lines of the Star Tower!

"Nonsense, of course it's a lie. I'll stay there alone, it's fine! Don't blot out the ink, hurry up and leave with the Lord of Bingfeng!"

Luo Feng didn't hesitate anymore, and ran away.

The master of Bingfeng also ran together, and the other masters of the universe were stunned. What is this for?
Soon, their expressions changed slightly.

Because the strongest in the universe has come.

"Founder of the Black Universe, why did you come here?" the Lord of Nine Serenities asked.

"Hahaha, I haven't entered the primordial universe for too long, I didn't expect to meet a strange thing!"

He has the most powerful armor, but lacks a good attacking treasure, and the best peak treasure is not easy to get.

His weapons are very ordinary, so when he encountered a strange thing this time, he rushed over.

"Everyone, I only want that strange object, and you can do anything else!" said the founder of Hei Zhou.

In the original book, because there is a silk drawing, the masters of the universe of all races are not very concerned about the strange things, but now there is no drawing of the silk, and the strange things are the biggest gain this time.

Unexpectedly, the founder of Hei Zhou was about to take it away.

"Founder of the Black Universe, you are going to snatch the most valuable treasure right now, this is too much!" The Lord of Nine Serenities stared at the founder of the Black Universe.

"Hehe, Jiuyou, your self-destruction can't even hurt me, I advise you to stop talking!"

He has the most powerful and precious armor, which is directly immune to attacks below the sixth level, and the self-destruction of the Lord of the Nine Serenity is naturally useless.

The Lord of Nine Serenity's face was very ugly. This time, they might not gain anything.

"Lord of the Thunder Cave, hand over the strange object, and I will spare your life!"

"Founder of the Black Universe, don't even think about it!" the Thunder Cave Lord roared.

At this time, he has no choice but to be consistent with Chen Ao, otherwise, he is doomed to die.

"If that's the case, don't blame me!"

It is very difficult for the Lord of the fifth-order universe to kill the Lord of the Thunder Cave, but he is the sixth-order, and he is also the top of the sixth-order.

"Go to hell, Lord of the Thunder Cave!" the founder of Hei Zhou stormed.

Soon, the founder of the black universe was stunned, because the original universe was still suppressing him.

"This is impossible, you are wanted by the original universe, how can you still help you!"

The founder of the black universe with a long life knows a lot. The original universe helped the master of the universe because he regarded the master of the universe as his own child.

However, once you are rejected, it would be good not to suppress you, let alone get help.

"No, it's not right, but what's wrong!" the founder of Hei Zhou kept thinking.

However, although he was puzzled, he didn't care too much, because he was invincible in the original universe, and he was afraid of chickens.

This is just confusion.

However, soon, Chen Ao's voice sounded: "Founder of the Black Universe, you actually attacked my allies of Hongmeng, are you trying to be an enemy of human beings?"

Hearing Chen Ao's voice, the Lord of Sirius and the Lords of the universe were shocked.

Compared to the founder of Heizhou grabbing treasures, Chen Ao's embryo killer is really frightening.

The founder of Hei Zhou is not afraid of Chen Ao at all: "It turns out that it is the Lord of the Origin of Humanity, the Lord of the Thunder Cave, when did you join your Human Alliance?"

"Hey, of course it's thanks to you, that's why the Lord of the Thunder Cave was forced to join my Human Alliance!"

"Hmph, so I got a bargain!" The founder of Hei Zhou was not surprised either.

In the face of his own attack, he may fall at any time, and with the peak power, it is not surprising to seek shelter.

The recent rise of human beings has been powerful, and the giant axe is considered to be the top three powerhouses in the universe, and there is such a freak as the Lord of Respect, it is always reasonable to seek refuge in human beings.

"However, Lord of Respect, I have no interest in the life of the Lord of Thunder Cave, as long as the Lord of Thunder Cave hand over the strange item, I will leave immediately!"

