Chapter 159 Where Are the Thighs! (Digital Chapter)

Chen Ao's accumulation time is far less than that of Luo Feng in the original book.

As of now, there is still more than half of the time before Chen Ao's reincarnation era.

Chen Ao was able to get to where he is today, even stronger than the unreasonable beasts, all because of the blessing of the system.

And after obtaining a large amount of chaos crystals this time, Chen Ao's strength has grown explosively.

"The basic combat power has reached the eternal middle limit level, and with my system, the combat power has directly touched the ceiling of the eternal high level!"

Eternal primary combat power is considered a super genius, and the top [-] people are all at this level.

They need the divine power burning secret technique at the void level, and they need to create their own eternal elementary secret technique.

And now, Chen Ao is directly Eternal High, two levels higher than the top [-], or the top [-].

It can directly crush the opponent.

Even the strongest Void-level genius in the entire Clear Sky School has only Eternal Medium Combat Strength.

Regarding those super geniuses ranked in the top ten, it took countless reincarnation years to reach the eternal middle level.

"Now, the strength has almost reached a limit. If you want to go further, I'm afraid it will be very difficult. Maybe you need to find some strong people to fight against!"

And the risk of finding a strong person to fight against is very high, so improving the divine body is the key.

If his divine body is thousands of light-years away, then even if he goes to fight head-on with the Eternal High True God, it can be guaranteed that there is no danger.

Moreover, without dangerous persecution, he felt he could fight better.

Others are sharpening between life and death, but he needs to sharpen in a safe state.

His spiritual body is now at the level of 20.2 light years, and it is only a few hundred times away from a few thousand light years away. This gap is not too big, and it is still possible to work hard.

This time, Chen Ao didn't separate out the avatar, but went out directly from the main body.

However, when Chen Ao walked out, his appearance had changed to that of the previous goat beast, and his aura of divine power had also changed.

In his palace, a drop of immortal blood was left behind, even if he met the one-in-a-trillion probability and fell, he still had a chance to make a comeback.

He left over 20 billion martial contributions for himself, and if his body falls, he can be resurrected, and then use the 20 billion martial contributions to restore the divine body to 20 billion light years.

The consumption of restoring the divine body is not large, 20 million contributions can restore the divine body of one light year, and the contribution of [-] billion sects can just restore the divine body of [-] light years.

Chen Ao went out, this time, he wanted to kill enough Ben, and let that San Shi and Dong Mei fall together.

If that Aimo is disobedient, teach him a lesson, and after saving his life, snatch him away, and let Aimo know what life is better than death.

The reason why Aimo stayed was not because of his kindness, but because he couldn't guarantee whether he was noticed by the high-level officials of Haotian School. If he was noticed, he might be hunted down if he killed Aimo at will.

To be on the safe side, he planned to save Aymo's life.

In fact, Chen Ao's guess was not wrong. When he exchanged a large amount of Chaos spar for the second time, one of the three god kings of the sect, Heisha God King, had already noticed his existence.

Because the existence of Chen Ao is too weird.

Although the sect system will keep secrets, the sect system will still report the matter to God King Heisha if it is related to the sect.

This matter is indeed very strange. The information registered by Chen Ao is that the void is superior.

For the first time, Chen Ao exchanged nearly [-] billion resources. Except for the directly harvested chaos crystals and earth source crystals, Chen Ao exchanged other things for the contribution of the sect, so he has nearly [-] billion.

This exchange of nearly [-] billion is actually nothing, the sect system is also responsible for the exchange of the masters of chaos, even if it is tens of trillions, it is no big deal.

However, Chen Ao is just a Void Master, so it's not normal to get so many resources at once.

This is just abnormal, not enough to attract the attention of the sect system.

However, the sect contribution of more than 1000 billion was exchanged for the second time in just a few months, which is very abnormal.

Thus, God King Heisha received a report from the sect system and directly noticed something was wrong with Chen Ao.

Ever since Chen Ao got a large amount of Chaos Crystals and began to absorb them, God King Heisha had been observing Chen Ao.

