The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 113 Xu Pao and the Dog

Chapter 113 Xu Pao and the Dog
Good dogs die on the hills.

This is an old saying passed down from generation to generation.

Just like the death of a general on the couch, it is a great sorrow.

Some people may ask, do dogs think the same way?

The hunting dog, the more powerful the hunting dog, the more unyielding it is.

When it is old, the owner does not take it up the mountain, even if it is given delicious food, it will not eat.

In the hunting a while ago, Xing Zhiyong, who was more outstanding, had raised a hunting dog in Zhao Jun's last life. When the dog was seven years old, Xing Zhiyong stopped taking it up the mountain.

Every time the dog saw Xing Zhiyong taking other dogs into the mountains, it would sit at home and howl.

Dog howling is different from the sound of dogs barking. Dog owners can hear the sadness of hunting dogs from howling dogs.

However, it is old and can't run anymore.When hunting, it rushed in a hurry, and the wild boar turned around to pick it, but it couldn't dodge it.

Finally, the dog went on a hunger strike.

Xing Zhiyong mixed wild boar fat with cornmeal for it to eat, but it refused to eat it.

Xing Zhiyong gave it wild boar and roe deer meat, but it didn't eat it either.

In the end, the old dog starved to death by himself.

Some people may not understand, but the real hunting dog is like this.

When Xu Changlin said "a good dog, let it die on the mountain", the old man straightened up and looked at the mountains in the distance.

His dog is not old, but he is.

Since the year before last, Xu Changlin has been unable to climb the mountain, and persisted until last autumn. He took three dogs up the mountain to fight, and the three dogs surrounded a wild boar on the slope, killing it inextricably.

But Xu Changlin, who was a hunter, couldn't run anymore, and moved up step by step. When he moved up, the wild boar had already run away, and the three dogs were all injured.

If Xu Changlin was a few years younger that day, he could arrive in two minutes faster, and the wild boar would not be able to escape if he shot.

From that day on, Xu Changlin never went into the mountain again. He was afraid that he would kill three dogs because he couldn't run.

But after that, the three dogs often looked at the mountains and howled, and their appetite was much smaller.

That's why Xu Changlin thought of selling dogs.

At this time, Zhao Jun stepped forward and said to Xu Changlin, "Master Xu, my Brother Dalong is still good at hunting."

"Yes." Xu Changlin nodded and said, "I know."

After finishing speaking, the old man took out the wad of money that Wang Dalong gave him from his pocket, took out two coins from it and handed them to Li Baoyu, and said to him: "Just ask Wang Dalong to pay you thirty tomorrow."

"This..." Li Baoyu looked at Xu Changlin, not understanding why, so he dared not reach out to take the 20 yuan.

Xu Changlin stuffed the money into the pocket of Li Baoyu's padded jacket, and said, "I don't want to sell the dog to Zhang Laibao, so I can't ask Wang Dalong to pay the extra 20 yuan."

"Master Xu, you..." Li Baoyu was even more confused, this old man just now looked like he was desperate for money, how can he return all the money in his pocket now?
Zhao Jun said from the side: "Master Xu wants to find a good owner for his dogs."

Hearing Zhao Jun's words, Xu Changlin took a deep look at him, and said: "Then Qin Qiang has a bad heart, and I deliberately asked him to ask for three hundred, so he ran away. Zhang Laibao is unreliable, no matter how much money he pays Sell ​​him."

Speaking of this, Xu Changlin paused, and then said: "If you two don't buy it, I can only sell it to Wang Dalong. Although this kid is bald and rebellious in his work, he is good with dogs."

"Master Xu, you..." Zhao Jun said, giving Xu Changlin a thumbs up.

In the previous life, he hadn't hunted yet at this time.

He doesn't hunt, and Li Baoyu hangs out with him at home.

Without the blunders of the two of them, the dog gang of Wang Dalong's family would not have broken up.That Laibao will not give birth to the idea of ​​buying a dog for hunting.

So in the previous life, Xu Changlin sold these dogs to a Xian tribe named Jin Gaolai.