He doesn't want to offend human beings too much, but the strange things in front of him can increase his strength a little bit, which makes him unable to give up.

"It's a joke, the founder of the Black Universe, the Lord of the Thunder Cave joins our human beings, and he is protected by our humans. Let alone you, even if there are a few more powerful people in the universe, we humans will not give up the Lord of the Thunder Cave!"

"Lord of Respect! You are provoking my dignity!" The founder of the black universe roared, and he was a strong man in the universe group, and was mocked in public by a universe master.

"Hehe, founder of the Black Universe, I advise you to get away, otherwise my family's giant ax will be able to kill you directly! If you don't want to die, just get away!"

"Asshole! I'm going to kill you!" The founder of Hei Zhou, as a veteran powerhouse, had never been insulted like this before.

"Even if the giant ax comes, it's impossible to kill me, it's impossible anywhere! As for your Lord of Respect, I'll let you know what the majesty of the strongest is!"

Saying that, the founder of Heizhou gave up the Lord of Thunder Cave and directly killed Chen Ao.

Chen Ao chuckled, it's good to save face.

Qijianhai and Jianheluo spread out at the same time, and then superimposed the space-time domain of the winged treasure.

For a moment, the founder of Heizhou felt that he was stuck in a quagmire.

"Go away!" Constantly roaring, the founder of Heizhou kept repelling the oncoming divine sword.

This Excalibur is actually of no use to the founder of Hei Zhou, but it is also a kind of oppressive force.

Even if there is no damage, the impact of the divine sword can still stop the speed of the creator of the black universe.

For example, the Lord of Sirius was preparing to watch a show just now, so he didn't leave the scope of the domain immediately.

Then, in just a few breaths, the Heavenly Wolf Palace was annihilated, and then the Sirius Lord screamed and died directly.

Seeing that the Heavenly Wolf Hall of the Lord of Sirius was directly broken, many Lords of the universe were frightened.

The Lord of Respect is still so strong!
No hesitation at all.

Chen Ao and the founder of Heizhou also ignored the group of universe masters, and the two approached to fight.

"There are actually three clones. It seems that you have prepared for it, but it is still too far away!"

However, just after the fight, the founder of Heizhou kept roaring.

Because his strength was suppressed too much.

Theoretically, his strength can be maintained at the top of the sixth order, but now, it is no more than the ordinary level of the sixth order.

Chen Ao's current strength is actually higher than that of the founder of Hei Zhou.

The founders of Hei Zhou discovered this problem as soon as they fought against each other.

And the sword master avatar holding the Xeon to Bao Shenjian is even more fierce, every sword can be cut on the main artery of the founder of Heizhou.

"Why, how is it possible, you have the most powerful treasure, but your other avatar is actually better than me!"

The founder of Hei Zhou found it unbelievable.

Hearing is hearing after all, but actually seeing it still makes him feel horrified.

"Did you really get some super inheritance!"

As for Chen Ao's combat power speculation, the mainstream view is that Chen Ao has obtained the inheritance of increasing strength, and this inheritance can only be practiced by one person.

As for creating a sixth-order secret method, some people may have thought about it, but compared to obtaining inheritance, the possibility of this is too low, less than one in a billion.

As for the three sword Xeons, it is even more outrageous.

"The founder of Hei Zhou, stop talking nonsense, and get out of the secret realm of Thunder Cave!"

"It's you who should get out. You are only the master of a universe. No matter how strong I am, I have a small universe to make up for my divine power. The loss of my divine body will not affect my strength. What are you fighting against me with?"

"Haha, then you can try it!"

Chen Ao has mental calculations but has no intentions, and the founder of the black universe is not afraid at all. In the original universe, there has never been a record of the fall of the strongest in the universe.

Even the Holy Land universe has no such record.

As the strongest in the universe, unless the giant ax comes, even if the giant ax comes, he must be in the right place in the universe sea to kill him. In the original universe, he is not afraid of the giant ax coming.

