Chapter 233 Karna and Matt

If the first two chapters are epics of two heroes in two races,
The third chapter is the story of ordinary people of two races under this kind of epic story.

The protagonist of the third chapter is Matt, Rain Matt.Lives in Derwynn, the capital of the Khaki people.

His mother once told him that he was the descendant of Rain, the ancestor of the Khaki people.

But many people in the capital city said so, and many people used Yu as their surname or first name,
His mother was just a laundryman who made a living by washing clothes for people in the capital Delwyn,

And his father died in the war between the northern continent where the Kaji people lived and the southern continent where the Weiss people lived.

And Matt was still young, only twelve or thirteen years old, and his lack of nutrition made him thin and short.

The whole family basically relied on his mother's laundry for a living, so that he and his mother could only rent a crowded and dirty low-rent apartment in the capital after his father died.

And the story unfolds against this background.

"...the dirty water from washing clothes is flowing wantonly on the ground, sometimes mixed with mud and smelly vegetable leaves, and flies are flying around the sewage, seemingly tirelessly looking for food.

His mother took Matt by the hand and took Matt back to the house. They lived in a room on the first floor of the low-rent house in the yard.
Many of the sewage flowing in the yard were caused by his mother.

The woman had her hair in her hair, a faded floral headscarf wrapped around her head, and she was wearing long trousers, but her trouser legs and cuffs were rolled up. The skin on her face was rough, and her palms seemed to be soaked in water. , There is a lot of skin cracking.

When the woman walked through the sewage on the ground, she did not shy away from contaminating the soles of her shoes with the sewage on the ground, and only occasionally encountered deeper sewage before making a reluctant gesture to step over.

The boy Matt, however, seems to be very concerned about not stepping on the sewage on the ground. He followed his mother and walked forward. Whenever he encountered the sewage flowing in the yard, he had to take big steps, jump over it, or jump over it. "


"Kana, are you back from picking up the child?"

From another tenant in the yard, a slightly bloated woman came out of the house with a basin of dirty water.

Seeing Karna leading Matt into the house, she shouted,
"Yes, he just finished today's class in middle school. I'll pick him up."

"Really? Matt's grades are not bad, maybe he can become a political officer in the future."

Kana smiled at the woman, pursing her chapped lips,

"But Kana, can you clean up the water after you wash your clothes? It's not that I won't let you wash your clothes. After all, we all know that's what you do for a living,"

"But I also hope that after you wash your clothes, the sewage you poured out can be cleaned up. It's almost summer now, and there are many mosquitoes buzzing in my ears during the night and day, like the water in front of my door, I have swept it .”

The woman continued.

"Yes, Lady Mary, I'll clean it up."

Karna bowed her body apologetically.

"It's good that you know, summer is coming soon..."

Karna smiled apologetically and took Matt back to the house.

The woman was still murmuring, and kept talking there.

Matt was dragged into the house by his mother,
Turn back, look back,

Then I saw the woman holding the basin of sewage, looked around, and finally fell at the door of someone else's house.


Matt called to his mother, wanting to talk about it.

Karna just pulled Matt, then walked into the house, shaking her head at Matt.


"... There is a piece of black bread and 'grass rice soup' on the table, you go and eat first. I still have a few clothes to wash and come over."

The woman Kana led the boy into the house, closed the door, and blocked the smell and noise outside the door,
It's just that after closing the door, it's evening in the room, and it looks dark again.

The woman stretched out her hand and pushed open the window of the house, and then ran to the side to run a basin of clothes, and said to the boy Matt at the same time.

Matt nodded as usual, walked to the old wooden table and sat down,

Grass rice soup and black bread are placed on the table, and things are turned upside down to keep flies away.

Matt turned it over, took a piece of black bread, and put the remaining piece beside it, and poured half a bowl of grass rice porridge into the empty bowl next to it.

Then she turned her head with the black bread, and looked at the mother who was scrubbing the clothes in the basin next to her,
" about we move to the slums, they say the rent in the slums is much cheaper, maybe you don't have to be so tired."

"...much cheaper, but also worse, crowded like a market cage with animals, and not getting as many laundry jobs as here."

The woman Kana scrubbed the clothes in the basin. After washing, she temporarily put them into another basin and waited for a while to rinse.

"Besides, it's a long way from here. If you go there, you'll never go to secondary school again."

The woman looked up from the laundry tub and said something to Matt.

"Mom, you know, my academic performance in school is not good, even if I continue to study, I can't be a political officer."

