Chapter 194 Unaccustomed to the Water and Soil (4 more tickets please subscribe)

Chen Sen came to Beijing this time to experience how to be a professional media in the industry, and the time is still very tight.

The next morning, Gao Yang took Chen Sen to meet Wu Bo. The two had known each other in Jinyang Metropolis Daily before.

Chen Sen wants to experience working as a solar industry media in Sun Media for a few days, and then let Fang Jian take him to CPI to experience how IT professional media operates.

In just a few days, you can only experience it.

Gao Yang communicated with Xiao Jin and Wang Yun. Since Wang Yun is willing to resign and work hard, she will do the project "Urban Business".

When Chen Sen returns to Jinyang this time, it will take a few months to bring Wang Yun out, and then he can bring that reporter girlfriend to the capital together.

In Gao Yang's plan, Jinyang's "Urban Business" project is mainly to accumulate some wealth for several brothers, and then to cultivate some talents who can endure hardships, fight, and stand alone. Project, go to all parts of the country to build and expand regional branches.

This kind of national structure will also be needed for Internet projects in the future. In the future, we will not do solar media, and personnel can quickly switch to Internet projects.

When starting this solar energy media, Gao Yang didn't consider letting Chen Sen and other investors participate, and they don't have much money now.

Although the industry media of solar energy can make a lot of money, it can only do it for ten years.

The Internet is the future. At that time, Gao Yang will consider Chen Sen and others to invest in. Now that Chen Sen has come to the capital, Gao Yang has truthfully communicated his plan with him.

Gao Yang's parents lived in the capital, and they still lived in a villa complex where very few people can live in the capital. Wu Lan and Gu Yawen are also very good at life, and Gao Yang's parents don't have any obvious sense of restraint.

Of course, because of the huge differences in social status, life experience, education level, and previous living environment, let alone Gao Yingxue who is not good at words, even Li Xiuzhen who can speak a few words is somewhat restrained.

The common language that can be talked between the in-laws is the life, work, and the child to be born at the end of the year of Gao Yang and his wife.

The only benefit to Gao Yingxue's body due to the dry climate in the capital is probably his rheumatism. However, Gao Yingxue's rheumatism is not serious, rather mild.

In the previous life, before Gao Yang came to work in the capital, his feet would freeze every winter. After arriving in the capital, his feet never got cold again, and the same will be true when he returned to Jinyang.

Chen Sen was arranged to live in Weber's apartment, and every day was like going to work, going to Gaoyang's company to experience, and sometimes Fang Jian took him to the CPI office to experience IT professional media.

Then, Chen Sen often communicated with Gao Yang, Wu Bo, Fang Jian and others, and felt that they had opened a lot of horizons, and this trip to the capital was very rewarding.

On July 7, Chen Sen returned to Jinyang with satisfaction and great ambition for the future.

Chen Sen's round-trip air ticket was naturally arranged by Gu Yawen.

On July 7th, Gao Yang took Gao Yingxue to the best cancer hospital in Beijing and the best cancer hospital in the country, and had a thorough physical examination, and Gao Yang asked the doctor to focus on the lungs.

After the physical examination results came out, the doctor was a little puzzled, he was in good health, what kind of tumor did you come here to screen for?

Gao Yang had no choice but to make up a few words, saying that in his hometown, several villagers in their 60s and [-]s have suffered from tumors in recent years.

Gao Yang decided that he would bring his father to this hospital every year for a careful screening until he was 64 years old and passed the hurdle in his previous life.

During this time, every weekend, Gao Yang always spared time to take his parents and Jiang Xue to visit famous parks and scenic spots in the capital, such as the Forbidden City, TA Gate, Temple of Heaven...

The weather is relatively hot, and Gu Yawen will go there sometimes, but Gao Yang persuades her to stay at home more often.

Every time, Wu Xiaoyue would follow, and Wu Lan would sometimes accompany her.

Gao Yang would take his parents and Jiang Xue to see the Great Wall, the Ming Tombs and other scenic spots when autumn became cooler.

At the end of August, it was time to send Jiang Xue back to Jinyang.

Although Gao Yang did not attend the solar energy customer promotion meeting held in Quancheng, Lu Province in July, it was a success as expected.

