Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 109 Bai Fumei Makes a Grand Appearance

Chapter 109 Bai Fumei Makes a Grand Appearance (Please ask for tickets and support)
On Friday, October 10th, the weather became colder, and the heating in CPI's office started to test again.

Tonight, Gu Yawen didn't come back for the first time and lived in Xidan, because Liu Ke followed her to Xidan after get off work.

The two decided to go shopping tomorrow morning, come over in the afternoon, and attend the team building party of the CPI editorial department in the evening.

After 11 o'clock in the evening, Gao Yang was still at work, Gu Yawen made a special phone call to greet him, and said that she missed him very much.

Putting down the phone, Gao Yang smiled, man, he really can't be a licking dog.

How comfortable is this love relationship now.

Before 4 o'clock on Saturday afternoon, Gu Yawen came with her colleague Liu Ke.

Gao Yang and Fang Jian are naturally at home.

Gu Yawen didn't mention to Fang Jian that she wanted to introduce Liu Ke as his girlfriend, which was also Gao Yang's suggestion.

Let's bring Liu Ke over to get acquainted first. If Liu Ke takes a fancy to Fang Jian, it's not too late to propose this matter.

Otherwise, Fang Jian might be more embarrassed.

Gao Yang is considered a straight guy, Fang Jian is even straighter, he doesn't know how to chat with girls.

After Liu Ke came over, after introducing Fang Jian, she also took a serious look at Fang Jian.

Then, Gao Yang noticed Liu Ke's eyes and felt that she had nothing to do with Fang Jian.

Liu Ke is probably the kind of girl who judges people by their appearance. In fact, she is average in appearance and can only be considered delicate.

He is about 165 centimeters tall, with average appearance and figure.

However, it may be because he believes that he works in a foreign company like Australia and the United States, and he has a high view of men.

Of course, Fang Jian's appearance is indeed very ordinary, so Gu Yawen had no choice but to use "very honest" to describe it.

Liu Ke is an eloquent girl, so she chatted with Fang Jian for a long time.

In this room, of course it is impossible for her to chat after Gao Yang, she is Gu Yawen's best friend after all.

When Gu Yawen looked at her with inquiring eyes, Gao Yang just shook his head quietly, indicating that the two probably had no fate.

Gu Yawen walked up to Gao Yang, raised her arms, and turned around: "Is this dress good-looking?"

Gao Yang nodded: "It's pretty, it shows off your figure."

Gu Yawen posted it and whispered: "I bought it with your money."

Gao Yang smiled and said, "You gave it to me."

Gu Yawen had a sweet face: "It's still yours."

The two were talking about the shopping cards that Gao Yang received during the Spring Festival last year. There were thousands of dollars left in several cards, including the Lufthansa card that Gu Yawen had sent on behalf of Australia and the United States.

Two days ago, Gao Yang gave it to Gu Yawen to spend it. He himself doesn't like to go shopping and has no time.

At 6 o'clock in the evening, when Gao Yang and Gu Yawen appeared arm in arm in a large private room in Shuxiangyuan, the whole room was stunned, and they booed:
"Gao Yang, quickly introduce to everyone."

Gao Yang smiled and waved his hands, the audience was silent.

"I solemnly introduce to you, my girlfriend, Gu Yawen, the media specialist of the Aomei COMPAQ project. This is her colleague, Liu Ke, the planning specialist of the Aomei COMPAQ project."

Gu Yawen greeted with a smile: "Hi everyone, I am very glad to have the opportunity to participate in your activities."

Liu Ke said with a smile: "Your CPI is amazing, the most beautiful flower of our Aomei, let Gao Yang pick it off."

Zhang Yue shouted: "Brother Yang, awesome!"

Zhou Wenbin also shouted: "Awesome, it's too embarrassing for our CPI!"

Gao Yang said: "Hey, you guys, can you be more civilized in front of these two beauties?"

The crowd burst into laughter.

Gao Yang introduced his colleagues to the two women one by one, starting with Wan Hong.

Gu Yawen was always smiling, generous and decent.

After sitting down to eat and drink, everyone began to toast Gao Yang in turn, the men patted Gao Yang on the shoulder, and the women quietly gave Gao Yang a thumbs up.

In one breath, Gao Yang drank almost half a catty of liquor.