However, as a god king, his realm is too high, it is impossible for Chen Ao to discover his existence.

He just watched silently, watched Chen Ao absorb, and watched Chen Ao demonstrate the secret method.

At that time, he was very shocked. A high-ranking Void actually had the secret method of creating an eternal middle-level.

This kind of talent, even in the entire Clear Sky School, is an extremely high ranking existence.

After that, Chen Ao quickly deduced the secret method, and when he deduced the secret method to the middle limit of eternity, God King Heisha fell silent.

Because, he knew that Chen Ao was only born in hundreds of thousands of epochs. In such a short period of time, he was actually stronger than those super geniuses who lived hundreds of epochs of reincarnation.

Among the top ten super geniuses of Haotian School, which one is not an old guy who has lived through dozens of reincarnation eras?
"This little guy should be learning art with a teacher, and he has a inheritance of the god king, otherwise he won't condense immortal blood!"

The inheritance of Duandonghe is actually just an inheritance of an ordinary god king. It is indeed very precious in the entire continent of origin, but for Heisha, who is also a god king, it is only a normal level.

He will also be able to condense the method of undead blood.

"What a talented little guy, what a pity, what a pity, why didn't I meet him sooner?"

If he met Chen Ao during the Lord of Law period, he would definitely accept Chen Ao without hesitation.

Even if Chen Ao was a true god, he would accept it, and he couldn't change Chen Ao's small universe structure at a great price so that Chen Ao could adapt to his lineage.

It's just that Chen Ao is already at the void level. After realizing the existence of the original source, the framework of the small universe has long been fixed, and there is no possibility of changing it.

"Hey, what a pity! If such a talented little guy can belong to my sect and be trained by me, after dozens of reincarnation years, it is entirely possible for my lineage to produce another god king!"

He and Sect Master Haotian were friends. The Clear Sky Sect they founded together was essentially to absorb resources better. No matter how strong their god kings were, they couldn't collect resources by themselves.

As for accepting apprentices, most people don't like them at all, so what about the [-]-fold gene, the entire force has dozens of them.

What they want is the kind of super genius who is extremely powerful in all aspects of understanding and spirit.

They are living god kings and fallen god kings, and their requirements for apprentices are much, much different.

They are not only accepting successors, but also hope to cultivate a good helper, even if the disciple is the master of chaos, it is useless to them.

He and Chen Ao are not of the same race, why should they accept apprentices?
If it's not good for him, their god kings won't be so idle.

Therefore, only those who have the appearance of a god king have the possibility to make their hearts move.

Chen Ao obviously showed this qualification. Judging from the information he investigated, the divine body definitely has several light-years, which means at least [-] times the genes.

And if you are born in hundreds of thousands of epochs, you can create a secret method that is close to eternal high.

Adding up the two points, Chen Ao is very strong.

"Look again, if you can show kindness in the future, you can accept him as a disciple, otherwise it is just supplying cultivation resources, and the affection is too little after all!"

Their god kings also have opponents, and there is also a probability of falling. If there is one more disciple or teacher who will depend on life and death, the chance of survival will increase countless times.

They have a low probability of falling, and the probability of falling will be infinitely reduced.

Witnessing Chen Ao's cultivation process, God King Heisha became more and more delighted the more he watched.

Everything Chen Ao has shown is too strong, and he has already investigated everything that happened recently.

Judging from all the information, Chen Ao separated out his avatar to kill those beast life beings and obtain resources.

"This little guy, it's really interesting. He even let the avatar go out to kill the enemy. Don't you know that the avatar is extremely fragile?"

However, Heisha also saw Chen Ao's strategy, which was to only kill the weak and not touch the strong.

"So, being bullied badly by the Void guys from Shi Country, hahaha!" Seeing Chen Ao being chased and killed on the battlefield, Heisha laughed out loud.

This kind of aggrieved by someone who is not as good as him, or someone whose strength is far inferior to him, is beyond words.

Finally, God King Heisha watched for three months. When Chen Ao came out, God King Heisha was stunned.

Because, Chen Ao's aura of divine power has changed.

