Chapter 213 "Empire Epic" Chapter
"'Rain' sat by the entrance of the cave, looking up at the outside of the cave."

"Months of torrential rain wash down the hillside continuously, with only occasional short breaks, so for food, sometimes the warriors in the tribe need to brave the rain to hunt and gather food."

"His father was among them."

"It's just that after the warriors of the tribe went out, the temporary rain suddenly poured down again, accompanied by the strong wind, as if the God of Storms was venting his anger."

"The rain outside the cave is dense like a water curtain, but it has not spread in temporarily because of the higher terrain of the cave."

"They're like bugs that get in a hole in a storm."

"The warrior of the tribe has been away for a long time, not only his father, but others have never returned."

"Yu sat at the entrance of the cave and looked back. Sitting further inside, there was an elderly woman with drooping wrinkles all over her face and lowered eyes. After looking outside the entrance of the cave, he tied another knot on the rattan rope that was already full of knots, then lowered his head, his lips moved slightly, as if counting the knots on the rattan rope, the old and rough rubbing hands."

"There are also some young children, and some women from the tribe, who are kneeling on the ground, praying non-stop towards the outside of the cave. Some children raised their heads out of the cave out of curiosity, and then they were pressed down by the people next to them."

"'Rain', get down on your knees and pray for the forgiveness of 'God Kaji'."

"Kaki God, the god of the Kaki people, originated from the Kaki people's awe of the storm, the wise men and elders of the tribe said,"

"God Kaji controls the thunder and drives the wind and rain. When someone disrespects him, he will storm and cleanse all sinners."

"Someone was yelling at 'Yu', but Yu didn't agree, nor did he kneel down."

"He just raised his head again and looked at the rainstorm outside the cave. Is there really a Kaji god?"

"If so, how did we offend you?"


This is the beginning of the first chapter of the "Epic of Empires".

Ji Zhuo woke up the next day, and continued to write from the beginning of what he had already written the day before.

But before writing, simply read the previous content as usual.

In the first chapter of "Empire Epic", the protagonist is a member of a certain tribe of the Kaji people.
called rain.

He has a quietness and wisdom that his peers do not have.

The story begins with this scene,
Continue to develop further down.


'Yu' turned his head and looked at the edge of the cave entrance,
A pinch of greenery emerges, it is the weeds grown from unknowingly floating seeds that fell on the entrance of the cave,
It was swaying wildly in the strong wind.

It can be said that the weeds are wantonly being tossed by the wind,

But it can also be said that even in this strong wind, the weeds did not forget to survive.

'Rain' stared at the weed and kept watching.

The person who called him earlier prayed again and again.

At this moment, Yuxia noticed something different appeared in the corner of his line of sight,

Stand up in the rain,
The warriors of the tribe and the chieftains of the tribe have returned,

They were drenched in heavy rain, with muddy water rolling on their bodies, but they smiled on their faces,

Because they caught their prey.

"Is my 'Rain' thinking here again? Maybe 'Rain' will become a wise man in the future."

The warriors of the tribe rushed into the entrance of the cave, their bodies still dripping with mud and rain, and did not go in again.

The women and children kneeling on the ground thanked the 'God Kaji' for the blessing with joy, and went to get dry animal skin clothes for the men.

"I don't want to be a wise man."

"I will conquer the storm."

Rain said to the warriors and leaders of the tribe, and to the storm outside the cave.

It seems that because of the blasphemy of the rain, the strong wind outside the cave roared even more.

Some tribal people who had just got up knelt down again, praying for the forgiveness of God Kaji,

The warriors and chiefs who came back from the rain just laughed.

"Our rain shall conquer the storm?"

"That is the grace and wrath of Kaji God, unless you are the messenger of Kaji God."

Rain never spoke again.

The warriors and leaders of the tribe put on dry and warm animal skin clothes.

Throw the bundled prey on the ground in the cave.

Rain looked down,
It was prey he had seldom seen,

Covered with thick white hair, but soaked in rain, soaked in muddy water,

Head with two horns, limbs, feet with the hooves of most beasts, and divided fingers, four in total on each hand,

Appears to be standing and walking animals.

Its belly covered with thick white hair pierced a stone spear, the wooden stick broke from the spear point, and the spear point remained in the belly of the prey,

The wound is constantly bleeding out, which is why this prey is here,
But the prey is not dead yet.

Rain saw the eyes of this prey with the same terror he had seen in the eyes of many a Khaki,
There were some shrill and chaotic screams coming out of his mouth, and his limbs were struggling indiscriminately.

"This is where the prey was caught."

Rain asked his father.

