Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 165 Am I a bit hypocritical

Chapter 165 Am I a bit hypocritical
This year, the CPI has a relatively early Spring Festival holiday.

On February 2th, the 4rd day of the twelfth lunar month, the publication will be closed, and the work will start on the 23th day of the first lunar month. As usual, it will be a three-week long holiday.

When Gao Yang got married, he could have taken a week of wedding leave, but with the 20-day Spring Festival holiday, there was no need to ask for wedding leave.

Gu Yawen had half a month of marriage leave, plus the Spring Festival holiday, she also took three weeks of vacation.

On January 1, after going to work, Gao Yang began to distribute year-end dividends to 28 people for the entire project based on work performance, working hours, performance contribution, etc.

For the national edition project, in 2001, due to the addition of the SMB special issue, 6 more employees were added, and then Zhou Wenbin was transferred out again.

Including Gao Yang himself, there are actually a total of 41 employees.

Zhou Wenbin and Fang Jian's dividends were actually set by the boss, and they were all 30 yuan. For Zhou Wenbin, the national edition subsidized him with 10 yuan.

What Gao Yang had to consider was actually the other 38 people, and the focus was on the reporters in the editorial department.

Because there are 10 regional reporters and salesmen in the advertising department, the boss also limited the dividend ceiling.Regional journalists themselves also work for the local branch and are not fully counted as employees of the national edition.

In the end, Gao Yang spent two days trying his best to obtain the highest dividends for everyone within his authority, then listed the budget and reported it to Feng Maonan.

In fact, it is already very good. The SMB special issue, a reporter who only worked for more than 6 months last year, also received a bonus of 8 yuan.

In the previous life, Gao Yang had worked in CPI for ten years, and worked in the position of executive editor-in-chief for almost seven years. The highest annual dividend was only 7 yuan.

Feng Maonan basically did not make major adjustments to Gao Yang's budget dividend plan, just like the boss once said, in principle, respect Gao Yang's opinion.

After the Spring Festival, Feng Maonan will return to work at the headquarters. As the vice president in charge of the work of the Beijing branch, in 2001, Feng Maonan also ushered in a bright moment because of the horrible performance of the national version.

When Gao Yang submitted the dividend plan, he asked with a smile, "Mr. Nan, is there still cash this year?"

Feng Maonan said: "It's already been arranged. Those below 20 will be paid."

On February 2st, I made the last issue of the newspaper. This issue of the newspaper was greatly reduced, because there were no advertisements, and work was over before 1 pm.

At 5 o'clock, Gao Yang called all the editors and reporters for a short meeting, and arranged an interview task for everyone during the Spring Festival holiday. Everyone had to interview a manuscript, writing about their hometown's IT market experience, or information about small and medium-sized enterprises.

Then, Fang Jian assigned this task to 10 regional reporters in the QQ group.

This is to prepare for work after the Spring Festival, the content of the first issue of the newspaper.

Tonight, it's time to hand out the year-end awards again.

Gao Yang asked all the editors and reporters, as well as Zhou Wenbin, to go to the sea to eat hot pot, and bring family members with them.

Yang Lili's first store in the capital city of Jianghai has achieved a daily sales of about 15. The business is so hot that there are queues every day, noon and night.

Today, the two founders of Haidilao, Zhang Yong and Shi Yunhong, and the two new shareholders, Wu Peng and He Yong, all admire Gao Yang's original judgment.

After the Spring Festival, Yang Lili will be looking for a store location near the East Third Ring Road, and is preparing to open a second store in Beijing.

Zhang Yong and Shi Yunhong are recruiting and training new employees who are going to be sent to work in the capital.

Gao Yang tonight was just to drink with everyone, Gu Yawen understood Gao Yang's mood and did not dissuade him.

She also knew that the group of brothers and sisters led by Gao Yang would not force him to drink.

After drinking a few glasses of wine, Zhang Yue suddenly asked: "Brother Yang, how will the national edition pay dividends this year, let us know."

People in the project team usually talk casually with Gao Yang, and no one regards him as a leader because they don't need it.

Gao Yang stood up, held up a glass of wine, and said with a smile:
"Brothers and sisters, you all know that because of disciplinary issues, I can't disclose it. I can only say that it is quite high, much higher than last year.

In 2001, Gao Yang thanked all brothers and sisters for their support. This year, everyone worked very hard. However, I cannot guarantee that everyone will be satisfied. If there is any dissatisfaction, please forgive me.

There is no way to be absolutely fair about many things. I can only say that I have tried my best to strive for the best results for every brother and sister.

It is the result of everyone's hard work and deserved results.

Let me tell you a story. Our front desk girl, Xiao Du, is known to everyone. She is quite cute and shy.

Xiao Du is a die-hard fan of Xian Qi. Her biggest wish is that one day Xian Qi will come to Beijing for a concert, and she can go to the scene with her boyfriend to listen to the idol singing. Xiao Du has been saving money for this goal.

I often tease her, saying that brother Xianqi is actually not good-looking, and his singing is also mediocre, but Xiao Du will be anxious with me every time.

You may not know that Xiao Du lives in the SJS Apple Orchard.Every morning, she has to get up at 5:6, the girl has to dress up, and then she has to go to work before [-]:[-].

First, take the bus to the subway station, then take the subway to Gongzhufen or Muxidi, and then transfer to the bus, and have to transfer twice before arriving at the office to clock in and go to work.

I got off work in the afternoon, and it was the same again. Xiao Du came home every day around 9 o'clock in the evening.

Xiao Du spends five or six hours a day commuting to and from get off work, and her monthly salary is only 3000 yuan.

This year, the total revenue of the CPI Beijing branch is more than 8000 million, accounting for half of the entire group.

With such a good performance, Xiao Du's year-end bonus this year should not exceed 2 yuan.

At work, we work very hard, but Xiao Du also works very hard.

CPI Group has more than 600 employees, and a new project will be established this year. By then, there may be close to 700 employees.

In CPI, because of different projects, different positions, and different regions, there are actually quite a few employees like Xiao Du..."

Yan Yong smiled and said: "Gao Yang, I understand what you mean, no matter how many year-end awards you can get this year, everyone will be satisfied, so you can rest assured."

Everyone expressed their opinions and agreed with Yan Yong's words.

Gao Yang has already said that this year's year-end bonus is higher than last year's and will be much higher, so there is nothing to be dissatisfied with.

Song Liangqiu smiled and said, "Gao Yang, you will be promoted again this year, right?"

Gao Yang smiled and said: "Yes, Mr. Nan is going back to work at the headquarters, and I was kicked out of the shelves again. However, in 2002, I will still work hard with my brothers and sisters. Here, I also ask for your support."

Everyone congratulated immediately.

After Gao Yang arrived at CPI, in more than two years, he achieved a quadruple jump in his position and became a 27-year-old vice president.

In the entire group, the only vice presidents under the age of 30 are Gao Yang and Wan Hong.

After eating the hot pot, everyone happily went back to the office, chatted and spanked, and waited to receive the year-end bonus.

When Gu Yawen went home, Gao Yang sent her back first.

The two walked hand in hand on the road, not far away, less than 10 minutes away.

The villa in Xiangyi Villa has been furnished, and they usually live in Weber's apartment near the newspaper office.

Gao Yang suddenly sighed: "Honey, am I a bit hypocritical tonight?"

Gu Yawen waved on Gao Yang's face: "Everyone will understand your difficulties, I am proud of you, you have tried your best..."

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