"What kind of secret technique is this? It can actually change the breath of divine power?" God King Heisha was very curious, but it was just curiosity. At their level, these so-called secret techniques were useless.

In the process of traveling to the Origin Continent, he saw only a thousand god kings, so why would he need such a useless secret technique.

"It turns out that the breath of divine power can be changed. This is the first time I have seen this. It seems that the inheritance of this little guy is quite interesting!"

He doesn't like other secret techniques, and he also has them, but this hand changes the breath, which is a bit amazing.

When Chen Ao's body left Haotianzong, Heisha God King knew what Chen Ao was going to do.

"It must have been for revenge. Being hunted down by the weak is really too uncomfortable!"

In fact, Chen Ao did go out for revenge, which was decided after his strength improved.

There is no danger of falling, why not kill a lot.

Chen Ao quickly went to the Haoshi battlefield through the teleportation array.

Chen Ao appeared in the form of a goat and a strange beast at this time. Shi Guo and Ai Mo had already known the news the moment Chen Ao appeared.

Chen Ao wantonly slaughtered animal life, but anyone approached by Chen Ao was instantly killed with a single blow.

The strength is at least four levels behind, which is a gap of hundreds of times, and there is still room for a one-shot kill.

In just a few days, because of his unscrupulousness and full display of speed, Chen Ao's killing speed was extremely fast, often encountering Chen Ao's animal life in a short period of time before reacting, he had already died directly.

When Sanshi and the others found Chen Ao, Chen Ao had already killed more than 1000 animal life beings.

"Stop!" Sanshi roared angrily.

For Chen Ao to kill so recklessly, he simply didn't give him three stones of face.

Even though, Chen Ao's strength is very strong, even stronger than him, but this is not enough to support Chen Ao's presumptuousness.

"Your Excellency, what are you going to do? You are a strong man, why should you slaughter these weaklings!"

"I need their resources!"

Sanshi was anxious. For guys like Dong Mei, hundreds of billions of contribution points are very important, but at Chen Ao's level, hundreds of billions of contributions are still so important?
The answer is certainly yes.

Chen Ao felt precious even a little contribution.

Not to mention tens of millions, and he is just accumulating, it seems that he has killed more than 1000, but his goal is to kill [-], [-]!
At that time, hundreds of billions of contributions can become trillions or tens of trillions of contributions!
And tens of trillions of contributions are enough to increase his body by tens of light years.

Of course he wants to be moved.

"I admire your strength, as long as you don't continue to kill, I, Shi Guo, are willing not to pursue it!" Sanshi said in a deep voice.

The strength shown by Delman's avatar before, made Chen Ao's strength stronger than him after Sanshi.

Therefore, he is unwilling to do it.

However, the premise is that Chen Ao does not continue to kill, otherwise he has to make a move, even if he is seriously injured.

Chen Ao was uncharacteristically at this time, instead of running away as before, he took the initiative to rush towards Sanshi and the others.

"Hey, as I said before, next time, the situation will be different!"

Chen Ao was not the first to attack Sanshi, but came in front of Dongmei.

"I said, let you stay away from me, no matter what Dongmei you are!"

As soon as the words fell, a sword fell.


The long sword cut directly from Dong Mei's head, and then split Dong Mei's whole body in half.

Dong Mei never thought that her half-light-year-old body would be so fragile that it would be destroyed by a sword.

Seeing Dong Mei being beheaded in an instant, all the beast power beings present were stunned.

Even though Dong Mei's animal body was not that big, only half a light-year long, even though the battle between the sound of divine power and the life of beast power was a confrontation of pure strength.

However, after all, Dong Mei is one of the top [-] superpowers. In the entire God King's power, there are millions of Void front-runners.

Unexpectedly, he was beheaded by Chen Ao with a sword like killing a chicken?
how can that be!

"And you!"

When Donghua's secret technique was used, Chen Ao tossed and turned.

Long-distance movement is naturally easier to use with Q skills, but Donghua is more flexible in such a small area where everyone is only tens of kilometers away.

