Chapter 139 Ambush from All Sides
When the dog barks, it means it has encountered prey!
These four dogs were fed by Li Baoyu just now, and they were full of food. They have [-]% of their combat strength, and if they can display [-]% of their abilities at this time, it is too much to say.

Huang Gui was in a hurry, Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu were even more anxious.

Six people, four with guns and two with bare hands, ran forward together.

But running, running, running for five or six minutes, when all the runners were sweating in their trouser pockets, Zhao Jun shouted: "Wait a minute, don't run!"

Everyone stopped and looked at Zhao Jun one after another. Li Baoyu said anxiously, "Brother, why don't you run away?"

Zhao Jun held the gun in one hand and pinched his waist in the other, panting heavily, "It's not that big lonely guy."

As soon as Zhao Jun said, Wei Lai, Huang Gui, and Jiang Ming all realized that they were too anxious just now, and ran forward without hesitation when they heard the sound of the dog.

But now, after running for a long time, they can still hear dogs barking, which means that what they met was definitely not the big lonely man.

Because, if it was the wild boar, the four dogs would definitely not be able to hold on for such a long time.

Hearing the barking of the dog getting louder and louder, everyone was not in a hurry. They took a breath on the spot, sweated a little, and then walked forward slowly together.

When the barking of the dog stopped in one place, everyone quickened their pace.

When I got there, I saw four dogs imprisoning a female wild boar in a forest.

This forest is just like what Zhao Jun said, it is all forests that have been cleared, and many new branches have sprouted from the stumps.

You must know that arching branches from the tree stump to the outside is not just one arch, but all the branches on the left and right of the stump, densely packed.

These new branches have been growing for more than a year or two years, and the thick ones are not as thick as wrists, and the thin ones are as thin as fingers.

In this kind of forest, hunting dogs can't get through no matter what they encounter, thick or thin.

When they collide, they will be bounced back, and when they encounter a wild boar attack, they cannot escape at all.

But when wild boars are planted in the forest, they push them horizontally and horizontally.

Even though this wild boar weighs only about two hundred catties, it can pass through the forest without hindrance.

Thank goodness it's a sow, no tusks.

Another one is thanks to Hua Xiaoer.

Hua Xiaoer was brought into the mountain by Lin Xiangshun when he was 7 months old, and he is already [-] years old this year.

Just like what Huang Gui said, Hua Xiaoer is getting old.

But the old dog has a lot of experience and is smart enough to know how to cooperate with other companions.

In the fight with this wild boar, it never attacked easily, and only swam around the wild boar.

But when the wild boar attacked another dog and the dog couldn't escape, Hua Xiao'er mouthed the wild boar's butt from behind.

And as Huang Gui said, Hua Xiaoer's mouth is ruthless, if he swallows it down, the wild boar will stop and turn back.

When the wild boar turned around, Hua Xiao'er had already run away.At this time, the other three dogs started to attack the wild boar again, and when they were in danger again, Hua Xiaoer attacked the back door of the wild boar again.

Zhao Jun and the others could see clearly from outside the forest, only to hear Jiang Ming say: "It is said that Lin Xiangshun's colorful neck is amazing, I saw it today."

Huang Guidao: "As the little brother said, the slopes on this mountain are quite flat, if they are all steep, with this flower dog, that big lonely guy can't run a few nests before he has to stand."

"Brother." At this moment, Li Baoyu's eyes lit up, and he asked Zhao Jun, "I'll put the knife on the knife, shall I stab it later?"

"Farewell first." Zhao Jun stopped Li Baoyu and said, "This is an old sow, just let our four dogs play with her in the woods."

Speaking of this, Zhao Jun weighed the gun in his hand, and smiled at Li Baoyu: "You just want a knife, and you don't need a pier knife. You have this."

Li Baoyu nodded with a smile. He knew that Zhao Jun was right in thinking. Among these dogs, except for the white dragon, the other three dogs had been absent from battle for a long time due to injuries.

It was a stroke of luck to hit the 300-jin cannon egg before.

The cannon egg was kicked out by the dog before it even started the nest. By chance, the pig stumbled, and the fight was over before it even started.

Otherwise, it would definitely not be so easy for four dogs to surround that 300-jin cannon egg.

The wild boar rushed left and right in the forest, but no matter how it ran, dogs chased and intercepted it. When it wanted to attack the dogs, Hua Xiaoer bit it from behind.

It has rough skin and thick flesh, but it is scored somewhere. The flesh behind it is thick, but it does not bite.

