Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 222 More than 2000 suites

Chapter 222 More than 2000 suites (ask for tickets)

On September 9, Wu Lan drew 1 million yuan from the hotel project in Yuzhou. Accompanied by Gao Yang, she went to the business department of Zhongxin Securities to open an account, and transferred 500 million yuan into the market.

The manager of the sales department was replaced by a woman in her early 30s, surnamed Huang. She knew that there was such a big family master as Gao Yang, but she didn't know him.

Manager Huang called several times this year to ask Gao Yang to have dinner, but Gao Yang politely declined.

Now that the A-share market is in a big bear market, someone suddenly came to open an account with 500 million funds. Manager Huang is also a little excited and very enthusiastic.

After opening an account for Wu Lan, Gao Yang began to help her operate, and bought the stocks that He Yong had told He Yong before, making a bottom position.

500 million funds seems to be a lot, scattered in six or seven stocks to build positions, and it took two days to get it done.

On September 9, Gao Yang's own account also began to transfer positions for shares.

Position: SAIC 8000 lots (market value: 10120000 yuan)
Shaogang 4000 lots (market value: 4764000 yuan)
Jiangxi Copper 6050 lots (market value: 3061300 yuan)
Total market value: 17945300 yuan

Cash: 354 yuan

Principal: 1300 million yuan
Profit: 38.04% (4945654 yuan)
This is the income of Gao Yang's own account after the market closed on September 9.

The opening of the warehouse was completed in mid-March, almost half a year ago, and the floating profit was less than 3 million, which is not high.

Compared with the second half of June, the stock prices of Shaogang and Jiangxi Copper have retreated a bit, and only SAIC has risen by a few points.

In the A-share market in the same period, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index fell from the 1500-point line to the 1400-point line.

The bear market is tough, and the total market value of Gao Yang has increased, so it is not easy.

In the early trading on September 9, taking advantage of SAIC’s surge after the opening of the market, Goyang cleared 2 lots of SAIC in batches at an average selling price of 8000 yuan.

After deducting transaction costs, the funds sold were close to 1004 million, and a profit of nearly 360 million was harvested on this stock.

Shaogang and Jiangxi Copper, these two stocks, Gao Yang did not move, and planned to clear them at the high point in memory in March and April next year.

Out of the 1000 million funds, Gao Yang plans to buy 21 shares of Moutai at 20 yuan.

The rest of the funds are all aimed at a super magical stock, CSSC, which is now called Huzhong Machinery.

The current stock price of this stock is only a little over 6 yuan, and it is still in a downward trend. In the big bull market in 2007, it can rise to 300 yuan at the highest.

However, the current total share capital of Shanghai Heavy Machinery is only 2.41 million shares, and the circulating share capital is only 7700 million shares, which cannot accommodate all the 1000 million funds in Gao Yang's hands.

The trading volume of this stock is astonishingly low now, and sometimes the trading volume in a day is less than 100 million yuan.

Gao Yang plans to ambush nearly 600 million funds, and building a position will be a very slow process, which may take two or three months.

However, when it is withdrawn from the high position in 2007, it can become at least 3 million.

Very cool feeling...

On September 9, Gao Yang bought 5 shares of Moutai, plus handling fees, costing 20 million yuan, and the average price of opening a position was 435 yuan.

In the account, there is still 568.68 million funds left, and I am not in a hurry. I wait for Shanghai Heavy Machinery to fall again, and then slowly build positions. I will slowly buy in hundreds of shares or thousands of shares.

Gu Yawen also has a stock account, and Gao Yang plans to allocate 300 million yuan to Gu Yawen's account to buy this stock slowly, so as not to attract the attention of large funds who trade this stock for a long time in the future.

On September 9th, the Mid-Autumn Festival was ushered in. In the evening, Wu Ruohan took Wu Xiaoyue home, and the whole family was reunited.

Gao Yang called his father Gao Yingxue, his sister Gao Yue's family, his father-in-law Gu Wenlong, as well as the old man and the old lady of the Wu family.

