Chapter 111 Buying a Dog
Xu Changlin bid a price for the three dogs at his feet in his own yard.

As for the price he said, Zhao Jun was taken aback when he heard it, and almost dragged Li Baoyu away.

three hundred!

Is this old man crazy?
Not only Zhao Jun, but everyone else also looked at each other in blank dismay, speechless for a long time.

Zhang Yuanmin winked at Zhao Jun, and then said to Xu Changlin, "Master Xu, I just remembered that there is still some work at home, so I'll go back first."

Xu Changlin was taken aback when he heard the words, and his expression turned pale.

But this piece of aid to the people, Xu Changlin knew that he was just here to show off and watch the fun.

But just watch the excitement, this guy is still a moth.As soon as the old man quoted a price, he raised his leg and walked away. Let others see it, as if the price was too high and forced him to leave.

Just when Xu Changlin felt that it was not good to be a teacher, Qin Qiang asked: "Master Xu, do you want to dismantle the gang?"

Xu Changlin thought for a while, looked at Qin Qiang, and said, "Dismantle the gang, you go back all the way, don't you have to get along with your dog? It's great that you pick a gang, take it back and get acquainted with the dog, and go straight up the mountain. "

"I don't want so much." Qin Qiang said, "I just want that green dog."

Xu Changlin didn't even think about it, so he directly refused, saying, "That's not possible."

Dogs are hard to find.

There is never a lack of help dogs in forest farms and mountain farms, no matter how tough they are.

But the head dog is really rare.

Before, Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu said that three dogs cost 80 to [-] yuan a piece, which is the average price of picking a gang.

If the three dogs add up to 40 or [-] yuan, the big-headed dog will have to take [-] or [-] yuan.

Because Zhao Jun knows that this blue wolf is not simple, it can be found, surrounded, and capable.

With it, you can get a few similar gang dogs casually, and you can become a dog gang.

As for Xu Changlin, he took his blue wolf and took him to sell the two gang dogs, and the sale was quite black.

If Qinglang was sold alone, who would sell the two gang dogs to?

Hearing Xu Changlin said that he would not dismantle the gang, Qin Qiang did not change his face, and asked with a smile: "Master Xu, if you don't want to dismantle the gang and sell it, can it be cheaper to pick the gang?"

In fact, Qin Qiang came here just to help.There were four hunting dogs in his family before, but he failed to kill the black bear, so the black bear killed three dogs, and now there is only one little green dog left.

Therefore, he just wanted to take all three dogs, Xu Changlin, home.

But Xu Changlin's price was too high, and Qin Qiang bargained if he couldn't come up, so he first asked the gang leader how much it was, and only when the old man said he would not dismantle the gang, he began to negotiate the price of the gang.

But who is Xu Changlin? He has been around him for half his life, so he knows everything about it.

Moreover, he knows the general situation of whoever's dog and what kind of situation these young people from the ten miles and eight villages are surrounded by.

He knew that Qin Qiang's family had only one little broken dog left. It had a bad smell and was born small and weak. No matter how hard it was to find the pig, the little dog couldn't keep it.

Therefore, he knew in his heart that Qin Qiang must have come here to solicit help.

It's the Chinese New Year, and after the Chinese New Year, spring will begin.

The black blind man is about to leave the cave.

The blind men in spring are the easiest to surround.

They have been squatting in the barn for a whole winter, and the fat accumulated last autumn has already been exhausted.

It can be said that the thin ones are not bear-like.

The key point is that its bear paws are also thin. When walking in the mountains and forests, the stones and gravel will scratch its feet, and there is no food in its stomach.

At this time, beating the dog, as long as the dog knows how to do it and dig out a few nests, the black bear will definitely climb the tree.

Once the black bear climbed the tree, it became a target. The gunner came over and took a steady aim, and the bear bile could be caught.

How much is a bear bile, and the two groups of dogs are rich.

Therefore, Xu Changlin is not afraid that no one will want his Qinglang, as long as someone buys Qinglang, the other two dogs must be bought together.

Even if the price is a bit dark.

Therefore, when Xu Changlin heard that Qin Qiang wanted to negotiate a price, he replied without hesitation: "Men, don't talk about a penny, just this price."