The two fought in the secret realm of Thunder Cave.

The Lord of the Thunder Cave had already arrived at the outskirts of the secret realm of the Thunder Cave under Chen Ao's instructions.

The Nine Nether Clone was blocked at the exit of the secret realm.

Seeing that Chen Ao still had his divine body here, the Lord of the Thunder Cave didn't know what to say: "Lord Jingyuan, do you really want to kill the founder of Heizhou? That's the strongest in the universe! This is still the original universe! "

"It is precisely because it is the original universe that there is a chance to kill!" Chen Ao's face was serious, and he was unwilling to continue talking to the Lord of Thunder Cave.

All his mind is on fighting the founder of Hei Zhou.

At this moment, I can't separate my energy.

The Lord of Thunder Cave also knew that Chen Ao was at war with the founder of Hei Zhou.

The battle between the four sixth-tier powerhouses, even though the Thunder Cave cheats were very powerful, slowly dissipated under the attacks of Chen Ao and the founder of Heizhou.

The pressure here slowly began to dissipate.

Chen Ao remained unmoved, as long as he blocked the founder of Hei Zhou.

The two quickly fought for nearly a month.

Countless powerhouses knew the news, and they also wanted to see the battle between Chen Ao and the creator of the black universe.

However, a group of strong human beings such as the giant axe have already arrived, and unless the strongest came, they would not dare to go in at all.

Although the strongest were curious, they did not dare to act recklessly because they were intimidated by the giant axe.

Time is still passing by, and the two have been fighting for three years.

Fighting for three full years is simply unthinkable.

In fact, Chen Ao couldn't bear it anymore, and he had consumed more than one billion kilometers of divine body.

However, he used the avatar of the Lord of the Netherworld as a charging treasure.

Although the capacity is small, it only takes a few seconds for the Kingdom of God to teleport here.

In other words, in a few seconds, he can replenish the divine power of nine thousand kilometers.

Moreover, he also has the W skill to restore blood.

Therefore, he persisted for three years, and his divine body loss never exceeded ten percent.

Although the human body is small, it is not the main force, and it is more likely to steal damage, so it can withstand it.

In three years, the founder of Heizhou discovered that something was wrong. He had already consumed a lot. After all, he didn't have a reserve of divine power ten light-years in size.

His small universe has a reserve of divine power, but it can't bear such consumption.

After three years of fighting with all his strength, the founder found that the speed at which he absorbed divine power could not keep up with the consumption.

As the fight lasted longer, the primordial universe suppressed him stronger, and even the speed of absorbing divine power was suppressed.

His small universe reserves a lot of divine power, but it is useless.

As early as a year ago, his divine power was not in a saturated state, and now a year has passed, and his divine power has lost nearly [-]%.

"Lord of respect, I didn't expect you to have a special way to restore divine power!" The founder of Hei Zhou had to admit that he didn't take advantage of such hard work.

"Haha, the founder of Hei Zhou, I only know now, it's too late!"

Chen Ao fought crazily.

"It's still fun to fight against the strongest. I feel that my strength has improved a step. I should be grateful to you!"


Hearing Chen Ao's words, the founder of Zhou Hei was extremely annoyed.

He was also a super genius back then, otherwise he would not have become the most powerful person in the universe, but compared with Chen Ao, his genius name is just as fake.

"Lord of respect, I recognize your strength, how about we stop here?"

"No, there are not many opportunities to fight with the strongest, the founder of the black universe, let's continue!"

"Lord of Respect, it's pointless to spend it like this, it's just a waste of our mutual divine power!"

It is impossible for the founder of Hei Zhou to take the initiative to admit his mistakes. At most, everyone will take a step back together.

"Stop talking nonsense, today, have a good time!"

The founder of Hei Zhou, seeing Chen Ao's desperate and crazy appearance, suddenly thought to himself, why did he meet such a lunatic.