Every time Hua Xiaoer attacked, the wild boar bitten was in agony.

Gradually, the wild boar became more and more angry.It rushed towards Daqing with a dull head. Seeing this, Daqing turned around and ran, but before he ran a few steps, he was blocked by the thick and thin tree branches. Daqing turned his head and saw that the wild boar had already rushed to it.

Daqing bumped into those tree branches and rushed over, but the densely packed branches intertwined like a net, Daqing couldn't run into them at all.

Just when Daqing was in danger, Hua Xiaoer attacked from behind the wild boar, tilted his head and bit the chrysanthemum of the wild boar, and ran forward with the wild boar, Hua Xiaoer pulled back, only to hear the wild boar scream, and there seemed to be many chrysanthemums at the gate. It has a very small tail.

This is to pull out the head of the intestines!
The wild boar turned around abruptly, Hua Xiao'er quickly let go of his mouth to dodge, the wild boar chased after a few steps, but was bitten by the ear by the white dragon attacking from the side.

Among the four hounds, Hua Xiao'er was the most ruthless, followed by Bailong and Dahuang.

As for Daqing, its lower mouth is the weakest, and it relies on its body strength in hunting.

Bailong bit the wild boar's left ear. At this time, the wild boar only hated Hua Xiao'er, and dragged Bailong forward for a moment.

Bai Long didn't let go, letting the boar drag him forward.

Being dragged by the wild boar for about half a meter, Bailong leaned his body against the boar, shaking his head and neck.

The wild boar only felt a sharp pain in his ears, and he jerked his head up.

With this movement, he didn't touch the white dragon at all, but the white dragon fell straight backwards.

Why is this?

I saw Bailong lay down on the snow, twisted his waist, turned over, and opened his mouth to spit out half a wild boar's ear.

The ear was bitten off, so the wild boar wailed and rushed towards the white dragon.

Rhubarb attacked quickly, biting one of the wild boar's front thighs, but the wild boar charged so hard that it staggered Rhubarb.

Bailong ran around in circles, and within a few steps he almost collided with Daqing. Seeing the ferocious approach of the wild boar, Dahuang and Daqing fled separately.

The wild boar chased after the white dragon.

But it seems to have forgotten that the scariest of the four dogs is the one with the colorful neck.

Hua Xiao'er had already touched the back of the wild boar, she jumped up, grabbed the large intestine in her mouth and pulled it out.

"Aw..." The wild boar screamed, and then turned around to chase after Hua Xiao'er.

But when it turned around, the pulled out intestines scraped on a thin branch. The wild boar ran forward, and the intestines attached to it bent the branch.

The wild boar only felt the pain, and thought that some dog had bitten it, so it turned around and circled, but the dog was nowhere to be seen.

As it circled, the intestines were tightly entangled on the tree sticks, and the entanglement became tighter and more painful.

The wild boar simply sat down on the ground, thinking that if it hides its butt, it will not be afraid of being bitten by the dog.

But the moment it sat down, the four dogs nailed it together, hanging on the pliers, biting the front elbow, and scratching the buttocks.

When it is left and right two...

No, it was when Daqing and Bailong grabbed one and a half of its ears, it was difficult for the wild boar to think about it.

"I'm going to take its life!" Outside the woods, Li Baoyu yelled imitating the words of the characters in the comic book, and rushed into the woods.

Seeing this, Zhao Jun shouted, "Baoyu, give you a gun."

Just now Li Baoyu wanted to chop a stick and pier knife, but Zhao Jun refused to let it go because there were no suitable small trees around.

Moreover, Zhao Jun wanted Li Baoyu to use the bayonet on the front of the 56-type semi-automatic gun to kill wild boars. The bayonet has blood grooves on both sides, which is a sharp weapon for killing pigs and roe deer.

But as for Li Baoyu, he rushed straight into the woods without taking the gun in Zhao Jun's hand, or chopping the stick and pier knife.

Zhao Jun called him, but couldn't hold back.

Li Baoyu shouted without turning his head: "No need, I have a knife."

"Then you're on top!"

When Zhao Jun shouted again, Li Baoyu stopped answering.

Look at him holding the dagger-like knife, going around behind the wild boar, and two steps up to the wild boar.

Li Baoyu grabbed the mane on the wild boar's back with his left hand, and stabbed forward with his right hand, piercing the wild boar's neck.


There was a cry from the wild boar's throat, and Li Baoyu pulled out his knife, bringing out a column of blood, followed by another knife!