Matt held the black bread and hadn't eaten yet, looked at his mother and said hesitantly.

"Then study hard."

The woman lowered her head again and rubbed her clothes heavily.

Matt showed hesitation, didn't speak again, lowered his head, and turned around.

"If you can't be a political officer, just do something else. Even if you work for someone else, it's better than washing clothes for me."

"Ok, I know."

" have eaten the black bread and grass rice soup on the table, and I still have some in the pot."

"I can't eat that much. The bowl is too big, and there is too much grass rice soup. Mother, you can eat."

"Hey... hey..."

The woman Karna finally sighed,
"Go to bed early after eating."


The house then fell silent again.

Karna, the woman, was washing clothes nearby, and Matt was eating brown bread at the table.

waited until the meal was over,
Matt stood up again and walked over to Karna.

"Mom, why don't I come..."

Karna rubbed her clothes, raised her head, and glanced at Matt,
"I can't sleep yet, I'll wash your clothes for you, can you tell me the story that I haven't finished yet?"


"Hmm...the story I didn't finish telling more than 30 days ago."

Kanna paused, nodded,

Moved away, let her son sit where she was sitting just now, pulled another stool from the dining table, and sat beside him.

Matt bent down, stretched out his hand to turn up the clothes in the basin, and tried his best to scrub and wash like his mother just now,

It's just that he is thin and short, so naturally he doesn't have much strength, and every scrubbing takes extra effort.

"...You don't need to scrub, I'll take a rest, and I'll tell you the story that I didn't finish before, and you can go to sleep after listening."

Karna said to Matt.

Matt was still stubbornly scrubbing and washing the clothes.

Karna looked at Matt for a moment, then raised her head, seeming to organize her thoughts.

"Isn't it the story of the devil that was told earlier?"

"Legends say that demons have two horns on their heads and white hair all over their bodies, but whiteness is just their disguise. They will confuse people and make them fall. Sometimes, they will lure people who meet him with money. , promised money and treasures to the Kaji people, but after the Kaki people were fooled, they found that the money and treasures they gave were false, and they were disguised by dead leaves. People who are often bewitched by demons will end up His soul and life were taken away."

"It has two horns and is covered in pure white hair? Isn't that just like a nasty cave sheep!"

Matt raised his head and said angrily,

Because his father died in the battle with Dongyang.

Karna turned her head to look at Matt.

Matt lowered his head slowly, knowing that his mother didn't like hearing him mention his father,
Probably an emotion that fears that he will die on the battlefield one day.

See Matt regain his composure,
Kanna hesitated for a moment, then said,

"Legends say that the Weisdong sheep are descendants of demons, so they look very similar to the demons depicted in scriptures and stories in the Church of the Sun God."

"Ordinary kaki people will encounter misfortune when they encounter demons. They are born with curses and evil, and will bewitch and hurt kaki people, so we have to stay away from them."

Karna was afraid that Matt would die on the battlefield like his father, and she only hoped that Matt would stay away from Wes Cave Sheep or something.

Matt lowered his head and remained silent.

"Boom boom... boom boom boom!"

At this moment,
The closed door was knocked hard and fast,
Matt raised his head, and Karna also turned her head to look, and stood up at the same time,
He seemed very anxious when he came, knocking on the door anxiously.

"who is it?"

"I am Father Yodel, and I have come here with the will of the Sun God."

Kana was vigilant at first, and then heard a familiar voice,
Just opened the door.

The person who came was Father Yodel, the priest of the church closest to the residence of Karna and Matt.

The Kaki people are all believers in the Sun God and the Kaki God. According to the scriptures of the church, these are the two sides of one God.

Every once in a while, Karna also goes to church to pray, praying that her Matt can grow up safely.

At the door, Father Jodl held a book in his hand, looking solemn and solemn,
"Father Jodl, what's the matter?"

Seeing the priest's appearance, Karna grabbed the door tightly and stared closely at Father Yodel.

"The revelation of the God of Kaji and the Sun God, the church will start the second holy war, and we will send our great church army to spread the glory of the Sun God and God of Kaji to the southern continent again."

"Let the damned Weisdong sheep who blasphemed God and wisdom be punished, driven from the world, and returned to their hell!"

The priest is solemn, then fanatic.

Karna lowered her head to show respect for God's revelation, but her whole body was trembling.

Her husband, the father of her children, had died in the Church's first war against the Australis.

"...then what can we do?"

Kanna asked with a trembling voice.

