Chapter 102

The four of them took a taxi to Xidan, and it was already dark.

Gu Yawen asked Wu Ruohan and Fang Jian to wait in the garage, and asked Gao Yang to follow her upstairs.

After entering the room, Gu Yawen found a large suitcase, and hurriedly found some clothes in the closet to put them on.

Gao Yang asked curiously, "Yawen, what are you doing with these clothes?"

While tidying up, Gu Yawen said, "I'll bring some clothes and put them with you."

Gao Yang was a little confused: "You want to stay with me for a long time?"

Gu Yawen raised her head and smiled: "Why, you are not welcome?"

Gao Yang smiled awkwardly: "It's not that you are not welcome, firstly, the conditions here are poor, and secondly, you will have to go to work in the future."

Gu Yawen got up: "Then what should I do, you can't come to accompany me."

Gao Yang said: "No, I'm not too far away, it's inconvenient to go to work."

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "So, I can only come to you, I don't live with you every day, I only come when I have time."

Gao Yang's heart warmed up: "That's really wronged you."

Gu Yawen smiled and said, "I'm fine, it's pretty good..."

Downstairs, Wu Ruohan pouted and sighed: "Oh, a woman in love is trouble."

Fang Jian said with a smile: "Understood, long live the understanding..."

Wu Ruohan curled her lips again: "You're so old, you haven't been in love yet, what's the point?"

Fang Jian's face darkened, okay, why are you yelling at me again.

Fang Jian couldn't bear it anymore, and snorted, "It sounds like you've been in love before."

Wu Ruohan was angry: "Brother, I'm a girl, you actually satirized me..."

Fang Jian looked up at the sky, completely speechless.I almost forgot, this girl can't afford to mess with her.

Wu Ruohan snorted again: "Smelly straight man."

Gao Yang dragged Gu Yawen's big suitcase down, Wu Ruohan was surprised at first, but then reacted instantly.

Greeting Gu Yawen, she asked softly, "Sister, do you want to live with Brother Yang?"

Gu Yawen nodded: "Well, I will go when I have time."

Wu Ruohan grinned: "Then I wish you all the best, and have a precious son soon."

Gu Yawen blushed: "You are such a crazy girl."

Sending Wu Ruohan back to the University of Finance and Economics first, had dinner nearby, and returned to Gao Yang's place, it was already 8:[-] in the evening.

Gu Yawen's car had to be parked in the yard frequently, and she had to say hello to the guard.

The old man at the gate was surnamed Huang. Gao Yang went over and gave a box of soft drinks directly.

This time when he returned to Beijing, Wu Ruohan directly put Wu Peng's dozen or so pieces in his house, hugged them all, and handed them all to Gao Yang for him to take away.

Gao Yang could imagine that Wu Peng would be furious when he saw it, and even suspected that he stole it.

Later, Gao Yang quietly called Wu Peng and explained.

As a result, Wu Peng said on the phone, you still need to make a phone call about a few cigarettes, there is something wrong.

The old Huang Tou took the cigarette, smiled, and glanced at Gu Yawen: "Looking for a girlfriend?"

Gao Yang smiled and said, "Yes."

Old Huangtou raised his thumb: "This is you!"

A pack of cigarettes, we negotiated the parking issue, mainly because there are few cars in the yard now, and there is no charge for parking.

The three of them dragged their suitcases and walked to the rattling elevator, but as soon as they entered, Gao Yang saw the eldest sister who was guarding the elevator, her eyes were red and swollen, and she looked like she was crying hard.

Gao Yang asked curiously: "Sister, what's wrong with you?"

The elevator lady burst into tears again: "Someone hanged himself on the 9th floor. The landlord asked me to see what happened in the afternoon. It was so frightening."

The three of Gao Yang looked at each other in blank dismay.

The elevator lady found the audience and began to babble:
"I heard that he is a returnee with a Ph.D., engaged in the Internet, the company went bankrupt, and he lost his job.

Hey, I said that my hometown is in Dashanli, Jiangxi Province. I have studied for so many years, and I am still a PhD student studying abroad.

He's only in his 30s, and he doesn't know if his family can bear it.