This knife re-entered, and Li Baoyu, who was holding the wild boar's mane, could feel the strength of the wild boar's struggle.

Li Baoyu drew his knife, and pushed forward with the hand holding the wild boar's mane, Daqing and Bailong took advantage of the momentum to press him into the snow.

Outside the forest, Zhao Jun and others looked a little dumbfounded.

Seeing Li Baoyu walking towards the outside of the forest with arrogance and arrogance, Jiang Ming closed his big mouth and murmured: "This little brother is quite a tiger..."

When Huang Gui just said the word "tiger", Huang Gui slapped Jiang Ming secretly with his elbow. Jiang Ming immediately reacted, and immediately changed his words loudly to cover up: "It's so fierce!"

"Hahaha..." Li Baoyu laughed triumphantly when he heard someone praise himself.

Zhao Jun gave him a helpless look. The forest was too noisy just now, covered by branches and twigs, which affected the sight of shooting, so he agreed to Li Baoyu's knife hunting in the forest.

Unexpectedly, this kid is just playing around.

"Brother, take it." Li Baoyu came in front of Zhao Jun and said to Zhao Jun.

Zhao Jun laughed at once, took the invasion knife from Li Baoyu's hand, and said: "Okay, my brother has made a meritorious service today, and I will open this pig's belly."

As he said that, Zhao Jun walked towards the forest with a knife, Wei Lai, Huang Gui and Jiang Ming stepped forward to help him.

Zhou Jianjun had never done this kind of work before, so he saw that there were enough people there, so he didn't go forward, but praised Li Baoyu and said, "Baoyu, it's okay, it's really a trick."

Li Baoyu chuckled, he and Zhao Jun had been hunting together for a long time, and this was the first time that Zhao Jun had been allowed to disembowel him.

At this time, Zhou Jianjun asked Li Baoyu again: "Baoyu, you said that I will raise dogs and learn guns from now on, how long will I have to practice before I can go into the mountains like Xiaojun?"

"Ah?" Li Baoyu was taken aback by his question. He looked down at Zhou Jianjun, and seeing that Zhou Jianjun didn't seem to be joking, Li Baoyu couldn't help feeling a little panicked.

He said, "Brother-in-law, don't you like fishing?"

Zhou Jianjun thought for a while before saying, "I don't think fishing is as interesting as this."

"This..." Li Baoyu scratched his head a little bit, he blinked, and under Zhou Jianjun's gaze, he had no choice but to say: "Brother-in-law, you are a forest farm cadre, and you are busy enough for a day, how can you have time for hunting?"

"Why not?" Zhou Jianjun said, "I can play when I am off duty."

Li Baoyu couldn't do it anymore, he looked towards the forest and saw Zhao Jun and others dragging the wild boar away, he hurriedly said: "Big brother-in-law, I'll help them drag that pig away."

Seeing Li Baoyu running, Zhao Jun smiled and said, "I wonder if you can't help us."

Li Baoyu laughed dryly, took the pig's trotter from Zhao Jun's hand, and pulled it out of the forest vigorously.

After dragging the pig outside, Zhao Jun looked at the people around him, and said to them, "I don't want the cannon eggs I beat before. Brothers, whoever you want, you can go home. This old mother Pig, I have to drag it back to honor my uncle and aunt."

Hearing what Zhao Jun said, he was going home, and he said just now that he would continue to follow that pig.

But when you think about it, the dog is tired after two battles, so it's time to go home.

Several people discussed it, and made an appointment to meet at Tunkou at [-] o'clock tomorrow morning, and then come to Xiaogushan to pinch pigs.

Then, Zhao Jun, Li Baoyu and Zhou Jianjun took the rope and dragged the wild boar down the mountain to go home.

And Wei Lai, Huang Gui, and Jiang Ming went to drag the cannonball pig that Zhao Jun had killed before.

The three of them had already discussed it, and the pig would belong to Wei Lai.And the side that Huang Gui hit yesterday belongs to Jiang Ming.

As for Huang Gui, his family is in Lingnan, so it is impossible for that wild boar to drag him back to Lingnan.

Zhao Jun dragged the pig down the mountain. Since he returned to Yongsheng Village, someone greeted Zhou Jianjun and asked who brought the wild boar back.

It's almost February [-], and seeing wild boars, these people are jealous.

Zhou Jianjun said that Li Baoyu killed him. If Zhao Jun, these people knew that he was Zhou Jianjun's brother-in-law, they might even ask for some pork.