Swish swish!
In just one second, Chen Ao drew his sword while moving.

The four top [-] beast power void experts all fell.

Holding the blood-stained treasure sword that didn't seem to exist, Chen Ao walked towards Sanshi with a grin.

"I hope you have enough resources, otherwise I'm sorry I came here specially for you!"

Sanshi was still in shock, but Chen Ao's approach still made him die.

Definitely not an opponent!

The gap between them and Chen Ao must be very large.

So, look no further!

run straight away!
Looking at Sanshi's ridiculous speed, Chen Ao wanted Sanshi to run forty light years longer before swinging his 41 light-year long sword.

However, he didn't want to waste time, playing cat and mouse, that's what villains do, what he has to do is not to give the opponent a chance.

The moment Sanshi fled, Chen Ao chased after him.

A sword struck Sanshi's body.

With one strike, the animal body that was three stones and one light year away was knocked out.

Sanshi was terrified, he had never seen such a strong person in Void God.

"Impossible, how could it be possible to cut off my light-year-long beast body with a single sword, the True God of the Void cannot be so powerful, at least this combat power can only be achieved by Eternal Advanced! This is absolutely impossible!"

"Then you can feel it!"

Sanshi's divine body is eight light years long, but Sanshi's combat power is two levels lower than his, which is about ten times behind him.

Ten times, an exaggerated gap.

It was another fight between two kinds of life, which caused great damage to each other's divine power and animal power.

Every time Chen Ao attacks, he will lose tens of billions of kilometers of divine body, but for Sanshi, this kind of loss is exaggerated.

One light-year, that's more than 9 trillion.

The loss of the two has reached hundreds of times, which is the crushing effect brought about by the gap in combat power.

Sword after sword.

In less than two seconds, Chen Ao made eight consecutive slashes.

Amidst Sanshi's screams and begging for mercy, Chen Ao hacked Sanshi to death.

"Six of the top [-] should have a lot of resources, right? Don't let me down!"

Chen Ao began to collect the resources of these six beast life forms.

He never paid much attention to the reward of the corpse, only the loot is the real big head.

"That's right, that's right, the total of six people is nearly 1000 billion, which is comparable to nearly three thousand ordinary high-level or peak-level Void!"

He is very satisfied with this harvest.

After all, these people also need to practice to obtain resources. Resources are only real when they are transformed into strength, and they are just a number in their hands.

"This time, no one can stop me from killing casually here, right?" Chen Ao's eyes were full of greed.

Here, there are more than [-] animal life beings. Even if only [-] to [-]% are killed, there will be trillions of income, which is enough to increase his body by several light years.

This is not a small number.

Chen Ao was preparing to release the clone and act separately.

Aimo ran over in a hurry.

"Damn it, it turned out to be you again. Although your breath is different, I can feel that it is definitely you!"

Chen Ao glanced at Ai Mo.

And he didn't talk nonsense with Aimodo at all, he swung his sword and cut.

Ai Mo didn't expect Chen Ao to be so violent, he didn't say a word when they met, and just started to fight.

Last time, I was forced to retreat by you, this time I will never do it again.

Maybe Chen Ao's strength is stronger than him, but Ai Mo firmly believes that Chen Ao's spiritual body is far inferior to him, as long as he keeps fighting, Chen Ao must die in the end.

Therefore, Aymo has no fear at all.

Looking at Chen Ao in front of him, Ai Mo laughed in his heart that Chen Ao didn't know what to say.

Ai Mo quickly fought against Chen Ao, and the weapons in their hands were cut out.

With just one blow, Aymo was stunned.

I was really stunned, because Chen Ao's sword directly cut off his divine body of 90 billion kilometers.

90 billion, what kind of concept is this? Many Void Gods do not have such a large body.

Even he couldn't bear it for long.

After all, there are several attacks in this second, 90 billion at a time, as long as a thousand attacks, the divine body will be gone for a light year.

How short is the time for a thousand attacks!
"How is it possible! How could your strength be so strong, you just crushed me!"