Other friends, classmates, and colleagues sent text messages to greet each other.

On September 9th, Friday night, Lu Tao, the boss of 12 million companies, asked Gao Yang to have dinner together.

Except during the epidemic period this year, Gao Yang and Lu Tao will have dinner once a month to chat about some industry affairs. Both of them choose to take time to eat on weekday evenings, not on weekends.

After each meal, drink coffee, that is, communicate for about two hours.

Now, Lu Tao will bring his wife Gu Xia with him every time, and Gao Yang will also bring Gu Yawen with him.

The two couples, who are now very familiar, are friends other than business partners.

Tonight, Lu Tao made an appointment to have dinner at a club near Beijing University, and he is a member.

During the meal, I heard that the two companies of Gao Yang and Gu Yawen are expected to achieve a revenue of more than 4000 million this year, and their profit may reach about 2000 million.

Lu Tao laughed and said, "Brother and younger siblings are really capable. They have made a career so quickly. Gao Yang just went to the capital to be a reporter and interviewed me. It feels like yesterday."

Gu Yawen said: "Brother Tao, Gao Yang's achievements today cannot be achieved without your strong support all the time."

Lu Tao waved his hands and smiled: "Yawen, I'm serious. My little support is nothing. The cooperation is mutual need and recognition. The cooperation between [-] million and Yuanda, Yuanda has done much better than Linked Media, and our company is very satisfied. "

After the meal, he continued to drink coffee in a private room of the club. Lu Tao lit a cigarette and sighed: "This year's PC market has clearly seen a profit inflection point. The competition is fierce and the price is very fierce. The NB (notebook) market is really It’s scaled up, and the profit is not bad, brother, I kind of want to be NB.”

Gao Yang persuaded: "Brother Tao, the PC market is expanding and profits are getting thinner. This trend is irreversible. The NB market will also be the same. Massive IT hardware products are ultimately about brand and scale, as well as production. Cost control, [-] million to enter the NB market now is really unrealistic and the risk is too great.”

Lu Tao rubbed his temples: "The IT industry is really difficult to do, especially for small domestic brands."

Gao Yang said: "Domestic complete machine brands, including big international brands, will inevitably move towards continuous mergers. In the IT hardware industry, prices are too transparent, and global brand integration is inevitable. The survival space of domestic small brands is only It will become smaller and smaller, and the opportunity to become bigger and stronger is almost non-existent."

Lu Tao nodded: "Brother, I agree with your judgment, [-] million, we have to consider timely transformation to survive."

Gao Yang thought about it: "Brother Tao, compared to the PC industry, the mobile phone industry is still young and developing very fast. Maybe, [-] million can explore the way in this field."

"Making mobile phones?" Lu Tao was a little surprised. "In this field, domestic brands are more difficult than IT, and they also require massive capital investment."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Brother Tao, what I mean is not making mobile phone brands, but manufacturing OEMs, and even parts OEMs. You can consider starting from OEM and gradually transitioning to ODM.

There should be quite a few factories like this in the south. With [-] million yuan, you can use tens of millions or even less to buy or hold one such factory, and then slowly invest in and develop it.

Now that mobile communication is in the 2G era, China's economy is developing rapidly, and the scale of the mobile phone market will become larger and larger.

In the 3G era, mobile Internet access is very likely to become a reality. With China's labor cost advantage, mobile phone OEMs will develop rapidly. This is an inevitable trend.

Mobile phones in the 3G era may also start to be intelligent, just like a small mobile computer. Perhaps the production of individual components is enough for an OEM company to make a large scale.

As long as the production process, quality and cost are well controlled, it will have strong competitiveness and have the opportunity to transform into an ODM factory.

In the future, there may not be no opportunity to make mobile phones of its own brand..."

Lu Tao thought for a while, and his eyes lit up: "Brother, your idea suddenly enlightened me. Maybe, I can give it a try. However, investing in this field, [-] million also needs continuous cash flow support."

