Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 204 Hand over both of your shares

Chapter 204 Hand over both of your shares
On the first day of the first lunar month, Gu Yawen was not yet confinement, and the two in-laws stayed at home, making daily routines and teasing her grandson (grandson).

It was the first time for Gao Yue and Jiang Bing to come to the capital. Gao Yang drove the Mercedes-Benz Big G, took his sister and brother-in-law, as well as Wu Xiaoyue and Jiang Xue, to visit the Summer Palace.

Gu Yawen was at home, chatting with the parents on both sides, and reported Gao Yang's impressive achievements this year:

"Last year, Gao Yang helped their newspaper office and made a performance of hundreds of millions in the capital. His year-end bonus was 220 million, which was the highest in their entire group.

Our company was only established in May and June last year, and the two companies together have a profit of 300 million.

After the Spring Festival, Gao Yang is about to resign and concentrate on his own business. His goal is to strive to achieve the performance of the two companies this year to around 3000 million and the profit to exceed 1000 million.

In 2001, he invested in Haidilao Hot Pot, a company that has opened two stores in Beijing, and the business is booming.

A few days ago, the 1000 million that Gao Yang invested in Haidilao got back through the company's dividends.

He has a 20% stake in Haidilao, and Gao Yang said that this stake is worth at least [-] million now..."

One billion?

Gao Yingxue and Li Xiuzhen didn't understand these things, their minds were buzzing.

Is the son so capable, earning [-] million in two or three years?

How much is that?
Gu Wenlong nodded and smiled: "That's right, this kid has vision, and he's a big deal."

Wu Lan said with a smile: "Yawen, Haidi's 20% equity is worth 3 million yuan. Mom believes it. Now, I feel that I am getting old. After working hard for more than ten years, I only saved more than [-] million yuan. In just over a year, he has transformed into more than [-] million assets..."

Wu Lan and Gu Wenlong were very relieved that the son-in-law was so promising, and that he and his daughter lived a happy life together.

Gu Yawen added: "Gaoyang is currently engaged in the media of the solar water heater industry. He expects to achieve a yearly income of 6000 to [-] million in the future. The public relations company also hopes to achieve [-] to [-] million or even hundreds of millions in the future.

However, he said that the solar energy industry can last about ten years at most, and his real goal is to develop the Internet.

In the second half of this year, or at the latest the first half of next year, Gao Yang will invest in the Internet with his classmates and friends.

Gao Yang said that the Internet is the future, and the first project that is planned to be invested now has the potential to be worth billions or even tens of billions in the future. "

Wu Lan said: "If you want to do it, just go ahead and do it. If you need funds, just tell Mom."

Gu Yawen smiled sweetly: "Mom, I will tell you when I need it."

Gu Yawen knew that Gao Yang was unwilling to use the funds in his mother's hands to start a business, and the funds for investing in the Internet mainly came from the profit balance of solar media.

Gao Yang hopes that the funds in Wu Lan's hands will be used to invest in real estate in the capital.

Now, Gu Yawen has hundreds of thousands of funds in her hands, not including the profit of the public relations company last year, but she is not interested in buying a house anymore.

My mother is going to be the landlady of the capital, and she, a little landlady, plans to step aside.

On the second day of the first lunar month, Gao Yang took Gao Yue, Jiang Bing, and two girls to climb Xiangshan Mountain.

On the third day of the first lunar month, Gu Yawen was finally able to go out after confinement.

Beginning of spring is just around the corner. Although the capital is still cold, the weather is sunny. The family drove two cars and traveled together. They spent two days in the capital. They mainly accompanied Gao Yue and Jiang Bing to visit famous scenic spots such as TA Gate.

On the morning of the fifth day of the first lunar month, I drove to Weber's apartment, then took a taxi to the airport, and took a direct flight to Jinyang.

Previously, he was worried that his son, who had just turned 40 days old, would not be able to adapt to the changes in the air pressure on the plane every day and would cry easily, so Gao Yang checked the information and prepared milk powder and pacifiers.

As a result, before boarding the plane every day, I ate and drank enough, and slept soundly along the way.

Before boarding the plane, Gao Yang still asked everyone to wear a mask on the grounds of flu prevention, and even used a medical protective mask to make a dozen small masks for his son as spares.

Today is the flight from Canada, and it arrived in Jinyang at noon. Wu Peng and Wu Ruohan each drove a car to the airport to pick them up.

Arriving at Wu's house, the old lady immediately picked up her great-grandson and was overjoyed.

After lunch at Wu's house, Gao Yue and Jiang Bing went back to the supermarket to get busy, and the supermarket resumed business on the third day of the first lunar month.

Wu Peng has already helped to order the daily full moon wine in advance, and arranged it in the municipal party committee guest house, with a total of four tables prepared.