The last time they fought against each other, three months ago, he only lost to Chen Ao by a margin, so he was forced to retreat, at most he was at a slight disadvantage.

However, this time, in just three months, he was actually crushed.

There is no room for resistance at all. If the armor is not good enough and the body is huge, he is afraid that he will be instantly killed by Chen Ao.

"By the way, it wasn't you before, you must not be the same person!" Aymo kept exclaiming.

The gap between before and after is too big, and the time has only passed three months.

"No, I was the one who fought you before, but that's my avatar!"

Ai Mo's eyes widened, Chen Ao actually let the avatar come out to kill?
This person is crazy, the avatar is very fragile, no matter how strong the attack is...

Thinking of this, Ai Mo suddenly understood why Chen Ao was so powerful and ran away as soon as he saw them. It turned out that they were clones and couldn't fight high-intensity at all.

"Where's Sanshi? They haven't come yet?" Ai Mo still expected to join hands with Sanshi to fight against Chen Ao.

Chen Ao smiled: "Thank you Sanshi for their resources, and I will also thank you for the resources you contributed to me later!"

Ai Mo still doesn't understand that Sanshi died under Chen Ao's hands.

It is entirely possible for Chen Ao to show the eternal high-level combat power, and it is entirely possible to kill Sanshi.

As long as Chen Ao's divine body is not too small to be exaggerated, he can definitely kill Sanshi easily. After all, he has armor, but Sanshi does not.

"I'm so stupid, really!"

Ai Mo's heart was full of bitterness. How could such a strong person have a small mind, and he could send a clone to fight him before. How could he be able to do that when his mind was small.

As for Chen Ao's divine body, as long as it is half a light-year long, he is not an opponent.

Chen Ao continued to slash close to him, and he didn't even bother to dodge Aimo's attack. After all, Aimo's attack hit his body, which was similar to tickling.

Although it will take a long time to kill Aymo, it will definitely consume very little divine power.

"It's a pity, I may have been observed by the high-level officials of Haotian School, so I can't kill you!"

If possible, Chen Ao would definitely kill Ai Mo, but unfortunately, for safety, he had to save Ai Mo's life.

It's just that capital crimes can be avoided, but living crimes are hard to forgive!

Chen Ao wants to wipe out Aimo's divine body and steal Aimo's resources.

The two fought for nearly an hour, and Aimo had lost more than [-]% of his divine body, and Aymo became more and more anxious.

He had already asked his fellow disciples for help, hoping that those strong men would come to rescue him.

However, the time he can delay is too short, and here he can only fly, and the speed of rescue is too slow.

"Could it be that I, Aymo, will perish here?" Aymo felt that his divine body was less than [-]%, and immediately planned to blew himself up.

When Chen Ao found out that Ai Mo was going to blow himself up, he immediately said, "Hand over all the resources on your body, and I will spare your life!"

Aymo:? ? ?
Isn't it all yours to kill me, shouldn't you want it all at this time?

Gritting his teeth, although he doesn't understand why Chen Ao let him go, but at this moment, he has no right to question anything at all.

Therefore, Ai Mo simply handed over everything on his body to Chen Ao.

Chen Ao looked at Aimo's resources, and laughed out loud. He didn't expect Aimo to be so rich.

That's right, after staying on this battlefield for so many years, even if you just kill a few occasionally, there are still a lot of resources accumulated over the long years.

"There are more than 300 billion. He is really a damn rich man. He doesn't have a penny like me!"

Seeing Chen Ao's smile, Ai Mo was both heartbroken and happy. The heartache was that the accumulation of such a long time was gone.

The happy thing is that Chen Ao seems to be very slow, so he will be safe.

"Your Excellency, I have given all the resources to you, can you let me go?"

In order to survive, begging for mercy is nothing, no shame!
He can even kneel down and call Dad!
"Hehe, leave it to me? Are you sure?" Chen Ao looked at Ai Mo with malicious intentions.

Aymo was furious, this guy even questioned his character.

As I said, I will give you everything, so I will give you everything.

"Hmph, I, Aymo, won't make a move to hide my hand. I said that's all, that's all, otherwise you just kill me!"