"It was found in a cave, and this beast was also hiding in a cave from the rain."

"If Ya hadn't found him, we would have returned empty-handed today."

"Slaughter it, and give it to the warriors and the people of the tribe."

The leader of the tribe spoke again.

A warrior raised a stone spear,
The prey seemed to know the fate he was about to suffer, and struggled even more.

Stone spears pierced their prey, and more blood flowed from the pierced wound,

The cave was quiet again.

Following the women, they came forward with stone knives, skillfully cutting off the fur of their prey and cutting off pieces of meat.

"Boss, we should give this prey a name."

"It's called Dongyang."

The story continues,
The rain gradually grows under this perennial wind and rain,

The prey and fruits picked by the warriors are the only source of food for the tribe.

This cave, sheltered from storms and torrents, is the only place the tribe can find refuge from the wrath of the 'God Khaki'.

The 'God of Khaki' sent down furious rain and thunder to cleanse the sinful Khaki people,

But he is still benevolent and left many shelters for the still kind Kaji people, which are caves.

This is the benevolent description of the god Kaki from the mouths of the tribe's wise men.

After catching cave sheep for the first time,
The warriors of the tribe have captured many cave sheep,
The warriors of the tribe figured out the survival rules of the cave sheep,
Cave sheep are plant-eating animals. Tribal warriors find them in caves most of the time, and sometimes they can see lonely cave sheep outside.
In order to hunt, the warriors of the tribe sometimes attack the cave sheep that live together when food is scarce.
But the cave sheep inhabited also have a strong attack ability, which will injure or even kill the warriors of the tribe.

So most of the time, the warriors of the tribe just choose some lonely cave sheep to hunt.

rain's father,

Died while out hunting for food,

The other warriors were not able to bring back Yu's father's body.

After growing up,

Rain also became a warrior of the tribe.

But the storm he wanted to conquer had already stopped before he came to conquer it.

That was the day.

The rain that sleeps closest to the cave wakes up from sleep,

He didn't hear the sound of the rainstorm outside, the whole world seemed to become very quiet all of a sudden,

He got up and went to the cave entrance to look,

Then I realized that the rainstorm had stopped, and the sun, which I hadn’t seen for a long time, came out with difficulty while hiding in the thick dark clouds.
The sun shines on the ground.

Rain shouted.

The whole tribe of kakis woke up and cheered in the sun.

At first, the Kaki people just thought it was the moment when the sun came in the storm,
It is the short-lived mercy and kindness of the kaki god to the innocent kaki people.

But for several days in a row, there was no such heavy rain in the sky.
The Kaji people gradually understood that the Kaji god, who controls the storm and thunder, had vented his anger, and the evil Kaki people had been cleansed.

And since then, it is true that I have never seen such a continuous and violent storm,

A few months later, the flash flood receded,

The Kaji tribe who stayed in the cave came out of the cave again. They tried to use stones, trees, and tough rattan to build a residence.

Before leaving the cave,
'Rain' looked back at the entrance of the cave,

There is a greenery there,
The weeds that had been subjected to storms were moved further inside the cave entrance along with their roots.
It protects it from the brilliance of wind and rain, and can bathe in the occasional sunshine,

At this moment, after such a long time, weeds have grown at the entrance of the cave, even if the Kaji people come in and out occasionally, it still grows tenaciously there.

Even when he was very hungry, he once pulled a handful of weeds and ate them, but this piece of weeds has not diminished at this moment.


I wrote this at the beginning of Ji Zhuo before,
Ji Zhuo simply flipped through the history,
There is no new chapter, so I continue the previous content and continue to write this chapter, the story of Yu and the tribe where Yu lives.


In the study room, the sound of mechanical keyboards was ringing.

In the continuous sound of keyboard tapping, a more complete world is gradually presented in Ji Zhuo's pen,

The story of this chapter also continues in it.


The rain that once conquered the storm, when coming out of the cave,
Already the bravest warrior in the tribe, and the wisest wise man.

So when the chief of the tribe grows old and old,
Yu became the leader of the tribe.

At this time, the entire tribe consisted of almost a hundred people.

The name of the tribe is the name of the leader, it is called the tribe of rain, or the tribe of rain.

The Yu tribe lived together on a flat land on the mountainside,

The Kaji people who have experienced continuous torrential rain for months and years are afraid of the soaring mountain torrents,
I no longer live near the river at the foot of the mountain.

They repaired stone and wood on the mountainside, piled up rattan, tied up the house,

It is used to cover the occasional anger of Kaji God.