"Okay, I'll fight with you, I don't believe how long you can last!"

So, the two fought for another three years.

At this moment, Chen Ao's divine body has been greatly depleted.

The founder of Hei Zhou was also uncomfortable. Without the supplement of the small universe, his current divine power has been depleted by more than half.

"Lord of the source, I can feel that your strength has improved and your goal has been reached, how about taking a step back?"

Chen Ao's strength has really improved. It seems that he has a deeper understanding of the sixth-order secret method, and his use of the secret method has become more perfect.

At this time, he had to bow his head slightly.

It is impossible to admit a mistake, the most you can do is be soft.

The two have fought against each other for six years, which is difficult to encounter at any level. The consumption of this divine body alone may have a terrifying level of tens of billions of kilometers.

All the masters of the universe of human beings packed together are not enough for a star.

However, Chen Ao insisted on carrying it.

Instead, he became more and more courageous.

"Founder of the Black Universe, what are you afraid of, keep fighting!"

The founder of Hei Zhou couldn't help scolding his mother, is this guy so crazy? Although he has known about the Lord of Respect for a long time, it is rare to be so crazy.

"Is his divine power really inexhaustible? I can understand every time the clone appears, but the divine body of the clone also needs time to recover, unless, unless..."

The founder of Hei Zhou suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Lord of Respect, do you have a divine body avatar similar to the Nine Nether Seas?"

"Hahaha, did you guess it now? So, I'm not afraid of consumption!"

It doesn't matter if the hole cards are exposed, as long as there is something to gain, then it will be earned.

He exchanged the news of the Nine Nether Sea avatar for the life of the founder of Hei Zhou, and he has already made a lot of money.

A Xeon to treasure armor, plus the help of Zuoshanke.

Two Xeons and treasures, earn in blood!
The founder of the black universe is finally hard to be frightened. In this way, how can he fight a clone that is only a few light years away.

His small cosmic divine power reserve is not that much.

Divine power is not Chinese cabbage, even if the small universe absorbs it all the time, it doesn't have that much stock, and now he can't absorb divine power from the small universe at all.

"Damn the original universe!"

The founder of Heizhou, I don't want to fight anymore. If this continues, maybe I will really fall here. Losing 50.00% of my divine body, every strong person will be anxious.

"Lord of respect, this time, I was wrong, I am willing to admit my mistake!" The founder of Hei Zhou bowed his head.

Sure enough, it is false to say that face is more important than life, and life is more important when things come to an end.

"Haha, founder of Hei Zhou, since you admit your mistake. Well, hand over your armor, and I will let you go!"

"Fart, the most I can compensate you is one peak domain treasure!"

The Lord of Respect to the Source is crazy to say such words, the armor is his lifeblood, no, it is more important than lifeblood.

How could it be given to Chen Ao.

"Then continue!" Chen Ao still attacked wildly.

"Hmph, shame on your face! I don't intend to continue to accompany you crazy!" The founder of Hei Zhou felt the crisis, so he wanted to leave.

He is preparing to exert his full strength and exert the most exaggerated ability of the strongest, speed!

However, soon, the face of the founder of Hei Zhou became gloomy, because he found that he couldn't leave.

"By the way, this Thunder Cave Secret Realm is quite special. It cannot enter the dark universe or travel through space!"

The founder of Hei Zhou suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Could it be that all of this was calculated by the Lord of Respect?"

The founder of Hei Zhou is unwilling to believe this, but it seems that this possibility is really possible.

However, the founder of Hei Zhou didn't panic, it's a big deal, he went out from the exit.

Even if Chen Ao has a triple domain that is comparable to the most powerful domain, his speed is faster than Chen Ao.

And outside the exit of the Thunder Cave Secret Realm, a group of high-level human beings gathered here.

"I never expected that Chen Ao would come up with such a crazy plan to kill the strongest alone!" Juxue sighed.

This is very difficult. Looking at the You Hai clone that appears every few seconds, you can tell that Chen Ao's divine power is greatly depleted.