"No, you seem to have forgotten, your weapons and armor, those treasures, aren't they resources?"

Compared with the harvest of hundreds of billions, these tens of millions of treasures are not worth mentioning, but he is Chen Ao, a frugal and thrifty person.

Mosquitoes are meat no matter how small!
"You, don't go too far, you won't let go of such a little thing!" Ai Mo was so angry that he was so shameless.

His resources are more than 800 billion, and he only has more than 4000 million in his body, so he won't let it go?
"Stop talking nonsense, if you don't want to hand it over, if you don't, then I'll go and get it myself!"

Aymo was very angry.

"Your Excellency, at least save some face for me. If people see that I don't even have armor, how will I behave in the future?"

The one who was robbed didn't even have his armor, and walked out of the battlefield shirtless, isn't that plausible!

He was unwilling to face such a shameful thing.

Although, there is no such thing as nakedness, but they don't have any armor, so you can imagine what happened.

"Okay, okay, I still care about such a false name when I'm old!" Chen Ao turned over, "This is an ordinary Void-level armor, you can wear it together, and cover it!"

If he had the Heavy Treasure Armor in his hand, he would definitely throw the Heavy Treasure Armor out.

It's a waste to give it the Void level, anyway, it's just covering it up, pretending to have armor.

Ai Mo was inexplicably sad and angry, and suddenly had the urge to die.

"Forget it, for the sake of survival, dignity is nothing!"

Just stripped himself clean, and then threw all the treasures out.

Chen Ao took the treasure and slipped away.

Aymo was dumbfounded: "Give me the agreed armor!"

Chen Ao laughed loudly, and after running a long way, under Aimo's horrified gaze, he threw out the armor.

Seeing the armor, Aymo burst into tears directly.

He had never been so embarrassed in his entire life.

After getting rid of Ai Mo, Chen Ao directly cloned [-] people and acted separately.

Each hunted and killed the animal life.

But after being fooled, God King Heisha fell silent after seeing Chen Ao's actions.

He was silent at first, because he was surprised by Chen Ao's fighting power.

"It's obviously an eternal medium-level secret technique, so why does it exert eternal high-level combat power in his hands?"

Although it has only improved by half a level, if you cross the past, you have crossed it.

That is a qualitative change.

"Is it also a secret technique of inheritance? I don't know if it is effective for the master of chaos?"

If it is effective against the Lord of Chaos, then it will be powerful, and the strength of the Lord of Chaos at the extreme level can be brought out to the level of the God King's primary combat power.

This is completely different.

"Can it really be done?" God King Heisha kept thinking.

As for the effect on the God King, the Heisha God King has never thought about it, just like the divine power burning secret technique does not have the divine king level, they are only a glimpse of the divine king level, and they cannot create the divine power burning mystery of the divine king level. surgery.

Perhaps, those high-ranking god kings or even super powerhouses at the peak of god kings will know the divine king-level divine power burning secret technique.

In doubt, he remained silent.

As for later, Chen Ao's unlimited operations made him even more silent. Such a strong man, such a genius, unexpectedly, unexpectedly has no lower limit!

Next, he didn't pay too much attention to Chen Ao's hunting behavior. After all, he didn't get much resources after killing 10,000+ animal life.

Trillions are nothing to him.

After all, the divine body of a god king is over ten thousand light-years, which is equivalent to tens of thousands of trillions.

Unless Chen Ao killed more than a billion Void High Levels and Void Peaks, that little gain would be nothing to him.

However, although the various factions of the True God of the Void have tens of millions, there are less than one-tenth of those above the Void High.

How many powerhouses of the void would have to be killed to make up the full number?

It is simply impossible.

Relying on killing is like accumulating wealth by robbing. It can be used as primitive accumulation, but it is far from enough to reach the peak.

After all, there are only a few who can grab it.

It is only serious to create forces like them and then cut leeks like crazy.

They don't even need to charge any benefits for cutting leeks. A little contribution is a crystallization of supernatural power, and there is no loss at all.

They rely entirely on inheritance to cut leeks.

