The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 147 To Steal Zhao Jun's Dog

Chapter 147 To Steal Zhao Jun's Dog
Qin Qiang's family.

After several months, Qin Qiang lay down on the kang again.

His injury was not serious, and he didn't need drips, and he didn't even need stitches for the wound on his back.

In the outhouse of his house, two dogs were lying on the sack, they were wrapped in thick gauze, and a needle was stuck in one of their front legs.

In the room.

Tao Hehua sighed and remained silent.

The three brothers of the Tao family were sitting around the kang table, smoking cigarettes.

Hearing Tao Hehua's sigh, Tao Dasheng took the cigarette out of his mouth, and before he could puff it out, he said to Tao Hehua, "Sister, this time it's my fault."

"Why?" Before Tao Hehua could speak, Qin Qiang, who was lying on the kang, spoke first, and only heard him say: "If you are my brother-in-law, don't say that."

Tao Hehua also said: "It's okay, your brother-in-law is not seriously injured, I just feel sorry for Xiaoqing."

When Tao Hehua mentioned Xiaoqinggou, Tao Dasheng even lowered his head and stopped talking.

At this time, Tao Ersheng flicked the cigarette ash and said, "I don't know if Zhang Laibao can figure it out."

"He can handle a fart!" Tao Sansheng continued: "I don't think he is a good guy. You said that two dogs died in our family and one dog died in his family. If he can't beat a bear, he will die. What kind of beating is this?"

Tao Hehua said at the side: "If you want me to tell you, don't go up the mountain with such a person."

Qin Qiang said: "Don't we still owe him money?"

Once she said this, Tao Hehua stopped talking.

Qin Qiang has been troubled since he failed to buy the three dogs from Xu Changlin a year ago.

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, he went to burn paper by the river and happened to meet Zhang Laibao.

Zhang Laibao asked Qin Qiang about besieging, and said he was going to Lingnan to buy a dog.

When Huang Gui said goodbye to Zhao Jun, he said that there were many people hunting in Lingnan, and there were also many hunting dogs.

This is because most of the farmers in the South of the Five Ridges planted in spring and harvested in autumn, and when they were not busy with farming, they went to the mountains to hunt.

The villages of Yong'an and Yongsheng rely on forest farms, and most of the workers go to work on time on weekdays. Relatively speaking, there are very few people hunting.

Qin Qiang, who was thinking of buying a dog to rebuild the dog gang, took his three brothers-in-law and went to Lingnan with Zhang Laibao after hearing about it.

When they arrived in Lingnan, they fell in love with two gangs of dogs. Qin Qiang picked a gang and bought a gang of four dogs.

And Zhang Laibao also picked a gang and bought a bunch of three dogs.

However, when paying, Qin Qiang didn't have enough money in his pocket, so Guan Zhang Laibao borrowed 80 yuan.

Since then, Zhang Laibao has often come to Qin Qiang's house to ask him about besieging.Until the day before yesterday, these dogs had been fed at home for several days, and Qin Qiang discussed with Zhang Laibao to take the dogs into the mountains together to try their abilities.

If you've tried them and found them good, leave them alone.If you feel bad after trying it, then hurry up and go to Lingnan again and return these dogs.

Unexpectedly, on the first day they took the dog up the mountain, they met Zhao Guofeng and Xu Changlin before they left the village.

As soon as they heard about Xiongba, the group rushed to Gaojianzi Peak in a hurry.

When we got there, there was indeed a bear bully.

But after a fierce battle, Qin Qiang's side was defeated and returned.

Since the fall of bear hunting, Qin Qiang has only one little green dog left in his family. Now with the four newly bought dogs, there are five dogs in total.

But after World War I, two of the five dogs were killed and two injured, and one dog is now tied up in his yard.

As for the three dogs that Zhang Laibao bought, one died and one was injured, and there was also one dog left.

Why are these two dogs left?
Because they don't recognize Xiong Blind.

After climbing the high peak, Qin Qiang's family's little green dog made a sound first, turned over the top of the mountain, and went straight to the bottom to jump into the stone pond.

Then, the seven hounds followed closely.

But when Qin Qiang and others chased them to the jumping stone pond, they saw six dogs and Xiong Ba killing each other.

In addition, there are two dogs, sniffing stones and raising their legs to urinate and scratch the ground.

Zhang Laibao was so angry that he wanted to stab the two dogs to death with a knife on the spot.

Fortunately, Tao Dasheng stopped him, saying that these two dogs should be newcomers to the group, and they have never beaten a bear or eaten bear meat, so they don't recognize the blind bear.

This matter is easy to handle, as long as the brown bear in front of you is killed, let the two dogs have a good meal, and the next time you see a bear, they will definitely rush forward.

After saying these words, Tao Dasheng and Qin Qiang each took a semi-automatic rifle and walked forward quickly.

But they never expected that Qin Qiang and the others still missed this time.Now there are only two broken dogs left in the two families, because they were bought by gangs, and now there is only one dog left in each gang, and I am afraid it will be impossible to return the dogs.

If you can't retreat, you can only keep it.

It can be raised but it cannot be raised in vain. You must find a way to drag the dog.

As for dragging dogs, the key is to make them recognize bears. Only by killing bears can they make a profit.

But bears are not so easy to kill.

Several people can't do anything after thinking about it.

But inadvertently, Tao Sansheng said that if he wanted to borrow old Zhao's spotted-neck dogs again, he would just take them up the mountain a few times.

But after such a quarrel last time, the whole village knew that the two families should turn against each other, even if the Tao brothers licked their faces and borrowed the door, it might not happen.

But what Qin Qiang and Tao's siblings didn't expect was that Zhang Laibao suddenly volunteered, saying that he could let Zhao Jun help the two families drag their dogs.

Everyone scoffed at this, the entire Yong'an Village, and even the Yong'an Forest Farm, no one knows that Zhao and Zhang are deadly rivals, Zhang Laibao wants Zhao Jun to help you pull the dog, it's just a daydream.

But Zhang Laibao made a strong promise, and then went straight to Zhao Jun's house regardless of dissuasion.


When Qin Qiang and the Tao family were discussing this matter, they suddenly heard the dog tied in the yard barking outside the house.

Immediately afterwards, the two dogs who were lying on their stomachs in the outer room for the injection also responded, and Tao Hehua hurriedly went out with Tao Sansheng to appease the two injured dogs.

After a while, the door of her house was pulled open, and Zhang Laibao appeared at the door, and said hello to them: "Sister-in-law Qin, Third Brother."

"Hey, brother is here, come in quickly." At this time, Tao Hehua greeted Zhang Laibao with unusual enthusiasm.

Zhang Laibao entered the room and went to the kang, Qin Qiang raised his head from the pillow and asked him, "Laibao, will that work?"

Zhang Laibao shook his head, but said under the disappointed eyes of several people: "Zhao Jun didn't leave home, but his dog came back."

Tao Dasheng glanced at Qin Qiang, and asked, "Brother-in-law, what should we do?"

Qin Qiang raised his chin, motioned to Zhang Laibao, and said, "Ask Brother Laibao."

A sinister smile appeared on Zhang Laibao's face, and he said, "I'll stop Zhao Jun first tomorrow. If he agrees, I'll take our remaining dogs up the mountain with him. If he doesn't agree, we'll send his dogs to him." stole."

When Zhang Laibao said the previous sentence, Qin Qiang and the Tao family siblings were full of disdain.

But Zhang Laibao's last sentence caught Qin Qiang and the others' eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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