And after walking out of the cave, another god gradually appeared among the tribes of the Kaji people,

At the beginning, he was the incarnation of the god Kaji, who was in charge of the sun and sunshine, and gradually, the wise men and elders in the tribe did not connect them together, and became two gods.

And the Rain Tribe,

After Yu became the leader of the tribe,
Started to fret over the tribe's food again,
After the kakis of the rain tribe settled down, the number of kakis in the tribe increased rapidly.
The tribe's possible source of food is still the hunting of the warriors and the collection of some fruit food by the women.

However, the hunting of the warriors is always not so smooth when they occasionally encounter fierce beasts. After some warriors are injured or die, it will take some time to wait for the new warriors to grow up.

The acquisition of prey is always not so stable, and the food collection of women is the same. When the food in an area is collected, it is always necessary to go to a further area to collect food.
And there will always be other beasts living in the farther area, which also affects the collection of food.

in trouble,
Rain remembered the weed he once moved,
He quickly ran back to the holy land of the tribe from the mountainside.

The former cave has become the most sacred place of the tribe. This is the sanctuary left by the Kaji God to the Kaji people.

Even if the Kaji people don't need it now, it is still sacred there. The wise men and tribal leaders of the Kaji tribe will be sent to this sacred place before they die.
Send it to the innermost part of the cave.

Yu, the young and strong tribal leader, squandered seemingly inexhaustible strength, and ran to the entrance of the cave in one breath.

He looked into the cave, but saw what used to be just a small piece of weeds, but now it was heading into the cave, and a large area stretched outside the cave.

"Weeds can be transplanted to grow such a large area, why can't our food?"

Thinking of this, the leader, Yu, started to do this.

He is the leader and the wisest man of the tribe,

At his request, the warriors of the tribe dug out the roots of several fruit-bearing trees,

Transplanted back to the clearing before the tribe,

Among the transplanted fruits, some survived and some died.

The surviving fruit tree did bear fruit when it should,
But his time to ripen the fruit is too slow.

Is there any food that can bear fruit faster, just like weeds, and quickly grow a piece of food?

The first is mushrooms. The tribe dug some edible mushrooms with their roots back to the tribe for planting.
But some mushrooms went on to grow large patches, while others didn't.

The leader Yu was troubled by this, but he still couldn't find the reason.

Until a female Kaji of the tribe offered a fringed weed,

There are some very small particles on the ears of weeds, and those particles are edible,
And these weeds grow very fast, and those particles are actually seeds, which can grow weeds again.

The tribe began to grow this crop on a large scale, and during this period, the tribe also discovered other plants,
also transplanted them around the tribe,

Although sometimes, those plants still die inexplicably, just like the death of the kaki people.

The Kaji people who couldn't figure out the reason all attributed him to the god Kaji and the sun god.

But even so, the Rain Tribe has added a more stable food source.

After the food source was stabilized, the number of tribe Kaji increased rapidly again,

The Rain Tribe has gradually become a large tribe of the Kaji people,

During the period, there were still many Kaji tribes who joined the Rain tribe because of their stable food source.
There are also some tribes that also need the conquest of the leader Yu.

It was Yu, the leader of the strongest warriors of the tribe who once wanted to conquer the storm, and also pierced some tribe leaders with sharp stone spears,

conquered some tribes,
Sometimes, it is also necessary for the warriors of his tribe to go out with him to completely conquer the leader and all the warriors of another tribe and get more population.

In this influx, and conquest,
The rain tribe is growing stronger and stronger,

During this period, the imported tribes also brought a lot of new knowledge,

For example, the captive breeding of livestock, a wise man of the tribe deduced from the birth of the Kaji people,
Those wild beasts increase their number by giving birth in this way, so surround them and raise these wild beasts that will continue to give birth,
However, this method was also successful because the Rain Tribe had enough food sources.

Other tribes did not have such a steady supply of food to keep wild animals in captivity.

For example, the knowledge of making other tools and weapons...

In this valiant conquest,

The Rain Tribe became the largest tribe of the Khaki,

Yu is the only leader of this tribe,
He is brave, wise, and with the most powerful courage, he once conquered the stormy rain and conquered all the Khaki tribes around him,

They trembled and prayed at the feet of the rain, as if they had once faced the wrath of the kaki god.

But no matter how magnificent a life is, there is an end,
No matter how brave warriors are, they all age.

The leader, Yu, is old.

After he led his tribe to become the largest tribe of the surrounding Kaki people,

He is old, and he is no longer the bravest rain in his youth, who can easily pierce the chest of another tribal leader with a spear,

Now even any warrior could easily push him to the ground.

And leader Yu realized this because of a hunt.

(End of this chapter)

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