Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 216 This project must be done!

Chapter 216 This project must be done! (ask for tickets and subscribe)

Gao Yang talked for more than half an hour, and finally said with a smile:
"What I just said, at best, can only be said to be a kind of project idea, a kind of direction.

I don't understand the Internet, I don't understand technology, I don't understand the investment volume of such a project, and various details.

So, just put forward a way of thinking, for your reference and discussion.

Among us, Guangwen and Jinyang are both experts. Guangwen understands technology, and Jinyang has invested in websites.In addition, Fang Jian also knows some technologies, and he is now managing and operating CPI projects worth tens of millions.

Therefore, if everyone is interested in this project and willing to do it, the project investment plan will be completed by the three of you. "

Jin Yang applauded and said, "Gao Yang, your idea of ​​this project is great, very down-to-earth, and the investment logic makes sense. Compared with the kind of Internet we did before, it feels like a big fake."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Times have changed, and the environment is very different. In 1999, there were less than 1000 million Internet users in China. In 2000, there were more than 2200 million. In 2001, there were more than 3300 million. In 2002, the number was close to 6000 million. The development is getting faster and faster.

Of course, I doubt the statistical results of the number of Internet users, because many people surf the Internet in Internet cafes, and the actual number of Internet users may be much larger than this data. "

He Guangwen said: "Our college also has research on the Internet industry. Gao Yang, I feel very good about the project you envisioned. The Internet will be transformed from virtual to real, and the application will really be implemented. I think that investing in such a project , with high hopes of success."

Fang Jiandao: "Gaoyang has thoroughly understood the regional characteristics of the Chinese market, and our CPI has a similar national regional structure.

During the three years at CPI, Gao Yang has always grasped this characteristic, abruptly pushing the revenue scale of CPI's capital branch from less than 5000 million to over [-] million, creating a miracle in the IT media circle.

I very much agree with the idea of ​​this project proposed by Gao Yang. Just like Guangwen said just now, the Internet cannot always be virtual, and it must be combined with the needs of life.

Real estate is indeed the breakthrough point of this project, and it is most likely to generate cash flow.

Moreover, I think that such a city life website can also bring some characteristics of media information, such as doing some localized and industry-specific information. "

Gao Yang nodded and said: "Old Fang's suggestion is very good. For example, if we build such a website, and the user clicks on the real estate channel, then the homepage of this channel must be updated with some industry information in time, national and local. have.

In addition, our projects in each city require not only website editors, salespersons, but also industry reporters to collect and write some industry news and reports on key customers.

In addition, we can also try to open a localized life community forum on each local channel to attract users to post, share some information, and accumulate popularity.

The Internet projects I understand focus on three points, one is user traffic and popularity, the other is cash flow, and the third is user habits and stickiness.

If the problems in these three aspects can be solved well, it will be difficult for such a project to fail. "

Later, Chen Sen also interjected. The men were discussing enthusiastically, while the women were listening.

What Gao Yang proposed was the train of thought, the direction, which was actually simple and easy to understand, even Wu Lan and Wu Xiaoyue understood a little bit.

Gu Yawen kept smiling, her husband is really good.

Wu Ruohan is in a complicated mood, brother-in-law, you are amazing...

Wu Xiaoyue looked at Gao Yang, her eyes glowed, Brother Yang is so capable, I will study hard and help him in the future.

Wu Lan had a smile on her face, this son-in-law is good, my daughter is blessed, I found a treasure...

Chen Sen's girlfriend, Feng Lan, was also very excited. With such classmates and friends, Chen Sen will definitely have a bright future. When I go home this National Day, I will have a showdown with my parents. This second-married son-in-law, you will accept it.I am a stepmother, I am happy...

After a heated discussion, Gao Yang asked again with a smile: "How is it? Are you interested in such an Internet project, and do you have confidence?"

Jin Yang smiled and said: "I feel a little emotional, come on, wherever I fall, I can get up wherever I fall. If everyone is willing to do it, then I will also participate."

He Guangwen said: "I didn't say anything here, let's do it."

Fang Jian and Chen Sen also said with a smile that they must do it.

Gao Yang smiled and said: "Since everyone is willing to do it, let's talk about the specific planning and start-up investment of the project.

First of all, I suggest registering a limited company with a registered capital of 1000 million.

The main body of the project investment can be the shareholder of Sunshine Company, which is also what we discussed when we founded Solar Energy Media.

The shareholders of Sunshine Company can solve the problem of capital investment through year-end shareholder dividends.

In addition, Chen Sen is not among the shareholders of Sunshine Company, but Yang Yong and Xiao Jin, who are still in Jinyang, can also invest some funds in.

In addition to Jin Yang and Guangwen, there are roughly a dozen founders of this project. "

He Guangwen smiled wryly: "Gao Yang, if you move your mouth, you will get a capital of 1000 million. I am a poor man, so I can't invest much money."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Guangwen, you are different from us, you are the technical director of our project, and you are the CTO.

I think this way, if you invest in technology, your equity will be calculated in proportion to the number of founders, and the investment will be counted as ours.

I calculated, and including everyone, there will be a total of 15 shareholders in this project, and you can count on 6% of the technical shares. "

He Guangwen shook his head violently: "No, no, 6% is too much, I have taken advantage of it."

Gao Yang asked with a smile: "Guangwen, how much do you want to take? Let's agree first that your technology investment is a must, otherwise we will take advantage of you."

He Guangwen thought about it seriously: "Then it's 2%, which is equivalent to 20 capital, which is more than enough."

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "Guangwen, you cut it too hard, even if you cut it in half, it should be 3%, 3% is necessary, everyone said, right?"

Jin Yang and others laughed: "Yes, 3% is necessary."

He Guangwen smiled shyly: "Okay, let's count it as a 3% technology investment, thank you old classmates."

Gao Yang knew that He Guangwen was the key figure in this project, and he was actually at a disadvantage when he took 3% of the technology into the shares.

However, the same city life website, in Gao Yang's plan, is only a small project to test the waters of the Internet. There are still many opportunities in the future. In the future, He Guangwen can definitely be supplemented by other new projects.

In addition, after the company is registered and the project is officially launched, He Guangwen can also be paid a higher salary.

Jin Yang discussed it with his girlfriend, and said with a smile: "Well, I can invest 30 or 50 here, nothing more."

Gao Yang said: "Jin Yang, it's not too late to discuss these matters after the company's registration. Now, we need you, Guangwen, and Fang Jian. You all need to take time to work out the investment plan for the launch of this project's Beijing website.

In addition, on Guangwen's side, the company's domain name must be registered immediately.

For Fang Jian, after the Spring Festival, maybe he can consider withdrawing from CPI. With the three of you as the team, we will make this project first, and then plan how to develop it step by step. "

Fang Jian nodded: "After the Spring Festival, it's time for me to withdraw from the CPI, too much pressure."

Gao Yang asked with a smile: "Old Fang, how is the operation of CPI this year?"

Fang Jian shook his head: "It's difficult. It is estimated that SMB can be maintained, and it may even increase. It may not be easy for the national version to reach 4600 million."

Gao Yang said: "It's all about human labor, it's only July, it's still early."

In the end, it was agreed that the three of them, including Jin Yang, would come up with an investment plan within one month, and everyone discussed and finalized it during this period.

Then, officially register the joint-stock company and start the project...

(End of this chapter)

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