The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 44 Killing the Black Blind Warehouse

Chapter 44 Killing the Black Blind Warehouse
It was said before that killing Heixiazicang was to put his head on his trousers belt, which was not false at all.

Li Baoyu was bold and had the strength of a newborn calf who was not afraid of tigers, but that day when Dashi Lazi fought, only a roar of a bear shocked him.

As for killing Heixiazicang, it is a matter of loneliness for people to use an axe to slash the black bear's head. It takes a lot of courage.

The black bear's head is pinned to only two wooden sticks. If one is not careful, I am afraid that it will be explained here.

Moreover, he had heard stories of many old mountain runners who lost their lives because of the killing of Heixiazicang.

Therefore, when Zhao Jun said that he was going to help Minister Li and Li Erchen kill Heixiazicang, Li Baoyu felt that Zhao Jun was simply crazy.

"Brother, that's not a joke!"

"I have it in my mind."

Zhao Jun turned around and was about to go to the mountains. Li Baoyu hurriedly opened his mouth and stopped him and said, "Brother, I'll go with you!"

"Don't go with me, take the dog back!" Zhao Jun turned to Li Baoyu and said, "I won't come forward either, I'll just watch the fun."

"This..." Hearing that Zhao Jun was just watching the fun, Li Baoyu calmed down a little, but he suddenly had the idea of ​​going over with Zhao Jun to watch the fun.

Because he had never seen Killing Heixiazicang before, so he was very curious.

Two brothers, Zhao Jun didn't know what he was thinking. He waved his hands in a hurry and said, "Hurry up and put the dog back. Otherwise, the dog will rush up and it will easily hurt the dog."

"Don't let me watch when it's lively..." Li Baoyu couldn't help muttering.

Zhao Jun spent a long time talking, and finally persuaded Li Baoyu to leave.

After seeing Li Baoyu lead the three dogs away, Zhao Jun followed Minister Li and Li Erchen, leaving footprints on the snow, and followed into the mountains.

In fact, he knew better than anyone that killing Heixiazicang was dangerous, but he still wanted to help the Li brothers.

Yes, it is to help.

In his memory, Li Erchen should have missed the left half of his face by killing Heixiazicang this time.

So why did Zhao Jun help Li Erchen?

There is no reason for him, there is grace in the past life.

Zhao Jun's past life was down and out, and he did it all by himself.And Li Erchen was down and out, because he was ruined by the black blind man, and he never married a daughter-in-law in his life.

In the last life, when Zhao Jun was at his worst, he and Li Erchen moved bricks at the construction site together.

When Zhao Jun wanted to go back to his hometown, the travel expenses were collected by Li Erchen for him. Although it was only 500 yuan, Zhao Jun couldn't return the [-] yuan until he was reborn.

I didn't mean to owe money and didn't pay it back. I was really embarrassed and had no money.

People are poor and short-minded, it is really helpless.

Since his rebirth, Zhao Jun has a certain feeling that he should have cut off all ties with his previous life and will never go back.

However, the kindness must be rewarded!

Zhao Jun casually cut down a small tree beside the road, cut off the trunk, put the invading knife back on, and walked all the way up the mountain with the knife in hand.


A big Qingyang tree is as thick as three people hugging each other. There is a big tree hole about 1.5 meters above the ground, and hoarfrost hangs around the hole.

With this hoarfrost, it means that there are creatures in the cave breathing continuously.

Under Daqing Yang, within a radius of ten meters, the two were constantly tossing and turning.

Minister Li wielded a big axe and swept away the dry branches and vines around the Daqingyang.

Li Erchen picked up some dead branches from the left and right, gathered them into a pile about 15 meters south of Daqing Yang, and set them on fire.

Minister Li stepped back and forth with his feet, leveling the road between Daqingyang and the fire.

At the same time, Li Erchen selected a large red pine to the south of the fire. He was sweeping around the red pine, sweeping away the dead branches and vines around the red pine, and then stepping on the snow on the surrounding ground.

Then the two brothers worked together again to level the snow between the fire and the red pine.

This is the necessary preparation before killing the black blind warehouse.

Just because what they are going to do next is too dangerous, they must leave a way out for themselves in advance.

Although the speed of the black bear is not fast, it depends on who it is compared with, whether it is slower than a dog, or slower than a wild boar.

But if you compare with people, it is not slow.

If you run in one direction, you have to let the black bear catch up within a few steps, and then the black bear will sit under its big butt, but it will really be called Tian Tian should not be called, and the ground will not work.

How do you run?


Run in circles.

If the black bear cannot be killed, the black bear will chase a person, who can run in circles around the fire.

Another person took the opportunity to rescue him. At this time, the black bear would move his target to chase this person. This person could move around the big red pine and run in circles around the red pine.

In this way, the two take turns helping each other and attracting black bears to attack each other, so that they have a chance to retreat.

That's right, in this case, don't think about killing the bear anymore, it's good to save your life.

If you don't believe it, look at how much effort Qin Qiang and his three brothers-in-law took to escape from the black bear's claws.

The brothers did all the preparatory work, and Minister Li leaned two tree sticks, which were over two meters long and as thick as sea bowls, on both sides of the big green poplar.

Li Erchen, who is 1.8 meters tall, stood in front of the tree hole, holding a big ax in his hand, waiting for the battle.

At this time, Minister Li took out a short and thick wooden stick from the side and knocked it at the big green poplar tree.

This knock took more than ten minutes.

It's really physical activity.

Because black bear hibernation is different from its usual sleep, it usually wakes up when there is a disturbance, but if it is hibernating, the black bear will fall into a deep sleep.

And the longer the hibernation time, the deeper the sleep.

Furthermore, the black bear is unwilling to move.

They have a habit, but if the black bears hibernating and squatting in the barn are startled out of the tree barn, they will step on the big hills and go to the mountains step by step.

Just imagine, I slept in the tree hole for more than a month, and I slept warm in the tree hole. Now I go out for a long journey, not only is it cold, but the key is that there is no food in my stomach.

Although it is a beast, it does not want to suffer from hunger and cold.

However, after Minister Li had knocked on it for so long, the black bear inside finally couldn't bear it any longer. It opened its eyes, poked its front paws up, grabbed the inner wall of the tree hole and lifted it up, and it stood up. .

It climbed up twice, and the bear head appeared at the entrance of the hole.

Outside the tree hole, Li Erchen and the black bear looked at each other, his heart trembled, and he shouted, "Brother, come out, come out."

Minister Li threw the short stick in his hand, supported the two long thick wooden sticks that were leaning against Da Qingyang, and crossed them to the entrance of the cave.

It just so happened that the black bear had just ventured out of the cave, with its two front paws clawing at the entrance of the cave, and the bear's head just stuck out.

It happened that Minister Li made the two wooden sticks form an oblique cross, pushed the bear's head up, and stuck it hard at the mouth of the tree hole.

"Háng! Slam!" the black bear roared angrily, shaking his head and struggling.

Minister Li pushed the stick hard and shouted, "Second! Chop it!"

"Ah!" Li Erchen screamed strangely, slashing down with his big axe.

(End of this chapter)

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