Chapter 146 Congratulations from the Supreme Law
Soon, the will of God's Eye reached the limit level of Void True God.

It has even reached the eternal level.

And a look of pain began to appear on Chen Ao's face.

It feels like a thousand people are constantly talking in your ears, which is uncomfortable and painful.

Seeing that Chen Ao only showed a trace of pain, the commanders on the four thrones were silent.

"His will has reached the extreme of the Void God?"

"How can you be so perverted? I thought it would be great to reach the void level. After all, he is just a recruit, just a master of laws!"

"Finally, a super genius who is monstrous in every aspect has finally appeared. Sergeant Jing Yuan will definitely be able to complete this test!"

The four commanders, all tearful, waited for countless epochs, and finally such a peerless evildoer came.

"Sure, Sergeant Jing Yuan will definitely pass the test set by His Majesty the God King!"

The muscles on Chen Ao's face were constantly deformed, and the pain he felt was getting stronger and stronger.

However, because he knew that his life was not in danger, Chen Ao didn't think too much at all, and tried his best to persevere in this pain.

He doesn't know how far his will can reach, but judging from the past, his will is no less than Luo Feng's. After all, his will is basically the same as Luo Feng's.

Moreover, he didn't feel that his belief was lower than Luo Feng's.

Luo Feng wants to become stronger and protect him, and he wants to live, and his belief in living is also very strong, so strong that his will can constantly break through.

"I will definitely be able to succeed. Only by becoming stronger can I survive with a greater probability, so I need to become stronger!"

After an unknown amount of time, Chen Ao suddenly felt his whole body explode, and then completely lost his will.

When Chen Ao was in a coma, Chen Ao was enveloped by a beam of light and teleported to the eighth floor.

"It's done, it's actually done!"

"Before seeing his will reach the limit level of the void, I knew he would be successful!"

"I can feel it. At the last moment, his will seems to have a breakthrough. Even if he hasn't reached the eternal level, it's almost there!"

"Hey, how could such a perverted existence be born? It's so many times stronger than I did back then!"

"Who says it's not, any aspect of Sergeant Jingyuan can be sealed, and the combination of the three is countless times more than ordinary seals!"

A perfect score for one item, many specialized geniuses can do it, but full scores for all three items, this is not explained by specialization, but that the talents and opportunities are extremely heaven-defying.

"We can't see what's on the eighth floor. We just hope this sergeant can succeed!"

"It will definitely succeed. Sergeant Jingyuan is ten million times stronger than the sergeant who entered the eighth floor last time. There is no reason not to succeed!"

In fact, it might be possible to succeed, but Chen Ao did not intend to try for the safety of his life.

He dared to fight hard in the seventh floor, causing himself to faint. It was because he knew that he would not die. Under absolute safety, he naturally dared to mess around.

However, both the Star Tower and this series of elemental techniques are in great danger of death, so he is unwilling to try.

He became stronger in order to live. If becoming stronger affects his chances of survival, he must give up.

"Leave the danger to Luo Feng!" Chen Ao's consciousness gradually recovered, and he knew that he should already be on the eighth floor.

At this moment, Chen Ao found himself on a suspended small land.

"Observing the void around you can get a secret technique, and you can enter the ninth floor if you practice it! If you fail, you will erase this memory and leave Wuqi Tower!"

Sensing this message, Chen Ao closed his eyes and took another look, and his name was no longer Chen Ao.

Absolutely not.

If you can't help but look at it, wouldn't it be too bad? This secret technique, like the Star Tower, has an inexplicable attraction.

When he was not sure whether he could withstand this huge temptation, Chen Ao always chose to stay away from it. As long as I don't understand it, there will be no temptation at all.

And when Chen Ao entered the eighth floor, the virtual consciousness of the God King of Jin also cast his gaze on Chen Ao.

"Countless epochs have passed, and finally another person has come to the eighth floor? The last one failed just after entering. I don't know if this one can succeed this time!"

The God King of Jin keeps remembering him.

