Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 214 Shibie 3rd Day, Great Family and Great Business

Chapter 214 Three days away from Shibai, the family is big and the business is big
After eating hot pot, drinking and chatting, we left before 8 o'clock in the evening. We made an appointment to go to Weber Building together at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning to visit Gao Yang's company.

On the way home, Gu Yawen was driving, Gao Yang asked with a smile, "Ruohan, how do you feel about He Guangwen?"

In the back seat, Wu Ruohan twitched her mouth: "I don't think so, I don't like wearing glasses."

Gao Yang was a little speechless: "Is wearing glasses a thing? He Guangwen is really outstanding."

Wu Ruohan shouted: "Brother-in-law, if you don't feel it, you don't feel it, so don't worry about me."

Gao Yang was a little helpless, he really wanted to match these two people up, they are both smart people with high knowledge, science and engineering, and their personalities complement each other, so they should be able to chat.

After returning home, Gu Yawen originally wanted to have a heart-to-heart talk with Wu Ruohan. This girl, even though she is 23 years old, still has a young girl's heart.

In the end, Gu Yawen held back, hoping that after some time, Wu Ruohan could calm down and rationalize herself.

When resting at night, Gu Yawen wants to be lingering and very active.

My husband, I have to hold on tightly for the rest of my life and never let go.

In Gao Yang's feelings, his wife has become more and more charming, such a day is really good.

On Sunday morning, before going out, Gao Yang told Aunt He and mother-in-law Wu Lan that there would be four classmates and their families at noon, a total of seven people would come to the house as guests and arrange a table of meals.

There is also my mother Li Xiuzhen at home, and Wu Xiaoyue helps to cook meals for a dozen people, which is very easy.

Wu Ruohan knew that Gao Yang was going to talk about his Internet business plan in detail today, so he was very interested to hear it, so he naturally followed him into the city.

Wu Ruohan likes to listen to Gao Yang talking about various social development trends and business development. She feels that Gao Yang is like an encyclopedia, as if she knows a little bit about everything.

The three of Gao Yang arrived at the Weber Building at 9:[-] in the morning, but Chen Sen and Feng Lan had already opened the office and arranged the small conference room.

Before 10 o'clock in the morning, everyone else had arrived. Fang Jian went to pick up He Guangwen first, and then waited downstairs until Jin Yang and Lu Yanran went upstairs together.

As soon as they entered the office, Jin Yang and He Guangwen praised: "Gao Yang, your company's working conditions are so good."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "My mother-in-law bought this office building first, and then leased it to the company."

Chen Sen said: "Jin Yang, Guangwen, you may not know that Yawen's family is rich, and the assets are several hundred million."

Gu Yawen smiled slightly: "Brother Sen, it's not as exaggerated as you said."

Chen Sen and Fang Jian now know the situation at Gu Yawen's house.

Jin Yang was surprised, and said with a smile: "Gao Yang, you are really blessed."

Gu Yawen hurriedly explained: "Brother Yang, the company was started by Gao Yang and his classmates and friends, and his family didn't support him much."

Gao Yang secretly smiled, his wife always cared about his own face, the mother-in-law has supported her for 2000 million before and after, isn't that called support?
After a brief visit to the office area, Gao Yang greeted everyone into the small meeting room.

Gu Yawen, Feng Lan and Wu Ruohan prepared tea for everyone.

Chen Sen has prepared two recent magazines of solar energy media for everyone.

After everyone sat down, Gao Yang introduced:
"There are actually three companies working in this office building. Sunlight Media is registered under my name, and it is a partnership between everyone. Yashan Culture is registered under Yawen's name, and it is also a partnership.

Then, there is Yuanda Public Relations and Advertising Company, which is wholly owned and registered by Yawen.

The two companies Sunshine and Yashan actually operate as an integrated operation, and they are all involved in the media of the solar energy industry. The current advertisers are mainly solar water heater brand manufacturers and some upstream material suppliers.

Jin Yang, Guangwen, let me tell you about this special industry..."

After introducing the industry background of solar energy, Gao Yang said:

"This industry is quite special, its scale is small, and it is far behind the IT industry, but it is developing very fast, and the market size will become larger and larger.

What we are doing now is the only two professional media in the industry. The backbone of the entire operation team is an IT professional media with rich experience. It is very easy to do such an industry media.

The solar energy industry cannot accommodate a few professional media, and at most one will enter, and the third one may not be able to survive.

We have been doing it for a year, and no new capital has come in yet, because the industry is very inconspicuous.

For products like solar water heaters, the main users are located in rural areas, and product advertisements for users are launched by brand manufacturers through mass communication channels such as TV, radio, newspapers, and outdoors.

What we are doing is media targeting tens of thousands of channel providers in this industry. This is the only direction in which industry media can survive and develop that we have discovered after investigation and analysis.

Even if there is new capital coming in to become such an industry media, we are sure to achieve an absolute monopoly of industry influence.

This year, our media advertising revenue is expected to be close to 2000 million.

In October, we will also hold the first national exposition of the solar energy industry in Quancheng, Shandong Province. At present, more than 10 customers have booked to participate in the exhibition.

Therefore, for this project, the revenue scale this year can exceed 3000 million, and the profit should exceed 1500 million.

It is estimated that in another two years, it will reach about [-] million.

After five or six years, it is expected to reach the peak stage, and the revenue scale can reach [-] to [-] million..."

"Is it so profitable to be a media player in this industry?" Jin Yang and He Guangwen were both surprised.

Gao Yang said with a smile: "We mainly have the exclusive advantage of being the first mover. The market size of this industry is expanding rapidly, the gross profit of product sales is high, and there are many brands. The competition for channel merchants will be fierce.

In addition, there is still a lot of room for the development of exhibition activities in this industry, which is also a great platform opportunity for us to do media.

In another two years, the income from exhibition activities is likely to exceed the income from media advertising.

Solar media is expected to have nearly ten years of survival and development opportunities, and is expected to generate about 30 billion in cash flow and more than 10 billion in profits for us.

This is where our greatest confidence lies in investing in Internet projects..."

Gao Yang talked eloquently, and the eyes of Jin Yang and He Guangwen became brighter and brighter.

If it is really as Gao Yang expected, if he plans to invest in Internet projects now, there will indeed be no funding problems in the future.

After 11 o'clock in the morning, set off collectively and drive to Xiangyi Villa as a guest.

After getting off the car, looking at such a big and beautiful villa, Jin Yang said with a smile: "Gao Yang, I haven't seen you for two years, you are now living the life of a landlord."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "This house was given by my mother-in-law, and it will be our wedding house."

It was also the first time for He Guangwen to visit Xiangyi Villa as a guest, and he was quite surprised and envious.

This guy Gao Yang is really powerful. In just two or three years, his family has grown into a big business...

(End of this chapter)

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