Over the years, there are countless Youhai avatars that have entered it.

"If you want to kill the founder of Heizhou, just call me!" Juxue sighed.

"Giant Axe, your strength can't be displayed much in the primordial universe, and you won't be stronger than Chen Ao!"

"Even so, my attack will still do more damage to Hei Zhou, and it can also reduce Chen Ao's loss!"

Luo Feng looked at the giant axe and said: "There is actually a reason for this, because of the request of Teacher Zuoshanke, if you want to refine the most powerful treasure, you must kill a strongest person alone!"

Many high-level human beings lamented that they no longer desire the most powerful treasures as they used to.

After all, humans now have four pieces, the armor of the giant axe, Luo Feng's star tower, Chen Ao's divine sword, and the treasure of the joint domain.

However, I was still surprised to hear that Zuoshanke promised to refine the Xeon Zhibao.

Zuoshanke, really strong!
"Moreover, Teacher Zuoshanke said that Qi Jianhai has been of great help to the senior brother, so the senior brother will be desperate!"

Even if Luo Feng didn't say it, Giant Axe and Chaos could still feel that Chess Sword Sea's bonus to Chen Ao was really high.

The previous Chen Ao's strength was only at the fourth level, but after having Chess and Sword Sea, it seemed to directly increase a level.

It can be so easy to kill the Lord of the Universe.

"If Chen Ao can elevate Chess and Sword Sea to the ranks of the strongest and the most treasured, how far can Chen Ao's strength reach?"

Both Great Ax and Chaos are looking forward to it.

Luo Feng also expected the same.

In the secret realm of Thunder Cave, the founder of the black universe no longer fights recklessly, but constantly wants to find opportunities to escape here.

Here, it is very dangerous, and it is getting more and more dangerous.

"Lord of respect, all this is your design, you deliberately led me here?"

"Hahaha, I just found out now, it seems a bit late!"

Hearing Chen Ao's acknowledgment, the founder of Hei Zhou gritted his teeth. He didn't expect that he would be pecked in the eye by a wild goose today.

"Lord of the source, if you think you can keep me with the help of this Thunder Cave Secret Realm, then you are too easy to think!"

"You can try it if you have the ability. The giant ax is waiting for you at the exit. Even if you escape my pursuit, you will surely fall!"


Of course, the founder of Hei Zhou has already seen it, but he is still confident that he can escape here.

Soon, the founder of Hei Zhou came to the exit of the secret realm of Thunder Cave.

At this time, the Lord of Blood Light Palace stopped in front of the founder of Hei Zhou.

At the same time, the human body no longer seeks to attack the founder of the black universe, but simply blocks the creator of the black universe.

The two bodies blocked the founder of the black universe together, and did not give the founder of the black universe a chance to leave.

Just block it hard, even at the expense of using the divine body to block it, exchanging divine power for divine power.

With a short distance of only a few light years, the founder of the black universe seemed to be walking slowly step by step.

However, the founder of Hei Zhou still did not give up.

Seeing this, Chen Ao could only resist with three divine bodies, forcing the founder of Heizhou to stay away from the exit position of the secret realm of Thunder Cave.

No matter from which angle the founder of Hei Zhou breaks through, he will be blocked.

Time passed little by little, and the founder of the black universe was still advancing, getting closer and closer to the exit of the secret realm of Thunder Cave.

"Founder of the Black Universe, your divine power is running out! The giant ax is still guarding outside. If you go out with such strength, you will die!"

After going out, if Chen Ao couldn't catch up, he would break through a hundred times the speed of light and leave.

But facing the giant axe, the founder of Heizhou has no advantage in speed, and it is difficult to escape.

The founder of Hei Zhou didn't know that Chen Ao had to kill a strongest man on his own.

He also didn't realize that Chen Ao was lying to him. For such a big thing as killing the strongest, it would be strange if the giant ax was not outside.