And Chen Ao was making complaints: "There is a problem with the Jin Dynasty as a whole. What kind of trial is this? What's the use of inheriting Yuanshu?"

People in the world of Jin can't get out, even if there is a peerless genius who inherits the Lieyuan technique, he will die if he goes out, so why spend so much effort to inherit it?

"It's all prepared for Luo Feng, everything is like this!" Chen Ao shook his head, "God King of Jin, can I see you?"

Chen Ao suddenly shouted loudly on the eighth floor.

There is no need to cover up, just be honest and honest.

The God King of Jin who was still paying attention to Chen Ao's virtual consciousness suddenly stared: "He, he knows me? Is he a super strong man? No, no, he can't find me. Is there anyone to guide him?"

"God King, I have come to see you specially, please show up!"

The King of Jin suddenly waved his hand, and Chen Ao, who was originally on the eighth floor, suddenly flickered, and came directly to a place that looked like a machining factory.

This King of Jin was very fond of making treasures during his lifetime, so even though he created a virtual consciousness, he still maintained this habit, just like a manufacturing robot.

"Who are you? Why do you know of my existence!"

Even the other commanders didn't know about this matter. They only thought that the God King of Jin had assigned them a mission, and that their four major commanders were the core.

As everyone knows, they are just tool people.

Of course, this virtual consciousness is also a tool man.

Chen Ao looked at the God King of Jin and was not in a hurry: "My identity is very simple, I am a disciple of the God King of Jin!"

"Of course, you think that your body is dead, which is not wrong, but he is only half dead!"

The virtual god king wanted to scold him, but when he heard that the main body was only half dead, he was immediately moved.

"You mean, the main body hasn't really fallen yet?"

Chen Ao nodded: "You should know that your body is from the universe sea in front of you. During this process, you noticed the fall of your body, but it's not the case. He just reincarnated and didn't die!"

"And I am the disciple you received after reincarnating from your main body!"

"How can I trust you? Maybe, you are a spy sent from outside! Maybe, you are a spy sent by those three guys!"

Chen Ao is not in a hurry, he will have a long chat with the virtual god king, and he will still need the other party to give him enough support in the future.

"The King of God is talking about the three monarchs of the Food Kingdom?" Chen Ao said, "The reincarnation of your body and I is limited by the will of the original universe, so I can't know too much! And the means by which I won the trust of the King of God But, I have a younger brother who is also a disciple of the teacher, he has practiced the Nine Tribulations Secret Code, and now he is in the Eastern Army, named Yinhe, God King can check it out!"

Hearing the Nine Tribulations Secret Code, the virtual God King's expression began to change, and then he began to connect with the origin of the universe to investigate Luo Feng.

Luo Feng only felt that there were people around him watching him, but he was in a trial, so he thought it might be the attention of the Void God.

After all, the trials are paid attention to by the Void God, and this happens from time to time, but they don't care about the trials of the sergeants, so there is no need to worry.

Just a few seconds later, the virtual god king nodded: "It is indeed the secret code of the Nine Tribulations, it seems that I can trust you partly!"

"This is my first move to win the trust of the God King, as for the second move!" As soon as Chen Ao finished speaking, the Bloody Palace Master appeared.

"This is a talent avatar, which can only be bestowed by the original universe, which is enough to show that we are in the original universe! Adding up the two points, I don't know if I can make the god king trust me?"

The God King was silent for a moment, then nodded: "It is indeed difficult to fake it, unless it surpasses the God King and reaches the level of the great 'Yuan', it is absolutely impossible!"

And after reaching the realm of "Yuan", do you still need to lie to him?
"Tell me about the body!" said the virtual god king.

"Actually, there is nothing to say. Your body has encountered danger after entering the universe. The teacher has no choice but to say the specific situation. Anyway, he has reincarnated!" The original universe was suppressed, unable to speak.

"When the teacher was reincarnated, he planned to cultivate a super genius in the original universe and help him avenge him. I am the first disciple of the teacher. My starting direction is genes. The teacher trained me and increased my genes by [-] times!"