Even if you only buy a little inheritance for a leek, that is an astronomical sum.

That is to say, Chen Ao could ignore Haotianzong's scythe because he brought the inheritance of the god king with him. Otherwise, even Sa Aike would want to quickly accumulate resources in exchange for inheriting secret techniques.

Chen Ao is killing mercilessly, the efficiency of twenty clones is terrifying.

In just half a month, he killed [-] beast power voids.

Later, the Void of Beast Power could not be found at all, and the entire Haoshi battlefield was emptied by Chen Ao.

"Hey, the leeks are all scared away! It's hateful!"

These 3000 animal power voids, plus the previous gains, this time, he got [-] billion resources.

"Hey, 3000 billion is enough to raise my divine body by more than one light-year!"

Ascension by one light-year, this is an incredible number.

Chen Ao returned to Haotian School contentedly, as if nothing had happened.

However, Haotian School is very silent, the leeks have been cut off, maybe those animal powers in the Stone Kingdom are empty, and they dare not come to the Haoshi battlefield in a short time.

However, under Ai Mo's insistence, Haotianzong couldn't shrink back, completely ignoring Chen Ao's killing.

Many people had opinions, and asked Aimo for an explanation, but in exchange for it, Aimo gave a strong reprimand.

"If you have a fight with me, you can go to that outsider if you win!"

This time, the members of the Haotian School didn't dare to beep any more.

But I have already decided in my heart that Aymo has fought against the opponent, but he is not the opponent of the opponent.

After all, the news of Sanshi's death has already come, so it's not surprising that the outsider has such power.

In fact, Aymo is holding on, his divine body is less than [-]%, and any peak of the void can kill him.

It's just that Aimo has been powerful for a long time, and those people dare not oppose him at all, so they have to give up.

"Damn it, the person who came here didn't even report his name, and I ended up like this!"

However, now Aymo has nothing, even the armor that covers his body was thrown out by the other party, so he has to go back to the sect to lick his wounds.

Fortunately, he still has a little accumulation, and with some contacts, he can definitely collect treasures and the contribution value of recovering divine power. After recovering his strength, he can continue to go to other places.

"Go to the Brute Force Tribe and collect a wave of wool, and get back a mouthful of blood!"

Aimo constantly absorbs the crystals of divine power in Haotianzong to restore his divine body, which will take a long time.

On the other side, under the watchful eyes of God King Heisha, Chen Ao exchanged a large number of Chaos Crystals.

Compared with the ground source crystal, he still thinks that the chaos crystal is more useful.

Anyway, the origin that his small universe can carry is limited, and when the origin reaches the limit, he is improving his divine body.

Therefore, Chen Ao began to absorb [-] chaotic crystals.

Finally, after absorbing more than 1000 million particles, his small universe reached its limit, and he felt that the origin brought a burden to the small universe.

If it continues, I'm afraid the small universe will be overwhelmed.

"The rest can be exchanged for more than 2000 million earth source crystals, which can be used to increase my divine body!"

Chen Ao began to absorb a large amount of earth source crystals, and his divine body reached the level of 21.5 light-years in one go.

"This wave is quite fat, the main reason is that the Chaos Crystal sucked a full, which deepened my understanding of the origin!"

Because of this matter, Chen Ao specially used the divine power avatar to remind Luo Feng, never break through eternity, even if you can break through, don't break through.

In the void stage, this is the best accumulation time period.

Because there are many Void ranks, it is only a reserve for the strong, and it is not particularly important. He killed tens of thousands of beast power Voids. Once they escaped, Shi Guo did not deliberately chase him down.
However, if he was at the Eternal level and killed thousands of Eternal True Gods, Shi Guo would probably go crazy.

A god-king force, most of which are only tens of thousands of eternal true gods, how could it be possible to kill thousands of them for you?

Therefore, killing the Void God is the best time to accumulate resources.

Luo Feng was still very surprised by this, but Chen Ao couldn't open his mouth, he could only emphasize that in order to pretend to be aggressive, breaking through two levels at once would have to pay a price.

