Chapter 104

Zhao Jun and his party entered the mountain with Zhang Yuanmin leading the way. After walking for more than an hour, they saw footprints on the ground.

There are human footprints and dog footprints.

Keep going, there are footprints along the way.

At this time, Zhao Jun felt that something was wrong, and immediately pulled Zhang Yuanmin over and asked, "Brother, you told me that day that you Lianqiao and Li Daguai discovered Xiong Cangzi together."

"Yes." Zhang Yuanmin nodded.

Zhao Jun asked again: "You also said that he would also find someone to kill Xiong Cangzi."

"Yeah..." Zhang Yuanmin was about to nod again when he suddenly felt that something was wrong. If someone beat him first, it didn't matter if he killed Xiong, because they might take the chain saw away.

"Let's go!" Zhao Jun greeted and quickened his pace.

The three of them walked forward for more than ten minutes, and the road in front of them forked, separating left and right.

The three of Zhao Jun wanted to go to the left, but those footprints were all to the right.

But even so, Zhao Jun was still worried, because he knew that the two roads, one going to the left and the other to the right, merged together four or five miles away.

Although it was easier to walk on the left side, Zhao Jun didn't know how long the people in front had been walking, and Zhao Jun was afraid that the chain saw would be picked up by them.

So the three walked faster and faster, about five miles away, and saw those footprints again.

But go further, but see those footprints down the ditch and pond along the right slope.

"Didn't you go to the same place with us?" Zhao Jun thought of this, and made Li Baoyu and Zhang Yuanmin slow down.

Walking forward again, I heard the barking of a dog and the neighing of an animal.

The three couldn't bear their curiosity, so they stood on the beam and looked down, and saw that there were also three people in the ditch and pond, and they were climbing up the opposite slope.

And on the opposite hillside, halfway up the waist, there are six hunting dogs surrounding a beast.

This beast, shaped like a horse, has two horns on its head, which are divided into three forks. Its back is dark brown with white spots on its back.

"Big man!" Zhang Yuanmin couldn't help exclaiming.

"It's not a big man." Zhao Jun said, "That's a bad guy."

"Ah, yes, yes!" Zhang Yuanmin agreed with Zhao Jun's correction.

In fact, whether it is a big man or a mangdanzi, they are all animals, that is, red deer.

It's just that the big man refers to an adult red deer, while Mandanzi refers to a red deer that is about two years old and weighs about three hundred catties.

This red deer has horns on its head, it is a male deer, and an adult male red deer can grow to about [-] kilograms, and the horns of an adult male deer are divided into six or eight prongs.

This red deer has only three-pronged horns and is not yet an adult.At this time, it was besieged by six dogs, and the red deer rushed left and right, constantly trying to break out of the encirclement.

The six dogs besieging it, three black, two yellow, and one flower, chased the red deer uphill, and two black dogs overtook the red deer and intercepted it.

At this time, a yellow dog rushed up from behind and bit the red deer's buttocks.

The red deer had just been intercepted by two black dogs, when it was attacked from behind, it raised its hind legs, and the yellow dog braked sharply and dodged in a hurry.

The red deer pushed the yellow dog back with one kick, but the other five dogs did not give in, and rushed forward from all sides.

Looking at the red deer again, its hind legs kicked the ground, its front body was lifted up, its two front legs were raised high, and when it fell, it stepped on the two black dogs that were blocking it.

The two black dogs evaded to the left and right, and the red deer took the opportunity to move forward and rush out of the encirclement, trying to shake off all the dogs behind them.

But the yellow dog, which had just been forced back by its kick, jumped up and bit its short tail.

The red deer felt the pain, neighed once, and kicked its hind hoof again.

This hoof kicked firmly on the yellow dog, and the yellow dog was kicked flying with an "ow".

Although the yellow dog was kicked away, it left the red deer in place. The yellow dog's companions rushed forward, surrounded the red deer, and continuously attacked it.

They kept pounced on the red deer and took a bite. When the red deer was about to fight back, they retreated quickly.

Looking at the red deer again, they either lower their heads and pick their horns, or kick their legs backwards, or raise their bodies and stamp on their front legs, walking up the slope while fighting.

Suddenly, among the six dogs, the only flower dog jumped up and bit the red deer's calf.The red deer raised its leg and kicked Huagou's calf.

Huagou screamed and was kicked not far away, but when he stood up, one of his legs was already broken.


On the opposite slope, Zhao Jun and others watched lively, but when they saw the red deer abruptly kicking the dog's legs off, Li Baoyu couldn't help feeling sorry for the dog, and muttered, "Why doesn't this man charge up?"

Zhao Jun shook his head and said, "Maybe it's the wild boars that I thought were surrounded."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Jun pointed down at one of the three, and asked Zhang Yuanmin, "Brother, is that Li Daguai?"

Zhang Yuanmin stretched his neck to look, nodded and said, "It's him."

Li Baoyu asked from the side: "Then who are the other two?"

Zhang Yuanmin looked again, but shook his head and said, "It doesn't seem to belong to our village."

Zhao Jun saw that one of them was bowed, like a hunchback, and thought of a person in his mind, and said, "It seems that there is a Li Luoguo."

Don't say it, Zhao Jun is really right.Among those three people, there was really a hunchback.

Moreover, what Zhao Jun said before was correct, the three of them really thought that their dogs were surrounded by wild boars.

The day before yesterday, Li Daguai and Zhang Yuanmin's brother-in-law discovered the black blind warehouse together.

The next day, Zhang Yuanmin asked Chen Dalai to kill Heixiongcang, while Li Daguai went to Yongshengtun next door to find his uncle and brother Li Dong.

This Li Dong is good at marksmanship, and he has three hunting dogs at home.Because of his hunchback since he was a child, he was called Li Luoguozi since he was a child.

Hearing Li Daguai say that Xiongcangzi was found, Li Dong hesitated for a while, he was also a little worried, not only because he was afraid that something would happen to him, after all, it was the Chinese New Year, even if it hurt the dog, it would not be good.

But the hunter is like this, knowing that there is a Xiong Cangzi, but he can't kill it, and he feels uncomfortable.So, Li Dong took Li Daguai together to find his good friend Wei Lai.

This Wei Lai is also a hunter, and his family also has three hunting dogs.

He and Li Dong have a very good relationship. They usually break up and work alone, but when they meet big guys, they will stay together and shoot the whole family.

Both of them have guns, and they have six dogs. They team up, two guns against a black bear, there is absolutely no loss.

So, three people took six dogs into the mountains this morning.

Along the way, they were not in a hurry, and walked slowly, but in the middle, the dog suddenly fell down the ditch from the hillside.

"Is it a wild boar?" Wei Lai asked Li Dong casually.

"It should be." Li Dong answered casually, and took the gun off his shoulder.

Wei Lai also held his gun in his hand, and said, "Don't worry about it, we'll just arrive when we've settled down."

Although they came here to kill Xiong Cangzi, they were not in a hurry. They had something to eat along the way. Anyway, it was the Chinese New Year. No matter what they were eating, they could add food. Why not do it?

Regardless of whether the dog is surrounded and killed now, after killing it, it will be fine to kill the black bear in the end.

But they didn't know that there were three red deer under the pond.

 I uploaded it just now, and many brothers have read it. I don’t know why the system took the previous draft and changed my chapter. I didn’t save the draft and had to rewrite it.

  This is already the second time, this writer's assistant, what a piece of crap
(End of this chapter)

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