Moreover, he just couldn't leave here, and it wasn't that he couldn't get outside news. The giant ax was at the exit, and he had already learned from other forces.

"If I don't die this time, I will destroy your humanity!"

"Hahaha, it's a pity that you don't have this chance!" Of course, Chen Ao would not take risks, so he asked the giant ax to guard here.

It's fine that the founder of Hei Zhou didn't leave the secret realm of Thunder Cave. Once he leaves, he will kill him with all his strength.

In this way, although the request of Zuoshanke could not be fulfilled, at least it would not be a loss, and he got a piece of Xeon Xunbao armor.

It is also possible to increase the progress bar of the R skill.

The most important thing is not to leave a big enemy for mankind.

Otherwise, a strongest person can really bring mankind to near extinction, and mankind cannot afford such a loss.

When the founder of Hei Zhou came to the exit of the secret realm of Thunder Cave, his divine power was less than [-]%.

With such a little spiritual body, even if he went out, he couldn't withstand several attacks from the giant axe.

"Lord of respect, you are really a super genius in the universe, I, Hei Zhou, died at your hands, it is not wrong!" the founder of Hei Zhou roared, and then directly blew himself up.

It wasn't that he didn't want to try it last, but that he was still a little away from the exit, and he could already see the giant ax staring at him coldly.

At this moment, he knew that he couldn't escape.

Even if he ran to the cosmic sea, he would still die.

As for being in the original universe, it was just a waste of time with the giant axe.

He doesn't think there will be the strongest to save him, it's impossible, human beings are too strong, and the strongest in the universe alone is unwilling to cause trouble, and those who are bound by ethnic groups are even less likely to offend human beings.

So, he gave up.

Seeing that the founder of Hei Zhou blew himself up, Chen Ao smiled. After paying such a high price, he finally achieved his goal.

And the moment the founder of the black universe blew himself up, the Lord of Darkness, who had been prepared long ago, began to sweep away the treasures of the founder of the black universe.

However, soon a strong man came.

"Haha, Darkness, you are so fast! We are all prepared, but we are still not as fast as you!"

"It's okay, I think that since human beings choose to attack the founder of Heizhou, they must be sure!"

Many strong men nodded, and they also felt the same, but they didn't have the nerve to get too close, otherwise, if the founder of the black universe didn't die, they would be slapping the founder of the black universe in the face.

Now, their harvest is not small, even if it is not as dark as it is, at least they have a share of the pie.

The Lord of Darkness, pretending to be a lone traveler, didn't care about that, and left directly after taking the treasure.

"Haha, my nephew Chen Ao is really powerful, he can kill the strongest! Powerful, really powerful!"

The Dark Lord was excited.

Humanity is destined to rise, and he can predict that once Chen Ao becomes the strongest, he may be the next original ancestor.

As for whether Chen Ao can become the strongest?
The darkness is not worried at all, and even if Chen Ao is still a venerable, everyone thinks that the probability of Chen Ao becoming the strongest is higher than Chaos and him.

"My human race is ushering in the pinnacle again, hahaha!"

And in the secret realm of Thunder Cave, Chen Ao put away the most powerful and precious armor, and then quickly refined it.

Chen Ao didn't care about those ordinary treasures, but he planned to hand them over to human beings, which are also the wealth of human beings.

The giant ax Luo Feng and his group rushed over quickly.

"Chen Ao, amazing!"

"It's so strong, I didn't expect that the Venerable Universe can also kill the strongest!"

Chen Ao shook his head, this is not a kill, it is clearly a hard blow to death, if it is not for the good face of the founder of Heizhou, maybe, if he runs early, no one can stop him.

If the founder of the black universe had more than [-]% of his divine body when he left the secret realm of Thunder Cave, and then ran into the small universe, the giant ax would be useless.

It's a pity.

Luck, plus hard consumption, can kill the weakest and strongest.