"God Kaji and Sun God need more warriors to spread the glory of God for them. We must let God see that we are pious and save us who are lost."

The priest was speaking, and looked at the thin and short Matt in the room.

Kana trembled, but still moved her feet, blocking the priest's sight,

"...Matt's father had already returned to the embrace of God during the first war. Matt was still young and weak, so he couldn't become a warrior of God."

"Ms. Kana, it is an incomparable honor to be able to fight for God. Even if she dies, she can return to God's arms, like the king 'Yu', and stay by God's side forever."

The priest seemed annoyed, perhaps because of Karna's impiety.

Kana lowered her head, remained silent, and stopped at the door.

"Ms. Kanna, I hope you can understand God's will. The damned Weisdong sheep has hurt so many believers of the Lord. Each of them is the father of the child, and the child of the mother is just like your husband. You don't want to let Is your child avenging your husband?"

The priest changed his tone.

Kana still lowered her body and head, shook her head, and just replied,
"His father just fell back into the arms of God."

She would not want her child to avenge his father, but only hoped that Matt could grow up safely.

"Matt is exceptionally thin and short. Even if he becomes a warrior of the gods, it will hinder the progress of the warriors of the gods... I only hope that Matt can stay by my side."

It seems that Kanna's first half sentence moved the priest,
He is looking at Matt.

At this time, Matt was trembling all over. The anger just now and the fear now made him feel extremely ashamed.
But he was terrified.

Matt was in his teens, and was thin and short, younger than he looked for his age.

Such a person would indeed only become a drag on the battlefield.

The priest frowned.

"But this holy war is God's will, and every one of his people should fight for it."

"Perhaps we can do something else to help God's brilliance spread farther."

When the priest said this, Karna immediately followed up.

"for example?"

"We are willing to donate three hundred dimensions... four hundred dimensions... to the warriors fighting for the gods, hoping to give them some small help."

Dimensions are the currency of the Kaji people's country, and [-] dimensionality is the vast majority of Kanna's savings over the years.

Sibaiwei already needs to sell most of the property in the seller.

The reason why she still saved the money under such circumstances is for today.

"Five hundred dimensions."

The priest looked at Karna and said.

"Thank you, Father."

"Everything is the will of the Sun God and Kaji God."

"Thank you for the kindness of Sun God and Kaji God."

Kana agreed, although she is far from five hundred dimensional.

"Thank you Mrs. Kanna for your support to the warriors. Although you failed to fight for God, the merciful God will surely forgive your mistakes."

When the priest said this, Karna breathed a sigh of relief.


The priest left with more than 300 dimensions, and Kana needed to make up the rest.

And the surrounding area of ​​the low-rent housing became noisy with the priest's departure.

Some people were crying, and some people kept talking about Kaji and Sun God.

Kanna closed the door, closed the door tightly, and turned her head again,
Looking at her child Matt, who was still terrified.

"It's can go to sleep."

Karna stroked Matt's hair and sat back before she needed to do the laundry.

Then he raised his head again and said to Matt,

"Don't go to school for a few days, don't leave the house, and don't let the neighbors around the low-rent house see you."

"I see...Mom..."

Matt gradually recovered from his fear, and listened to his mother's words, bowing his head.


Karna nodded.

Then I bowed my head and washed the clothes again.


see here.

As a reader, Xi Yuan only felt a kind of depression stronger than that of the second chapter,
The depression of the story in the second chapter is like the ordeal that a great character must go through, but he will eventually become an epic.

But the story of this chapter is the repeated struggle of an ordinary person under such a magnificent epic, and he can't even see whether there is hope in the depression.

However, the story also describes the current state of the Kaji people and the Weiss people from the side.
Hostility, but the reason for the first full-scale war and the upcoming second war in the plot is mainly because of religious conflicts.

In the Kaji people's church scriptures, the Weiss is the image of the devil.

It is estimated that the Kaji people are similar in the classics and religions of the Weiss people,
After all, to address each other, one is Dongyang and the other is Evil Beast.


Xi Yuan let out a long breath and continued to read.

in the book,

The plot continues to develop.

Matt's mother sold valuables in the family,
At the same time, relying on her cheekiness, she borrowed a sum of money from the family she often helped wash clothes,

With a lot of debts on my back, I finally made up the money I needed.
To save Matt from becoming a warrior who fought for the southern continent for God,
But also because of the debt, Kana had to accept more laundry to repay the debt and life.

(End of this chapter)

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