But Li Baoyu was only a guest of Zhou Jianjun's house, which made people feel embarrassed to speak up.

The three of them dragged the pig into Zhou's yard, but Hu Sanmei was overjoyed. Zhao Chun told his mother-in-law that the two hundred catties of female wild pork was the best.

After Hu Sanmei took out the tools, Zhao Jun, Zhou Jianjun and Li Baoyu grilled wild boars in the yard.

After seeing the whole piece of wild boar skin hanging in the yard, Zhou Jianjun finally couldn't bear it any longer. He said to Zhao Jun, "Xiaojun, I will go hunting with you in the mountains from now on."

"Ah?" Zhao Jun was taken aback when he heard the words, but he came back to his senses in an instant, and said: "Brother-in-law, let's talk about this later, we've been running for a whole day, let's go into the house and have a rest."



After dinner, Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu went back to the north room, where they lay on the kang chatting.

After chatting for a while, Li Baoyu got up suddenly and said to Zhao Jun, "Brother, if so many of us share the 200 yuan and [-] catties of food stamps together, how much can one person get?"

Zhao Jun smiled and said to Li Baoyu: "Baoyu, let me tell you, money is nothing. The point is, if we can't kill this pig, then don't worry about that pig god."

"Ah..." Li Baoyu seemed to have realized something, and slowly lay down, put his head on the pillow again, and said, "So brother, you want to practice with this big lonely man."

"That's right." Zhao Jun said: "That pig god is harder to beat than this pig. We have to think about beating it before we can think about that pig god."

"Then my father and my uncle..."

"They?" Zhao Jun smiled and said, "Run for nothing."

"Ah!" Suddenly, Li Baoyu sat up from the kang again.

This startled Zhao Jun, and he said in surprise, "What are you going to do?"

Li Baoyu said, "I don't know how Brother Zhang is doing?"

Hearing Li Baoyu mention Zhang Yuanmin, Zhao Jun sighed, turned over and said, "Okay, go to sleep."


Silent all night.

Early the next morning, Zhao Jun, Zhou Jianjun, and Li Baoyu joined Wei Lai, Huang Gui, and Jiang Ming, and the six of them circled the mountain.

Thanks to the fact that the mountain is not big, we walked around the mountain after three o'clock in the afternoon.

Because Wei Lai, Huang Gui, and Jiang Ming were going to drag the wild boar that Huang Gui killed the day before yesterday, Zhao Jun pointed to this mountain field and said to the three of them before parting: "Tomorrow we will get up early and hold the flashlight at six o'clock on time." into the mountains."

Speaking of this, Zhao Jun pointed to Jiang Ming and said: "Brother Jiang, go up the mountain root to the west, touch the old pig's nest, and beat it when you see it. It's best to kill it. If you can't kill it, you can directly kill it." go home."

"Okay!" Jiang Ming responded.

Zhao Jun said again: "Brother-in-law, Baoyu, you two will go up from Beishan tomorrow. I see a big clam tree on the top of Beishan. If the wild boar runs to you, you two will climb up the tree. When the pig passes under you, you two will go up again." down the tree.

After getting off the tree, the two of you followed the pig, arguing while walking. "

"Okay." Li Baoyu agreed, and then explained to Zhou Jianjun in a low voice, saying that it was the so-called rush.

"Brother Wei." Zhao Jun said to Wei Lai again: "You put two ditches in the west mountain, block the first ditch, and hit it when you see it."

After instructing Wei Lai, Zhao Jun looked at Huang Gui and said to him, "Brother, tomorrow you will take my four dogs and block them in Erdaogou. When you hear the gunshots, let them go."


After Zhao Jun made arrangements, he returned to Yongshengtun with Zhou Jianjun and Li Baoyu.

After eating and sleeping that night, the next morning, it was still dark outside, and Hu Sanmei had already made breakfast.

After eating, the three put brand-new AA batteries into the flashlight, and then dressed neatly. Zhao Jun carried a gun on his back, Li Baoyu and Zhou Jianjun each led two dogs, and the three went out with a flashlight each.

When the three of them came to the entrance of the village, it was only six o'clock when they saw Huang Gui standing in front with a gun in his back, waiting for a long time.

Li Baoyu and Zhou Jianjun handed the four dogs on the rope to Zhao Jun and Huang Gui respectively, and then parted ways and went north.

Zhao Jun and Huang Gui went into the mountain together, and went straight to the two ditches to the east. When they came to the second ditch, Zhao Jun handed all the dogs into Huang Gui's hands.