On Gao Yang's side, he only notified Chen Sen and Yang Yong and a few other classmates, as well as Fang Jian and his girlfriend who had already returned home, Song Liangqiu, who was originally married in Jinyang, and He Guangwen, a classmate who was studying for a doctorate at Peking University.

In addition, He Yong must also be notified.

That's it for these people, full moon wine on a small scale.

On the sixth day of the first lunar month, it was a sunny day, and the climate in Jinyang was much warmer than that in the capital.

Before 11:[-] in the morning, all the guests arrived.

To Gao Yang's surprise, He Yong and his party came with four people, He Yong's fiancée Zhu Yan, He Yong's mother Xu Liting, and his younger sister He Shan.

As soon as Xu Liting saw Gao Yang, she held hands enthusiastically, praised Gao Yang, and said that she was grateful to Gao Yang. If it weren't for him, He Yong would still be the master of dawdling now.

This made He Yong look embarrassed.

Gao Yang knew that He Shan worked in a law firm in the capital city, but today was the first time he saw her. This girl was pretty, tall, with an OL demeanor, a bit serious.

After the introduction, He Shan smiled slightly at Gao Yang, and called Brother Yang, with that look in her eyes, she was also a little curious about Gao Yang.

Gao Yang and Gu Yawen had already discussed it and said hello in advance, but the son's full moon wine refused to accept gift money.

As a result, everyone didn't care about it at all, saying that it was the lucky money for Tiantian, and it was a big red envelope of several thousand or tens of thousands.

Gao Yang was quite helpless, and held four tables of full moon wine, and collected 10,000+ for his son's New Year's money.

Brothers and sisters Xu Liting and He Yong gave them separately. They both sealed a big red envelope of [-] yuan, and the family gave [-] yuan.

The four tables of full moon wine were also held in a lively manner. Mr. Wu and the old lady were very happy, and they forced Wu Peng to marry him at the dinner table.

Gao Yang also met Wu Peng's current girlfriend, or fiancée for the first time today, named Wang Yue, who graduated from university for a year and a half and works in the municipal finance department.

Wu Peng and He Yong are getting married this year.

After lunch, everyone drank tea at the hotel and played mahjong and so on.

Gao Yang took Wu Peng and He Yong to drink tea and chat, and said, "Second Brother, Brother Yong, the 500 million you two threw into the sea and got it back now, let's hand over the 10% of the shares."

Both Wu Peng and He Yong looked a little dark: "It must be like this?"

Gao Yang smiled and said, "What do you think?"

He Yong tried to struggle: "Pengzi and I are going to get married this year, so it's the same if the equity is transferred to his wife's name."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "The two sister-in-laws are both civil servants, you two plan to let them go to sea?"

Both Wu Peng and He Yong froze and shook their heads, obviously not planning this.

Gao Yang asked again with a smile: "My brother, don't you all trust your own sister?"

Wu Peng laughed, a little gloating: "Yonger, just do as Gao Yang said, and you will have to let Shanshan decide for you in the future."

Gao Yang suddenly realized that the relationship between He Yong's brother and sister was similar to that between Wu Peng and Wu Ruohan, and it was a bit difficult to deal with.

He Yong sighed: "Okay, let's arrange it like this."

Then, they talked about where the two of them would go after the year.

He Yong will serve as a deputy county in a county under the jurisdiction of the capital of Shu, which can be regarded as a key promotion.

Wu Peng will go to Anhe County, Gaoyang's hometown, to serve as the mayor of Anhe Town, which is also the town where Gao Yang worked.

Gao Yang was a little surprised: "Second Brother, if you went to Anhe Town, will it block Xiao Jin's chance to make progress?"

Hearing this, Wu Peng said contemptuously, "You have worked in Anhe Town for three years. Where is Anhe Town? Have you been an idiot in the past two years in the capital?"

Gao Yang suddenly realized: "It's because I misunderstood, it's a good thing."

Wu Peng didn't point it out, and Gao Yang also understood what he meant.

Anhe Town is the county seat, and the leader is promoted quickly. Wu Peng hopes to become the leader in Anhe Town. Now, Xiao Jin is the deputy mayor in charge of agriculture in Anhe Town. When Wu Peng is promoted, Xiao Jin will have the opportunity to become the mayor of the town. .

When the two of them work together, there will be no conflicts at work, and instead they can work together to achieve results.

Simple and neat, let Wu Peng and He Yong hand over the equity of Haidilao and transfer it to Wu Ruohan and He Shan.

Gao Yang followed to greet other people, but was dragged aside by Wu Ruohan: "Brother-in-law, what about the super big red envelope you are talking about?"

Gao Yang smiled and whispered something to Wu Ruohan.

"Ah, brother-in-law, this red envelope is so big..."

Excited, Wu Ruohan suddenly gave Gao Yang a warm hug, which frightened Gao Yang.

this crazy girl...

 Readers, what about the monthly tickets and recommendations in everyone’s hands, if you still have them, please slide your hand and throw two out, the eggplant is begging with a broken bowl, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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