As he said that, Chen Ao opened up his chest and let the virtual god king investigate.

The God King nodded: "It is indeed a [-]-fold gene."

"However, I am not the teacher's favorite student, and Yinhe is! He is the super genius that the teacher intends to cultivate to inherit the eighth layer of secret art! It's just that I am different from Yinhe. Because I have reached a limit, I can understand All of this, and Galaxy needs to undergo a test of will, which absolutely cannot be told to him, so it will be concealed!"

"Then what is the purpose of you coming to me?" The virtual god king tried hard to suppress his excitement. It turned out that the main body was so powerful that he was ready.

Not only cultivated a super genius with [-] times the gene, but also cultivated a super genius who inherited the elemental technique.

When I checked Luo Feng just now, I also checked Chen Ao's news by the way, and it turned out that he was really awesome and a genius.

This kind of genius, even if it is said that he can become a god king, has a very high probability, and there is indeed a chance to help him avenge him.

"The teacher couldn't enter this world because of the suppression of the original universe, so he asked me to do it for me. One is to hope that the god king can help me continue to grow, and the other is to give my junior brother Galaxy more tempering?"

"Helping you I can understand, what does it mean to give Galaxy more grinding?"

"It means to increase his difficulty. For example, if he wants to deal with a true god, then send two more true gods when he is fighting with the true god!"

The virtual god king suddenly realized that this is the case. As the actual controller of Jinzhi's world origin, he can certainly do it without anyone noticing.

"It just so happens that he is fighting an elementary true god, so let me put some pressure on him!"

As he said that, the True God, who was originally fighting with other strong men, seemed to have a feeling, and looked at Luo Feng who was fighting.

Then there was only one true god fighting Luo Feng, but it became three directly.

"Cough, why are you coming at me all of a sudden!" Luo Feng ran away. "What exactly is going on!"

Watching Luo Feng run away, the virtual God King who controls all of this suddenly showed a smile, this feeling is very good.

You can play more in the future!
"God King, about all this, we must keep it a secret from Galaxy, and we must not let him know that others are testing him, and we must let him grow naturally!"

"Okay, I can do this. In the future, I will pay attention to him and triple the test range for him!"

"Okay, then thank God King!"

"This is also for my body!" The God King said indifferently, "By the way, what is your request?"

Chen Ao began to ask, of course, to get a set of mechanical treasures of the eternal true god first, regardless of whether it can be fully utilized, let's get it first.

"God King, this is my treasure, named Chess Sword Sea. I don't know if the God King can refine the same eternal level treasure. The requirement is that the number of swords is enough, and the strength of the sword can be enhanced while the number is guaranteed. !"

"A domain treasure? This is rare! But I can indeed do it. With my current conditions, I can help you refine a domain treasure with 250 divine swords!"

"Uh, 250?"

"Yes! This is my limit, and, I'm afraid you can only activate part of this treasure!"

Chen Ao was silent for a while. This number is not very good, but it is indeed powerful. With 250 swords, the power has been improved by how much.

The main added real damage is horrible.

"Then let's get 249 swords! This is about the same!"

"Okay, that's easy!"

As a professional in treasure refining, God King can easily refine a whole set of treasures according to Chen Ao's requirements.

He doesn't need Wu Qishen or anything else. He pursues the power of the divine sword, so he may not be able to use it, but the sword must be strong.

Afterwards, Chen Ao can directly learn the secret arts of those god kings, including the comprehension of various laws on the fourth floor.

Time quickly passed an epoch.

The four commanders were completely desperate: "How could it be, how could it be like this! Can't even complete the title task if he is as powerful as Sergeant Jing Yuan?"

The last one left with his memory erased, but no one can say whether Chen Ao will survive.

Now that an era has passed, Chen Ao has not yet appeared, and the title task has not disappeared. It is obvious that Chen Ao has failed.

"In the end, what kind of genius can meet the requirements of His Majesty the God King!"

"I'm waiting, I'm afraid I can't do it forever!"