At the same time, Jiang Ming had already entered the old pig's nest in Xishan according to Zhao Jun's instructions.When I arrived in front of the welcome post, it was just after seven o'clock, and the genius in the mountain saw light slightly.

Jiang Ming turned off the flashlight, stuffed it into his pocket, and walked quietly through the woods, faintly hearing the whirring sound ahead.

Jiang Ming held the gun in his hand. The gun he used today was also a semi-automatic rifle provided by Qi Shengli.

Jiang Ming walked forward slowly, passing through the pine forest. There were many needles and shrubs on the left and right. Every time Jiang Ming took a step, he had to carefully hold down the surrounding tree branches with his hands. Slowly raise your hand and let go of those branches.

"Wow..." But no matter how careful he was, he still made a movement. The shoulder bag on his shoulder caught a tree branch. As he walked forward, the tree branch snapped and made a crisp sound. .


There was a faint sound coming from the front. Jiang Ming squinted his eyes and saw a giant standing up from under a big pine tree through the dense tree branches.

Jiang Ming poked the muzzle forward, and when the muzzle passed through the needle bar and the bushes and pointed towards it, the huge monster swayed and ran away.

Jiang Ming fired three shots in a row, and after the third shot, the behemoth had long since disappeared.

The muzzle of the gun was pierced through the needles and bushes, and Jiang Ming couldn't turn the muzzle of the gun around.

Jiang Ming sighed, put away the gun, and went down the mountain to go home.


About an hour passed.

On Xiaogu Mountain, on the North Mountain, under the only big tree, Li Baoyu and Zhou Jianjun were chatting leisurely.

Chatting, chatting, feeling a little cold, the two of them turned somersaults and fought around.

Suddenly, he made a somersault, and Zhou Jianjun, who had just got up, pointed to the opposite hillside, "Baoyu, what do you think that is?"

Li Baoyu took a look, pushed him quickly, and said, "Brother-in-law, the pig is coming, hurry up the tree."

Zhou Jianjun quickly turned around and climbed up the tree. When he got to the middle of the tree, he stood there.

Li Baoyu also came up, and the two stood on the tree, hugging the tree together, watching a big wild boar run under the tree.

This pig really weighs seven hundred catties.

The wild boar ran under the tree, wondering if it saw Li Baoyu and Zhou Jianjun in the tree.

However, Li Baoyu and Zhou Jianjun saw clearly that there was a circle of scars on the back of this wild boar between its front and hind legs.

The wound was an old one, and the deep wound had already healed, but a deep horizontal groove was left on the wild boar.

"Brother-in-law, let's go down."

The two started, following the footprints of the big wild boar, shouting loudly as they walked.

After more than an hour, the wild boar really went all the way to Dongshan and went straight to Liangdaogou according to the route drawn by Zhao Junjun.

On Toudaogou, Wei Lai had already been ready for battle, and when he saw a wild boar running from a distance, Wei Lai hurriedly pointed his gun at his face.

Wei Lai flipped the safety button and fired a single shot.

Beat the hair slightly on the top, and beat the belly on the bottom.

Wei Lai's shot really passed under the wild boar's belly.

This bullet never shot into the wild boar's body, but it wiped open its lower abdomen. The wound was not deep, but there was blood overflowing.

At the same time, on two ditches less than two miles away, Huang Gui heard gunshots and hurriedly unfastened the chain and horse buckle of the dogs, and then saw four hounds running towards a ditch one after another.

With a gun in hand, Huang Gui hurried to catch up.

Wei Lai fired a shot, and when he turned the gun, he saw that the wild boar did not go into a ditch, but went to the bottom of the ditch and pond on the left.

Wei Lai pulled the trigger again.

Two more shots.

The first shot missed the wild boar's back.

But the second shot directly discounted one of the wild boar's hind legs.

The gunshots rang out again, and the wild boar had already gone down the ditch and pond.

At this time, Wei Lai heard the sound of a dog coming from the east, and it was getting closer.

This wild boar weighing nearly [-] catties had one of its hind legs broken by a gun, and the downhill was just convenient for its front legs to exert strength.

This mountain is noisy, and the bottom of the ditch and pond is even more noisy, full of needles and bushes, and mountain runners call this place Naoxiatang.

The wild boar passed through the Naoxia pond, saw the hill, wandered down the slope and went down again.

But further forward, there is a piece of Tatoudianzi.

Just to the left of Tatoudianzi, under a lonely linden tree, Zhao Jun stood against the tree with a steel gun in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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