Oh, how pitiful..."

When the elevator went up to the fifth floor, the elder sister was still chattering.

After entering the room and turning on the light, Fang Jian joked, "This room has only been empty for a few days, why does it feel a bit eerie?"

Gu Yawen trembled: "Don't scare me."

Gao Yang laughed, and put his arms around Gu Yawen: "Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, this time we come back, the room is full of masculinity."

Gu Yawen said angrily: "You still say it."

Gao Yang smiled and said: "Don't talk, don't talk, I flew thousands of kilometers, just sit for a while."

Fang Jian smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I'm just kidding."

Gao Yang said: "Old Fang, your humor is not dark at all."

Fang Jian said: "Yes, yes, yes..."

Gu Yawen sat down, her heartbeat returned to calm, and she sighed, "What about Dr. Haigui, how could he commit suicide?"

Fang Jian also sighed: "Didn't the eldest sister just say that she was educated in the mountains, and she entrusted the hope of the whole family to study for him, and her family's wealth may be emptied..."

Gao Yang handed Fang Jian a cigarette: "The global .com investment bubble has begun to burst. In March and April this year, the technology stocks in Nasdaq began to collapse. The one that rose the most in the early stage was .com It’s a concept. Today’s incident shows that the bursting of the bubble has spread to China.”

Gu Yawen said: "Even so, he is still a doctor of returnees, how could..."

Gao Yang said: "To put it bluntly, I just can't let go of face, I'm unemployed, I can't find a high-paying job, and I don't want to give in."

Fang Jiandao: "It's also possible, because of the heavy debts, I can't turn over."

Gao Yang said: "There is a possibility."

Gao Yang once regretted that he could not find a channel to invest in US stocks, otherwise this time the .com bubble burst and he would make a fortune by shorting the Nasdaq.

When I encountered this incident today, I realized that if you make a fortune like that, you may be making a dead man's fortune.

There is no need to regret anything, you still have to earn what you should earn and what you can earn.

Gao Yang suddenly thought of two postgraduate classmates in the capital, He Guangwen and Jin Yang, these two should have something to do with the Internet now, but unfortunately they have not been in touch.

So he asked Fang Jian: "Old Fang, He Guangwen and Jin Yang, have you gotten in touch?"

Fang Jiandao: "I didn't get in touch last time, and I went on a business trip for three or four months. This time when I went back to my hometown, I found out He Guangwen's cell phone number with my classmates."

Gao Yang said: "Okay, let's see if we can get in touch with Jin Yang through He Guangwen, and then find time to get together."

Fang Jian said: "Okay, I will contact you tomorrow."

Gu Yawen started to tidy up her clothes, and then tidyed up the house.

Seeing this, Fang Jian quickly slipped into his room.

Gao Yang hugged Gu Yawen from behind: "You are tired today, the room is quite clean, let's rest."

Gu Yawen kept holding her hand: "I'm not tired, I'll be fine soon, don't block me."

Gao Yang let go of his hand with a smile, he is so virtuous, his mother-in-law is really good at teaching.

The house was small, Gu Yawen just cleaned the dust, and it will be fine soon.

Gu Yawen untied her apron, came over and sat down: "Gao Yang, the bath water is almost ready, go and wash it."

Gao Yang said: "Go ahead and wash it, this water heater burns once, the water is only enough for one person to wash, you women wash slowly, maybe it's just right."

Gu Yawen said: "Then you wash it first, I will wash it later."

Gao Yang said: "I really don't need it, I didn't sweat today, so I don't need to wash it every day."

Gu Yawen said in surprise: "It should be washed every day."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Look, our living habits are starting to go against us."

Gu Yawen pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Okay, you don't need to go online."

Gao Yang stuck to Gu Yawen's ear: "Why don't we wash together?"

Gu Yawen bit her lip, her ears turned red: "You think beautifully."

Then he entered the room, picked up the towel and pajamas, and fled into the bathroom.

Gao Yang entered the room, pushed open a door on the balcony, lit a cigarette, and laughed.

Classmate Bai Fumei, you are so ridiculous...

(End of this chapter)

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