In the autumn of 1987, when Jin Gao came to hunt in the mountains, three dogs surrounded a black bear. After a fight, the three dogs forced the black bear into a tree.

Jin Gaolai took the gun to aim at the bottom, but he did not understand after the third or second aim, and shot through the black bear's ass.

The black bear fell from the tree and took Jin Gaolai with a gun.

When Jin Gao came to change the bullet and was about to fire the second shot, the second shot misfired because the bullet swelled.

At this time, the three dogs could no longer hold the black bear, and the two black bears caught up with Jin Gaolai and tore off Jin Gaolai's brain with one blow.

The three dogs fought to the death to save Jin Gaolai.

After three dogs were broken, Jin Gaolai got down from the hillside little by little, and climbed to the mountainside to chase the mountain people's huts. Then he was rescued and sent to the hospital at the foot of the mountain, saving his life.

As for the three dogs, everyone only cared about saving people, but no one cared about them.

That night, Xu Changlin learned the news.Early the next morning, before dawn, the old man went into the mountain with his gun on his back.

When he climbed up the slope, he saw the dead bodies of the three dogs lying on the hillside, with blood everywhere around them.

The old man, who had just passed his 59th birthday, searched the surrounding hills for three days with a gun on his back.

Until the third day, he shot the blind man to death.

Many people say that Xu Pao is not old, he is almost 60 years old, and he can go to the mountains alone to kill bear galls to make money.

But Zhao Jun heard from Zhao Youcai that Xu Changlin went to avenge his dogs.

If it was really for the purpose of killing bear bile, how could he sell the dog.If there are dogs, don't you earn more?

Therefore, Zhao Jun knew that Xu Changlin didn't only love money, he didn't love dogs.

When they came to the backyard, Xu Changlin handed the little flower dog into Li Baoyu's hands, and then said to the two of them: "Men, it's getting late, I won't keep you guys, and I'll come home another day."

Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu naturally knew that this was seeing off guests, so they bid farewell to Xu Changlin immediately, and they left with the little flower dog.

This little flower dog was only half a year old. It seemed that he didn't understand what happened and didn't struggle, but he kept wagging his tail at Xu Changlin when he walked away.

Xu Changlin watched the two and a dog disappear at the gate of the courtyard, and he turned around the house.

When I entered the back room, I saw an old lady in a black padded jacket sitting on the kang wiping her tears.

"Why are you still crying? It's endless." Xu Changlin sat on the edge of the kang and muttered, then picked up the mug on the kang table and drank two sips of water.

The old lady said: "I have been raising it for so many years, and I will sell it if I say it."

"Oh!" Xu Changlin sighed, took out all the money from his pocket, and handed it to the old lady.

The old lady pulled down the stacked money with her hands, and she couldn't help being surprised: "Old man, how much are you selling for?"

Xu Changlin took another sip of water and said, "Two hundred and eight for the pick, and fifteen for the florets behind the house."

"How much?" The old lady exclaimed, without even taking the money, she got up and said, "Three dogs, you sell them for two hundred and eight? You sell them so much, how can they treat our dogs well?"

Xu Changlin let out a long breath and said, "Spend a little more money, and he will know how to take care of it."

The old lady was taken aback when she heard the words, and then she remembered the three dogs. She had fed those dogs all these years, but now she suddenly sold the dogs, and the old lady felt empty in her heart.

Thinking of this, the old lady's eyes were red again. While wiping her eyes, she picked up the money, turned around and put the money in the kang cabinet.

After she put away the money and turned around, she saw Xu Changlin sitting there blankly.Only then did she realize that it was her old man who suffered the most from selling the dog.

But old couples of this age don't know how to comfort each other.

The old lady just said: "Old man, you can rest for a while, I will cut some meat, soak some vermicelli, and stew sauerkraut for you tonight."

Xu Changlin sat there without saying a word.

The old lady got up and went to the outhouse to cook. After she went out, Xu Changlin lowered his head and murmured: "This time, we don't need to save the sauerkraut soup for the dog."

(End of this chapter)

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