This promotion meeting also proved Gao Yang's previous theory that in the solar water heater industry, a large number of brand manufacturers welcome industry professional media such as "Solar Distributor" and "Solar Industry".

This market is in a period of rapid development, and brand manufacturers are full of desire for agents and terminal merchants in all major regions of the country.

This promotion meeting also greatly increased the confidence of Wu Bo and others. They no longer doubt Gao Yang's judgment on this project at the beginning, and even believe that there is hope to make a performance of about 3000 million next year.

It feels really cool to monopolize professional media resources in an industry.

In everyone's eyes, Gao Yang's business vision is really terrifying.

In August and September, Gao Yang was relatively busy because of the regional touring forums held for two consecutive months.

In addition, these two months are also the peak advertising season for IT media. As the vice president, Gao Yang also visits customers frequently to help with various projects.

In particular, the CPI Research project has made great progress this year. Gao Yang also wants to use the contacts he has accumulated in the IT circle to help promote it, and see if the performance of this project this year can break through 500 million.

The national version and SMB projects are not a big problem this year, and the performance of SMB is expected to exceed 1500 million.

In late August, Wu Ruohan took Wu Xiaoyue with her and sent Jiang Xue back to Jinyang.

Wu Ruohan didn't go home for the whole summer, so Wu Xiaoyue also wanted to go back to spend a few days with Mr. Wu and Mrs. Wu, and report on her life in the capital and her upcoming private high school in the capital.

The Experimental Middle School Affiliated to Shuimu University is a boarding school, and Wu Xiaoyue can only go home on weekends after school starts.

Gao Yang is in good health now, and is also very young. He just turned 8 in August. In fact, in this life, his physical needs are not strong.

After all, real souls are already over 50 years old.

During the 4th Golden Week, Xiao Jin and his wife took their 7-year-old son to the capital for vacation. Gu Yawen was almost [-] months pregnant, and her belly was already big, so it was not suitable for running around.

After Xiao Jin learned how to drive, Gao Yang drove a car with him, took his parents, and Wu Xiaoyue, and went to the Great Wall, Ming Tombs and other famous attractions, as well as some scenic spots in the city, for a few days.

At the end of Golden Week, Gao Yang finally had a serious discussion with his parents about living in the capital.

"Dad, Mom, you have been in Beijing for 3 months, can you get used to the life here?"

Gao Yingxue said: "I've discussed it with your mother, to be honest, I'm not used to it, we lived in the countryside for most of our lives, and later we went to Jinyang City, the conditions are good enough, very good.

Your sister and Jiang Bing are busy with business now, we are gone, there is no one cooking at home, Xiaoxue also needs someone to watch. "

Li Xiuzhen also said: "Gao Yang, I have discussed with your father. We should go back to Jinyang. We can rest assured that we have our mother-in-law here. We will come to help after Yawen gives birth."

Gao Yingxue said again: "From now on, your mother and I will come and live here for a period of time every year. I'm still not used to living here for a long time."

Gao Yang understands that living in a rich area like Xiangyi Mountain Villa, his parents can't speak Mandarin, it's hard to communicate with people in the community, the living circle is too small, although the living conditions are good, the old couple is still a bit lonely.

It's still the same as I expected at the beginning, my parents are in the capital, and I can't establish my own life circle, and I can't be happy in my daily life.

I still have to go back to my hometown Jinyang to live.

Gao Yang communicated with Gu Yawen and Wu Lan about this matter. Although the mother and daughter had some regrets, they also knew that what Gao Yang said was true. It was unrealistic for Gao Yang's parents to stay in the capital for a long time.

Aunt He, the family nanny, came over in late July.

During this Golden Week, the father-in-law Gu Wenlong also came to Beijing for 5 days.

Including Xiao Jin and his wife, everyone can understand that Gao Yang's parents have lived a hard life in the countryside for most of their lives, and now it is actually difficult to adapt to a completely leisurely life, and they are in a foreign country like the capital.

On October 10, Gao Yang's parents returned to Jinyang. There was no flight from the capital to Jinyang that day. They were accompanied by Xiao Jin and his wife. Gu Yawen booked a ticket to Shudu first.

Then, Gao Yang approached He Yong, arranged a vehicle, and sent them back to Jinyang...

(End of this chapter)

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