The four commanders cried together, while Chen Ao was constantly absorbing the experience of cultivation.

This kind of method of completely cultivating him as a master of the law with the entire power of the god king is impossible to achieve anywhere except in the world of Jin.

Although this kind of cultivation is limited to eternity, but for him, a master of laws, it is no less than a god-king force in the Origin Continent to cultivate with all his strength.

In every era, Chen Ao would communicate with Luo Feng all the time, and Luo Feng would curse every time: "Senior brother, the trials in this world of Jin are too difficult, every time at least three true gods besiege me, even if I transfer them away Two, there will be other true gods rushing over, how to play this!"

Chen Ao remained expressionless: "It means that your strength is not enough, and you still need to continue to practice. If you can kill tens of thousands of true gods at once like senior brother, do you still care about this?"

Luo Feng curled his lips: "Can I compare with you? By the way, did the brother participate in the title mission?"

"Participated and succeeded, but Wu Qishen, I will keep it for you, and I have taken other treasures!"

"Really? Brother, you have already succeeded? But man, isn't it the only one in the mission?"

"That's Wu Qishen's only one, not the only task, so work hard, and you will be considered a real genius when you also complete the title task!"

"Okay, I will work hard, and I will definitely complete the title task!" Luo Feng kept cheering.

Time passed by little by little, and soon, 3000 million years passed.

For 3000 million years, the territory of human beings has occupied nearly [-]% of the original universe. Even the strongest of the Jing clan was besieged to death by the strong humans because of an outing, and the Jing clan was directly exterminated.

Now, the strong in the original universe no longer dare to leave the original universe casually, for fear of being wiped out by human beings.

At present, some ethnic groups of the Prison Clan and the Northern Xinjiang Alliance are still lingering.

The strong of human beings are also produced crazily. The number of venerables has reached hundreds of thousands, there are thousands of masters of the universe, and the number of strongest has reached more than 80.

It can be said to be extremely powerful.

Chen Ao didn't care much about this. In fact, he didn't have many intersections with human beings. In fact, there were no more than ten people who were related.

He is different from Luo Feng, Luo Feng met a lot of people along the way, naturally there are many intersections.

Chen Ao has been playing stand-alone games by himself, so naturally the contact generated is much less.

"Chen Ao, are you really sure about dealing with Tier [-] world beasts now? Isn't that equivalent to the Void God level?"

Just a few years ago, in addition to Sa'aike, a fourth-order world beast was born in the beast's lair, and now it is on par with Sa'aike, and, when other world beasts sacrifice their lives to feed them from time to time, the opponent's growth rate is faster than that of Sa'aike. Saek is much faster.

After all, Saek was boycotted.

"I cooperate with Sa Aike, killing the fourth-order world beast is not a problem!"

For 3000 million years, with the full training of Duan Donghe and Jinzhi World, he has created a tenth-order secret method, which has completely reached the level of the true god of the void in essence.

Unlike Luo Feng in the original book, he felt the power of destruction from Sa Aike in advance, so it is naturally easy to create secrets at a higher level.

The most important thing is that he is hanging on the wall. W is too scary for his understanding, especially when using the secret pattern method, he can create secret methods without knowing the rules, so his secret method has reached the tenth level.

Moreover, his treasures are excellent, all of which are specially refined by the God King of Jin according to his own situation, and all of them are top-quality treasures of the eternal level.

He can only play half of these treasures. If it is not for the help of the system, it may not be as good as the best of the void.

And his combat power, even in the face of the Void God's one-thought suppression, is enough to deal with it head-on.

He is only the Lord of the Law, not the True God, so there is no threat of being blown to the heart of the True God.

Under the premise of not being able to kill the soul, if the divine power is not exhausted, he will not die.

"You must be careful, I humans have to rely on you to deal with the beasts, if something happens to you, I humans will be overthrown!"

If it was the previous era of reincarnation, such a powerful human being would have been enough to dominate the universe. However, in this era, it is useless to dominate the universe. Only by eliminating the beasts can survival and reproduction be guaranteed.