Sitting on the mountain has no way to provide Luo Feng with a lot of resources. If he doesn't rely on himself to grab it, when will he be able to raise his divine body to tens of thousands of light years?
Without a divine body of tens of thousands of light years, how dare you say that you are against the three god kings of the food kingdom?
"After absorbing this wave, I will go to the Brute Force Tribe to take a look and try to kill another wave, so that the divine body will increase by two to three hundred million!"

The strength of the Brute Force Tribe is stronger than that of the Stone Country. The Stone Country has more than 500 million Void Gods, while the Brute Force Tribe has more than 600 million.

It means that the brute force tribe can kill more parts.

"Then I'm going to other places to kill!" Chen Ao looked at the strongest border country nearby.

That is the country of the king of beasts, the strength is very strong, there are many strong ones, maybe you can get more.

Not only that, after he kills a circle, he can continue to go to Shi Country.

There is no one left on the Haoshi battlefield, but there are other battlefields in Shiguo. In fact, there are three god-king forces around Shiguo, which means there are two more battlefields.

In addition to the Haoman battlefield, the same brute force tribe also has other battlefields.

He can spin kills.

Each battlefield can provide two to three trillion yuan, and if you scan it a few times, it will be 10,000+ billion, which is enough to increase his divine body by more than ten light years.


Chen Ao absorbed the ground source crystal while thinking.

It will take time to absorb so many resources, and with the absorption of a large number of chaotic crystals, his perception of the origin will be clearer, and his strength can continue to increase a little.

In the sky above, God King Heisha has been observing Chen Ao.

He was moved, and wanted to accept Chen Ao as his apprentice, but he felt that his compulsion was lowered all of a sudden when he rushed over to accept him.

Therefore, he wanted to wait for an opportunity.

"Although this little guy is cautious and likes to use clones to kill, but for the sake of resources, this guy will also dispatch the main body, and the main body will definitely be in danger if it kills so recklessly!"

God King Heisha has decided that he will help Chen Ao when he is in danger, and he will accept Chen Ao at that time.

In this way, the relationship between him and Chen Ao can be better, avoiding only naked exchange of interests.

In the future, if Chen Ao really has a combat power comparable to that of a god king, it means that he will have one more comrade in arms who can deliver to his back.

He is really optimistic about Chen Ao, and thinks that Chen Ao will be able to have a god-level combat power in the future.

Otherwise, no matter how talented Chen Ao is, he would not meddle in recruiting apprentices.

"Go on, go on, I believe you will be in danger soon!"

After accepting Chen Ao, he can directly give Chen Ao a large amount of resources. Tens of thousands of trillions are impossible, but hundreds of trillions are still very easy.

But the premise of all this is that Chen Ao is in danger and is in a desperate situation, waiting for his rescue.

If Chen Ao knew what God King Heisha was thinking, he might rush into the capital of Stone Country right now, and directly challenge the entire Stone Country.

After all, once the apprenticeship is successful, it will be hundreds of trillions of resources. Why would he take the risk of killing again and again?
How many Void Levels do you have to kill to make up hundreds of trillions of contributions?

A calculation based on an average contribution of 3000 million, that is to kill tens of millions of Void and above.

Crazy, killing a lifetime, it is impossible to kill so many.

Chen Ao didn't know what he missed, but he still wanted to support himself and struggle hard, but he didn't know that his thigh was on top of him, waiting for Chen Ao to hug him.

In fact, in Chen Ao's heart, he really hoped that he could be a teacher of the god king, or even a master.

He will be very satisfied if he contributes tens of trillions to the sect.

However, after he investigated for a long time, none of the three god kings of the Clear Sky School had taken in apprentices, and the god kings did not receive disciples.

Unless the sect encounters a major event, the god kings don't care about it at all.

He couldn't hug his thigh even if he wanted to.

"I envy the days in Chaos City. The Master of Chaos City gave me a lot of convenience. At that time, he gave me trillions of credits just by opening his mouth. Now I also need someone to grant me trillions of martial arts contributions!"

(End of this chapter)

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