Gu Yawen looked at him worriedly, Gao Yang put it close to his ear, and whispered: "Don't worry, your husband and I are fine, this little wine is nothing."

It was the first time that Gao Yang claimed to be her husband in front of Gu Yawen, Gu Yawen also blushed pretty, and quietly pinched Gao Yang's leg.

Ever since Zhao Xiaolong kept making a fool of himself at the wine table, Gao Yang's colleagues from the editorial department never tried to persuade him to drink.

Tonight, even Zhou Wenbin, who often drank together, only drank two glasses of wine with Gao Yang.

When Gu Yawen saw it, she felt relieved.

Gao Yang obviously gets along very well with these colleagues, and his leadership is very good, he seems to be the center of these people.

Singing K after dinner will naturally get high.

After singing a few songs, Gao Yang suddenly walked to the microphone stand and said, "CPI bachelors, let me tell you a secret, Liu Ke doesn't have a boyfriend yet, if you are interested, let the horse go after him. Liu Ke, look , There are quite a few handsome guys in our CPI, they are all talented and promising, you just pick one, you can’t go wrong throwing a hydrangea.”

Everyone booed at once, Liu Ke was not a girl with a shallow face, so he laughed and said, "Okay."

Gao Yang said again: "I also want to give Yawen and Liu Ke a task to introduce the handsome guys from CPI to the girls from Aomei. It is best to form a few more couples."

The crowd started booing again, with Zhou Wenbin as the leader, they even ran over to toast Gu Yawen and Liu Ke.

Of course, Gu Yawen drank plain water, but Liu Ke drank beer.

After the quarrel was over, Liu Ke came to Gao Yang for a drink: "Gao Yang, CPI can actually have a party with Australia and the United States, and we have a lot of single girls over there."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Okay, this idea is great."

Gao Yang sat down, put his arms around Gu Yawen, and listened to his colleagues singing.

After listening to a few songs, Gu Yawen asked with a smile: "Don't you sing?"

Gao Yang said: "Listen to their singing."

Gu Yawen said again: "I want to hear you sing, I want to hear "Morning Train"."

Gao Yang was startled, nodded and said: "Okay, then I will sing this song."

Gu Yawen then ran to help Gao Yang order songs, and Lin Yuan, who was guarding the song order stand, asked, "Yawen, I'll cut it up for you, and I'll sing the next one."

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "No need, it's Gao Yang singing."

Lin Yuan said: "Gao Yang's singing is beautiful, I'll cut it and sing it next."

Gu Yawen came back and sat down: "You will sing the next song."

When the melody sounded, Gao Yang pulled Gu Yawen up and walked to the microphone stand.

At first, Gu Yawen was a little shy, but after Gao Yang sang, Gu Yawen began to listen attentively.

Gao Yang still sang very much tonight.

Gu Yawen heard it, it was still the same song, and it still had a similar taste, but Gao Yang sang it to her tonight.

Tonight, when he sang "Morning Train", Gao Yang really sang it for Gu Yawen.

When the melody faded out, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Gao Yang suddenly made a wave on Gu Yawen's face.

Gu Yawen was caught off guard and blushed immediately.

And Gao Yang announced loudly: "Yawen, you are the best gift in this life that God gave me."

There was thunderous applause from the audience, and Gu Yawen blushed again.

It's just that my heart is really sweet.

This guy can really do things.

The two held hands, went back and sat down, and continued to listen to everyone singing.

Later, Gu Yawen whispered: "Gao Yang, look..."

Following the direction indicated by Gu Yawen, Gao Yang saw that it was Zhou Wenbin and Liu Ke who were muttering together, and Liu Ke seemed quite happy.

Gu Yawen said with a smile: "These two seem to be having fun."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "It should be for a while, as to whether it will be successful or not, that's another matter."

Gu Yawen said that Liu Ke is 24 years old this year and has had two boyfriends. After Gao Yang observed, he knew that this girl could be let go.

This guy Zhou Wenbin is very good at coaxing girls, and he can be regarded as the type of Neptune.

Zhou Wenbin knew many public relations girls. He once said that when a public relations girl called him at night, he knew what it meant when he heard it.

This is a one-night stand, mutual need.After that, no more stories.

Zhou Wenbin looks good. He is 176cm tall and has a relatively strong figure. It is natural for Liu Ke to be interested in him...

(End of this chapter)

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