Chapter 66
Chen Ao and his party were extremely careful.

Treasures are very likely to appear in the area where the Ten Thousand Star Vine is located, but the Ten Thousand Star Vine is also very dangerous.

"Don't be seen by Wanxingvine, otherwise you won't be able to run away!"

Venerable Zhan Ruo kept praying, hoping to wash out a treasure, and he only had one armor treasure so far.

Poor, too poor.

Most of the venerables do not have treasures, but other groups have the master of the universe, so they can get an ordinary armor treasure.

However, if you want to be stronger, you must get more treasures, and only with treasures can you exert stronger strength.

If he gets a suitable treasure weapon, he even has the confidence to become a high-ranking venerable in a short time.

Just as the six beings were slowly approaching the Myriad Star Vine, a powerful aura suddenly appeared.

The complexion of Zhanruo Zunruo and a group of kings changed greatly, thinking that Wanxingvine had discovered them.

However, after they saw the source of the breath clearly, all of them breathed quickly.

It turned out that it turned out to be an item similar to an axe.

And the body of the item exudes an aura no less than the limit of ordinary kings.


In an instant, everyone understood that it was definitely a treasure, at least a top treasure.

Otherwise, the breath would not be so powerful!
The many kings looked at each other, with a hint of greed flashing in their eyes.

They are all geniuses in the group, but they are lucky to have one or two ordinary treasures.

And the ax below is at least a top treasure, even a treasure.

How can they not be moved?

"Everyone, I'm the fastest, so let me go get that treasure?" Venerable Zhan Ruo sent a voice transmission.

He is a space lord, and his teleportation is hundreds of light years, even if he is suppressed here, he is tens of light years away, more than ten times faster than their kings.

In this dangerous environment, it is naturally the best choice for the Venerable Showing Ruo to get the treasure.

However, if the treasures are in the hands of Venerable Showruo, can they still have their business?
The five kings all looked at Chen Ao, hoping that Chen Ao could make a move.

They don't have enough strength, they can only hope for Chen Ao.

Unexpectedly, Chen Ao nodded directly, and said like a fool: "The speed of Venerable Ruo Ruo is fast, it is best to let him go!"

When Venerable Zhanruo heard Chen Ao's words, he was overjoyed immediately, never expecting that Chen Ao was so simple.

The other kings suddenly felt desperate, but they didn't expect Chen Ao to be so retarded.

Immediately, King Feng sent a voice transmission: "King Tengmu, if Venerable Zheruo got the treasure and left, wouldn't we get nothing!"

Chen Ao said in surprise: "No way, we are teammates, and we agreed to share the treasures equally!"

The kings are about to die, this Chen Ao is so childish.

Why did they call two venerable combat powers?
Isn't it just for balance!

Only by balancing their combat power can these kings have a chance, otherwise they won't even get a fart in front of the venerable.

Even if it is a treasure that is worth a little bit of treasure, it is impossible to distribute it to them.

"King Fujiki, what if Venerable Zhanruo really took the treasure and ran away?"

"No, I believe in Venerable Zhanruo!"

It's numb!

This Chen Ao is indeed cerebral palsy.

Actually believe in aliens!

The kings were dying of anxiety: "King Fujiki, believe me, you must not let him go alone, otherwise you will get nothing!"

Chen Ao still spoke very simply: "But I can't teleport, my speed can't keep up, even if I can teleport, I can't keep up with the Venerable's teleport!"

Chen Ao really doesn't know how to teleport, the three advanced abilities of space are teleportation, blocking and strangulation.

It can be seen from the name that the space strangle ability is more suitable for his strangle secret method.

In order to practice the secret technique, Chen Ao naturally chose to comprehend the ability of spatial strangulation first.

In the past few hundred years, he has to comprehend the way of the beast god, make up for the law of space, and even comprehend the secret method to create the secret method.

Therefore, he has no way to comprehend the space blockade and instant ability in a short time.

Before rushing on the road, Venerable Sharuruo took him to teleport.

When the five kings heard Chen Ao's answer, they immediately despaired.

Miscalculation, they tried their best to find suitable candidates to balance their combat power, but they forgot that Chen Ao couldn't teleport, so he couldn't compete for treasures.

Chen Ao doesn't care, it's not that he doesn't care about treasures, no matter how low the value is, they are still treasures.

The problem is, he can recognize himself and know that he can't compete.

Unlike these kings who only have treasures in their eyes, they don't care about anything else.

"Your Majesty, go get the treasure, be careful!" Chen Ao urged.

Hearing Chen Ao's advice, Venerable Zhanruo couldn't help being moved. He was so moved by his thought of him and his trust in his actions.

Of course, if it is really a treasure, then you should still sneak after you get it!

How many treasures is it worth to trust?
It's a joke to be moved. Whoever gives him a heavy treasure will be moved.

If you give him the treasure, you can let him kneel down and call daddy, what a touch!
"Okay, then I'll go!" Venerable Zhan Ruo rushed out excitedly.

Several Feng Wangs did not dare to show weakness, and still tried their best to teleport forward.

It doesn't matter that much.

Only Chen Ao followed slowly.

As far as he can't teleport, he can only rely on the secret lines on the shoes to accelerate.

Fortunately, the suppressing power here is very strong, and his speed is actually not much slower than Feng Wang's teleportation.

After all, teleportation was suppressed because of too much space fluctuation, but his pure speed would not be suppressed.

Soon Venerable Showruo got the treasure, and the group of kings were already a long way behind Venerable Showruo.

Chen Ao followed closely behind Feng Wang.

Afterwards, everyone saw the smile on Zheruo's body, which directly showed that the treasure below was unusual.

"Maybe it's really a treasure, but it should be an ordinary treasure that just crossed the treasure level!"

The visual value is from 0.8 treasure point to 1 treasure point.

But for an elementary venerable, this is almost all of his wealth.

It is not surprising that Venerable Zhanruo can be so excited.

"Your Majesty, we are coming!"

"Your Majesty, what's the situation with the treasure?"

"Your Majesty, don't forget to wait for me!"

Because refining takes a little time, with the help of this time, many kings are already very close to Venerable Zheruo.

Hearing the words of the kings, a gleam of coldness flashed in Zoro Ruo Zun's eyes.

However, with the restriction of forming a team, he couldn't do it.

So, just teleport away without saying a word.


"Bear like a venerable, treacherous for the sake of treasure!"

Seeing that Venerable Yanruo was about to leave without saying a word, the five kings immediately began to insult him.

However, Venerable Zhan Ruo didn't care about so much, for a treasure, it's nothing to give up a little reputation.

Everyone is just a normal team.

When the strength is strong, more people will naturally please themselves.

But just as Venerable Bare Ruo teleported, a slender vine appeared.

The length of the vines is definitely calculated in light years, but they are extremely slender, and there are countless planet-like spots on the vines.

"This, is a vine of the Myriad Star Vine? It is also a good choice for the avatar, after all, this Myriad Star Vine is a special life of the Time School!"

Time stands still!

Reverse time!

The moment the vines appeared, the surrounding scene seemed to return to a few minutes ago.

And Venerable Baeruo, who had already teleported away, was horrified to find that a vine was floating above his head.

Those kings were equally horrified.

(End of this chapter)

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