Chen Ao doesn't say much, even if it doesn't work, you can trust Luo Feng, the son of the universe.

Moreover, he has no bugs here, and there is no danger of not being able to solve the world beast.

"Teacher, don't worry, I have prepared a source, let alone a fourth-order world beast, even if there are ten or hundreds of them, they will be wiped out directly!"

Supplementing this source is actually a bit more complicated than Chen Ao imagined, but the God King of Jin has already printed it out, and will try his best to help him get some sources.

This kind of attack at the eternal limit level is not difficult to supplement, but it is more difficult to mainly contain it.

Hearing that Chen Ao's "Yuan" could destroy tens of hundreds of world beasts, the Chaos City Lord immediately relaxed.

"Teacher, don't worry, the world beasts are no longer a threat. If it wasn't for the inevitable birth of the world beast king, there is no way to stop it, otherwise I would have wiped out all the world beasts long ago!"

All of his four avatars can easily kill third-tier realm beasts, and even the soul attacks of fourth-tier realm beasts have no effect on him.

Nine secluded avatars can do it.

It's just so random.

So, bid farewell to the lord of Chaos City, Chen Ao's human body, took Luo Feng's Chaos Golden Feather, and headed for the dark land.

Because of the destruction of the Purple Moon Sacred Land, the Golden Feather of Chaos is now in its full state of Twelve Wings.

It is also a top-grade eternal true god mechanical treasure, and it is a treasure of the same level as the sword in his hand.

"How did the flying dragon ride the face lose?"

It's really not a big problem to destroy the realm beast, but he needs to collect genes to kill the fourth-order realm beast, regardless of whether he kills it or not. If he wants to collect genes, he must keep a very close distance when the opponent dies.

However, if you use Yuan to kill, you have to stay far away, otherwise Yuan will be killed directly no matter who uses it.

Therefore, this method of killing cannot collect genes.

In fact, he had already killed a Void True God in the world of Jin. Although it was because of the help of the God King of Jin, Chen Ao tried and couldn't extract the gene.

I don't know if it's because the other party is not a cosmic sea life. Anyway, it seems that the [-] times gene can only be obtained from the beast.

"Fortunately, the strength of the fourth-order world beast is not worth mentioning to me!"

A hundred years later, Chen Ao successfully reunited with Sa Aike.

"Don't show your teeth at me, because you feel that your strength has improved, and you want to wrestle with me again?" Chen Ao glanced at Sa Aike.

This guy has become restless since he advanced to the fourth level. In the few communications with him, his tone is no longer respectful as before, and it seems that he has turned over and become the master.

"Hey, how can that be!" Sa Aike said shyly, "It's not that my strength has improved a little, so I want to compete with my brother, brother, I have no other intentions, I just want to learn from each other!"

Chen Ao wasn't excited, he knew if this guy didn't remember to beat or eat, so he had nothing to say.

"When we deal with that Mohe? You will know my strength!"

Mohe is the second world beast that has entered the fourth rank. It is powerful. Sa'aike has fought with the other party, and Mohe's strength is even a line higher than Sa'aike.

However, there is no difference between the two, so Sa'ek is not in danger.

"Brother is right, brother is right!" Sa Aike still had a smile on his face, with a look that mainly focused on Chen Ao.

Chen Ao didn't seem to see Sa Aike's expression: "Let's go, let's chase that Mohe together!"

"Okay, I'll show my brother the way!"

Sa Aike kept his posture very low, but Chen Ao knew that this guy could devour the Lord at any time, especially after he reached the fifth or even sixth level, he might turn against him at any time.

Now, Sa Aike's strength is not enough to dominate the entire lair of beasts, and he has no way to be invincible, so he looks down on Chen Ao. Of course, there are also reasons why he doesn't know Chen Ao's strength.

The strength of the fourth-order world beast is comparable to that of the true god of the void, and it has a fourth-order innate ability. The realm of light is about the same as that of the true god of the void. the true God.