"The strongest is really hard to kill, but when Qi Jianhai becomes the strongest treasure, the power will be even more terrifying!"

The most powerful chess sword sea is not only more powerful, but the number of divine swords will also increase.

He is very much looking forward to this.

Chen Ao successfully killed the founder of Hei Zhou, which once again caused an uproar among the major forces.

That is the strongest, the strongest who surpasses hundreds of millions of lives.

"It's a pity, the venerable lord of human beings is still extremely sinister, and actually designed the founder of the black universe, otherwise, how could the founder of the black universe fall!"

"Yeah, you must be careful about the Lord of Respect, it's nothing but strength, but you will be dug a hole at some point!"

They analyzed back and forth that Chen Ao had no connection with the founder of Hei Zhou. How did they know that the founder of Hei Zhou would go to the secret realm of Thunder Cave?
I don't understand it at all. As for the Qimu, after countless people inquired about it, they found out that it was the Qimu of Zuoshanke, and it was clearly a deliberate attempt to lure the founder of Heizhou.

The problem is, judging from the news that came out, there was no sign of Chen Ao at all. Chen Ao seemed to appear suddenly.

"This matter involves the Ancestral God Sect and Zuoshanke. Could it be that they are also accomplices?"

"I don't know at the moment, anyway, they did help Lord Jingyuan, we must be careful in the future! Especially we must be careful in some special areas!"

Most of the deaths of the Void True Demon God and the founder of the Black Universe were due to the special area, otherwise, it would be very difficult for even the giant ax to kill the strongest.

Once unable to kill for a short time, the strongest can escape back to their own small universe.

I'm afraid, I can't escape!
"Even if it's the strongest, it's not safe anymore! I used to think I could roam around, but now I realize that it's easy to flip!"

"In the future, I will definitely not enter the core position of the Jedi casually!"

Completely different from the worries of the major forces, human beings are excited and excited.

They saw Chen Ao's great potential and strength. At the same time, human beings gained an extra powerful treasure, and their background increased again.

Now, human beings are the number one force in the primordial universe, even the Ancestral God Sect has to back down.

Looking at Chen Ao holding the Xeon Xunbao Excalibur and wearing the Xeon Xunbao Armor, he was extremely majestic.

Moreover, many human masters of the universe looked at Chen Ao, and seemed to feel a little glaring.

Juxue looked at Chen Ao with both surprise and relief in his eyes.

With the record of beheading the strongest, in the future, Chen Ao will be no different from a strongest person, and even the strongest should pay attention to the threat of Chen Ao.

"Next, Chen Ao, what are you going to do?" Chaos asked.

Chen Ao has offended all the forces that can be offended. Once the human power weakens, he is afraid that he will be thrown into trouble.

Therefore, humanity must remain strong.

Chen Ao, you are too capable of causing trouble.

The heart of Chaos couldn't bear it.

Chen Ao said to the Primal Chaos City Lord: "I plan to recover, and then ask Teacher Zuoshanke to help me refine the treasure!"

Needless to say, the relationship between human beings and mountain pilgrims.

Faintly, human beings are still using the momentum of Sitting on the Mountain. After all, others don't know whether the Sitting on the Mountain will take action when human beings encounter a crisis.

This kind of thing, if it doesn't happen, you will never know.

Sitting on the mountain is equivalent to becoming the second strongest human being.

"Ahem, well, I still want to ask, next, will you not attack anyone again?"

Chen Ao shook his head, he was actually not interested in the strongest, and it cannot be said that he was not interested.

The main one is really hard to kill.

However, the harvest is huge. In addition to the two Xeons and Supreme Treasures, his genetic progress bar has actually advanced a little again, a full [-]% of the progress.

Now his progress bar is at 90.99%.

Not surprisingly, once he breaks through the master of the universe, he can multiply his genes by [-] times, and he can become the strongest at any time.

Ninety thousand times, except for the father of the universe, is already the limit of the continent of origin.

