Chapter 48 Cangshi King (let's invest some money)
After successfully breaking through immortality, Chen Aofei didn't rush to go to the Ancestral God Cult, but calmly fell asleep on the spot.

His deep sleep is fake, the purpose is to pretend that he has just been born.

The consciousness of special life is relatively weak when it is just born, especially plants. Isn't it strange that a plant wanders around.

So, he pretended to be really just born.

He was not afraid that the Ancestral God Sect would not be able to find him. The movement of his breakthrough to immortality just now was very loud, especially the movement of absorbing divine power. Even tens of thousands of light-years away, he could be found.

Therefore, it won't be long before someone from the Ancestral God Sect will discover him.

Of course, it is also possible to be discovered by the inheritor, but it doesn't matter, as long as it is discovered.

To be on the safe side, he threw out a space-time gray crystal when he appeared. After the time-space gray crystal exploded, the time and space here would be interrupted, making it impossible to go back to time and space.

Not even the Lord of the Universe can go back in time.

In this way, the ancestor gods will not be afraid to investigate. Of course, the time and space after the explosion of the time-space gray crystal is normally long, and the ancestor gods can still see the scene of "birth and instant breakthrough to immortality" when going back to time and space here.

This space-time gray crystal also has another purpose, which is to prevent the reversal of time-space resurrection.

Of course, this thing is not that strong, and the validity period is only a little bit. If you can't kill the opponent within this period, you will lose the ability to interfere with time and space.

In addition, the price of a space-time gray crystal is comparable to a treasure, and generally no one makes fun of it.

"If it weren't for the contribution of Nightmare Candle King, I wouldn't have had the chance to complete a better layout!"

Thank you Nightmare Candle King for your kind sponsorship!

Then just wait for a while.

Chen Ao began to fall into a deep sleep, and his consciousness was still comprehending his own innate secret method.

About a few days passed, a burly man first came to the space-time area where Chen Ao was.

"There was such a big movement before, it seems that someone broke through immortality? Who will break through here?"

His name is Cangshi King, and he is a special life "Cangshi". However, Cangshi's special life is not outstanding, and his gene multiple is only more than 600 times.

The only feature is that it is relatively large, and the immortal level has nearly a million kilometers.

Because the potential is not too great, he failed to enter the core of the Ancestral God Cult, but only became one of the peripheral members.

However, unlike the peripheral members of the inheritors, he is a subordinate of Lord Aoshi, the controller of one of the thirteen great secret realms, and a subordinate of the Lord Protector.

He is the core in the sect of Ao Shi, the protector of the religion.

This area is also very close to the Aoshi secret realm. The movement after Chen Ao's breakthrough was seen by Cangshi King, so Cangshi King came to investigate.

When King Cangshi approached, he was stunned by the sight in front of him.

In front of him, a huge plant life appeared.

The volume of this plant life is probably no less than tens of millions of kilometers, with thousands of vines, and each vine exudes a powerful aura.

"This, is this immortal life? Just born?"

King Cangshi was stunned!

The special life is from low to high, the low one has only 101 times the genes, and the high probability of newborns is only the apprentice level.

Those with a high gene multiple, such as a born god of beasts, a born master of the universe, and a born perfect gene.

The creature in front of him was born immortal?

This means that the life level of the other party is very high.

"Birth is immortality, which proves that the lowest genetic level of the opponent is two thousand times!"

According to what he knows, no one is born immortal, and his genes are no less than two thousand times.

Two thousand times, it is very, very strong in special beings.

"Opportunity, let me discover a special life just born!"

These apostles all have tasks. For example, one of the most important tasks is to guide powerful special beings to join the Ancestral God Cult.

This is a long-term and rewarding task.

The more gifted and genetically strong a special life, the more the Ancestral God Cult likes it.

And as a leader, he will also get a lot of contributions.

"Go and ask about the situation first!" King Cangshi has rich experience in dealing with special beings.

In the Ancestral God Sect, special beings are often born, but most of them are ordinary special beings.

For example, a life born with immortality may not be able to appear in tens of thousands of epochs.

The universe is fair.

Chen Ao had discovered Cangshi Wang on the opposite side a long time ago, and through the information of the virtual universe, he also knew the other party's situation.

However, he doesn't move and pretends to be sleeping.

King Cangshi couldn't wait to rush to Chen Ao's body, and began to look carefully.

"This life is a bit like a sinking vine? But the sinking vine is not so powerful. Although the genes of the sinking vine are high, but because it has no soul, its talent is average, so it is only at the universe level at the beginning!"

Moreover, there are not so many vines of the sinking water vine, and the volume is not so large.

He has seen immortal-level submerged water vines, and there is a submerged water vine living in another protector, with only more than 130 vines and a volume of only more than 300 million kilometers, which is incomparable to the life in front of him.

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, King Cangshi began to emit weak life fluctuations.

This is a way to communicate with the newly born special life. After all, these newly born life consciousness is very weak, and they don't have the concept of words, so they can only use the most primitive life fluctuations to communicate.

"Hello, I am Cangshi King!"

A friendly atmosphere filled the air, and Chen Ao quickly sensed it.

Chen Ao almost resisted the urge to vomit, and recovered his life fluctuations.

The reason why you need to hold back your nausea is because this fluctuation is converted into words, which is equivalent to the language of a child.

"Hello, what is Cangshi King? Can it be eaten?"

King Cangshi felt that Chen Ao's response was not only not angry, but happier, as long as he can communicate.

These special beings are very special, some beings are bloodthirsty and have bad tempers.

However, plants and rocks are mostly good tempered.

"My name is King Cangshi, I can't eat it!"

"Name? What's a name?"

Almost like teaching children to understand the world, it took King Cangshi three months to communicate with Chen Ao.

In the middle, Chen Ao had the feeling of death countless times, and he was really disgusted.

"Wan Muteng, come with me and take you to a good place!"

"I don't, I don't want to move!"

Wan Mu Teng is the name given to Chen Ao by King Cangshi. After all, Chen Ao "knows nothing about the world", so it is impossible for him to name himself.

King Cangshi heard that Chen Ao was unwilling to move, and he was not in a hurry. Plants are like this, so he began to persuade him again.

In fact, Chen Ao had long wanted to follow him directly, but it didn't seem like he agreed so easily.

So King Cangshi persuaded him for more than a month.

"Wan Muteng, come with me, I will give you a lot of delicious food!"


"Of course!" King Cangshi smiled smugly like an uncle who bought and cheated children.

Of course, Chen Ao had already laughed in his heart, and finally he didn't need to pretend to be tender anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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