If the strength of the fourth-order world beast is stronger, it may be equivalent to tens of millions of kilometers of divine body.

1000 million to [-] million, this range is possible.

Sa Aike is now equivalent to 2000 million kilometers, and Mohe is stronger than Sa Aike. Although the advancement time is much shorter, the power of the world beast may not be inferior to Sa Aike.

Sa Aike took Chen Ao all the way to search for the existence of Mohe, and Mohe was very clever and tried his best to avoid Sa Aike and Chen Ao, so Sa Aike and Chen Ao chased for a long time.

A full million years!

Only then did Mohe be blocked at last.

"Idiot Mohe, I told you, you can't escape!" Sa'ek smiled cruelly.

"Hahaha, Saek, you scum, idiot, during the time you were chasing me, three fourth-order beasts appeared in our realm beasts. Do you think you are still unique? You traitor, it is impossible Be the last king, even if I die, you will not be the king!"

"Shut up, idiot, I will definitely be the last king, I will!" Sa'ek continued to growl.

"Hmph, idiot, you are a traitor, everyone will not support you, run away when you meet you, your growth rate will be much slower than others, soon, there will be fifth-level or even sixth-level world beasts, You have no chance!"

After Mohe shouted, he looked at Chen Ao.

"You are the lord of worshiping the source of human beings? I admit that you two are stronger than me, but your plot will not succeed, and you don't even want to kill me!"

Saying that, Mohe took the initiative to kill Chen Ao.

The realm of light cannot be used, because both realm beasts have this ability, and using it also cancels each other out, which is a waste of the power of the realm beasts.

Therefore, the strongest method of fighting the fourth-order world beasts was directly abolished.

Sa Aike gave up his position and didn't make a move. He obviously planned to let Chen Ao go. He wanted to see Chen Ao's strength.

According to the memory of the realm beast, the fourth-order realm beast should be the strongest in the cosmic sea, after all, reaching this level is equivalent to the true god of the void.

The True God of Void cannot stay in the universe sea, he must go through reincarnation within one year, otherwise he will die.

However, Sa Aike felt that something was wrong with Chen Ao, and maybe he could really break through the upper limit of his strength.

In other words, it is not safe to turn against Chen Ao now, yes, in Chen Ao's words, it is not stable enough.

He wants to be a stable beast.

"Saek, don't you want to see my strength?"

Chen Ao glanced at Sa Aike behind him, he hoped that this guy would be more honest.

Saek nodded repeatedly.

Facing the approaching Mohe, Chen Ao directly slashed with his sword, and the menacing Mohe was slashed back.

Then, Chen Ao waved his wings and approached Mohe, followed by slashing wildly.

Mohe's breath weakened crazily in the blink of an eye.

Almost every sword can cut off nearly [-]/[-] of Mohe's world beast power. In this way, only [-] swords can kill Mohe directly.

And he can strike hundreds of swords in a second, and it only takes a few minutes to kill Mohe.

Seeing the wild decline of Mohe's beast power, Sa'ek's eyes were full of horror.

What's the matter, what's the problem? Could it be that the memory instilled in the world beast by the Universe Sea is all wrong?
It was said that Tier [-] is already invincible!
Why can't you hold on for a few minutes under Chen Ao, the lord of the universe?
He didn't know that Chen's mysterious method is the tenth level, with super powerful treasures, coupled with the blessing of the system, the loss of the power of the beast or the divine power is extremely terrifying.

Therefore, it will show combat power that does not conform to its strength.

His strength, in fact, can compete with the fifth-order world beast!

Facing the fourth-tier realm beasts, they could easily kill them.

Of course, Mohe still has the ability to escape.

However, this ability to escape is useless with the help of Sa Aike, a rebellious boy.

Even if the clone runs away, it will take time to restore the power of the beast, so they will still chase it.

At most, it will be delayed for tens of thousands of years.

And using the Boundary Light Channel, it can also run, but its strength is weak, and it can still only delay for tens of thousands of years.