"It's a pity, I'm very greedy, and I won't give up the limit of [-] times until the end!"

It's impossible to kill ten of the most powerful, the only way to do this is to kill the world beasts and bastard genes.

After parting from the Lord of Chaos City, Chen Ao returned to his small base, and then asked You Hai to look for Zuo Shanke.

At this moment, Zuo Shan Ke was in a daze.

Chen Ao, it's the Venerable, can the Venerable kill the strongest?
Although a tricky method was used, it was successfully killed after all.

"It's too bad, I shouldn't talk too much!" Zuo Shanke wanted to give himself two big mouths.

If you say kill the strongest, you can help refine the most powerful treasure, now it's over.

Chen Ao came directly with a ruthless one.

When Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, Zuoshanke was still thinking about how to explain to Chen Ao, but Chen Ao had already come to the door.

It is impossible to pretend not to be at home without giving a chance at all.

"Teacher Zuoshanke, this is the video of me killing the founder of Heizhou. It's a bit long, you can watch it!"

Afterwards, without further ado, he directly took out the Chess Sword Sea Treasure.

Compared to Jianheluo, he still thinks Chess Jianhai is more handsome. The huge chessboard is very tall at first glance.

"This, this!" Zuo Shanke hesitated, it was really difficult, he is a majestic king, is he going to break the appointment?

He was afraid that Chen Ao would chase him down.

"Teacher, you won't miss the appointment, will you?" Chen Ao stared at Zuo Shanke closely.

"This, this!" Zuo Shanke didn't know what to do, he must be able to elevate Chess Sword Sea to the strongest treasure, the original universe cannot be refined, he can cosmic sea.

Even if it's a waste of time.

However, it needs to consume too much material, the background he prepared for Luo Feng will be exhausted in one go.

Once Luo Feng needs a suitable Xeon, what should he do.

If there is no Duan Donghe, no world of Jin, and Luo Feng grows up normally, if he wants to kill the strongest with the Lord of the universe, then he must have the most powerful and precious.

Even Sitting Mountain Guest is well prepared, once Luo Feng kills twenty masters of the universe above the fourth rank, he will take the initiative to help Luo Feng refine the most powerful treasure.

Let Luo Feng's combat power reach the sixth or even seventh rank, and then let Luo Feng fight with the strongest.

"I do have a lot of materials in my hand, which can refine the most powerful treasures, but there is only one copy of many materials. Once I give it to you, Luo Feng..."

"Teacher!" Chen Ao said solemnly suddenly, "I know Luo Feng's personality best. He is willing to sacrifice everything for the strength of human beings. Moreover, Luo Feng has a very strong spirit of sacrifice. He will definitely agree with the teacher to help me refine it first." !"

Luo Feng, who was in the universe sea experience, suddenly felt that he had lost something!
"If Luo Feng needs it in the future, I will naturally try my best to help the teacher find suitable materials! Even the teacher can take the Xeon Xeon Xeon Sword in my hand and transform it into a suitable sword and give it to Luo Feng!"

Hearing Chen Ao say such words, Zuo Shan Ke was extremely surprised.

Is this sea of ​​chess and swords really more important than weapons?
"This is what you said, and you will have to fulfill your promise when the time comes!"

It doesn't cost much to change a Xeon to Treasure Divine Sword into a battle knife, and he can easily change it successfully.

 Explain the latest episode.

  It was the first time to blew up his identity, because the master of the bloody hall could not use Qijianhai, and it was too difficult to kill the master of the universe in the universe sea. The other masters of the universe ran away when they saw it.

  The second exposure, killing the Lord of Sword Stars, the world beasts will not come out once, the opponent will not enter the dark place, and the Lord of Swords will not be able to kill himself.

  I have already solved the problem of the world beast, the protagonist has entered the continent of origin, everything is reasonable, don’t worry, the reader, my writing is very logical, and I will not mess around
(End of this chapter)

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