Qin Qiang was speechless when he heard the words, the three dogs Xu Changlin are good, but Qin Qiang is not being taken advantage of.

Qin Qiang glanced at Xu Changlin, shook his head, and said, "Master Xu, I'll go back first."

After speaking, Qin Qiang turned around and left.

At this time, Xu Changlin realized that something was wrong, and he wanted to treat these young people as wronged seeds, which seemed to be a wrong idea.

Zhang Yuanmin left, Qin Qiang left, and now only Zhao Jun, Li Baoyu, Wang Dalong, and the young man with the mustache were left in the yard.

Seeing the appearance of these four people, Xu Changlin couldn't help feeling like riding a tiger.

There are three hundred more, and it is easy to let these people go too.

But if the price were to be lowered, Qin Qiang would have been bitten to death just now.Now that Qin Qiang lowered the price as soon as he left, isn't that an offense?

"Man!" Xu Changlin cast his gaze on Zhao Jun. Zhao Jun has been in the limelight recently. He has beaten several blind men in the winter. I heard that he even has a lynx. With his harvest, it is no problem to buy his own three dogs. No problem.

So, Xu Changlin asked Zhao Jun, "What do you think of my dog?"

"That's great!" Zhao Jun looked at the dog Qinglang and said with a smile: "Master Xu, you dog gang is famous even in our forest farm, so what's the point?"

Speaking of this, Zhao Jun changed the subject under the expectant eyes of the old man, and said: "But my family already has four dogs, and I can't afford to keep three more."

Then, Zhao Jun pointed at the blue wolf and asked Xu Changlin, "Master Xu, one hundred and five, can this blue wolf be given to us?"

"Don't dismantle the gang!" Xu Changlin still refused. If you just agreed not to dismantle the gang, then you can't dismantle it.

What's more, Qinglang sells one hundred and fifty to make money.But the remaining two dogs are hard to sell together for 100 yuan.

In this way, wouldn't it be a loss of fifty?

Rejected by Xu Changlin, Zhao Jun just smiled, took two steps back, returned to Li Baoyu, and shook his head at Li Baoyu.

The old man is too black to buy his dog.

Li Baoyu immediately understood what Zhao Jun meant. He always listened to Zhao Jun. If Zhao Jun said that 300 yuan was fine, he would settle with Xu Changlin first, and then go home and ask Jin Xiaomei for the money.

But Zhao Jun said he couldn't buy it, so Li Baoyu didn't buy it.

"Wow! Wow..."

Suddenly, two dogs barking came from the backyard. Hearing the barking, the three hunting dogs lying at Xu Changlin's feet got up one after another.

"Get down!" Xu Changlin drank, and the three hounds lay down again.

"Master Xu, do you still have a dog at home?" Zhao Jun asked curiously.

Xu Changlin seemed a little impatient, he just said: "This bitch is born, a half-year-old pup, and I haven't been to the mountains before."

After speaking, Xu Changlin looked at Wang Dalong.

Zhao Jun walked slowly towards the backyard of Xu Changlin's house, followed by Li Baoyu.

On the side of Xu Changlin's house is a narrow dirt road, and at the end is the yard behind the house.

Before Zhao Jun entered the backyard, he heard the barking of the dog getting louder and louder.

Zhao Jun didn't go out of the house, just stretched his head to look, and saw a little flower dog barking at him to bite.

Zhao Jun told Li Baoyu to wait for him where he was, and he went into the backyard by himself and walked around the little flower dog.

The little flower dog was tied up, pulling the chain and rushing towards Zhao Jun, but it was always controlled within a certain range.

Zhao Jun walked half a circle around him, then came back and raised his head to Li Baoyu.

The two returned to the front yard and saw Xu Changlin and Wang Dalong discussing something.

Zhao Jun waited for a while, and when the two fell into a stalemate and did not speak, he asked Xu Changlin, "Master Xu, can you sell the dog behind your house?"

Xu Changlin glanced at Zhao Jun, rolled his eyes, and said, "Fifteen."

Zhao Jun stretched out his hand, patted Li Baoyu's arm, and said, "Baoyu, give me the money."

(End of this chapter)

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