In the end, Mohe also discovered that there was a big gap in strength between them, almost one level behind.

"I really didn't expect that your strength has reached the level of a fifth-order world beast!" Mohe easily judged Chen Ao's strength.

Chen Ao didn't answer either. In Cosmos Sea, even realm beasts have to follow a principle.

That is, the foundation is at most ten thousand times the strength of the Lord of the Universe, even if it breaks through the true god, or even reaches the foundation, it is still at this level.

So even if Chen Ao now has a fifth-order world beast, which is equivalent to the level of combat power in the void, after breaking through the true god, his strength will still not increase, but his divine power will only increase.

The same is true for world beasts, their methods have void levels, but their real strength is actually not that high.

A real void god can easily kill fourth-order or even fifth-order world beasts.

This thing is similar to the Tongtianqiao. It seems that the geniuses at the universe level and domain master level have comparable immortal perception and skills, but once they fight in reality, they are not opponents at all.

Chen Ao could feel that the fourth-order beasts in the field without boundary light were actually not much stronger than the third-order beasts.

Only when it reaches the fifth level, will there be a real qualitative change, and the method of destruction will be a really powerful means of attack.

Mohe was no match, so he split his body in an instant and ran away in various places.

When Chen Ao and Sa Aike saw Mohe running away, they shot immediately. Chen Ao tried hard to kill each clone, while Sa Aike was also with a hundred clones, blocking each clone of Mohe.

In the end, when Mohe escaped, there were only more than 30 clones left.

In other words, it means that only [-]% of Mohe's beast power is left.

Chen Ao and Sa Aike continue to pursue.

About 8 years later, Mohe was blocked again. This time, Mohe did not have the courage to fight directly to use the power of the boundary light channel to escape.

The third time, about 30 years later, Chen Ao and Sa Aike blocked Mohe again. Mohe, whose strength had dropped to the second level, was no longer able to escape and was directly beheaded.

After successfully extracting the opponent's gene, Chen Ao's R skill progress bar finally reached [-]%.

"After cutting for so long, I finally reached 100%!"

At this moment, an astonishing golden light erupted around Chen Ao, and even Sa Aike was hurt by the light.

"My eyes, ah! What are these, they are so dazzling!"

As a world beast, as a super advanced life, Sa Aike has no special changes except that the light around Chen Ao is a bit dazzling.

However, in the primordial universe, countless beings are bowing towards the place where the dark place is located at this moment.

From ordinary beings to true gods, all kneel down.

It was a little strange for Chen Ao to feel the congratulations from the Supreme Law.

"I haven't broken through to the true god yet, so this kind of change will also be caused? Or is it that this kind of change actually congratulates the existence of a gene that has reached [-] times?"

Chen Ao didn't quite understand it, and the life in the primordial universe was incomparably at a loss.

Because they don't know what happened in the dark place.

In the original book, because many people saw Luo Feng's changes, they knew that it was Luo Feng who was kneeling, but this time, no one knew who was kneeling.

Even Zuoshanke was at a loss. He was studying, but suddenly the Supreme Law slapped him down, and he was directly pressed to the ground. Fortunately, he reacted quickly, otherwise he would really kneel down.

"Here, what happened? Why did the Supreme Law come to congratulate such a thing!"

This kind of thing, even Zuoshanke, has only heard of it in the legend of the origin continent.

The supreme law is supreme, and the king of gods is not worth mentioning in front of the supreme law. It is also rumored that a strong person like "Yuan" can be equal to the supreme law, or even control the supreme law.

But, that's just a legend after all.

"The dark place, is it a realm beast? Could it be that a realm beast has given birth to a king!" Zuoshanke suddenly became anxious.

If a king was born, then the current Luo Feng and Chen Ao would definitely be unstoppable.

"How could it be? I haven't heard that the birth of a world beast king will be congratulated by the Supreme Law. Could it be a special king?"