Gao Yang asked with a smile: "Brother Tao, how much money can you use now?"

Lu Tao said: "Not much, a few hundred million."

Gao Yang thought about it: "Brother Tao, I suggest you set aside [-] million now to invest in the real estate market in the capital. This year, the housing prices in the capital are very low and have dropped a lot.

For a mortgage of [-] million yuan, [-]% down payment is required, which is more than three times the leverage. The PC business of [-] million yuan can still generate cash flow for several years, and still make a profit.

Beijing is going to host the Olympic Games, and there is a high probability that housing prices will rise in the next few years. Before the Olympics, there is also a high probability that housing prices in Beijing will rise above the [-] yuan mark.

At that time, it is normal for the property with a mortgage of 10 million yuan to be sold, plus the rental income for several years, to make a profit of more than [-] times. "

Gu Xia's eyes lit up when she heard the words: "Lao Lu, Gao Yang's idea is very good. Recently, housing prices in Beijing have improved."

Lu Tao thought about it: "One hundred million mortgages to buy a house, and then rent it out, brother, your idea is very good, but it is difficult to manage thousands of properties for rent."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Brother Tao, sister Xia, in fact, my mother-in-law just spent more than 800 million yuan to buy more than [-] new houses in the capital, and negotiated with the developer for a preferential price. After the overall decoration, the house will be handed over before the Spring Festival.

In order to take care of these houses, Yawen has already registered a real estate agency and hired an experienced one to manage them. We don't need to worry too much. "

Gu Xia's eyes lit up: "Old Lu, just do as Gao Yang said. We buy the house and ask the developer to simplify the overall decoration, and then hand it over to Yawen's company to take care of it. The rent in Beijing is very high, and the house is also very expensive. It is easy to rent out, and there is not much pressure on mortgage repayment.”

Lu Tao nodded: "This idea is really good, brother, your investment vision is really good."

Lu Tao left it to Gu Xia to handle the matter of mortgage investment in real estate.

Later, they talked about Gao Yang and his friends investing in the establishment of a website for living in the same city.

Lu Tao smiled and asked: "Internet investment is not a small risk. Do you lack funds? Do you need me to invest?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Thank you Brother Tao, it's just a small project now, there are already more than a dozen shareholders, and the company's registered capital is only 1000 million, it's still up to you whether it can be done.

Brother Tao, you are in the industry, and you are also good at this field. If you do well, there is a lot of room for future development.

As for me, I work in the media, and my future investment and development direction must also focus on the media.

Brother Tao will succeed in the mobile phone industry in the future, and even be able to make his own brand. We can learn from each other's strengths and we can still cooperate for a long-term win-win situation.

Do business, insist on doing what you are good at, have no distractions, and you will gain something if you persist. This is the most important thing. "

Lu Tao chuckled: "Brother, you are right. I have benefited a lot from the exchange tonight..."

Lu Tao and his wife accepted his suggestion, and Gao Yang was quite happy in his heart.

Lu Tao is an industrial talent with real skills. According to Gao Yang's suggestion, if Baiyi can successfully enter the mobile phone industry through OEM, and gradually develop to the level of a large ODM factory, he will make his own brand of smart phones in the future.

Then, probably there will be no such thing as Mimi in the future. At that time, Gao Yang will not only make timely suggestions, but also boldly invest in Lu Tao.

But now, Gu Xia wants to use a 1000 million mortgage to buy a house, and the housing stock will reach more than [-] units, and then all of them will be handed over to Gu Yawen's Yueju Company to take care of.

After the Spring Festival, there will be more than 2000 houses held by Yueju Company, and all of them are new houses that have just been renovated.

Although Yueju Company has entered this market for the first time, there is no real estate agency company in the whole city comparable to it.

At the same time, all these more than 2000 suites will be put in when officially goes online.


An industry giant like Sofang will be dumbfounded by then...

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(End of this chapter)

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