After the congratulations of the supreme law, Zuoshanke immediately contacted Chen Ao: "Chen Ao, did something important happen in the dark place? You should have felt the movement just now, right? It was the supreme law to congratulate, and all living realms knelt down , you must have felt that irresistible power!"

"Uh, teacher, to be honest, I didn't feel it!"

"Could it be that you are in the world of Jin, so that's not the case? But, your Sea of ​​Nine Nethernesses should be in the original universe, and it should be forcibly suppressed by the supreme law!"

"No, I mean, the object of congratulations may be me!"

"Stop joking, the supreme law congratulates you, congratulate you for what? Tell me, is something wrong with the world beast!"

Chen Ao was speechless, why is this old man so disobedient, he congratulated me by saying that.

However, he couldn't say that he discovered the one hundred thousand times gene.

The idea of ​​pretending to be aggressive was dispersed by the will of the original universe.

"No accidents, everything is fine!"

Zuo Shanke still doesn't believe it, he is very scared now, if Chen Ao and Luo Feng are killed by the beast, then all his plans will become a joke.

He would never allow himself to make such a big mistake.

"There really is no accident!"

"No!" Chen Ao was forbidden by the primordial universe to act coercive, so he could only keep silent.

"That's good, that's good, at least there is still a chance!" Zuo Shanke breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that the problem wasn't with the beasts, so there was still a chance to save everything.

"By the way, you are sure now, have you dealt with the beast?"

"Yes, I can easily destroy it!"

Zuo Shanke smiled: "Having confidence is a good thing, but the world beasts are not easy to deal with, so we still have to be careful!"

Chen Ao grinned and smiled, old man, do you think I will stop if you don't give me wool?

I went directly to the world of Jin to squeeze the wool of your predecessor's virtual consciousness, and it was very cool!

If it wasn't for the help of the virtual god king, how could his strength grow so rapidly?
However, Chen Ao plucked the wool and didn't tell the mountain guest, just for fun.

"Chen Ao, what level is your strength now?"

"Just created a tenth-order secret method, so it's just so-so!"

"Oh, it's only a tenth-level secret technique, so it's really a..." Zuo Shanke suddenly stopped in the middle of speaking, "You created a tenth-level secret technique? It's impossible!"

The tenth-order secret method is actually a void-level secret method, and those who can create a ninth-order secret method actually have the opportunity to break through to the true god of the void.

Therefore, it is normal for the Void God, who has just entered the void level, to use the ninth-level secret method.

The Void God of average strength uses the tenth-order secret method, which can be regarded as the elementary level of Void.

The eleventh level is relatively strong, belonging to the void class, the twelfth level is the elite in the void, and the void is high, and the thirteenth level is already the peak of the void.

Back then, the city lord of Xihuang City was the True God of the Void who created the thirteenth-level top secret technique, and he was only one step away from the True God of Eternity.

Chen Ao is just a master of the universe, and his foundation is very low. How can he go beyond such a level and create a real void-level secret method.

"Hey, I don't know the origin of the law, but relying on the arrangement and combination of the origin of the law, I accidentally created a tenth-order secret method!"

"Haha, then your luck is really good. This difficulty is very difficult. You must have tried many times before you succeeded once by chance, right?"

After thousands of years of trying, it is indeed possible to succeed with good luck, but the success rate is very touching.

If you are lucky, you will be able to succeed in thousands of years. If you are lucky, you will not be able to succeed in tens of millions of reincarnation times.

"Yeah, the probability is very low. It took millions of years to create the tenth-order secret method. After such a long time, I have only created more than 30 sets of the tenth-order secret method. It is extremely difficult!"

Chen Ao sighed.

"Teacher, is there any shortcut? Hey, teacher? Teacher Zuoshanke, are you there?"

This old man disappeared again!

On the other side, Sitting Mountain Guest stood blankly, feeling complicated.

"The lord of the universe created a tenth-order secret technique, which at least shows that his foundation has reached the ninth-order secret technique level. Is this possible? Is it possible? Is it possible? I have never heard of it at all. What kind of freak is this?"

Sitting mountain guest also wants to be quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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